Robert Frost

American Peasant Poets
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synonym Frost (American peasant poet) generally referring to Robert Frost
Robert Frost (March 26, 1874 - January 29, 1963) was born in San Francisco He is one of the most popular American poets in the 20th century.
His representative works include Selected Poems, A Testimonial Tree, Mountains, New Hampshire, A Stream Going West, Another Pasture, Forest Space, and poetic dramas The Mask of Reason, The Mask of Compassion, Complete Poems, and The Road Not Chosen.
Chinese name
Robert Frost
Foreign name
Robert Frost
one's native heath
San Francisco
date of birth
March 26, 1874
Date of death
January 29, 1963
Representative works
New Hampshire Selected Poems Another Pasture A Testimonial Tree, etc
Key achievements
4 times Pulitzer Prize
Place of death

Life experience

Robert Frost when he was young
Robert Frost (1874-1963) is one of the most popular American poets. He has left many famous works, such as "The Open Space in the Forest", "The Road Not Taken", "Stopping by the Forest on a Snowy Night" and so on. Robert Frost was born on March 26, 1874 San Francisco He lost his father at the age of 11, and then moved with his mother New England Since then, he has forged an indissoluble bond with that land. Frost began to learn poetry at the age of 16, and officially published his first poem at the age of 20. He worked hard and published more than 10 poetry collections in his life. He went through hardships and sufferings all his life, losing his father when he was young, his wife when he was middle-aged, and his son (daughter) when he was old. After becoming famous, Frost was employed by many universities and often went out to read poems and make speeches. "He often dragged his sick body home exhausted." In his poems, there are often images associated with loneliness, despair, death, etc., such as winter, snow, ice, frost, dead leaves, etc. Therefore, Frost often uses withered roses, dried flowers, etc vehicle To set off the lonely, sad and lonely inner world. She married on December 19, 1895, and then she and her wife helped her mother manage a private school for two years. During this period, he wrote poems and submitted them to various journals, but few of them were published. The first poem he sold, My Butterfly: A Lament, was published in the literary weekly Independence in 1894.
In the autumn of 1897, Frost entered Harvard University In order to become Latin and Greek teachers in middle schools. But less than two years because lung disease Instead, he interrupted his studies and engaged in raising chickens. In 1900, the whole family moved to New Hampshire Take care of the farm his grandfather bought for him. He failed to run a farm and then resumed teaching (1906-1912). Before and after that, he had traveled many places on foot and was regarded as "the farmer poet of New England". Most of his most famous poems were written in Delhi, but they did not arouse the interest of editors.
In 1912, Frost led his family to move to England. I met in London ezra pound Thomas, T.E. Hume, W.W. Gibson, Abercrombie, and other poets. With the help of these friends, a London publishing company immediately accepted his lyric poetry collection, which was published in 1913 under the title A Boy's Will. Then his collection of narrative poems, North Of Boston, was published in 1914. The enthusiastic praise of British critics has attracted the attention of the American press. Three American publishing companies immediately asked him for contributions.
Robert Frost
the First World War After the beginning, Frost returned to the United States in February 1915 and ran a farm in New Hampshire. It happened that his first two poetry collections were published in New York. It was warmly welcomed by American readers. Since then, his fame has greatly increased, ending the era of obscurity. Obtained for the next 4 times Pulitzer Prize (New Hampshire in 1924, Selected Poems in 1931, Another Pasture in 1937, and A Testimonial Tree in 1943). Successively in amherst college University of Michigan Teach or do research work with Harvard University and other institutions. He is very interested in botany. Most of the poems in A Boy's Will describe plants. Nature had religious significance for him.


His poems are attractive to a wide range of readers because they can be appreciated in so many different ways. stay Poetic creation In technique, it is quite different from most poets in the 20th century. Instead of experimenting and reforming the form of poetry, he repeatedly claimed that he was satisfied with "expressing new content in the old form". He studied 19th century England romanticism poet william wordsworth , express their feelings and describe the events and scenes of daily life in a language close to that used by ordinary men and women. Therefore, his works are the same as the First World War The affectation, which was popular at the time before, seemed to have "no poetic flavor" compared with the sentimental poetry. Influenced by the 19th century English poet Browning, he also used dramatic monologue or dialogue in his poetry. He was right ancient Greek And ancient Latin writers, especially Theocritos and Virgil His research made him write Pastoral The foundation of. He uses colloquial language, familiar rhythms, common metaphors and symbolize Technique New England Tranquil rural Moral fashion However, his poetry does not merely record the natural things ignored by people or the behavior of rural villagers. His description of nature often contains profound, symbolic, and even metaphysics The meaning of. His excellent poems often go beyond the direct relationship between personal appearance and the inner world, others, nature and the whole universe, and illustrate his profundity in some way religious belief Values on which to base. Although quite a few of his poems describe fear and doubt, the general trend is positive.
