Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege

German mathematician, logician and philosopher
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synonym frege (Founder of logic and analytical philosophy) generally refers to Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege, German mathematician logician And philosophers. It's mathematical logic and Analytic philosophy The founder of. He was born on November 8, 1848 and died on July 26, 1925. His works include Conceptual Calculus -- A Language of Thinking Symbols Composed by Arithmetic Language (also known as Conceptual Words -- Formal Language of Pure Thinking Imitating Arithmetic), Basis of Arithmetic -- Logical Mathematics Research on the Concept of Logarithm, Basic Laws of Arithmetic, etc.
Chinese name
Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
Foreign name
Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
date of birth
November 8, 1848
Date of death
July 26, 1925
Mathematician, logician, philosopher
one's native heath
Representative works
Conceptual Calculus: A Kind of Thinking Symbolic Language Composed by Arithmetic Language Basic Laws of Arithmetic


Frege's father is a school teacher who is good at maths. In 1869, Frege entered Jena University Study, transfer to University of Gottingen In 1873, he got his Doctor of Philosophy According to Sluga (1980), the logic and philosophy education Frege received in the university is still unknown. In 1875, he returned to Jena as a lecturer, and became an assistant professor in 1879 and a professor in 1896. Frege has only one registered student, Rudolf Carnap Frege's children died before they became adults. He adopted a boy in 1905.
Frege's work was not widely praised in his lifetime, but was Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein and Rudolf Carnap He said that he was destined to make a great impact. World War II Later, his work became widely known in the English speaking world, partly because some philosophers and logicians migrated to the United States - for example Rudolf Carnap Tarski and Godel ——Those who understand and respect Frege's work and translate his main works into English. Frege's job Right Analytic philosophy Has had a huge impact. [1]

Ideological theory

his Philosophical thought Logic theory includes:
  • Distinguish between logical things and psychological things, objective things and subjective things. Truth is objective and non psychologically. Concepts and relations are abstract entities. As objects of logic and mathematics, they ensure the objectivity of both. The logic discusses the appropriateness of proof, from which mathematics can be established. Therefore, the two sciences should be closely combined to provide a starting point for philosophy.
  • Words have meaning only in the context, and sentences are the conditions for words to become true. In view of the shortcomings of natural language, artificial language should be established to achieve complete definition, that is, each predicate, relationship or function term should be defined for each object.
  • Distinguish between concepts and objects. Object is the counterpart of proper name, which can be used as the reference of subject. Concept is the reference of predicate, and there is a question whether there is something under it. It can distinguish the primary concept to which the object belongs from the secondary concept to which the primary concept belongs. These two kinds of affiliations are different. The former is characterized and the latter is marked.
  • Distinguish between meaning and reference. Names refer to objects by means of meaning. Specific designators correspond to specific meanings, specific meanings correspond to specific designators (objects), and specific designators correspond to more than one designator. The idea expressed by a sentence is meaning, and its truth value is reference. Sentences can be meaningful without reference.

Important works


Main works

Conceptual Calculus: A Symbolic Language of Thinking Composed by Arithmetic Language (1879)
The Foundation of Arithmetic: Logical Mathematics Research on the Concept of Logarithm (1884)
Basic Laws of Arithmetic (1 volume 1893, 2 volumes 1903)


Functions and Concepts (1891)
On Concept and Object (1892)
On Meaning and Reference (1892)

Concept text

Frege is recognized as a great logician, just like Aristotle Godel Tarski He published it in 1879《 Concept text 》It marks a turning point in the history of logic. Concept text 》It has opened up new fields.
Concept text 》It's a book about logic Books. The title "Begriffsschrift" is usually translated into "Concept Writing" or "Concept Notation"; The complete title of the book marks it as "Formal Language of Pure Thinking Imitating Arithmetic". This little book is indisputable Aristotle Later, it was the most important publication in the field of logic. frege The motivation for developing his formal logic system is similar to Leibniz The desire for "calculus inferential device".
Frege defined Logical calculus To support him in Fundamentals of Mathematics Research on. "Concept text" is the name of the book and the calculus defined therein.