Kangbao County

County under Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
Kangbao County, Hebei Province Zhangjiakou City , on Hebei Province Northwest, located in Inner Mongolia Plateau The southeast edge belongs to Yinshan Dome Fold Zone, commonly known as "Bashang Plateau". Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the east Taipusi Banner , northeast Set a white flag , north and northwest and Huade County Adjacent, west to southwest and Shangdu County Adjacent to Hebei Province in the south Zhangbei County Bordering, southeast and Guyuan County to be connected. The total administrative area is 3365 square kilometers. [4] By 2021, Kangbao County has a total population of 269600 The industrial population is 244000. [13]
Summer belongs to Jizhou. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), Zhangjiakou Hall (moved to Zhangbei County during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty) was changed to Zhangbei County, the southern part of Kangbao District. In June 1993, Zhangjiakou District and Zhangjiakou City were merged into Zhangjiakou City, which was under municipal administration County governs Kangbao County. [2] As of October 2021, Kangbao County has jurisdiction over 7 towns, 8 townships and 2 township level units. [3] The county seat is located at No. 1, Yong'an Avenue, Kangbao Town.
In 2021, Kangbao County will achieve a GDP of 6.5 billion yuan, up 6.7% year on year; The industrial added value above designated size was 1.23 billion yuan, up 6.9% year on year; Investment in fixed assets was 6.38 billion yuan, up 2.6% year on year; The total financial revenue was 650 million yuan, up 5.2% year on year; The general public budget revenue was 457 million yuan, up 8.8% year on year; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 1.237 billion yuan, up 8% year on year; The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 32527 yuan and 13985 yuan respectively, up 7.3% year on year And 13.1%. [14]
In January 2022, Kangbao County was selected as a demonstration county (city, district) for safe Hebei construction from 2017 to 2020. [11]
Chinese name
Kangbao County
Foreign name
Kangbao County
area number
one hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and twenty-three
Administrative Region Category
Hebei Province Zhangjiakou City
geographical position
Northern Hebei Province
3365 km²
Area under jurisdiction
7 towns, 8 townships, and 2 township level units
Government residence
Kangbao Town 1 Yong'an Avenue
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
East Asian continental monsoon climate
population size
269600 [13] (2021)
Famous scenic spot
Kangbanuoer Forest Park [12] Golden Great Wall (Kangbao Section) [12] A Bu Gai Temple [12] Nantianmen Scenic Spot [12]
License plate code
Ji G
6.5 billion yuan [14] (2020)