Robert Frost
He was an American in his old age unofficial Poet Laureate. On his 75th and 85th birthdays, United States Senate Make a resolution to pay homage to him. He is John Kennedy The inauguration ceremony in 1961 was very eye-catching, and he recited the poem "All round Talents" that he specially wrote for the occasion. His poetry is in the form of Traditional poetry Similar, but not as pretentious as the romantic and aesthetical poets. He doesn't pursue external beauty. His poems often describe New England The natural scenery or customs began to enter the realm of philosophy. His poems are simple, yet subtle and thought-provoking. Famous《 a birch "Tree" is a poem written by ordinary people who always want to escape from reality, but they must return to reality after all. There are many visible and invisible walls that are unnecessary in the world. In addition to short lyrics, he has some rich Dramatic A long article of narrative poem , depicting rural characters in New England Mental outlook The tone is relatively low and distinctive. In terms of rhythm, Frost likes to use various variants of the traditional blank verse and quartet, often rhymed, and has his own characteristics in rhythm.
Frost is often referred to as an "alternate poet", which means that he is in the traditional poetry and Modernist poetry An alternate period. He is also considered to be associated with Thomas Eliot They are two centers of modern American poetry.
Frost's famous poetry collections include The Mountains (1916), New Hampshire (1923), The Westward Stream (1928), Another Pasture (1936), The glade in the woods (1962), and his poetic dramas The Mask of Reason (1945) and The Mask of Compassion (1947). In 1949, he published Complete Poems, and new works have been published since then. On January 29, 1963, Frost boston Death [1]

Features of works

Robert Frost
Currently, the United States University of Virginia Of English Literature Graduate student Robert Stilling discovered an unpublished Frost A poem entitled War Thoughts at Home. In a letter written in 1947, Frost mentioned the poem to his friend Frederic Melcher, the founder of the industry magazine Publishers Weekly. Frost said in his letter that the poem was not published, but was copied by hand on a book called North Boston (Frost's second published poem). After reading the letter, Stilling began to search, and finally found the book in the school library. Frost's poems in the book also came out.
This poem was written by Frost in 1918 for the English poet Edward Thomas (1878-1917) who died in the French battlefield. The content of the poem is that a soldier's wife saw several blue Jay Fighting outside his own window reminds me of the soldiers on the French battlefield. World War I In the early days, Frost stayed in England and became friends with Thomas. When Thomas died on the front line, he also carried a copy of Frost's Mountain Interval with him.
Robert Frost
As a modern poet, Frost has taken a completely different path from most poets in the 20th century in the form of poetry. Instead of trying to reform the form of poetry, he inherited the tradition and was satisfied with expressing new content in old forms. He likes to use simple and understandable spoken language, with a gentle and calm tone and familiar rhythm. His poems generally follow the traditional rhythmic forms, such as rhyming Bipartite body ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ". Frost seldom writes Free verse He once said that poetry without rhyme is like playing tennis without blocking. He was right Iambic suppression It seems that he has a special preference. He once said: "For English poetry, iambic and slightly changed iambic are the only natural rhythms." Indeed, English poetry has four main themes foot ——Yang suppression Iambic Sublation lattice , and Raise, suppress and restrain ——In Chinese, iambic is the most common foot in English poetry so far, which is also called the most natural rhythm, that is, a weak syllable followed by a Accented syllable It's written in this step A line of poetry Its rhythm is bright, continuous, smooth and flowing, which is more suitable for performance Rural scenery It is no wonder that Frost prefers iambic in several traditional meter rhythms. The greatest feature of his poetry writing is that he is good at using the seemingly ordinary things in front of him to express a profound philosophy. Because he is good at using concrete things to say abstract concepts, his poems are easy for readers to accept and understand. Stopping by Woods on a Snow Evening and The Road Not Taken are obvious examples. These two poems have always occupied the top ten among the 100 most popular English poems.
Robert Frost
I chose a deserted road, experienced pain and tribulation, and constantly recalled the road I had not chosen. "If I took the road I didn't choose, maybe I wouldn't be so miserable?" The poet wrote about all kinds of confusion and melancholy in the long life. At the end of the whole poem, he didn't point out the final outcome after the poet chose the road, just said "And that has made all the difference". Frost mostly expresses his views on modern life in the form of traditional poetry; Reveal social cognition by nature description; Yearning for ideal but not lack of reality; Such duality of tradition and modernity, nature and society, ideal and reality can be seen everywhere in the poet's poems. This unique duality in Frost's poetry is an important reason for his uniqueness in the poetic world.
Frost can write seemingly simple poems, but every time you read them, you will dig deeper and find many winding paths and many different feelings. So Frost gave me a new understanding of metaphor. He gave a metaphor that we thought was a simple and straightforward statement. But then you find that this is a metaphor. "I have to catch several miles before going to bed/I have to catch several miles before going to bed." Here we see that the same verse has different meanings. This(《 Stand by the forest on a snowy night 》)The first line of the last two lines refers to the journey, running and sleeping, while in the second line, sleeping symbolizes death. But this symbol is not abrupt at all. I think Frost is a shy person, but I think he may be the greatest poet of the twentieth century, if the saying "the greatest poet" is still meaningful. I think Frost may be higher than the other competitor , i.e William Butler Yeats


Robert Frost
Reporter: When you were in Britain from 1912 to 1915, did you ever think you might stay there?
