
[qíng gǎn]
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Emotion is attitude A part of this whole, which is related to the introvert feel intention With coordination and consistency, it is a physiological comparison of attitude complex Stable physiological evaluation and experience. Emotions include Moral sense And sense of value love happiness hatred hate Aesthetic feeling Etc. [1]
Chinese name
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Specific performance
Love, happiness, hatred
qíng gǎn

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A Dictionary of Psychology 》"Emotion is the attitude experience of people about whether objective things meet their own needs." At the same time, general psychology courses also believe that:“ emotion And emotions objective The attitude experience held by things is just that emotions are more inclined to the attitude experience on individual basic needs and desires, while emotions are more inclined to the attitude experience on social needs and desires. " However, in fact, on the one hand, this conclusion excludes the generally recognized feelings of happiness, beauty, love, etc., which are more personal but lack of sociality, from emotion; On the other hand, it obviously ignores the cross phenomenon of happiness, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear and surprise in emotional feelings and love, friendship and patriotism in social emotional feelings in the process of behavior, The stability of love feelings and the instability of emotional feelings clearly show that there are differences between love and related emotions. Based on these two points, it is obviously inappropriate to distinguish emotion and emotion from basic needs and social needs, or to confuse emotion and emotion. [1]
Emotion is the body's evaluation and experience of the possibility and even inevitability of successful behavior in terms of physiological reactions, including joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear and surprise. The stronger the behavior is in physical action, the stronger the emotion is. For example, joy will be dancing, anger will be gnashing teeth, worry will be not thinking about tea, grief will be heartbreaking, and so on are the reactions of emotion in physical action. Physiological reaction is a necessary condition for the existence of emotions. In order to prove this, psychologists injected psychopathic people who will not have fear and avoidance behaviors adrenaline As a result, these psychopathic people experienced the same fear and learned to avoid tasks as normal people after injecting adrenaline. The same is true of emotions, such as none Sexual desire Of course, there will be no love, and when people take aphrodisiac, along with strong sexual desire, the possibility of love at first sight will also increase. Therefore, the behavioral process triggered by different drug stimuli also shows that emotion and emotion are obviously two different and inconsistent psychophysiological processes. [1] Emotion not only refers to people's emotions, but also refers to all people's sensory, physical, psychological and spiritual feelings. [2]
In essence, the difference between emotion and emotion in behavior and attitude lies in: Emotion refers to the physiological evaluation response to the goal of behavior, while emotion refers to the physiological evaluation response to the behavior process. Let's take love for example. When we have love, we have goals. Our love is a physiological evaluation and experience of the corresponding goals. At the same time, with the ups and downs of the pursuit of love, we will have a variety of emotions. [1]


Emotion: the feeling generated by the interaction between life phenomena and people's minds.
The objective aspect of emotion: life phenomena contain emotion, which can be felt by human brain.
The subjective aspect of emotion: First, even if they live the same life, beautiful people and ugly people have different feelings about life; Second, when you are in a bad mood due to negative emotional stimulation, your ability to feel emotions decreases.
Therefore, emotion is determined jointly by life phenomena and people's minds, and cannot be determined by one party alone.
Emotion is a relatively fixed attitude towards reality, which is manifested in various experiences related to human personality, moral experience, etc. [3]
We often say the word "feeling". For example, a couple broke up because they had no feelings for each other; Another example: I am numb and have no feeling for life. Feeling is the emotion felt from the life phenomenon, which is determined by both the life phenomenon and the human heart.


To sum up, the important role of emotion is mainly manifested in four aspects:
- Emotion is adaptive to human existence psychology Tools.
- Emotion can stimulate Psychological activities And behavioral motivation
- Emotion is the organizer of psychological activities.
- Emotion is an important means of interpersonal communication.
From the perspective of biological evolution, we can divide human emotions into basic emotions and complex emotions.
The Common Role of Emotion in Social Communication
Anger often makes the other party lose heart and give in; Tears can win the other party's sympathy; Fear can tie people's hearts together; Emotional indifference often makes the communicator retreat; The same feelings often resonate with both sides; Honesty and frankness can win people's sympathy; In multiple rounds of negotiations, it is easier to achieve the desired goal if one is to sing black and then another is to sing white; Liking principle; Laughing and swearing can often achieve the goal, making it difficult for the other party to resist and surrender without fighting.

