waste recovery

Paid waste disposal and living services
zero Useful+1
synonym Waste recycling (Paid waste treatment and living services) Generally refers to waste recycling
Waste recycling, a paid waste treatment life service, is provided by professional and formal reclamation depot Or the company purchases, and then conducts scientific treatment and classification of waste products to reach the standard of recycling. Waste recycling right protect the environment energy conservation And drive social results Play a positive role [1]
Chinese name
waste recovery
Foreign name
Waste recovery
Compensable Waste disposal Life service
Professional and formal waste recycling station or company
Protect the environment, save energy and drive social benefits


Basic explanation
① Put things (referring to life) Waste materials Industrial waste) recycling:~waste heat only~waste materials.
② Take back the things issued or launched:~One loan~ Artificial satellite
Waste recycling, a paid waste treatment and living service, is purchased by professional and formal waste recycling stations or companies. After that, the scientific treatment and classification of waste products reached the standard of recycling. The service of waste recycling played a positive role in protecting the environment, saving energy and driving social benefits. Professional and formal waste companies can not only increase the benefits of enterprises and companies, but also bring cost saving effects to society, and also contribute to the environment.
waste recovery Regular army
The great value that can be created for customers and society is the regular army. The recycling price is high, the service is good, the environmental protection meets the standard, and there is no deception; If you have complete licenses, you are a good waste recycling dealer. So called Irregular army , just some Administration for Industry and Commerce Without record keeping and business license, it is often in the form of monopoly, commonly known as "land scab", and the price can not reach the price of regular army underworld Qualitative Monopolistic market
Mode characteristics
First, rural waste recycling self-employed person It is based on households. In rural areas, there are also waste recycling stations and private purchase of waste recycling models. In general, the waste recycling station is jointly operated by several people, and related activities are jointly undertaken by several people. At the same time, profit distribution and other related matters will also be involved. Private acquisition refers to the acquisition of a single person with a small amount of capital. The tools and funds invested are very limited. Here, it refers to the acquisition of bicycles and small tricycles in a very narrow range. Our research object is the individual waste recycling business, which carries out waste recycling work on a household basis. Relevant activities, funds and profits have their own responsibility and enjoyment. Of course, the investment of tools and funds it relies on is much higher than that of private acquisitions, and smaller than that of waste recycling stations.
Second, the waste storage sites of rural waste recycling self-employed households are their own residences. Most of the waste recycling stations are located on the roadside with relatively convenient transportation, occupying a large amount of farmland. In contrast, due to the small scale of the individual waste recycling households, the limited amount of waste purchased each time, and the fast circulation of waste, the individual waste recycling households put waste in their own residential areas, and put some waste houses in sheds or wing rooms to avoid the drawbacks caused by all exposed stacking.
Third, the waste purchased by the rural waste recycling self-employed households directly flows to the recycling and processing enterprises in a short period of time. Due to the large and fixed amount of waste produced by the individual waste recyclers in the village, some local recycling and processing enterprises send vehicles directly to the individual waste recyclers to pick up goods, thus accelerating the circulation of waste products.
Fourth, the city is taking a new mode of waste recycling Contract system , the integration of cleaning and waste recycling. This pattern has appeared in many urban residential areas, shopping malls and office buildings. The cooperation between the recycling company and the property is not only conducive to the effective recovery of resources, but also conducive to security management
Scrap definition
① Products that do not meet factory specifications. ② Broken, old or lost use value Items of: ~ Acquisition station
It refers to the unqualified technical standard , products in process, semi-finished products or Finished products
Waste classification
I metal scrap :【 Phosphor copper , red copper Cupcake Copper Cupronickel Red copper , bronze (62 #, 65 #) brass Enameled wire Copper, copper chips, aluminum stainless steel (316.316L.304.301.202)、 Stainless iron kirsite (Slag), lead, industrial iron, gold plated, silver plated products and other waste hardware and non-ferrous metal recycling]
2、 Waste electron: [electronic pin, silver tin Lead-free tin , containing lead and tin Tin slag Tin bar Tin wire Tin grey Solder paste , circuit board IC , capacitance diode triode , transformer, charger, waste Cable and wire , resistance, etc. waste electron recovery]
III waste plastics : [Waste candle Acrylic silica gel , nylon, film, blister Saigang 、475、 ABS PS PP PC 、PET、POM、 PVC PU PA , TPR and other waste plastic parts recycling]
4、 Spent cobalt:【 Cobalt powder Lithium cobalate Lithium nickel cobalt oxide , aluminum cobalt paper, battery Positive plate Negative plate Recycling of battery anode scrap, 42 # blanking, 79 # blanking, electroplating anode and other waste products]
6、 Waste nickel :【 Electrolytic nickel , nickel scrap Electroformed nickel , battery conductive nickel sheet, foamed nickel Nickel strip , battery conductive nickel sheet, nickel paper, nickel foil Nickel mesh , including Nickel alloy Nickel optical disk, waste nickel Tin bead , waste nickel beads nickel powder and other waste recycling]
7、 Waste silicon chip: [waste monocrystalline silicon polysilicon Seed crystal , broken silicon chip, photolithography chip, blue diaphragm Solar cells , edge leather Silicon material Battery chip , silicon rod, silicon head and tail Silicon wafer , IC grade silicon chip Bare film Waste silicon wafer recovery]
8、 Precious metals: [gold plating, liquid gold, silver target, silver plating, nickel, rhodium, palladium, platinum, cobalt Tungsten steel , titanium, and other precious metal waste recycling]
9、 Others: [Recycling various waste machines Computer Consumables mechanical equipment , waste cables and wires Stock Clearance Demolition of abandoned factory buildings
10、 Waste Classification of glass Waste glass can be roughly divided into the following categories:
Flat waste glass, embossed waste glass, hollow waste glass, tempered waste glass, wired waste glass, high-performance hollow waste glass Glass mosaic Laminated waste glass, organic waste glass, inorganic waste glass, frosted waste glass, fireproof waste glass, bulletproof waste glass, special waste glass.
The benefits of recycling are the old material adjustment and resource recovery industry, which Japan calls Social vein industry , which contributes to the formation of the whole society“ natural resources - Product - Renewable resources ”Of circular economy Ring Rd.
Venous industry , i.e resource regenerating The utilization of industry is to ensure environmental safety as the premise, save resources and protect the environment as the purpose, use advanced technology Consumption process The waste generated in the project will be converted into reusable resources and products, and the industry to realize the reuse and recycling of all kinds of waste will include two processes: waste conversion into renewable resources and processing of renewable resources into products.
The rise of vein industry
Talking about vein industry should start from circular economy. The so-called circular economy is relative to the traditional Linear economy For example, participation can be expressed concisely economic activity The flow of material elements of Circular feature Because of its recycling of national resources and energy, the recycling industry has been rising. Waste recycling and environmental protection To tackle the bad situation in the field of waste recycling from the source, we should focus on environmental protection and strengthen the efforts of many small enterprises Recycling The environmental protection of enterprises should be strengthened.
First of all, the policy should strengthen the governance of the "small, scattered and disorderly" pattern of waste recycling enterprises. The problems caused by a large number of small enterprises are: first, the recycling channels are occupied, and second, the environment Secondary pollution The problem is serious. In this regard, there are Expert advice , set up special development parks in each city, incorporate the enterprises engaged in waste recycling into the park management, and unify the sewage treatment waste incineration Landfill And eliminate secondary pollution.
Secondly, recycling enterprises should straighten out Cost allocation Mechanism. Due to the lack of unified supervision in the industry, Cost burden It is often all transferred to the scrap dismantling and disposal enterprises, which will undoubtedly reduce the enthusiasm of the disposal enterprises. just as China Academy of Environmental Sciences Solid waste pollution Li Li, a researcher at the Institute of Control, said that according to international mature experience, enterprises in all aspects, including sellers, treatment and utilization, should equally share the cost of disposal of abandoned goods.
A more long-term measure is to establish a strong policy Safeguard mechanism Recycling of waste products involves a wide range of aspects Industry supervision At the same time, it cannot achieve good results. It is necessary to strengthen supervision from a higher level, speed up the construction of laws and regulations on the recycling of waste commodities, and bring the recycling of waste commodities into the legal track.
Japan's experience in developing waste recycling is worthy of our reference. According to the Household Appliance Recycling Law implemented in Japan, consumers must return used air conditioners, refrigerators, televisions, washing machines and other household appliances to the manufacturers for recycling. After the seller recovers the old household appliances returned by consumers, they are handed over to the recycling factory, which is responsible for the preliminary disassembly of household appliances and the basic classification according to plastic, metal, etc. Then each household appliance manufacturer will recycle it for further utilization. The cost of recycling is borne by consumers.
Waste recycling is like sewage treatment Waste disposal The industry, in essence, is a public environmental protection enterprise under the policy guidance.