Historical evolution

During the Paleolithic period, there were human activities about 10000 years ago, belonging to the late Paleolithic culture and the late Homo sapiens stage of human physical evolution.
In the ancient legend period, according to the book records in ancient times, China was divided into Jiuzhou (non administrative division) regions according to the general trend of mountains and rivers in ancient times. Jizhou is the first of Jiuzhou, and the region is very broad. It is the center of the activities of the ancestors during the Yao, Shun and Yu periods. It is said that Xia, Shang and Western Zhou all followed the division of ancient Jiuzhou. It extends northward to the foot of Yinshan Mountain outside the Great Wall, and there are branches of Yinshan Mountain running through the whole county, so it belongs to Jizhou.
Summer belongs to Jizhou.
Shang, belonging to Jizhou, is a ghost activity area. Guifang was a nomadic tribe in ancient northern China. From Shang, Zhou to the Spring and Autumn Period, it had wars with some kingdoms in the Central Plains, but also had contacts and marriages. It was not recorded after the Zhou Dynasty.   
In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it still belonged to Jizhou and was still a ghost activity area.
In spring and autumn, it is the activity area of Donghu and other nomadic tribes. Donghu was a powerful northern ethnic group during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period of China. It was adjacent to the State of Yan to the south. In 279 BC, it was destroyed by Qin Kai, the general of Yan, and retreated thousands of miles to the north. Later, Yan built the Great Wall along the northern border, and set up Gujun. Kangbao belongs to.
The Warring States Period is in the north of Shanggu County of Yan State. In the late Warring States Period, Hun Ridun Shanyu defeated Donghu and moved eastward. Kangbao was a nomadic land for Huns.
Qin is a nomadic land of the Huns.
In the Western Han Dynasty, it belonged to Shanggu County, Youzhou. In the early Han Dynasty, Emperor Gao Liu Bang failed in the Northern Expedition and was forced to make peace with the Huns and divide the border, which was actually under the jurisdiction of King Zuoxian of the Huns. When Emperor Wu attacked the Huns in the north, he broke through. Returning to Han Dynasty, it belongs to Shanggu County of Youzhou.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was the northern boundary of Shanggu County at the beginning. In order to avoid the killing strategy of the Huns, Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiuqi left Nuqi County, Shanggu County (today's southern Chicheng County, Diaoer area), more than 900 miles north, including the Kangbao area. More than 60000 officials and civilians from Shanggu and other counties are living in Juyong and east of Hengshan. The Zuoxian royal tribe of the Huns was able to move to the frontier. Kangbao County belongs to Xiongnu again.
In the third year of Yongyuan in the Eastern Han Dynasty (91 years), the Han army smashed the northern Huns in the current Altay Mountains, and the northern Shanyu led the army to the west. The southern Huns belonged to the Han Dynasty, and Kangbao was under the jurisdiction of the southern Huns. Later, Wu Heng rose and took possession of Shanggu and Daijun, and Kangbao was under the control of Wu Heng Xiaowei (one of Wu Huanben Donghu. During the Western Han Dynasty, Huo Qubing attacked the left place of the Huns, and took advantage of this to move Wu Huan to Shanggu, Yuyang, Youbeiping, Liaoxi, and Liaodong, and set up Wu Huan Xiaowei to protect Wu Huan.).
When Emperor Huan of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Tanshihuai, the leader of Xianbei, unified all the ministries, set up a tent in Tanhan Mountain (now Daqingshan, Shangyi County, Hebei Province), and established a powerful military alliance of Xianbei tribes. Tanshihuai divided these areas into east, middle and west. Kangbao County is in the west.
In the Three Kingdoms, the northern part was the State of Wei established by Cao Cao, which governs eleven states. Kangbao is located in the north of Youzhou (now Yanqing District of Beijing). Kangbao region is actually a place for ethnic activities and nomadic areas such as Wuhuan and Xianbei.
In the Western Jin Dynasty, the Kangbao area was the Tuoba Xianbei activity area and nomadic area (the Tuoba tribe of the Xianbei nationality, originally living near the Great Khingan Mountains in today's Heilongjiang and Nenjiang River basins, lived a nomadic life. After the Northern Huns were defeated and moved westward, the Tuoba tribe gradually moved westward, entering the former Northern Huns' residence, that is, Mobei area).
During the Sixteen Kingdoms Period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, when the Eastern Jin Dynasty settled in the south of the Yangtze River, the north was trapped in a situation of long-term separatism. Kangbao region was first a representative state established by Xianbei tribe. In 407 A.D., Shanggu Prefecture was established by the Tuoba tribe in the Northern Wei Dynasty.
During the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the early Northern Wei Dynasty, Pingcheng, the capital of Gongwei (today's Datong), set up six military strongholds along the northern border. The external imperial court was gentle, and the internal system of high cars was called Six Towns. At the initial stage, the health protection area was the activity area of Gaoche and Dingling people, and later belonged to the defense area of Huaihuang Town (located in today's Zhangbei County) in the Northern Wei Dynasty. After the death of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Kangbao first belonged to Youzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and then to the north of Yanzhou in the Northern Qi Dynasty.
