
Greek mythological figures
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Endymion [2] Ancient Greek : Ἐ ν δν, Endymi ō n), also translated as Andiming (this translation comes from《 Phaedo 》), MYTHOS In handsome man , shepherd. Kalyke (Calyce) and the son of King Etryos of Eris Zeus Zeus )Son of. The most famous legend of Endymion is Moon Goddess Selene (Selene), and finally Endymion is in a long sleep, always young, and every night in his sleep with Selene meet.
Chinese name
Endymion [2]
Foreign name
King Ellis

Character source

In Greek mythology, there are many statements about the identity of Endymion. He was the king of Eris, who led the Eolians from Teracae to Eris, where they built a state, married a fairy, and gave birth to three sons and a daughter. [1] according to false Apollodoros (《 Library 》)He said that Endymion was the son of Calyce and Aethlius, the king of Eris, and the son of Zeus, the king of the gods. According to historical data, Endymion was a shepherd from Caria. Pliny the Elder believed that Endymion was the first person to observe the trajectory of the moon, and used this theory to explain Endymion and Moon Goddess Meet every night.

Anecdotes and allusions

Endymion was an elegant young shepherd Asia Minor Mount Latmus. He lived in a quiet and beautiful valley and lived a carefree life. Sometimes, when flock of sheep When he grazes freely on the lush grass around him, he sleeps in the grass without being disturbed by the sadness and anxiety in the world.
On a bright night, when Selene Driving a carriage across the sky, I accidentally saw a beautiful young man sleeping in the quiet valley below. Her heart is full of love for him. She glided down from the moon carriage, hastily and affectionately kissed his face, even when Endymion opened his eyes and saw fairy At that time, I was also a little fascinated. But everything in front of him soon disappeared, so that he mistook it for a dream. Every night, Selene floats down from the sky to kiss the sleeping shepherd. However, the goddess's occasional dereliction of duty caused Main God Zeus Attention. The father of the gods and human beings decided to eliminate the temptation of the human world to the goddess forever. He summoned Endymion to his side and made him make a choice: death in any form; Or in the eternal dream of youth forever. The shepherd chose the latter. (Another is that the moon god asked Zeus to let Endymion sleep forever and keep his youth forever.) He sleeps forever on Mount Latmos. Every night the Moon Goddess visited him with a sad heart and kissed him.