
[jìng liú]
Rainfall and snow melt water or water flowing along the surface or underground under the action of gravity when watering the land
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Runoff refers to rainfall And ice and snow Meltwater Or the water flowing along the surface or underground under the action of gravity when watering the land. There are different types of runoff, which can be Rainfall runoff and Meltwater Runoff and watering runoff; Separable according to flow mode surface runoff and Underground runoff , surface runoff is divided Overland flow And channel flow. In addition, the water flow contains solid Substance( silt )Formed Solid runoff , water flow contains Chemistry Composed of dissolved substances Ionic runoff (See Chemical runoff )Etc.
Basin runoff generation is the first link of runoff formation. Compared with the traditional concept, runoff generation is not only a static concept of water production, but a dynamic concept with temporal and spatial changes. It includes the spatial development of runoff producing area at different times and the time history change of runoff producing intensity with rainfall process. At the same time, runoff generation is not just a concept of water volume, but a formation process of multiphase flow including water production, sediment production and solute transport. In addition, runoff generation mainly occurs on the slope of the watershed. For different size watersheds, the proportion of slope area is different, and various factors affecting runoff generation on the slope, including vegetation, soil, slope Land use status, slope area and location are different in different watersheds.
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brief introduction

basin Of precipitation The water flowing from the surface and underground into the river network and out of the outlet section of the basin is called runoff. Liquid precipitation formation Rainfall runoff Solid precipitation Ice and snow Meltwater Runoff. from precipitation From reaching the ground to the whole section where the water flows through the outlet Physics Process, called runoff Formation process precipitation The formation process of runoff varies with the form of runoff. China's rivers Rainfall runoff Mainly, Snow melt runoff It only occurs in local sections of rivers in western high mountains and high latitudes. According to different formation processes and runoff paths, River runoff It can also be controlled by surface runoff Underground runoff and Interflow (Surface flow) Three runoff components.
Runoff is Atmospheric precipitation Formed and passed through basin The flow of water into a river, lake or ocean through different paths. It is also used to mean the amount of water that passes through a certain section of the river in a certain period of time, namely runoff. Press precipitation Morphology is divided into Rainfall runoff and Snowmelt runoff According to the formation and flow path, it can be divided into surface runoff generated on the ground and flowing along the ground; stay soil The surface flow formed in the soil surface and flowing along the relatively impermeable layer interface, also known as Interflow The underground water flows from high water head to low water head after the formation of underground water. In a broad sense, runoff also includes Solid runoff and Chemical runoff Runoff causes rivers, lakes, groundwater, etc Water body Water regime Direct factors of change. Its formation process is a process from precipitation To where the water flows into basin The whole process of exit section. Rainfall runoff The formation process of rainfall , retention, infiltration Filling depression basin Evapotranspiration, slope confluence and channel confluence. Snowmelt runoff The formation of requires a certain amount of heat to convert snow into liquid Occurs during snowmelt rainfall Will form Mixed runoff of rain and snow Factors affecting runoff include precipitation , temperature, terrain geology soil vegetation and human activity Etc.


According to the water flow source Rainfall runoff and Meltwater Runoff; Surface runoff and Underground runoff , surface runoff is divided Overland flow And channel flow; In addition, the water flow contains solid Substance( silt )Formed solid Runoff, which contains Chemistry Composed of dissolved substances Ionic runoff Etc.


Runoff after rainstorm
precipitation yes Runoff formation Of Primary link Fall into a channel surface of the water The rainwater on the surface can directly form runoff. basin In rainfall In case of vegetation , some will be intercepted. Fall on basin Infiltration of rainwater on the ground soil , when rainfall intensity When the soil infiltration strength is exceeded, the ground surface is generated Ponding And filled in large and small potholes, and the water stored in the potholes seeps into the soil or is evaporated. When the potholes are filled, they flow from high to low Overland flow Overland flow Many of them are different in size and time Trickle ( channel )Flow to the foot of slope when rainfall intensity Under the condition of large and flat slope, it can flow in sheets. from Overland flow The process from the beginning to flowing into the channel is called overtopping process. The river channel gathers the water flow on the slope along the bank Longitudinal flow The process to control section is River channel concentration Process. since rainfall From beginning to formation Overland flow Infiltration soil Water in soil moisture content Increase and generate Free gravity water When encountering relatively small permeability Soil layer Or impervious parent rock, it will accumulate on this interface and flow along the interface slope direction, forming Underground runoff (surface flow and deep underground flow), and finally flows into river channels or lakes and seas. The flow in the channel is called channel flow, and it passes through Flow hydrograph segmentation Surface runoff and Underground runoff
Formation process
from rainfall Reaching the ground to the gathering and flowing of water basin The whole process of exit section is called Runoff formation process
The formation of runoff is a very complex process. In order to have a certain understanding of the concept, it can be generalized into two stages, namely Efflux Phase and Confluence stage

Flow generation stage

When rainfall Satisfied Botany Interception depression Storage and surface soil After storage rainfall intensity When the rainfall exceeds the infiltration intensity, it begins to move along the surface Overland flow Moving, called slope overflow, is the beginning of runoff generation. If the rainfall continues to increase, the range of overtopping will also increase, forming a comprehensive overtopping Overland flow Dynamic flow into river channel is called slope runoff. The process of overland flow is called runoff generation stage.