In the third year of Tianbao in the Northern Qi Dynasty (552), it became the sphere of influence of the northern nomadic Turks.
In the Sui Dynasty, it was a Turkic activity area.
In the Tang Dynasty, it belonged to the Turkic region, under the jurisdiction of Shanyu Dufu (one of the six important Dufu established in the Tang Dynasty, an important institution for managing the northern frontier), and under the jurisdiction of Sanggan Dufu. After that, there are Shiwei, Qidan and other ethnic activity areas.
In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Qidan activity area was later the territory of the Liao State built by the Qidan nationality.
In the Liao Dynasty, Liao was divided into five roads: Shangjing, Zhongjing, Nanjing, Xijing and Tokyo. Kangbao Prefecture is under the jurisdiction of Jingdao Fengsheng Prefecture in the west of Liaoning Province, and its governance is located in Yongxing (today's Zhuolu County).
In the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty inherited the Liao Dynasty system and changed Xijing Road into Xijing Road. Kangbao was formerly located in Xijing Road, where Weiyuan Military Commissioner of Hengzhou (located in today's Zhenglan Banner of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region), and later located in Ningjun Commissioner of Fuzhou Town, Xijing Road (located in today's Zhangbei County). Kangbao was under its jurisdiction.
In the fourth year of Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty (1211), it was later the Mongolian sphere of influence.
In the Yuan Dynasty, it belonged to Longxing Road, Zhongshu Province, Zhili. In October of the first year of Huangqing (1312), it was changed to Xinghe Road, which was under the jurisdiction of Baochangzhou. Mongolia has always been regarded as a base area and refused to give up. At this time, the grassland in Chabei was gradually developed.
In the Ming Dynasty, it was under the jurisdiction of the capital Danindu Division. At the beginning, it was under the jurisdiction of Kaiping Weixing and Qianhusuo (now Zhangbei City). Twenty years after Yongle (1422), it was the pastoral area of the Tartar tribes. In the Ming Dynasty, it was the nomadic land of Chahar tribe in Mongolia. After the sixth year of Chongzhen (1633), it became the sphere of influence of the Later Jin Dynasty.
In the Qing Dynasty, it belonged to Koubei Road, Zhili Province. In the Qing Dynasty, referring to the eight Manchurian banners, the Chahar tribe of Mongolia was divided into two wings: the right wing was four banners of yellow, red, inlaid red and inlaid blue, and the left wing was four banners of yellow, white, inlaid white and inlaid blue. The Qing government successively set up four major herds in Chahar: Shangdu herds, cattle and sheep herds, left-wing herds and winged herds. Kangbao region is a nomadic land with four eastern banners and half yellow banners on the west wing. With the increase of the number of Han immigrants, the Qing government set up an agency to manage Han people in order to strengthen the effective management of this area. In July of the second year of Yongzheng's reign (1724), Zhangjiakou Council Tongzhi Hall was set up to deal with negotiations and lawsuits between Han and Mongolian people. In the seventh year of Guangxu's reign (1881), Zhangjiakou Hall was changed into a common place for people to know. The Kangbao area belonged to it, and it was a pasture with yellow flags. In the 28th year of Guangxu's reign (1902), Mongolian princes were officially allowed to set aside wasteland for reclamation. Since then, Mongolian people have been willing to open their pastures automatically to attract Han people. Corresponding to the continuous northward movement of Han immigrants, Mongolian herdsmen continued to move northward, driving cattle and sheep to the uncultivated land.
The first migration of cattle and sheep in Zhenghuang Banner (similar special area) was in the Qianlong period, from Yinzichuan to Santai and Sitai (in Zhangbei) in the southwest (around Dengyoufang, Kangbao County today). The second migration took place in the 32nd year of Guangxu's reign and moved to Ming'an cattle and sheep herd, which was later changed to pasture (now around Ming'an Beach, Kangbao County). The third migration took place in the sixth year of the Republic of China (1917) and moved to the southeast of Zhengxiang White Banner (Huangchengzi area in Kangbao County today).
In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), it still followed the system of the Qing Dynasty and became Zhili Province Koubei Road Under its jurisdiction, the health protection area belongs to Zhangjiakou Hall (today's Zhangbei County), which is the third hall in the north of the mouth. In June of the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the prefecture was abolished and Chahar Special District was established. The capital was set to govern all banners and counties. In July of the same year, Xinghe Road was set to govern all counties. Kangbao was located in Zhangbei County and Shangdu County. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914 The southern part of the region belongs to it.
In June 1993, Zhangjiakou District and Zhangjiakou City were merged into Zhangjiakou City It governs the county and Kangbao County. [2]

