Stellar system

term in astronomy
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synonym Stellar system (Celestial system) generally refers to star system
permanent Galaxy Unification is an astronomical term. Star system or stellar system refers to a system in which a few stars are bound by gravity and encircle each other. A large number of stars are bound by gravity and are generally called star clusters or galaxies, but generally speaking, they can be called stellar systems. Stellar systems are sometimes used alone but with smaller Planetary system Surrounding stars.
Chinese name
Stellar system
Foreign name
Star System
Stellar system
Regularity And periodicity
Applied discipline
physics astronomy

content validity

The stellar system is composed of stars and planets around it sphere systems
The formation and operation of the system have certain Regularity And periodicity.
As the stellar system evolves, its internal stars may become White dwarf neutron star Or black holes. Nova may occur in the star system with white dwarfs. The system composed of multiple black holes may also exist stably for a period of time.

Intersatellite system

The stellar system composed of two stars is called conjoined star Intersatellite system , binary star system Physical binary star or binary star system
If there is no tidal effect, perturbation or mass transfer between stars in the conjoint star system, it will exist stably. In a stable intergalactic system, the stars will centroid Focused Elliptical orbit Run on. (i.e Two body problem
The known conjoint star systems are Sirius , Nanhe Sanhe Cygnus X-1 The system where Cygnus X-1 is located may be composed of black holes.

Aggregate system

Gathering star system (physics Aggregate star )It is a system composed of three or more stars.
The aggregate system can be classified and named according to the number of stars inside:
Three stars constitute a three body system, Triad System, triple star or triple star system;
The system of four stars is called Quadrangle System;
The system composed of five stars is called pentagram system;
The system of six stars is called Hexagram System and so on.
The largest accumulation star system discovered is the seven star system.
But these systems are far smaller than some with hundreds or thousands of stars, Dynamic system More complex Open cluster
The aggregate system is more complex than the simulation of the conjunction system. When Multibody problem Of dynamic system During intervention Chaos Behavior. Many hot star systems are unstable. For example, if two stars are too close, the smaller one will speed up to pass by the other and escape from the system. This situation can be compared with the "three stars" in Three Bodies.
Many known star systems are triads; As the number of stars increases, the number of constellations decreases exponentially. Of the 728 poly star systems listed in the revised Tokovin catalog in 1999, 551 are trinity star systems. But because Selection effect The statistics on these knowledge are often incomplete.
Step model
However, if the system is operated by a hierarchical model, it may be stable. In the hierarchical model system, several stars are Subsystem Running, several subsystems as a whole around a larger track centroid work; The subsystem may also be subdivided into smaller subsystems, and sometimes it may even continue to be subdivided.
In this case, each star will continue to move around the center of mass of the system in a more stable Kepler orbit. Unlike those with a large number of stars Galaxy And star clusters.
Triple star systems are usually hierarchical models: these systems can generally be divided into a pair of conjoined stars and a distant star companion Neighboring galaxy Is a typical example (different from that in the novel Three body problem Model).
Aggregation systems with more stars are also hierarchical models.
Known trinity system
Alpha (adjacent galaxy)
This system is the prototype of Three Bodies, which can be referred to in the previous section. The conjoined satellite system is composed of Alpha Centauri The companion star is well-known Adjacent star The nearest neighbor star is 4.2 light-years away from the sun, while the associated star system is 4.6 light-years away from the sun.
This system also belongs to the typical 2+1 model. The companion star 667C has several satellites, and the third planet 667Cc is possible Habitable planet
This system is reversed, and the companion star has greater mass, and the associated star system revolves around this companion star. It is known that it takes 158 days for two stars inside the conjoint star system to go around once, and it takes 25.7 years to go around the companion star.
In addition, there are more triple star systems.
Known quads
Orion θ 1
Known five star system
Tianying IV
Known six star system
This system can be divided into three linked star systems, namely 2+2+2. One pair of linked star systems runs around each other in a similar way, and the other runs around two systems at a relatively long distance, namely (2+2)+2.
ADS 9731
This system can be divided into two triple star systems, namely 3+3. Two of them Structure of the system Similarly, a companion star surrounds a conjoint star system, namely( 2+1 )+(2+1)。
Known Seven Star System
Fang Suer
Cassiopeia AR

New arguments

According to foreign media reports, according to the definition of modern science, the so-called stellar system usually refers to the celestial structure with one star and one to dozens of planets of various types running around it. All star systems follow one of the most important conditions: the center is a huge and hot star. Of course, individual star systems China Council It has two stars, the so-called Double star system However, from now on, the above point of view will have to be modified - Spitzer infrared Space telescope A star system composed of four "suns" has been discovered for the first time. At first, Spitzer telescope observed an unusually large gaseous dust disk revolving around the binary star system. In general, such disc structures are stored for breeding planets asteroid And other celestial bodies. However, the subsequent observation shocked scientists: there were two stars in the disk structure, and their gravity also had a significant impact on the operation of the disk.
NASA astronomers said that the disk structure discovered by Spitzer telescope consists of two rings. This means that two planetary belts will be distributed in this star system with four "suns" in the future. If there is life on a planet in the solar system, they will see four "suns" at the same time. It is reported that the number of this unique star system is HD 98800 B, It is about 10 million light years away from the earth. At the same time, the system appears very "lonely" - the nearest constellation, Serpent, is 150 light-years away.
NASA It is pointed out that although the four stars in HD 98800B system have gravitational effects, the distance between each pair of stars is very large, close to 50 Astronomical unit (One astronomical unit is equivalent to the average distance between the earth and the sun, about 150 million kilometers), and Pluto The distance to the sun is equal. Further observation of this strange system shows that in the two rings forming the disk, one is about 5.9 astronomical units away from the two stars in the center, and the other is about 1.2 astronomical units away. However, planets may not evolve in the near ring structure, which is most likely to become the cradle of asteroids and comets. In another ring structure, it is very likely to breed planets.
University Of California Ellis Felland, an astrobiologist of Planetary disk The formation of free passage means the formation of planets. But there are two relatively independent primitive planetary disks in HD 98800B system, and they are also affected by the gravity of four stars. "
The calculation results show that the first batch of HD 98800B will be born in millions of years Planetary system System.