Necessary labor time

Labor time type
zero Useful+1
necessary Working hours It refers to the labor time used by workers to produce and maintain their own and family life Means of subsistence That part of the time. Produce during necessary working hours Essential products Or necessary value. And“ Remaining labor time ”Relative.
Chinese name
Necessary labor time
The part of the working time of the laborer that is used to produce the means of subsistence necessary for the laborer and his family life
Necessary product or value
Relative to "Remaining Labor Time"


Socially necessary labor time It means: normal in the existing society Production conditions Lower, in the social average Labor proficiency and labour intensity Make some use value Labor time required.




By individual enterprise Labor efficiency Calculated labour productivity It is the labor productivity of enterprises. The labor productivity calculated by the average labor efficiency of the whole society is social labor productivity Social labor productivity is the fundamental measure of advanced and backward production in the whole society. Individual labor productivity Higher than social labor productivity, individual producers of goods Labor volume Is lower than the social necessary labor; On the contrary, it is higher than the social necessary labor. Labor productivity is directly proportional to the amount of products produced per unit time, that is, the higher the labor productivity, the more products produced per unit time; And the same Unit product The amount of labor included is inversely proportional, that is, the lower the labor productivity, the greater the amount of labor included in the unit product.

Valid Invalid

Social necessary labor time Value The decision of Effective labour And Invalid labour Problems. Only effective labor can be transformed into socially necessary labor time and form the value of commodities; Accordingly, efficient labor can be transformed into more socially necessary labor time and create more value; However, inefficient labor can only be transformed into less socially necessary labor time and create less value. It is of practical significance to understand this problem. In the past Price based on quality The theoretical basis of Quality price difference It is said that relation between supply and demand What determines is the deviation of price from value. But how can price deviation from value be relative Immobilization if product quality High because of more labor( Production cost ), but actually Production process It shows that labor (production costs) has not increased. Therefore, only by affirming that efficient labor can create more value, can we provide a theoretical basis for demonstrating the quality price difference. From an international perspective International exchange Medium, International price Is based on international value Its value is determined by the amount of social necessary labor in the world, or is determined by Average unit of world labor To measure. Marx pointed out: "The medium intensity of labor varies from country to country; some countries are higher and some countries are lower average Form a ladder, its Unit of measurement It is the average unit of world labor. Therefore, intensive national labor specific strength Smaller national labor One time It produces more value, which in turn represents more money. " That is to say, labor and Labor value theory In international trade and international economical operation It also works. along with economic globalization Development, especially China's accession World Trade Organization After that, it is of great significance to understand this point. It requires us to consider the value determination of our goods according to the world's necessary labor volume, and reduce Production unit The labor time of commodities will improve the labor productivity, thus continuously increasing International competitiveness


Decide first Commodity value It is not the individual labor time for producing goods, but the socially necessary labor time. The socially necessary labor time required for producing goods changes with the change of labor productivity. The value of goods is in direct proportion to the labor time consumed for producing goods, and in inverse proportion to labor productivity. Labor productivity refers to the ability of workers to produce and use value, Its level can be measured by the number of the first batch of products per unit labor time, or by the labor time spent in the unit product. The factors affecting labor productivity mainly include: the average proficiency of workers, the development of science and technology and its application in production, and the social integration of the production process, Means of production Scale and effectiveness, and natural condition

Social production



1. Social production conditions refer not to the past or the future, but to the present.
2. Social normal production conditions refer to the vast majority of production in a certain production department Similar products Conditions. Production conditions mainly refer to labor tools.
3. The average labor proficiency and intensity in the society refer to that of most producers of similar products in a certain production sector Labor skills Level and labor stress.


1、 The first meaning of socially necessary labor time
According to Marx Principles of Economics The first meaning of socially necessary labor time is: China Japan Labor time bounded by the use value of physiological activities of a standard person. For example, the labor time of a working day is 16 hours, the use value of the physiological activities of the laborer (including his family) is 6 kg of wheat, and the labor time to produce the 6 kg of wheat is 8 hours, so the labor time of 8 hours with 6 kg of wheat as the boundary is the first meaning of social necessary labor time. In this example, it is 1.33h/kg wheat.
This is Marx's Capital Formation of the discussion in Volume 1 commodity value The social necessary labor time, that is, the labor time "consumed by human labor in the physiological sense".
2、 The second meaning of socially necessary labor time
According to the principles of Marxist economics, the second meaning of socially necessary labor time is labor time bounded by the use value of labor production in a working day. What is emphasized here is the value of use produced (rather than consumed) by workers in a working day. For example, if the labor time of a working day is 16 hours, and the workers produce 12 kilograms of wheat, then the 16 hours is the second meaning of the socially necessary labor time, which is 1.33 hours per kilogram of wheat.


The concept of necessary labor time starts from feudal society At that time, everyone produced independently. In short, the necessary labor time is what an individual or an enterprise organizes to produce, such as 200 bread It takes one hour, which is the necessary labor time for this person or organization. In socialization, it is also called personal necessary labor time. and Socially necessary labor time The concept of "" came into being under the condition of socialized production. Individual production has been combined with the society. At this time, for example, the bread is still produced. Within a certain range, there are ten places where the bread is produced. Their production time is averaged by the weighted method, for example, half an hour. At this time, for the society, the bread production Socially necessary labor The time is half an hour. At this time, for an individual or an organization, the ultimate goal is to achieve the ratio of personal necessary labor time to Socially necessary labor time Short, so we need to promote scientific and technological progress and efficiency progress. If we work longer than necessary in society, we may not be suitable for market production and will be eliminated. capitalist society The working time required by workers to maintain their own lives and their families. It is one of the two components of a workday. In capitalist society, the working time of workers, that is, the working day of a day, is divided into necessary working time and surplus working time. The necessary labor time of workers is used to produce and reproduce the value of labor force. The length of necessary labor time is determined by the value of labor force.

