
The God of Abundance in Nordic Mythology
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Freyr, yes NORRON He is the god of sunshine and fertility in China. He is in charge of sowing, harvesting, herding and breeding. Frey is a warner protoss Njord (Nj ö r ð r), beautiful Freya The goddess is his sister. He's still an elf country Yalfheim The king of (Á lfheim), his subordinate light elves (Lj ó s á lfar), said good deeds.
He often rides a wild boar with golden mane Gulinbosti Go out for inspection. Everyone enjoys the peace and happiness he has bestowed. Holding a sword, he is radiant and able to ride the clouds. He also has a treasure boat Skid Platney If necessary, they can carry all the gods and their weapons. His servants are Beyla and her husband, Byggvir. They are regarded as the incarnations related to agriculture and linked with Frey's functions.
Frey's wife is Gordes (Ger ð r), the daughter of the mountain giants Gymir and Aurbo ð a, Frey lost his weapon in order to marry her, and as a result, there was no weapon available at dusk for the gods. Frey finally married Gerd. They met in a forest called Barry and finished the wedding. On《 Biography of the King of Norway 》In the story of, Frey and Gerd have a son named Fj ö lnir, who is Sweden Ancestor of the dynasty Ingreen.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mythological system
Yalfheim Asgard
Sowing, harvesting, herding and reproduction
Sword of Victory , wild boar, horse
Njord Nerthus


Frey and sister Freya
Frey belongs to the Warner Protoss. He is the god of the sea Njord (Nj ö r ð r), the mother has different opinions, and it is generally believed that Njord 's sister (on《 Poetic Ada 》Mentioned, but no name), another is the goddess Skathi (《Skírnismál》)。 Various scholars put forward theories that Neyod's sister may be Nj ö run, the goddess mentioned in Essay Ada, or Germanic goddess Nerthus (Nerthus, the predecessor of Neyod's name).
Freyja, the goddess of beauty, is his twin sister. It is said that he and Freya There are also skin relatives. Because the Warner Protoss are very open about sex, there can also be physical relationships between close relatives.
In ancient times, Asa Protoss There was a war with the Warner Protoss. The war lasted for a long time and was a draw. Both sides were tired of it. Finally, the two sides agreed to compromise and exchange hostages, so the brother and sister came with their father, Nijod, as hostages Asgard Frey is here Warnerheim Originally, it was also a fighting god, but when it came to Asgard, it became the god of the palm mannose, sunshine and earth fruit. He is the personification of summer golden sunshine and warm summer rain.
He lives in the land of elves - Yalfheim Alfheim )。 Under his management, the elves help flowers and plants grow and prosper, and he commands bees and butterflies to do their best to help people. Frey's waiter is Beyla (English: Beyla) and her husband is Byggvir (English: Byggvir). Both husband and wife are respected as Beer Bacchus and nectar Bacchus.

Myth and legend

Fred and Gerd
One day, Frey Odin When he was away, he secretly sat in Odin's The highest throne (Hlidskjalf), it is said that sitting on the throne can see the whole world. Then Frey saw Gerd, the daughter of Gaimir, a beautiful woman in the giant country. When she raised her arms, the light from her arms lit up the sky and the sea. Frey got it lovesickness , Frey's father Neold When worried, he sent his attendant Skirnir to inquire. When Skinner learned about Frey's intentions, he volunteered to help Frey propose in the giant's land. Frey happily gave him his magic sword.
Skinner asks Frey to give him the god Bl ó ð ugh ó fi so that he can pass through smoothly Yodunheim He took the treasure to see Gede successfully. But Gerd is stubborn, even if Skinner offers 11 things that can last forever Golden apple And one that produces eight every nine nights Gold ring Ge De refused to accept it and refused to marry God.
Seeing this, Skinner had to use his Wand "Gambanteinn" threatens Ge De and curses her with a curse. If he does not agree, he can only combine with the ugly Hr í mgr í mnir in hell. Ge De then agrees to marry Frey. However, after meeting Frey in Barrezhisen, Ge De was quite successful, and their marriage was happy, and they had their son Fj ö lnir.
The reason why Gerd refused Frey's pursuit was that some people believed that Gerd was obsessed with her late brother. Because in Sk í rnism á l, Gerd complained that Frey had killed her brother. Therefore, Gerd's unwillingness to accept Frey was largely based on her grief for the unknown brother. Although Gerd's brother has no name, some scholars explain that Gerd may be the sister of Billy ("the growler"), who was killed by Frey with big antlers as a giant in a unarmed duel with Frey.

Belonging treasure

Frey used antlers as weapons in the war. Shiltel died of exhaustion
Sword of Victory No matter who has mastered this sword, it will fly and kill the enemy on the battlefield alone with the hope of the sword holder. But later, Frey gave the sword to Skinner in order to get the female giant Gede, but the sword was no longer fighting for anyone and lost its magic completely. Results in Ragnarok In, Frey, who lost the magic sword, and the giant flame Schrtel Fight bravely and die in the end. Frey's sword actually has no name in the myth, and it is mistaken for "L ≮ vateinn". Although Levantin exists in the myth, the sword of victory is two unrelated weapons.
Skid Platney (Sk í dbladnir): A magical treasure ship. This ship was built by a dwarf and obtained by Rocky in the event of Hiff. It can be zoomed in and out at will, and can even hold all the gods and their weapons when it is unfolded; When shrunk, it can be received in the pocket.
Gulinbosti (Gullinbursti): Golden hair The wild boar's golden hair symbolizes gold on the one hand sunlight On the other hand, it symbolizes the ground Grains The maturity of. The prolific pig is also the symbol of the god of harvest.
Blodughofi (Bl ó ð ugh ó fi, Blodughofi): Frey's daily mount, which means "blood feet", is also known as "a horse that can pass through the flames". In Skinner's Song( Skírnismál )》, Frey will take a horse that can pass through Yodunheim Huohai's horse was given to the servant Skinner to help him marry Gerd. This horse has no name in the story, but it can be considered as Bloduke Hoffey.

Other related

Frey is here Northern Europe He is also a very worshipped god, so the semi historical Frey also came into being. According to Snory Strathong's Ancient History of Norway, Frey is the successor of half history Odin And a king after Nield. stay Germanic and Scandinavia Everywhere, Frey has many different names; And in Denmark He is called Fradi (peaceful or free), and is also regarded as a semi historical monarch. It is said that Vladi once got a magic mill, which can grind various things according to people's wishes. Freddie made two female giants grind and produced "gold", "abundance" and "peace". But Freddie was insatiable and refused to let the giant rest. They wanted revenge. One night, instead of singing "Gold", "Abundance" and "Peace", they sang "War" while grinding, so pirates came to kill all the Danes in their sleep, rob the two giants and grind them, and put them on their ships. The pirate told the giant woman to grind Salinization Come, because salt was rare and expensive at that time. But the cruelty of the pirates was no less than that of Freddy. The female giant still had no rest and had to grind on. She produced too much salt and sank the ship. Because the giant woman and the mill are still grinding in the water, there is more and more salt in the sea, so the sea water has become salty since then. (Of course, this is just a legend. Frey is also a symbol of golden sunshine.)
This story is to explain why sea water can Savoury Of. Although "Freddie" is undoubtedly the legend of "Frey", this semi historical monarch of Denmark has been greatly different from Frey in character. NORRON Because of the long history and people's dictation, translation and other reasons, it seems very confused.