administrative division


Division evolution

In April of the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), Zhangbei County and Shangdu County analyzed and set up the Kangbao Recruitment and Reclamation Bureau, which is now located in Kangbao Town. The Ma Lianqu Kegong, Shangdu Herdsmen and other places in Zhangbei County, the former four left-wing banners in Chahar and the eastern half flag of the right-wing yellow flag are under the jurisdiction of the Kangbao Bureau.
In March of the 14th year of the Republic of China (1925), Kangbao Recruitment and Reclamation Bureau was set up as Kangbao County, which still belongs to Chahar Special District.
On September 17, the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), Chahar Special District was abolished and Chahar Province was established, with Zhangjiakou as the provincial capital and Kangbao County as the subordinate.
In February of the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), Japan attacked Jehol, threatened Jicha, and occupied Kangbao County in May of the same year. On May 26 of the same year, with the promotion and help of the Communist Party, Feng Yuxiang, Fang Zhenwu, General Ji Hongchang (Communist Party member) and others established the Chahar People's Anti Japanese Alliance in Zhangjiakou. On June 20 of the same year, the Allied Army moved northward, recovered Kangbao County on June 22 of the same year, and moved eastward from Kangbao County on June 23 of the same year. Then Ruan Xuanwu, commander of the KMT Kangbao Police, occupied it.
In May of the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), Huade Administrative Bureau was set up in Jiabo Temple, and the west and northwest of Kangbao County were assigned to Huade Administrative Bureau.
In December of the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), during the Chahar Incident, the Japanese army Tufeiyuan and Qin Dechun (the head of the Civil Affairs Department of Chahar Province) made an agreement, and Song Zheyuan (the 29th Army of the Kuomintang) to the north of the Great Wall retreated. On the 28th, the Japanese Kwantung Army and the Mongolian Army of the puppet Manchukuo State (Commander Li Shouxin) invaded and occupied Kangbao County.
On February 1, the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), King De of Mongolia (Demutchuk Dongpuru) established the puppet Chahar League Office in Zhangbei County in the name of "Mongolian Political Council"; On May 20, King De of Mongolia changed Huade County (Jiabo Temple) into "Erdemusoyal State Hote", and established the "Mongolian Military Government" here, which governs Kangbao County.
On October 28, the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), Japan and the puppet states established Kangbao County of Chahar League under the puppet "Mongolian League Autonomous Government" in Guisui (changed from Suiyuan). On November 21 of the same year, the Japanese invaders merged the three puppet regimes, namely, the "Mongolian League Autonomous Government", the "Cha'nan Autonomous Government" and the "Northern Shanxi Autonomous Government", into the "Mongolian Xinjiang Joint Committee", which governs Kangbao County.
On September 1, the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), the "Mongolian Xinjiang Joint Commission" was changed and the "Mongolian Xinjiang Joint Autonomous Government" was established. Zhangjiakou, the capital, was designated as the 734 year of Genghis Khan's era. The above pseudo "governments" all have jurisdiction over Kangbao County in Chahar League.
On August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. On the 10th, the People's Republic of Mongolia declared war on Japan. On the 12th, Soviet General Pleyev commanded Soviet and Mongolian allied forces to enter Chabei. On the 15th, the Emperor of Japan will declare unconditional surrender. On August 22 of the same year, Kangbao County was liberated for the first time and the people were relieved. The Chabei Cavalry Detachment led by Fang Cheng and Wu Guangyi marched into Kangbao City twice. The Communist Party officially took over and established the People's Government of Kangbao County, which is located in today's Kangbao Town and belongs to the 19th Special District of Jicha District.
Counter-Japanese War After the victory, the organizational system of Chahar Province was restored. In December of the same year, Kangbao County was changed to Chabei Special District (Seventh Special District) of Chahar Province.