Frost: No. I was very poor when I went there for a while. I didn't expect to publish a book, nor did I take the initiative to find someone to publish a book. I was thirty-eight years old. I think the book should go through magazines first. I wrote articles in magazines, but I was unlucky Contribution fee Besides, no one paid attention to me, so I didn't expect to publish a book. But when I arrived in England, I had already written three collections of poetry - "The Boy's Aspiration", "North of Boston" and part of "The Mountains".
Reporter: When you were in England, under what circumstances did you know Pound?
Frost: I met Frank Flint through his early years Imagism Poets and translators belong to Pound's small circle. When we met at Monroe's newly opened Poetry House Bookstore, he asked me. "Americans?" I said; "Yes. How do you know?" He said, "Look at the shoes you wear." He asked, "Do you write poetry?" I said, "Write when inspiration comes." Then he said, "You should know your compatriot Pound." I said, "Never heard of such a person." I really don't know Pound. At that time, I only read literary magazines and did not pay attention to the literary world. So he said:“ I help you Introduction Introduction. " Later, I received Pound's card, but it didn't come in handy for two or three months.
Journalist: Pound saw your poetry collection The Boy's Aspiration before it was published. What's the matter?
Frost: When I met him, it was three or four months after I received the card. The book of poems has been in the hands of the publisher, but it has not yet come out. I don't like his cards very much.
Reporter: What does the card say?
Robert Frost
Frost: It just says, "Sometimes at home." It's a typical Pound style. I don't think this is a warm invitation. One day I passed by other people's homes , just drop in to have a look. He's at home. It's strange. I don't Come here earlier He said, "Flint told me that you have a book." I said, "You should have one." He said, "You haven't seen your own book yet?" I said, "No." He said, "Let's get one, don't you?" He was eager to speak first, which is one of Pound's strengths: to get ahead of everything. We went to find the publisher. He got the book and put it in his pocket without letting me read it. When we returned to his place of residence, he said, "Do you mind if I do this?" I said, "Oh, it doesn't matter, you can see it." He began to read my poetry collection, and soon laughed. I said I knew he was laughing at what he saw in the book. Soon he said, "You'd better go home quickly. I'll review it." He left the book behind, I'm empty I started to go home. I only looked at the appearance of my book and didn't even touch it.
Reporter: What he wrote may be the first important review, right?
Frost: Yes. This comment was published in the United States Chicago It's not very helpful for me in England. As soon as the book came out, the British book review followed closely. I guess most of the people who review this book in Britain do not know that it has been reviewed in Chicago. However, Pound's comments were helpful to me when I just started. I have been wondering about this "Pound's Adventures". You know his position there is very complicated and strange. Yeats, Hugh, and some others are his friends.
Reporter: Do you know Huff?
Frost: Yes, I met Pound together. Yeats also met with him.
Reporter: Do you often meet Yeats in Britain?
Frost: Oh, often, almost every day.
Reporter: You leave London , moving to the Southwest Gloucester When I was in the farm in summer, I didn't feel that I was far away from the city Literary circles
Frost: No, my choice has nothing to do with my arrival in England. My choices were almost unconscious. I don't know if I have a place in the world, and I don't choose a seat. I instinctively refuse to belong to any school.
Reporter: Do you have a good relationship with the literati you know in London?
Frost: Yes, it's very interesting. I think it's the same here. I don't "belong" here. But they said, "Oh, that guy is the one who writes daily chores for those people. Do you have such people in America?"
Reporter: During those years, your best friend was Edward Thomas?
Frost: Yes. He had little contact with the people at that time, and was as lonely as I was. No one knows that he writes poetry. In fact, he started writing poems after he went to the battlefield, which has something to do with my communication with him. We are very good friends. Instinctively, I don't belong to any group. I have friends, but scattered everywhere. You know I could have... At that time, Pound had a party with Faucet and others one afternoon every week, and Hume was one of the members. They meet every week to rewrite other people's poems.
Reporter: Do you often see Hume? Are you at these poetry rewriting parties, or did you not attend at all?
Robert Frost
Frost: Yes, I know Hume and know him well, but I didn't attend one of their parties. I asked Pound, "What are you doing?" He said, "Rewrite other people's poems." I said, "Why?" He said, "squeeze the water out of the poems." I said, "It sounds like an indoor game. But I'm a serious artist." I was joking. He smiled and never invited me again.
Reporter: You have nothing to do with establishing your own style when you communicate with Pound, Thomas and what you call Georgia people in Britain? Almost three poetry collections can be published from your poems at that time.
Frost: It's two and a half books. There are still some poems in Hottington's library, which must be my works in the 1890s. My first work, which is still in print, was written in 1890.
Reporter: I didn't include the Boy's Aspiration. The earliest work in this collection was written in 1894.
Frost: Confiscate it. My first poem "Sell It" is in it. My first published poem is the first poem I wrote. I never wrote prose or poetry before 1890, Write only too Latin and Greek Sentence.
Reporter: Some early critics, such as Garnett and Pound, often mentioned Latin poetry and Greek poetry when discussing your poems. Have you read many classical works?
Frost: I have probably read more Latin and Greek works than Pound.
J: Didn't you teach Latin?
