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Fine rock particles in space
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Micrometeoroids (also called micrometeoroids, micrometeoroids or meteor dust) are tiny rock particles in space Meteoroid
Chinese name
Other Expressions
Micro meteorite, micro meteor or meteor dust
Fine rock particles in space
Typical composition
It's metal
Generation time
Usually generated from solar system At the time of formation
Main role
yes space weathering The process played a major role
Micrometeoroids pose a major threat to space exploration
Collection location
Collected in areas without sedimentation, such as Antarctica

content validity

Micrometeoroids collected from Antarctic snow
The micrometeoroids are very small, and they come from the fragments of rocks or larger fragments. The typical composition is metal, usually produced from solar system At the time of formation. In space, especially near the Earth, micrometeoroids are widespread. These particles space weathering The process played a major role. When they hit Moon Or the surface of a celestial body without atmosphere (Mercury or asteroid, etc.) will cause melting and evaporation of the surface of these celestial bodies, resulting in optical changes such as blurring and darkening.
In order to better understand the dispersion state of micrometeoroids, many Space probe (including Lunar Orbit 1 Luna 3 And Mars 1) were once equipped with Micrometeoroid detector When the meteoroid remains stable track The micrometeoroids may have fallen towards the earth, and they may provide Solar nebula Information on the heating process on the millimeter scale.
Micrometeoroids can only be collected in areas without sedimentation, such as Antarctica. Melt and filter the ice and snow, and you can collect micrometeoroids that can only be seen with a microscope. Influence on spacecraft operation micrometeoroids pose a major threat to space exploration. Their speed relative to the spacecraft in Earth orbit is about several kilometers per second. To resist the impact of micrometeoroids, spacecraft and Space suit The important problems faced.
Although micrometeoroids are small in size, they will still cause incalculable damage to spacecraft in large numbers. High speed impact will cause similar damage to spacecraft shells Sandblasting Long term exposure will endanger the performance of various systems of the spacecraft. The hypervelocity impact of small objects is terminal ballistics Current research areas. But it is quite difficult to accelerate an object to such a high speed. The techniques include Linear motor and Conical charge For long-term stay in earth The risks caused by such extremely high speed impact on objects such as artificial satellites in orbit are particularly high. For some systems that are theoretically cheap, such as Space elevator Orbital airship and Rotary machine (Similar to space cable), how to avoid the impact of hypervelocity impact is also a difficult problem in engineering technology.

Main impacts

Micrometeoroids pose a major threat to space exploration. Their speed relative to the spacecraft in Earth orbit is about several kilometers per second. To resist the impact of micrometeoroids, spacecraft and Space suit The important problems faced.
Although micrometeoroids are small in size, they will still cause incalculable damage to spacecraft in large numbers. High speed impact will cause similar damage to spacecraft shells Sandblasting Long term exposure will endanger the performance of various systems of the spacecraft.
The hypervelocity impact of small objects is terminal ballistics Current research areas. But it is quite difficult to accelerate objects to such a high speed. The techniques include Linear motor and Conical charge For man-made satellites and other objects that stay in Earth orbit for a long time, the risk caused by such extremely high-speed impact is particularly high. For some systems that are theoretically cheap, such as Space elevator Orbital airship and Rotary machine (Similar to space cable), how to avoid the impact of hypervelocity impact is also a difficult problem in engineering technology.