Individual labor

Individual Labor Time and Social Necessary Labor Time The relationship between them is the unity of opposites. The individual labor time of individual producers is often inconsistent with the socially necessary labor time (regardless of the first meaning and the second meaning). This is of great significance to commodity producers. His Individual working hours The level of income has a direct impact on the income and position in the competition. If his individual working time is equal to the socially necessary working time Labor cost Can be fully compensated; If it is lower than the social necessary labor time, it can get additional income; If it is higher than the social necessary labor time, part of the labor will not be compensated. Therefore, social necessary labor time forces producers to improve labor productivity and reduce individual labor time in commodity production by improving technology. In the private ownership In a society based on, this situation will promote the development of productivity to a certain extent, and will also cause polarization of commodity producers.




Labourers refer to those who reach Legal age , have the ability to work, take engaging in certain social activities as the main source of income, on the merits of law Or the provisions of the contract Employer Engaged in labor and obtained Labor remuneration (Chinese and foreign natural persons). The composition of workers is not limited to men and women, and the industry is not limited, including nationals, foreigners and stateless persons. Under current social conditions, labor is divided into physical labor and mental labour Mainly rely on limbs physical activity Those who obtain labor remuneration generally belong to manual labor; Those who mainly rely on knowledge, information and problem solving to obtain labor remuneration are generally mental labor. Workers and intellectuals are all workers, serving production service personal They are also workers.

Legal labor

Not all natural persons are legal workers. To become legal workers, they must have certain conditions and obtain Labor rights Capability and Labor capacity (such as migrant workers). Labor right capacity : Refers to citizens' enjoyment of labor rights and responsibilities according to law Labor obligations Qualification. It is citizen participation Labor legal relations Prerequisites for becoming a subject. From the perspective of sociology and philosophy, the concept of labor includes the creative process that all human beings consciously engage in in nature and society. The meaning of labor comes from the natural conditions and social environment There are many different reasons and purposes for the meaning and purpose of labor. But no matter which one Social system In the abstract view, labor generally has the following purposes: individuals and society, as the collective labor of individuals, produce and manufacture the material basis of life they need, and meet their needs. Of a person or his family members, friends, groups, groups, or classes who guarantee or improve labor social position Means. Participate in innovation, culture and artistic creation Process, participating in scientific knowledge To understand and discover, to participate in political or social reform. The historical significance of labor Through labor and the development of culture and technology created by labor, human beings can not only survive in nature, but also constantly strengthen social productivity so that the seemingly unlimited development of productivity begins to threaten the earth ecosystem And the existence of mankind itself. Since the middle of the 20th century, more and more historian He began to pay attention to the historical significance of labor. Labor process It changes with social rules and laws. And a large part of the rules and laws of a society are owned by the society Production relations Determined. The relations of production can be seen as adjusting a society Labor resources The mode of supply, distribution and labor results. In other words, labor is constantly changing with the changes and differences of culture and society. Production relations determine the economic and political purpose and significance of labor. Every cultural and historical period has its own unique form of labor. One aspect of labor that is not very relevant to society and the national system is the level of technology. Although the capacity and economy of each person and society may be different, generally speaking, human beings always use the most effective and novel technology as far as possible to ensure and improve the quality and productivity of their labor, so as to ensure that their labor results meet the needs of society. But with the development of technology, human physical strength is less and less important in the process of labor. The result is that manual labor is constantly replaced by machines to maintain and develop modern production system More and more labor forces need better education and training, and new labor is generated. However, in some developing countries, even up to one-third of the people do not directly participate in labor, but through social welfare Or other ways to enjoy the results of labor. This phenomenon is very important and difficult for the leaders of these countries social problem Some philosophers (such as Karl Popper )It believes that only labor generated from independent consciousness can bring the greatest wealth to society, because slave or soldier workers have no or only limited choice of their most effective labor methods and tools.

Working hours



Social necessary labor time refers to "in the existing society Normal production conditions Under the average labor proficiency and labor intensity of the society, the labor time required to produce a certain use value. " The existing normal production conditions here refer to the current Production department Most products have reached technical equipment Horizontal.


Social necessary labor time and necessary labor time are two fundamentally different concepts, which have three differences: first, they have different meanings. The socially necessary labor time refers to the labor time required to produce a certain use value under the normal production conditions of the existing society and under the average labor proficiency and labor intensity of the society; Necessary labor time is production and reproduction value of labor power Time of. Second, their symmetry is different. Social necessary labor time is relative to Individual working hours For; The necessary labor time is relative to Remaining labor time For. Third, they have different attributes. The socially necessary labor time is Historical category , it follows commodity economy The emergence and extinction of; Necessary labor time is an eternal category.

Right to work

Any system must be established in Right to work this basic human rights Above all, only when this basic human right is guaranteed can it be further social and political rights, such as Right to education Basic medical care Welfare provides the basis. The right to work is actually Right to life , because each has Labor capacity All people hope and must work to survive. The system that cannot provide and protect labor rights is unreasonable, immoral and anti human; And Slavery This system should be abolished and destroyed.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Labor is called human rights in article 23
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to freely choose his or her occupation and to enjoy fair and appropriate Working conditions And enjoy protection from unemployment.
(2) Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work without any discrimination.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to fair and appropriate remuneration, to ensure that he and his family have a living condition that is suitable for people, and to be supplemented by other forms of social security when necessary.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and join trade unions in order to safeguard their interests. Labourers and workers Labourers, that is, people who rely on selling their own labor to obtain remuneration