Frost: I taught. I left college for a while, and then went back to college. I thought that if I put all my efforts into Greek, Latin and philosophy, I could bear college education. That's how I spent those years.
Reporter: Do you read many works of romantic poets? in especial Wordsworth
Frost: No, you can't limit me to that. I read everything. A few days ago, some Catholic people asked me about reading. I told them, "If you know the word catholic, my interest is very catholic."
Reporter: What works did your mother read to you?
Frost: I can't tell you that there are all kinds of things. Although there are not many, there are always some.
Reporter: Your mother used to be in Massachusetts Lawrence Set up one institute private school Right?
Frost: Yes, I taught there with other schools. Every time I feel that spring is coming, I will teach in schools in all districts.
Reporter: How old were you then?
Frost: I had just left Darmouth when I was only 20 years old. Every time I was bored with the city, I went out to teach for a semester in the spring. I went out to teach two or three times Reply They were all in the same school. There were only twelve students, all of whom were barefoot. I also worked as a journalist in Lawrence, which was done with my parents. I didn't know how to make a living - teaching, newspapers, working on farms, that's all. I also compiled a weekly newspaper for a while.
Reporter: When you started writing poetry, did you admire any writer?
Frost: I hate Stevenson's argument that we should try to imitate others. That pair American education Is more harmful than anything else.
Reporter: Do you feel that your works are similar to other poets?
Frost: Let others tell me about this problem. I don't know.
Reporter: But, for example, when you read Robinson or Stevens' works, do you find anything similar to your own works?
Frost: Stevens? He started his career several years later than me.
Reporter: I mean, do you feel anything when you read his works——
Robert Frost in middle age
Frost: Close places? Oh, you can't say that. Once he said to me, "You write about objects." I replied, "You write about antiques." When he came out with his next poetry collection, he gave me one with the title "See antiques again". He accepted my words calmly. No, I'm not close to him. We are friends, but far away. I don't know who you want to associate with me.
Reporter: I heard you say with my own ears, Robert· Lowell I tried to associate you with Faulkner and told you that you are very like Faulkner.
Frost: Did I say that?
Reporter: No, you said Lowell told you that you are very similar to Faulkner.
Frost: Do you know what Lowell said? He said, "My uncle's dialect is the same as Burns's." I said, "Robert! Burns doesn't use a dialect, Scotland Words are not dialects, but languages. " But he still said that.
Reporter: So what kind of works do you like?
Frost: I read them all. Anthology is one of my starting points. I found a writer I admired, and I thought there would be many good works, so I kept looking, and only found one or two... My interests are very broad, you can only say so. I'm not like those people who were educated in Germany before, not at all. I hate their idea of reading all the works of a writer. But sometimes I look around and read quite a lot.
Reporter: When you were in England, did you read the poems that Pound read at that time?
Frost: No, Pound was reading French lyrics.
Reporter: Have you discussed other writers?
Frost: When I first met him, he worshipped Robinson and Delameyer. Later, he didn't appreciate Drammel, and I think he lost Robinson. When we were together, we only talked about some small poems. For a few weeks I was very close to him. His way fascinated me. He is rude to people he doesn't like, just like Willie Whistler. I think he was influenced by Whistler. They learn French boxing. Pound also took me to see Bohemia A life of style.
Reporter: Is there much to see?
Frost: More than I've ever seen before. He took me to restaurants and other places, and also performed judo in a restaurant to show me, throwing me off his head.
Reporter: Did he really throw you?
Frost: I wasn't prepared at all. I'm as strong as he is. He said, "Look at me, look at me. Stand up." I stood up as he said, and reached out. He grabbed my wrist, fell back, and threw me off his head.
Reporter: How do you feel?
Frost: Not bad. Everyone in the restaurant stood up.
Reporter: Recently, Shapiro“ New York Times "Book Review" wrote the next review and praised you, because you are not as infected with Ezra Pound and Eliot“ Modernism ”The problem. How did you react to this article?
Frost: Isn't that interesting? They often ask me: "What is a modern poet?" I often avoid this question, but one night I said: "A modern poet must be a person who speaks to modern people, no matter what era he lives in. This is a saying. If he lives and speaks to modern people, he will be more modern."
Reporter: Yes, but according to their opinion, in many people's eyes, the writing traditions of Eliot and Pound are quite different from yours.
Frost: Yes. I think Eliot's writing tradition is not as far as Pound's. In my opinion, Pound is like a French lyric poet, or a combination of several French lyric poets. I don't understand Gu French I don't like foreign languages that I don't understand, nor do I read translations. Pound should know ancient French.
Reporter: Pound is an excellent linguist Right?
Frost: I don't know. One of his teachers is now in Florida He once taught Ezra Pound at Penn State University. He once told me, "Ezra Pound? I taught him Latin, and he can't even understand the change of the end of the sentence and the change of the verb."
Reporter: Have you heard from Pound? Are you still communicating with him?
Frost: No. When I got him out of prison last year, he wrote me some funny short messages World War During this period, he broadcast on Italian radio and attacked the United States. In 1945, he was escorted back to the United States.
Reporter: Who did you care about in Washington?