In September of the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), the Kuomintang broke its promise and provoked the second civil war, launching a massive attack on the liberated areas occupied by the Communist Party. On November 11 of the same year, the CPC Kangbao County Committee, the county government, the county brigade and other party and government organs implemented a strategic transfer, withdrew from the county seat, relying on the Inner Mongolia prairie, guerrillas in the south of Kangbao, and created a revolutionary base in the north. On November 12 of the same year, the 14th Column of Fu Zuoyi's Ministry and the 1st Brigade of the 5th Brigade of the Kuomintang, Cao Kai and Song Dianyuan's troops occupied Kangbao County and ruled the whole county, which was subordinate to the Kuomintang Chahar Province. It has formed two sets of political power of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The Communist Party has adopted the strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside to conserve energy, develop strength and welcome liberation.
In August of the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), Chahar Province was abolished by the Communist Party of China, and Chabei District was incorporated into the Jirecha Administrative Office, under the leadership of the Northeast Administrative Committee and under the jurisdiction of Kangbao County. In September, the CPC Chabei Prefecture Committee merged the three counties of Kangbao, Shangdu and Huade into the Shanghua Kangkang Union, which is located in Zhanggaiwan, Zhengxiang white flag.
In December of the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948), after the famous Pingjin Campaign, the Kuomintang Cao Kai Regiment, Dong Shangqing Regiment, and Song Dianyuan Regiment fled again on the 26th with successive victories of the Chabei People's Liberation Army. On December 28 of the same year, the 11th and 16th Cavalry Divisions of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, together with the armed forces of Shanghua Kanglian County, entered the city and occupied the military and political organs and warehouses of the Kuomintang. Kangbao County was liberated for the second time and saved the people from suffering. From then on, it ended the two sets of political power of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, ruling for the Communist Party.
On January 15, the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), Jirecha District and Beiyue District merged to form Chahar Province. The Shanghua Kanglian County was abolished, the Kangbao County system was restored, and the county people's government was moved back to Kangbao Town, which belongs to Chabei Special District of Chahar Province.
On November 15, 1952, according to the resolution of the 19th meeting of the Central People's Government Committee, Chahar Province was abolished, and the original Cha'nan and Chabei Special Districts were merged into Zhangjiakou Special Districts. Kangbao County was under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province.
On June 16, 1954, the People's Government of Kangbao County was renamed as the People's Committee of Kangbao County (hereinafter referred to as the County People's Committee).
On November 29, 1958, Kangbao County was incorporated into Zhangbei County.
In May 1959, Zhangjiakou Special District was merged with Zhangjiakou City and called Zhangjiakou City. It governs Zhangbei County and the health protection area.
On May 15, 1961, Zhangjiakou City and Zhangjiakou Special District were set up separately; Kangbao County is divided from the original jurisdiction of Zhangbei County, and the county system is restored. It still belongs to Zhangjiakou District.
In 1967, Zhangjiakou District was renamed Zhangjiakou District, which governs Kangbao County. On December 28 of the same year, the Kangbao County Revolutionary Committee was established, and the original Kangbao County People's Committee and its affiliated institutions were revoked.
On September 14, 1982, the People's Government of Kangbao County was established, and the original County Revolutionary Committee was abolished.
In June 1993, Zhangjiakou District and Zhangjiakou City were merged into Zhangjiakou City It governs the county and Kangbao County. [2]