Individual differences in emotion

1. Emotional propensity
Emotional tendentiousness refers to what a person's emotion points to and why it is caused. It is closely related to a person's world outlook, outlook on life, and also to a person's attitude towards life. For example, the feeling of hatred is noble if it points to people and things that harm national interests and destroy national property; If this emotion is directed at people who have criticized their own shortcomings, or who have exceeded themselves in ability and personality, it is a low emotion. To evaluate the same emotion, we should analyze its tendency.
2. Profound emotion
The profundity of emotion refers to the essential degree that a person's emotion involves the relevant things. The emotion that can penetrate into all aspects of a person's life is profound emotion. Human emotions are caused by certain objective things. The closer to the essence of things, the more profound they will be. However, emotions caused by superficial phenomena lack profundity. The emotion generated by people with artistic accomplishment when appreciating fashion shows on the stage, that is, aesthetic feeling, is a profound emotion; The person who lacks artistic accomplishment just wants to be fresh and join in the fun to watch the performance. At this time, his emotion is pleasure, which is a kind of superficial emotion. The emotion of two people who have experienced ups and downs and helped each other is a profound emotion; But the feelings of meeting by chance or between friends who drink and eat are superficial. The same emotion can deeply reflect all aspects of a person's life, which is also a profound emotion.
3. Emotional stability
The stability of emotion refers to the stability and change of emotion. The stability of emotion is the concrete manifestation of the stability of a person's subjective world. People with unstable emotions tend to live in poverty, boredom and lack of vitality. Because emotions have lost their positive role, they cannot become a constant and lasting motivation for people's activities. Only under the guidance of a correct world outlook and outlook on life can emotions be stable. People with such feelings have a conscious, positive and consistent attitude in their work, study and life. Even if they often engage in a certain work, they will not be indifferent as time goes by.
4. Effect of emotion
The effectiveness of emotion refers to the degree to which a person's emotion plays a role in his practical activities. For people with high emotional effectiveness, any emotion will become the motivation to encourage them to take practical actions. Not only happy and satisfied emotions will encourage them to work and live in a positive attitude, but even if they produce unpleasant and dissatisfied emotions, they can also be transformed into strength. On the contrary, people with low or no emotional effectiveness often have some emotional experiences, which are sometimes very strong, but they just stay on the "experience" and have no positive effect on actual actions. [4]

Emotional maturity

Emotional maturity refers to a kind of emotion that people can consciously adjust to make it moderate whether their personal needs are met or not mentality If the need is satisfied, do not be overjoyed; if the need is not satisfied, do not be angry, do not feel inferior, etc. Emotional maturity indicates that people's psychology is healthy. If everyone wants to be socialized, he should make himself "virtuous", cultivate his sentiment and mature his emotion as soon as possible. E. Hurlock believes that emotional maturity includes four aspects:
1. Keep healthy
I can manage my own health well, persistently exercise for a long time, and effectively prevent fatigue sleep debt , headache indigestion Emotional instability caused by other diseases. When there is a disease, have the optimism to overcome the disease.
2. Be able to control the environment
Personal behavior We should be constrained by the social environment and overcome the habit of doing what we want Mode of thinking Personal interests do not violate the collective interests, and personal behavior should conform to the code of conduct. It is not allowed to verbally hurt people, swear, jump at the touch, fight, and steal.
3. It can dissolve tense emotions into harmless aspects
People's emotions are bipolar. Bipolar emotions not only damage their own health, but also negative emotions such as anger and irritability may hurt others. It is necessary to strengthen the regulating role of sentiment, dissolve and prevent excessive emotions, transform repressed emotions, and make emotions have a sense of society and responsibility.
4. Be able to insight and understand the society
Insight and understanding of society can make people's intelligence and social experience grow continuously accumulation Society is not self-centered, but all centered and collective interests centered. Insight and understanding of the society will make the self more self-discipline, more tolerant, more integrated, more mature emotion, and share the fate with the collective.
In summary, emotional maturity requires psychological maturity. It requires every young person who is about to become or has become an adult to say goodbye to the lifestyle of relying on their parents at home and completely relying on their parents, gradually enter the society and rely on self independence and culture In the big class of social ups and downs, we should beat ourselves and exercise ourselves. We should learn self-management in our work, study and life. At the same time, we should also learn how to manage others (for example, let you be the leader of the department), organize the establishment of families and educate our children, and become qualified builders and producers of society from a single consumer.
The Philosophical Essence of Emotion Emotion is the human subject's Value relationship A subjective reflection of.

Emotional expression mode

According to the different value objectives Emotional expression The mode can be divided into four categories: emotion towards things, emotion towards people, emotion towards oneself and emotion towards special things.
Affection towards things
The value of general things to people (strictly speaking, it should be the value rate) is a variable, which has two changes: one is the increase of value (including the increase of positive value or the decrease of negative value); The second is value reduction (including positive value reduction or negative value increase). According to the different ways and tenses of changes in the value of things, emotions towards things can be divided into eight specific forms, as shown in the following table:
Temporal change value change
Value increase
Value reduction
past times
Completed in the past
look forward to
Emotion towards people
Emotion towards others is not only related to the changing way and tense of others' values, but also related to the interests of others. According to the different ways of changing others' values, changing tenses and interest correlations, feelings towards others can be divided into 16 specific forms, as shown in the table below:
Interest relevance
Positive correlation of interests
Anti correlation of interests
past times
Bear grudges
Completed in the past
Be thankful
ridicule [6]
Feelings towards oneself
People's feelings towards themselves depend on the changing ways and tenses of their own values. According to the different ways and tenses of self value change, self emotion can be divided into eight specific forms, as shown in the following table:
Temporal change value change
Value increase
Value reduction
past times
be ashamed
Completed in the past
Self reproach
Emotion for things
Some things have a special value meaning, which leads to some special feelings of people.