Frost: Only to the Attorney General. McLeahy and I have been there twice, but it didn't work out. I think it is because they have different parties, and I am independent.
Reporter: But your father was a loyal democrat during the civil war, so your name is Robert Lee In memory of the famous General Li of the Southern Army, you are more or less a democrat, right?
Frost: Yes, I was born a Democrat - unhappy since 1896. Someone asked me, "What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican?" When we failed, and McReich thought we failed, I walked into the Attorney General's office alone and said, "I came here to find out what you think of Pound." There were two people Say it immediately "We are in the same mood as you. Let's just get him out." I said, "This week?" They said, "You say this week, this week. We won't object if you go to a lawyer." I went to a lawyer and wrote a copy overnight Appeal , I felt dissatisfied with the writing. I wrote another short one before leaving Washington this morning. This is the whole story. Pound wrote one constituent string Thank me: "Thank you for your help. I hope you can have an interview." Then I wrote a note to me, which is better than the previous one.
Reporter: He went Italy Did you see him before?
Frost: No, I don't want to show my kindness to him. I want him to feel that he doesn't care about me. But he was obviously grateful to me. You know he is in poor health. He is a poet, and I never doubt that. We have always been friends, but I don't like his wartime behavior. I just heard it from other people, so I can't make a conclusion, but it sounds terrible,. The fact that he did is too silly. I don't want to expose his scars again.
Reporter: Just now, all the questions are about the relationship between your poems and other poems. Of course, many other things besides literature are also important. For example, you have always been interested in science.
Frost: Yes, everyone is influenced by his science at that time, isn't he? It has been noticed that astronomy is everywhere in my book.
Reporter: For example, Cultivating Readers and Mars?
Frost: It's not just that one. It has astronomy from beginning to end. Many poems - I can name twenty poems that mention astronomy. A few days ago, someone noticed: "Why does no one see that you have a strong interest in astronomy?" You can say that it is prejudice. One of the books I loved in my early years was Our Position in the Universe by the famous British astronomer Proctor. This is a famous old book. I once used the phrase "our position in the universe" in a poem - this book was read when I was 13 or 14 years old, and I remember that it was the first time to read a complete book. I have a little sister who reads everything. She is very young and precocious. As for me, adults want me to go outdoors for my health.
Reporter: When it comes to science and literature, Massachusetts Institute of Technology I have recently started some literature courses. How do you respond?
Frost: I think they'd better concentrate on themselves Advanced mathematics And advanced science - pure science. They know what I think. I have no intention of demanding them. But the situation is like this: science is the greatest adventure of mankind Material world The expedition. Adventure is our human capital, humanities It is the best description of our humanity. Perhaps scientists want to remind their students that the humanities portray people exploring in science, and science contributes only a little to the depiction of God. It may contribute to psychology or other similar aspects, but it is only a little. Therefore, in order to remind students of this, scientists have allocated half of their time to humanities. This seems unnecessary. They have been worried about us and pure science. In fact, they had better study their subjects as hard as possible. At the beginning of the plan, I was present and expressed some doubts. One night, I talked to the college authorities Compton Together - he sat next to me on the platform. I turned to him in front of all the audience and said, "We are a little behind in pure science, aren't we?" He said, "Maybe - I'm afraid we are already behind." I said, "I think we should pay attention to this." That was many years ago.
Reporter: You just mentioned psychology. You taught it Psychology
Frost: That's a complete joke. I can teach psychology. Someone once asked me to practice medicine in a mental hospital, which was more serious. But I went there to correct the idea of the teachers' college. They thought that psychology had a direct relationship with teaching. They thought that knowing more psychology would hypnotize the whole class. That's their idea.
Reporter: You are not right William James Have you ever been interested?
Frost: This is my return Harvard Part of the reason. But when I was there, he had been lecturing outside. I chose Santayana Royce Class. I have taken all the courses of famous philosophers. However, I have been waiting for James, and later lost interest.
Reporter: Did Santayana attract you at that time?
Frost: No, it doesn't particularly appeal to me. I've been wondering what he really means, what his direction is, and what the result is. I've been thinking about it for years. I don't know him personally. When I was in college, I seldom made personal friends with others. I'm a bit - go my own way. But I adore him. His eloquence is worth listening to, just like his style of writing. But I never knew what he really meant. Many years later, I found in his article that everything is illusory, and illusory can be divided into true and false. I believe that false illusion is truth: negative is positive.
Reporter: Since we talked about something you are interested in besides poetry, maybe we can talk about politics. I remember one night you mentioned that Henry Wallace had something to do with your poem "Dedication, Dedication".
Frost: Everyone exaggerates these things. When I read that poem in Washington, Wallace Just sitting in the first row. When I read at the end, "It is better to defeat with honor/to have bought friendship as a companion/than to have no friendship. Dedication, dedication!" I added another sentence. "Otherwise, others will offer for you." Wallace smiled and his wife smiled. I can see where they sit.
Reporter: You don't support President Roosevelt's New Deal.