Zoning Details

As of October 2021, Kangbao County has jurisdiction over 7 towns, 8 townships and 2 township level units. [3] There are 326 administrative villages and 585 natural villages, [4] The county seat is located at No. 1, Yong'an Avenue, Kangbao Town.
Detailed division of Kangbao County
Yanyoufang Township
Danqinghe Township
Hapiga Township
No.2 Buxiang
Lujiaying Township
Zhongyi Township
Changdi Township
Man Detang Township
Kangbao Ranch
Tunken Forest Farm

geographical environment


Location context

Kangbao County, located in Hebei Province Northwest, located in Inner Mongolia Plateau The southeast edge belongs to Yinshan Dome Fold Zone, commonly known as "Bashang Plateau". It is between 114 ° 110 '~114 ° 56' east longitude and 41 ° 25 '~42 ° 08' north latitude. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the east Taipusi Banner , northeast Set a white flag , north and northwest and Huade County Adjacent, west to southwest and Shangdu County Adjacent to Hebei Province in the south Zhangbei County Bordering, southeast and Guyuan County to be connected. It is 62 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers long from north to south, with a total administrative area of 3365 square kilometers. [4]
Kangbao County


The mountain, hill, lava platform, plain and other geomorphic forms of Kangbao County were formed through a variety of geological processes, tectonic movements, and multiple stratigraphic movements in the long history of geological development, and are still developing and evolving. As early as the Archean and Early Proterozoic (about 4.5 billion to 2 billion years ago), Kangbao County was still a vast ocean. Later, due to the influence of Wutai Movement, the ground rose above the sea surface, becoming a platform stage. In the Proterozoic era, seawater re invaded the area from east to west and became an ocean. At the end of Proterozoic era, Luliang movement occurred, and the transgression range retreated to the deep fault line. In the Late Paleozoic, the magmatic activity was relatively strong, and most of the ultrabasic rocks in this area were products of this period. By the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era (about 130 million years ago), the landform outline was generally finalized. In the Mesozoic era, the area suffered from weathering and denudation, with frequent volcanic activities. Many volcanoes erupted in succession, and isolated basins were formed in each volcanic crater. By the end of the Cenozoic Tertiary Period (about 2-3 million years ago), the landform of Kangbao County was close to the current one. Until Cenozoic, there was no transgression, and the environment was continental. In Cenozoic, basic volcanic activity occurred continuously in this area, forming basalt lava quilt with thickness of more than 450 meters, and the volcanic activity was quiet. In the middle of the Cenozoic era, the volcanic activity stopped, forming lacustrine deposits with a thickness of about 70 meters. In the late Cenozoic era, basic volcanic activity occurred again, forming a new basalt lava blanket Main coal forming period in the area. [18]

topographic features

The terrain of Kangbao County gently inclines from northeast to southwest, and the Yinshan Mountains stretch across the county. The geomorphic types are complete, but the geomorphic units are arranged in an orderly manner, descending from northeast to southwest step by step. Starting from Xianghuangqi Mountain in the east, passing Miaowanzi Mountain, Rentou Mountain in the west and reaching Anao Mountain in the west, it forms a watershed in the whole territory, and gradually forms low mountains and hills and gentle slopes from north to south. There are no high mountains and steep mountains in hilly areas. The mountain head is bald and round, the hillside is gentle, and valleys and basins are widely distributed among mountains. The vast area in the south is a wavy plain with open terrain and flat terrain. Gangliang, flat beach and basin are distributed alternately, forming a scattered shallow dish shape in low-lying ponding areas Luhu Lake (water pool). [18]
 Map of Kangbao County Map of Kangbao County Map of Kangbao County
Map of Kangbao County


Kangbao County belongs to the temperate semi-arid zone of East Asia continental monsoon climate, with obvious continental climate. Average annual temperature is 1.2 ° C, frost free period is 92 days, average annual precipitation is 354.2 mm, evaporation capacity 1772.6 mm. [22]


Kangbao County belongs to inland river system, with less precipitation, and the average annual precipitation is 382mm. There are no perennial rivers in the whole territory, and the water network is not developed. There are only a few seasonal rivers. It is the only county with perennial rivers in Hebei Province. Seasonal rivers can be divided into two major basins in the north and south according to the flow direction of surface water. The northern drainage area mainly includes four seasonal rivers: Zhangyusheng River, Houzhaoyang River, West Wufutang River and Xigou River. The southern drainage basin mainly includes Maohuqing River, Eryan River, Santaifang River, Sanhuhu River, Zhangji River and Da'erpeng 6 seasonal rivers. [23]


The soil in Kangbao County is chestnut soil, patch meadow soil and saline soil with small development area from mountain to depression. Among the three soil types, there are 43 sub types of chestnut soil, meadow chestnut soil, meadow soil, salinized meadow soil and inland saline soil Soil genus 106 soil species. [20]


The vegetation in Kangbao County belongs to semi-arid grassland type. The grassland is divided into 2 types, 7 groups and 19 types. Two types are dry grassland and low wet meadow. On the artificial vegetation, the planted species are mainly poplar, followed by elm, willow and apricot, spruce, larch, birch and fruit trees It is distributed sporadically. [21]

natural resources


water resource

The annual total amount of water resources in Kangbao County (including the exploitable amount of surface water and groundwater) is 84.01 million cubic meters. When the guarantee rate is 50%, the available amount is 27.312 million cubic meters. The total water demand is 23.890 million cubic meters, accounting for 87.5% of the available amount Openable 52% of the recovery. [19]

land resource

The total soil area of Kangbao County is 50530000 mu, accounting for Soil The total land area is 99.2%. [20]