Emotional evolution

Darwin It is believed that the state of human organism and the development of biological organism is a process of continuous evolution, which is manifested in the continuous differentiation and increase of biological species, Cellular structure Constantly complex and orderly, and the organizational function is constantly deepened and strengthened. The development of human emotion must also be a process of continuous evolution, which is embodied in the continuous differentiation and increase of the expression forms of emotion, the continuous complexity and order of the hierarchical structure of emotion, and the continuous evolution and strengthening of the behavior driving function of emotion. hold Dialectical materialism And theory of evolution The basic idea of Emotional evolutionism Establishing a scientific emotional evolution theory is important for exploring the logical structure and operating mechanism of emotion, and realizing scientific Affective computing To develop a truly meaningful Emotional robot It has very important theoretical significance.
Since emotion is the subjective reflection of human beings on value relations, the evolution of emotion is fundamentally based on the evolution of value relations, that is, the evolution of human value relations promotes Human emotion The evolution of human value relations has been slow Quantitative change , there are also fast qualitative change It is a long, tortuous, natural, hierarchical and phased evolution process, so the development process of human emotion must have both slow quantitative change and rapid qualitative change, and it is also a long, tortuous, natural, hierarchical and phased progress process. It is unscientific and idealistic to regard emotion as the unique thing of human beings. It is also mechanical and dogmatic to simply divide emotion into instinctive emotion and active emotion.
Unified axiology It is believed that the evolution process of human value relationship can be divided into five basic stages: single factor value, multi factor value, variable value, diversity value, and multi-level value. Therefore, human emotion correspondingly goes through five natural evolution stages.
It can be seen that the formation and development of emotion, like the formation and development of living things, is a gradual evolution process. Its development direction is manifested in the increasing forms, levels, flexibility, accuracy and foresight of emotion. People can timely, flexibly Accurately adjust the direction, size, form and level of your emotional response, so as to guide your behavior and thoughts accurately.
The development direction of emotion evolution can also be shown as the continuous differentiation and integration of emotion and cognition: at the stage of convergent emotion, cognition and emotion are completely mixed; In the stage of rigid emotion, cognition and emotion are still mixed together, but there is a trend of gradual separation; In the elastic emotion stage, cognition and emotion are further separated; In the stage of intellectual emotion, cognition and emotion can develop independently; In the stage of rational emotion, cognition and emotion can not only develop independently, but also carry out new integration.
Anyway, emotion is human brain As for the subjective reflection of value relations, the development direction of emotional evolution fundamentally depends on the development direction of value relations.

Emotional intensity

Emotion is a special subjective reflection. Its occurrence process is actually the physiological process of human brain's stimulation and perception of the value characteristics of things. Its difference from the physiological process of stimulation and perception in the general sense is that the stimulus signal is not the physical or chemical characteristics of things, but the value characteristics of things, specifically, the value characteristics of things“ Height difference of value rate ”(i.e. the difference between the value rate of things and the average value rate of the subject). This stimulus signal is often an abstract and complex relationship signal, which can be a combination of physical and chemical signals such as color, shape, volume, weight, sound, image, etc., as well as a combination of language and characters the second signal system These complex signals represent the value characteristics of things rather than some physical and chemical characteristics of things. When the value characteristics of things act or will act on people, the human brain will feel it with a certain emotional intensity.

Emotional needs

From the perspective of demand level, emotion is also a demand for people, and this demand can also be divided into three stages:
The first stage: the need for food and clothing. At this stage, people's emotional needs are a state of longing for communication and recognition; This emotion is strongest when people are helpless and when they are exposed to new environment.
The second stage: social needs. As an individual in the society, a person has his social circle. When he communicates with the outside world, it is an emotional release. When the outside world gives affirmation, the emotion is positive, the mood is good, and vice versa.
The third stage: the realization of self needs. At this stage, people basically control their emotions. The reason for this is that they have a deeper understanding of emotions. On the basis of this understanding, they help other people to balance some problems due to emotions, such as psychological experts.
Emotion can be divided into three stages from the perspective of needs, but these three stages are changed at any time with the necessary factors such as external conditions and your own cultivation. In other words, a person may be in one or more stages of emotional needs in different time and space, regardless of status, wealth or poverty, Because of different needs, everyone's feelings are not the same.

Emotional polarity

In social interaction, emotion has Bipolar Good emotions make people happy, while bad emotions can hurt people. People all want to express or feel good emotions. There are the following factors that make people have good emotions:
1. It is human nature in social interaction to like people nearby
2. Good personality can make people feel good
3. People with good appearance are liked
four taste Similar people make it easy for both parties to have a good impression
5. Have a good opinion of people who highly evaluate themselves

Emotional Motto: Chinese and English

I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.
Friends should not flatter. [5]
If a man deceives me once, shame on him, if he deceives me twice, shame on me.
It's shameful to be cheated again.
If you make yourself an ass, don‘t complain if people ride you.
People are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden.
If your ears glow, someone is talking of you.
Ears are feverish and someone is talking.