Frost: They think I don't support the New Deal. To be honest, I really don't support it. My poem "Death of an Employee" was written long before the implementation of the New Deal. The poem expressed two views on home. One is the man's view: "Home is the place where you must be taken in when you arrive." This is the man's feeling about home. The wife said, "I think home is something you should not have." That is the New Deal, women's view, maternal The way. You don't have to Affordable Mother love, but must be worthy of father love. One is the Republican Party, the other is the Democratic Party. For his son, his father is always the Republican Party, and his mother is always the Democratic Party. Few people pay attention to the latter, they only pay attention to the irony and cruelty of the former men.
Reporter: This poem is often included in anthologies. I wonder if you think that the poems most often appear in anthologies can best represent you.
Frost: I'm always very happy if someone finds something new. I don't know. Let it be.
Reporter: Some poems are seldom selected, such as Servant of All Servants, Best Effort, and Corrupt Flowers. I noticed that none of these poems appeared in the poetry anthology that Andermall compiled for you. Is it strange?
Frost: He has freedom of choice. I didn't say a word to him about the compilation and there was no requirement. I remember he mentioned Robinson to him only once. Robinson told him, "If you want this Old man If you are happy, don't ignore my song "Mr. Fulad's Party". " That is a good poem.
Reporter: Do you think there are any categories of your works that have not been collected?.
Frost: I don't know. For example, the song "Corrupt Flowers" has never been touched. No -- I guess someone touched it. It was collected in a collection compiled by Matheson for Oxford people.
Reporter: Yes, but that poem rarely appears in other anthologies. It seems to be inconsistent with other people's ideas about you. Another neglected poem is Sowing Seeds.
Frost: Indeed, they ignore those things. The only person who noticed the poem was an old friend who taught at Penn State University. He said, "I know what that poem is about."
Reporter: Have you read that poem in public?
Frost: No, I don't recite some poems. I will not recite the "Corrupt Flowers" to people outside, not because I am afraid of them, but because I am unwilling to let them out. I feel shy about something in my book - I prefer others to read it. A lady asked me: "What does" Corrupt Flowers "stand for?" I said: "Women are ruthless." She left.
Reporter: It is generally believed that the poems most often included in the anthology, such as Ye Tree, represent the whole picture of your poems. In order to correct the public's perception, Qu Ling emphasized some poems in a darker mood when he made a speech at your eighty-five birthday party. Is that right?
Frost: I don't know - I may read my own works after Qu Ling's speech, and wonder why he didn't see many dark places in the book earlier. The book is full of darkness.
Reporter: Do you think Qu Ling thinks that he is correcting the ignorance of the public and the wrong views of ordinary people on your works?
Frost: He made a mistake himself. He admitted that he had made a mistake, didn't he? He said that the difficulties he encountered in order to understand me were more or less like confessions, but it was very pleasant.
Reporter: That's right, but many people who worship you oppose his emphasis on the "darkness" or "terror" in your poems.
Frost: Yes, he also scared me that day. He stood beside me and followed me to the stage. His words at the birthday party scared me - his words didn't hurt me, but at first I thought they were attacking me. Then he took me and Greek Tragedy home Sophocles Compared with Lawrence, it made me confused. What do those two people have to do with me? I may be happy to compare me with Sophocles, but comparing me with Lawrence is really confusing. But that doesn't matter. At that time, I was about to get up and recite, so I was a little embarrassed. What poem would I recite to confirm his statement. This feeling is new to me. I don't read much about him, and I haven't read that paper - I don't read reviews, and you can't see magazines in my room.
Reporter: When Qu Ling's paper was later published in a magazine, did you feel better reading it?
Frost: His comment is very clear, very interesting, and I really admire him. He is a man of great intelligence. However, I seldom read anything in magazines. I haven't read the article you just mentioned about Shapiro. His statement sounds very novel to me. Is he my friend?
Reporter: Yes, he is your friend, but like many of your friends, he can only see the simple side of you, and a good friend can see more deeply. This is a bit like Adams. He also angrily defended you to Qu Ling in Time, but he himself does not know much about you.
Frost: What did Shapiro say?
Reporter: He said most of the modern poetry It's too obscure, especially Pound and Eliot, but you are not.
Frost: I don't want to be difficult. I like to play with - like Mischief But not everything must be obscure.
Reporter: The difficulty of your poetry is probably due to your emphasis on changeable intonation. You said that you intentionally or unintentionally used intonation to double the meaning of each sentence.
Frost: Yes, it can be done. say Irony ——Speak ironically to people close to you in the poem. They know what you are talking about. This whole association Pun Words and hints are always referred to as "hints". When talking with people you can trust, you can use association and suggestion. The speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional, or the speaker is intentional and the listener is unintentional, which will destroy the common atmosphere. My life is not a literary life. These guys are really working hard on prose, trying to describe themselves, understand themselves and so on. I won't do it. I don't want to know too much about myself. Shapiro thought I was not difficult, and I was very interested. My generation has never written a comment or any article. I have always refused to write articles. I have neither time nor willingness to write.. I'm not a farmer, but I planted something, digging from east to west. I live together with other people and like to talk. However, I have never lived a literary life, and I seldom communicate with those people. I'm the vice president of the American Poetry Society. No, Honorary Chairman , I went there after a long time to greet them. I hope the foundation can take care of them.