Biological resources

There are 357 species of wild plants belonging to 204 genera and 61 families in Kangbao County. Among them, there are 28 genera and 59 species of Compositae, 23 genera and 46 species of Gramineae, 10 genera and 27 species of Leguminosae, 9 genera and 21 species of Chenopodiaceae, 8 genera and 22 species of Rosaceae, and 8 genera and 18 species of Caryophyllaceae. Animals under artificial breeding mainly include cattle, horses, donkeys, mules, sheep, pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats, and minks, deer, and roes in some places. Birds include turkey and chicken , ducks, geese, etc. [21]


By 2020, the total population of Kangbao County is 269600, and the agricultural population is 244000. [4] yes Han nationality Hui nationality Mongolian the zang or tibetan people Manchu 5 nationalities.
According to the bulletin of the seventh national population census in Zhangjiakou, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent residents of Kangbao County The population is 138205. [17]
By 2021, Kangbao County has a total population of 269600 The industrial population is 244000. [13]




In 2020, the GDP of Kangbao County will be 6.15 billion yuan, an increase of 8.5% over the previous year at comparable prices. By industry: the added value of the primary industry was 2.31 billion yuan, up 8.6%; The added value of the secondary industry was 1.89 billion yuan, up 14.2%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 1.94 billion yuan, up 3.0%. The ratio of three industries is 37.6:30.8:31.6. The per capita GDP is 41060 yuan.
In 2021, Kangbao County will achieve a GDP of 6.5 billion yuan, up 6.7% year on year; The industrial added value above designated size was 1.23 billion yuan, up 6.9% year on year; Investment in fixed assets was 6.38 billion yuan, up 2.6% year on year; The total financial revenue was 650 million yuan, up 5.2% year on year; The general public budget revenue was 457 million yuan, up 8.8% year on year; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 1.237 billion yuan, up 8% year on year; The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 32527 yuan and 13985 yuan respectively, up 7.3% year on year And 13.1%. [14]

primary industry

In 2020, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Kangbao County will be 4.43 billion yuan, an increase of 8.6%. Among them, the output value of planting industry was 2.3 billion yuan, up 3.5%; The output value of breeding industry was 2.04 billion yuan, up 20.0%. Grain output was 132000 tons, down 2.3%; Oil production was 30000 tons, up 2.3%. The vegetable output was 362000 tons, down 33.2%. The stocks of pigs, cattle and sheep increased by 5.5%, 52.5% and 4.3% respectively, the sales of pigs decreased by 21.4%, and the sales of cattle and sheep increased by 62.8% and 13.5%. The total output of meat was 45000 tons, up 8.9%; Milk production: 54000 Tons, up 12.0%. [15]
In 2021, Kangbao County will complete 20000 mu of reduced irrigation land, close 262 pump wells, and build 8600 mu of high standard Quasi water-saving farmland. [14] The average annual total oil production reaches more than 30000 tons. In 2022, 279900 mu of oil crops are planned to be planted, including 82900 mu of flax, 80600 mu of rapeseed and 11.6 mu of sunflower 50000 mu. [16]

the secondary industry

In 2020, the added value of industries above designated size in Kangbao County will be 1.075 billion yuan, up 9.7%. Among them, the added value of renewable energy industry was 920 million yuan, up 10.1%, 0.4% higher than that of all industries above designated size. The added value of industries below designated size was 170 million yuan, up 2.8%. The total profits and taxes of industrial enterprises above designated size were 910 million yuan, 7.9% growth. [15]
In 2021, the construction of Kangbao County Zhitian Industrial Project will start, and the total scale of five projects including Beijing Energy will be connected to the grid It reached 3.83 million kilowatts. [14]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2020, the service industry of Kangbao County will increase by 1.94 billion yuan, up 3.0%, 2.3% higher than the third quarter. Among them, the added value of wholesale and retail, finance, real estate and other service industries was 190 million yuan, 140 million yuan, 190 million yuan and 1.13 billion yuan, up 4.9%, 9.8%, 5.0% and 3.8% respectively. The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services, accommodation and catering was 200 million yuan and 80 million yuan respectively Do not decrease by 0.1% and 14.4%. [15]
In 2021, Kangbao County will implement 35 key projects above the county level, with an annual planned investment of 3.22 billion yuan RMB 4.46 billion was completed. [14]