Confluence stage

rainfall The generated runoff is collected into the nearby river network, and then upper reaches Flow downstream, and finally all flow through basin The exit section is called river network confluence, and this process of river network confluence is called confluence stage.

influence factor

Runoff is basin Medium climate and Underlying surface All kinds of nature Geography The product of comprehensive action of factors. The distribution characteristics of runoff first depend on climate Conditions. In the same Climatic zone , mountainous area basin Runoff is generally greater than plain geology soil Under different conditions, the drainage basin has different water permeability. The drainage basin with strong water permeability produces less runoff, and vice versa. Influenced by elevation, the runoff has Vertical difference Characteristics of. basin The scale of area determines the size of runoff, vegetation lake swamp It has the function of regulating runoff. The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of runoff are also deeply affected human activity Impact: Deforestation will aggravate soil erosion, flood peak Runoff surge; reservoir The construction of water storage projects will increase basin To regulate runoff; Industry farmland A large amount of water will be reduced River runoff Inter basin water diversion can reduce the runoff of the diverted basin and increase the runoff of the introduced basin. Runoff is the surface of the earth water cycle The important link in the process Chemistry Physics Property pair geographical environment And ecosystem play an important role.

Climatic factors

Underground runoff
It is the influence River runoff The most basic and important factors. Climatic elements In precipitation And evaporation River runoff The formation and change of. In terms of precipitation, precipitation form, total amount, intensity, process and spatial distribution will all affect River runoff Changes. For example, precipitation The larger, River runoff The greater; Precipitation intensity The larger, the shorter the time flood The more likely it is. Evaporation is mainly restricted by air Saturation difference and wind speed The greater the saturation difference, the greater the wind speed, the stronger the evaporation. Other elements of the climate, such as temperature, wind and humidity, often pass through precipitation And evaporation effects River runoff

Underlying surface factors of watershed

Underlying surface factor Mainly including landform geology vegetation , lakes and marshes, etc. landforms Zhongshan Influence of ground elevation and slope aspect precipitation The amount of rain, such as windward slope more rain, leeward slope less rain. Hillside impact basin Internal confluence and Infiltration The water like mountain and stream is easy to rise and fall steeply. basin within geology and soil The conditions often determine the infiltration, evaporation and maximum underground water storage of the basin, such as fault , where joints and fractures are developed, groundwater Rich, River runoff It is greatly affected by groundwater. vegetation , especially forest vegetation, can play the role of water storage, water and soil conservation Peak discharge , add Low water Flow, making River runoff The annual distribution tends to be uniform.

human activity

For example, by manual rainfall , artificial melting of ice and snow basin Water diversion increases river runoff; Regulate runoff changes by planting trees, building terraces, ditches and canals; The temporal and spatial distribution of runoff is changed by building reservoirs and flood storage, flood diversion, flood discharge and other projects.
Runoff is the surface of the earth water cycle It is an important link in the process. Its chemical and physical characteristics play an important role in the geographical environment and ecosystem.

metering method

Related formula
The data required for runoff study are provided by the hydrological station Experimental basin Or runoff station, laboratory and field investigation. Runoff is mainly studied through observation, experiment, analysis and calculation. The measured values of runoff include flow, runoff, runoff modulus, modulus coefficient, runoff depth Runoff coefficient Etc.
Flow( Q )Yes means passing within unit time Overflow section In cubic meters per second.
Where V Average flow Current Speed A Is the area of water discharge section.
Runoff( W )Is a certain period of time (△ T )The volume of water passing through the discharge section in cubic meters.
Runoff modulus ( M )Is the runoff (water yield) per unit area, in liters/(seconds · km2).
Where F Is the drainage area, in square kilometers. Modulus ratio coefficient( K ), also called flow variability, is the runoff modulus of each period( M i) And normal runoff modulus( M 0), i.e
Runoff depth( R )Is the inner diameter flow within a certain period of time Drainage area Depth value in mm on.
Runoff coefficient ( C )Refers to the relationship between the inner diameter flow depth or runoff in a certain period and precipitation Deep( P )Or total precipitation( W p) Ratio of.

research meaning

Runoff is formed by landform External force And participate in the earth Chemistry Process, which also affects soil The growth of plants and the formation of lakes and marshes. Runoff is of great significance in the national economy. Runoff is an important condition for regional industrial and agricultural water supply, and also a constraint factor for regional socio-economic development scale. The ability of manual control and regulation of natural runoff is closely related to whether industrial and agricultural production and people's lives are endangered by floods and droughts. Therefore, the measurement, calculation and prediction of runoff are all important tasks of water conservancy construction.