Reporter: When it comes to foundations, scholars have teased businessmen about their philistinism for many years, but the business community now strongly supports literary looting. What do you think this is for?
Frost: It's strange that they didn't support it earlier, because most of them went to college, and poetry is a must. Almost half of the works they read are rhymes, and naturally they will respect poems. They may not mind our literati making fun of them. They worry that we don't have enough imagination. If we have enough imagination, we can defeat Russia Excellent. I want to say: "Maybe we won the civil war with Dickinson." We don't even know where she is - poor little thing.
Reporter: Today's poetry awards may be more than good poets. Do you agree with that?
Frost: I don't know. I don't want to comment. It's good that those tycoons are interested in us. You don't know what will happen. It's like this. Sacrifice and adventure are the greatest stimuli in the world. Once they are taken away from the world, being a poet will not take risks. I bet I will lose many pious people. They are engaged in this business because they take risks. Once, in front of four or five hundred women, someone asked me how I found leisure to write. I said, "Since there are only five hundred spectators here, and all of them are women, I will tell you frankly - I steal a little like a thief, and catch a little like a man - then I will have some leisure in my way." It sounds like I am a beggar, but I never intended to be a beggar. I always accept the benefits of college and other places. This is really the advantage of the United States: I don't have to thank anyone who gives me money. Poets have always been beggars, and scholars have always been beggars, but they blame the headmaster for the hard work of begging.
Reporter: What I just wanted to say is that perhaps the number of poetry awards far exceeds the number of poets worthy of awards. Under such circumstances, have mediocrity also been pushed out? Doesn't it make it more difficult for people to identify really good works?
Frost: Someone asked me this question. I said that I don't know how many unpleasant things a person needs to go through to make some achievements in the world. Besides, you don't know how to evaluate. Psychology can't tell you who needs Horsewhip Who needs the Spurs to win the race. I don't know whether others think so: I regard poetry as performance, and poets as capable people, just like athletes. A poet is a performer. There are many things you can do in poetry. The metaphor and intonation are changing at any time. I wonder how to put sentences into three or four Stanza Li is always interested. I don't want to put all the sentences into the stanza unchanged. Each poem is like some achievement in performance. Some people say that poetry is the essence of intelligence. You must be intelligent. I would also like to say that every idea, whether related to poetry or not, is the result of association: the things in front remind you of the things in your heart, and you hardly know what you know. Put this one together with that one.
Reporter: Can you Example How does this wonderful association work?
Frost: I have something Musical drama It is so associative. God said:“ Job I just showed it to the devil. " Job's expression was confused and his heart sank. God said, "Do you mind?" "No, no," he said. You can imagine the tone of his "no". Tone is everything, the way you say "no" Yu. I noticed that - that made me write the musical. Just one thing.
Reporter: Is that what you wrote about your other musical drama, The Masquerade Ball of Mercy?
Frost: I noticed that Jonah yes world history This is the first work with compassion as the theme. Somewhere before the Bible said, "If there were ten righteous people in that city, would you destroy it?" God wanted to Jonah He went to the city to prophesy that God would bring disaster to them. Jonah knew that God would be humiliated in the end. He did not bring the disaster, but let him down. He doesn't believe in God It is not merciful. You can think of God as anything, but you will never think that God is cruel. So he ran away and swallowed it whale In your stomach. That's the point, but nobody noticed.
Reporter: Why are your musicals in all religious groups Judaism Most popular?
Frost: It's funny you said that - and it is true. Other things are not explained law This is not the case for our sect. They often think of their rebellious heart, which is their experience of getting along with their parents when they grow up. The two religions you mentioned are not rebellious. In fact, they are very orthodox. But how did you notice? It's also interesting for me. Jews and Jesuits from all over the country are very kind to me. I just arrived recently Kansas City I stayed with them for a while. The song and dance drama is full of orthodox doctrines. For example, there is one that shows off evil to good, and good to evil. I wrote two lines of poetry in Kansas City. As usual, I wrote them on the spot, "It is because of the opposition between good and evil/they can stand for a long time."
Reporter: Writing a two line poem "on the spot" is like following the schedule, isn't it? I know a young poet who said that he would go to class from six to nine every morning.
Frost: Everyone has his own way. I don't know what it would be like to learn from him. When I began to write something, I didn't just want to -- you know... I was thinking of my first poem when I was on my way out of school. I was writing it all afternoon for three days, but I was late for dinner at my grandmother's house. At that time, it was really like God's help. Many people say that writing is more laborious and boring. I have two words that are often quoted: "The author does not shed tears, and the reader does not shed tears. The author is not surprised, and the reader is not surprised." However, another characteristic is that no matter how sad, no preferential injury is allowed, and no sorrow is allowed. How can I, who can feel happy with what makes me miserable? The whole thing is performance, skill and wonderful association. Why don't critics talk about those things - how wonderful it is to turn like that? Remember how wonderful a thing is? How wonderful is it to associate one thing with another? Why don't they talk about that? Poets must record everything - theology, politics, astronomy, history, rural life around them.