Erqin Expressway National Highway 510 and National Highway 511 pass through Kangbao County. [4]

social undertakings


Cultural undertakings

In 2021, Kangbao County National Pasture Scenic Spot, Wolongtu Scenic Spot and Tourist Reception Center will be completed, and Kangbao Errentai Cultural Communication Center will become a new front for inheriting and promoting Errentai and benefiting the people.
In 2021, Kangbao County will organize the special action of "Meeting the Winter Olympics -- Carrying the Red Flag and Being a Pioneer", hold the oath of welcoming the Winter Olympics, carry out voluntary services, compile and print 100 questions about the knowledge of the Winter Olympics, and create a strong atmosphere of welcoming the Winter Olympics in the county. build Winter Olympic theme square. [14]


In 2021, Kangbao County will introduce the Work Plan for Deepening Education Reform, and invest more than 26 million yuan in education and teaching subsidies and rewards to fully revitalize Health care and education. [14]

Science and technology

In 2021, Kangbao County will implement 35 key projects above the county level, with an annual planned investment of 3.22 billion yuan RMB 4.46 billion was completed. [14]

medical and health work

In 2021, the reconstruction and expansion of the infectious disease building of Kangbao County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be completed, and the National Medical Hall of three township hospitals including Zhaoyanghe will be completed and put into use. It will actively cooperate with Beijing, provincial and municipal medical institutions to build telemedicine Treatment system. [14]

social security

In 2021, Kangbao County will reimburse 220 million yuan for hospitalization expenses for more than 30000 person times, 30 million yuan for outpatient chronic and special diseases for 88000 person times, 100 million yuan for urban and rural subsistence allowances, 10.29 million yuan for various employment subsidies Township employment 2265. [14]

famous scenery

Kangbanuoer National Wetland Park
Kangbanuoer National Wetland Park, located 1.3 kilometers south of Kangbao County, has a total area of 368.1 hectares, including 220 hectares of wetlands. It is a natural plateau lake wetland with well protected ecosystem, accompanied by some marsh wetlands, which is typical and representative in Bashang Plateau area of Hebei Province. There are 210 kinds of wild vascular plants and 222 kinds of wild terrestrial vertebrates in the park, of which the national first-class protected wild animals include relict gull, golden eagle, great bustard, and the national second-class protected wild animals include cygnet, crane, egret, grassland eagle, etc. [7]

Famous people

Yanwanglin He was born in November 1964 in Hebei Kangbao. He joined the Communist Party of China in March 1987 and started working in August 1985. He is now the deputy mayor of Zhangjiakou Municipal Government, a member of the Party Leadership Group, a representative of the ninth Party Congress in Hebei Province, and a member of the 11th Municipal Party Committee. [5]
Wang Bingqing
Wang Bingqing , male, born in August 1957 in Hebei Kangbao, a member of the Communist Party of China, started work in February 1982. He used to be the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Department of Transportation of Guizhou Province. [8]
Wang Aiwen
Wang Aiwen, male, Han nationality, born in October 1962 in Kangbao, Hebei [24] , graduate degree, master of economics, CPC member [25] He is currently the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China and a member of the Party Leadership Group [26-27]

Historical culture

Origin of place names
Kangbao County, because there is a water pool in the south of the city, the Mongolian word "Kangba Nur" means a beautiful lake. Kangbao is named after "Kangba".

Honorary title

In 2010, Kangbao County was selected as a model county for standardized township hospitals in Hebei Province. [6]
In 2013, Kangbao County was awarded the title of "Hometown of Chinese Coarse Grains and Beans". [10]
In 2020, Kangbao County was selected as a clean city in Hebei Province in 2019. [9]
In February 2021, Kangbao County was selected as an advanced county in the national village cleaning action in 2020. [1]
In January 2022, Kangbao County was selected as a demonstration county (city, district) for safe Hebei construction from 2017 to 2020. [11]