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Merchants of the State of Zheng in the Spring and Autumn Period
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Chord height yes the Spring and Autumn period zheng Businessmen often trade between countries. He saved Zheng when the country was in danger.
one's native heath
Key achievements
Save the nation
True name
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  1. one Deeds
  2. two after


The reason why Xian Gao is famous is that he pretends to reward Zhiqi to quit the Qin army. Duke Xi of Lu In the 33rd year (627 BC), when he went to the jurisdiction of the Zhou royal family to do business, he met the Qin state When he learned that the Qin army was going to attack his motherland, Zheng, he sent someone back to China to report the enemy situation. At the same time, he pretended to be the special envoy of the monarch of Zheng and rewarded the Qin army with 12 cows as gifts. The Qin army thought that the State of Zheng had known about the attack, so they had to return. Zheng avoided a fate of extinction. When Zheng Guojun's main reward was high, he politely refused: "As a businessman, loyalty to the country is a matter of course. If I receive a reward, wouldn't I be regarded as an outsider?"


Prince Wen of Jin After defeating the State of Chu and meeting with the princes, the monarchs of Chen, Cai and Zheng, who had always been attached to the State of Chu, also came. Although Zheng Guo followed Jin state during Spring and Autumn period He made an alliance, but secretly made an alliance with Chu because he was afraid of Chu.
Duke Wen of Jin knew about this and planned to join the princes again to crusade against the State of Zheng. The ministers said, "We have met with the princes several times. Our troops are enough to deal with Zheng. Why bother others?"
Duke Wen of Jin said, "It's OK, but the Qin state Agreed with us that we should send troops together if we have something to do, but we must invite him. "
Duke Mu of Qin Just as he was about to expand his power eastward, he personally led his troops to the State of Zheng. The troops of the State of Jin are stationed in the west, while those of the State of Qin are stationed in the east. The momentum is very great. The monarch of the State of Zheng panicked and sent a talker Candle Force Go and persuade Qin Mugong to withdraw.
Candle Force( zheng )To Duke Mu of Qin( the Qin state )He said, "Qin and Jin attacked the State of Zheng together, and the State of Zheng would surely be subjugated. But the State of Zheng is far away from the State of Qin. Once the State of Zheng perishes, the land will belong to the State of Jin, and the power of the State of Jin will be even greater. The State of Jin destroyed the State of Zheng in the east today, and may invade the State of Qin in the west tomorrow. What good will it do to you (the State of Qin)? Besides, if the State of Qin and we (the State of Zheng) Speaking of peace, if you have any envoys coming and going, we (the State of Zheng) can still be hosts to receive envoys, which will do you no harm. You'll see what happens. "
Duke Mu of Qin Considering his own interests, he agreed to make peace with Zheng alone, and sent three generals with 2000 men and horses to guard the north gate for Zheng. He led the rest of his troops home.
People in the State of Jin were very angry when they saw that the Qin army had left. Some advocated catching up for a while, and some said that 2000 Qin soldiers left outside the North Gate should be eliminated.
Prince Wen of Jin He said, "How can I return to China without the help of Lord Qin?" He did not agree to attack the Qin army, but tried to draw Zheng to the side of Jin, signed an alliance, and withdrew his troops.
When the three generals of the State of Qin who stayed in the State of Zheng heard that the State of Zheng had joined the State of Jin again, they were so angry that they blew their beards and glared. They immediately sent someone to report to Duke Mu of Qin, asking for another crusade against the State of Zheng. Duke Mu of Qin was very unhappy when he got the news, but he didn't want to break with Duke Wen of Jin, so he had to bear it for the time being.
Two years later, in 628 BC, Duke Wen of Jin died of illness, and his son, Duke Xiang, ascended the throne. Someone once again persuaded Duke Mu of Qin Crusade against the State of Zheng. They said:“ Jin state during Spring and Autumn period monarch Chong Er Just died, and no funeral has been held. Take this opportunity to attack Zheng, and Jin will never interfere. "
The general who stayed in the State of Zheng also sent a letter to Duke Mu of Qin, saying: "The defense of the north gate of the State of Zheng is in our hands. If we secretly send troops to attack, we will succeed."
Duke Mu of Qin summoned his ministers to discuss how to attack the State of Zheng. Two experienced ministers Uncle Jian (Jian Yin) and Thyme All opposed. Uncle Jian said, "We are exhausted when we mobilize the army to sneak attack on a country so far away. The other side has already prepared for it. How can we win? And who can be hidden from such a long march?"
Duke Mu of Qin refused to listen and sent Bailixi's son Meng Mingshi As a senior general, Uncle Jian's two sons Western Begging Skill Ethylene propylene white As the deputy general, he led 300 vehicles chariot , secretly fight against Zheng.
In February of the second year, the army of Qin entered Sliding country Territorial boundary (today Henan Province). Suddenly someone stopped Go It is said that the envoy sent by the State of Zheng asked to see the general of the State of Qin.
Surprised, Meng Mingshi received the man who claimed to be an envoy himself and asked him what he was doing here.
The "envoy" said, "My name is Xian Gao. When our monarch heard that three generals were coming to Zheng, he specially sent me to send a modest gift to show our gratitude to your soldiers." Then he presented four pieces of cooked cow hides and 12 heads Fat cattle
Meng Mingshi originally intended to carry out a surprise attack when the State of Zheng was unprepared. It is impossible to sneak attack.
He accepted the gift from Xian Gao and said to him, "We are not going to your country. Why bother so much? Go back."
After Xian Gao left, Meng Mingshi He said to his general, "The State of Zheng is ready, and there is no hope of a successful sneak attack. Let's go back to China." Then he killed it Sliding country , returned to China.
In fact, Meng Ming was fooled by Xian Gao. Xian Gao is a cattle peddler. He drove the cattle to Luoyang to do business, just in time to meet the Qin army. He saw the purpose of the Qin army. He acted as an envoy of the State of Zheng and cheated Meng Mingshi. He sent people back to the State of Zheng overnight to report to the king.
zheng After receiving the report from Xian Gao, the monarch of Qin sent someone to the north gate to observe the movement of the Qin army. Sure enough, I found that the Qin army had sharpened their swords and spears, horse Those who are well fed are preparing for war. He was honest and unkind, and gave the three generals of the State of Qin a guest order, saying: "You have lived in the State of Zheng too long, and we can't afford it.
I heard that you are leaving, so please go ahead.
The three generals had to take their men away overnight.