Reporter: Some poets put your birthplace San Francisco As their headquarters, what do you think of their performance? This refers to the United States after World War II“ Beat Generation ”)
Frost: I don't know about them. When I was speaking in Kansas City, someone told me that they were sitting behind the audience. I wait for them to say something I can understand, the worse the better. Just like you say to someone, "Say something, say something." Then he says, "I burn."
Reporter: Do young poets send works to you?
Frost: Some, but not many, because I don't give echo I don't write letters or anything. But I met and talked with them. I received some books, but I couldn't understand them. There is a book that sounds good - Oh, Hell.
Reporter: Most of the names are very strange. One is called "Hou", and the other is called "Gasoline".
Frost: Gasoline? I looked at it casually. When I passed Chicago, I saw nine people in a magazine, all San Francisco Pie. I always like people to say strange things. Maybe I can use them in the future. We all have to learn to appreciate many things we don't like. I have been waiting for others to say something shocking.
Reporter: What makes you read the poems sent by others, or don't you read them at all?
Frost: Performances, skills and wonderful associations. When a poem is sent, I first see if it rhymes, and then I know when to read it again. Rhymes are in pairs. For ordinary poets, one rhyme is nine times out of ten better than another. first substitute Good. Then they find another good one, another substitute, and another good one. That is, it belongs to the scope of performance, and it is also the most severe test when I create. I hope I can't tell which one came to his mind first. If I try to trick people by putting the better ones in front, I will soon find out. That's within the scope of performance. They can belong to any school of thought, whether Spinoza or schopenhauer It doesn't matter to me.
Reporter: You have seen an original manuscript by Dylan Thomas. He listed all the rhymes first and then wrote them. That's obviously not your performance, is it?
Frost: That's terrible. It should be thinking forward, feeling that you have been handling things well, showing some of your own thoughts, and focusing on your own feelings rather than thoughts. Then the poem began. Young people want to know what guides poets? But I told them that it was the same as when I felt a joke was coming. You see someone who you often make fun of walking down the street, You have seed The feeling rises from the bottom of my heart and I am ready to say something when I pass by. Where did these ideas come from? It's the intention he gave you along the street. When they want to know something that has lost their inspiration, I tell them that inspiration is mostly intended.

Appreciation of works

Robert Frost's Poems
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence,
Two roads diverged in a wood,and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Translation 1
Unselected road
Robert Frost
Two roads diverge from the yellow woods
Unfortunately, I can't get involved at the same time
I stood there for a long time
I'm on the way look afar
Until it disappeared into the jungle
But I chose another way
It is very quiet with luxuriant weeds
Appear more attractive and beautiful
Although on this path
Few travelers left their footprints
That morning, leaves fell all over the ground
Both roads are not contaminated by footprints
Ah, leave a way to see you another day
But I know the path is endless
I'm afraid I can't return
Maybe a few years from now, somewhere
I will Soft voice Sigh and look back
a slice In the forest Divide two ways
But I chose the one with fewer people
From then on, it has decided the path of my life
Translation 2
A different way( The Road Not Taken
Original by Robert Frost
Xiaofeng Translation
In the golden autumn, there are two paths,
I regret that I can't walk at the same time,
Lonely travelers stand for a long time and hesitate.
Overlooking from afar, where the road winds,
Twisting and winding, haunting the forest shrubs.
Choose this path,
For me, it may be a smooth road,
Weeds abound, and tourists are expected to visit.
Imagine that there are countless travelers on both routes,
How different are people from each other.
In the morning, two paths were paved in the woods,
There are many people and leaves,
Leave one behind and look forward to making up in the future.
It is clear that this road has been headed for it,
Ask yourself if you can go back to the beginning.
With a sigh, I remember yesterday clearly,
Year after year, I don't know where I am,
In the dense forest, I choose the direction.
Looking forward to traveling alone and being sparsely populated,
Looking back, choose to decide where to go!
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know,
His house is in the village though.
He will not see me stopping here,
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer,
To stop without a farmhouse near,
Between the woods and frozen lake,
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake,
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep,
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
A small residence beside the forest on a snowy night
I think I know the owner of the forest
His family lives in the countryside by the forest;
He won't see me stop here,
Look at the woods covered with snow.
My pony must have a doubt:
Why stop here,
No people,
On the darkest night of the year,
Stop between the woods and the ice lake.
He shook his neck bells under palace eaves
I want to ask the owner if he made a mistake.
The only other sound
It is the wind blowing down the snow gently.
The woods are beautiful, dark and deep
But my promise hasn't come true
It takes a hundred miles to sleep
The Pasture
I'm going out to clean the pasture spring ;
I'll only stop to rake the leaves away
(And wait to watch the water clear , I may):
I shan't be gone long . — You come too .
I'm going out to fetch the little calf
That's standing by the mother . It's so young
It totters when she licks it with her tongue .
I shan't be gone long . — You come too .
I'm going out to clean the water spring in the pasture,
I'll just pick up the fallen leaves,
(Maybe, wait until the spring is clear)
It won't be long - you can come too.
I'm going out to lead the little one calf
It is so small beside its mother,
It didn't stand firmly when mother licked it.
It won't be long - you can come too.