Recovery system

There are not many formal and sound recycling agencies in China, and there are often small private recycling agencies. The key to e-waste treatment is recycling, and it is difficult for small recycling agencies to complete a wide range of Electronic equipment Recycling tasks, so some waste electronic equipment has become the source of environmental pollution. The establishment of a sound recycling system needs the support of the general public, which at least has the following two points: first, door-to-door recycling, and second, telephone contact. These two measures can well solve the problem of recycling some electronic equipment Old for new policy It can also be regarded as a very good means. If this mechanism is normalized, it will certainly have a very good effect.
Actually, use it well E-waste De implication economic value In addition, it is more environmentally friendly and needs policy escort to regulate the development of the industry. In terms of supervision, China has promulgated and implemented《 Regulations on the Administration of Recycling and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products 》The industry expects that the supporting Administrative Measures for the Collection and Use of Waste Electrical and Electronic Product Disposal Funds will be published. How to coordinate the functions of various departments, strengthen environmental law enforcement, and cut black economy Chain, the formation of effective supervision over the entry of electronic waste has become a test. From the perspective of support policies, the dismantling of electronic products requires high technology and costs, which requires government support in tax, technology and other aspects. Instead“ Trade in the old for the new ”Institutionalizing such convenience measures and establishing an effective and standardized recovery system are the fundamental solutions.

System improvement

Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the meeting executive meeting of the State Council We will deploy and establish a complete and advanced recycling system for waste commodities. The meeting pointed out that the recycling system of waste commodities in China is very imperfect, which not only affects waste utilization, but also easily causes environmental pollution. It is urgent to establish a complete and advanced recycling, transportation, treatment and utilization system of waste commodities. Waste recycling, which seems to be a very small matter, has now been discussed at the executive meeting of the State Council, which shows that the establishment and improvement of waste recycling system is related to the sustainable development of China's economy and society Environmentally friendly society , which is of great significance.
From import solid waste Foreign supply Pre shipment inspection Domestic receiving Port inspection Customs supervision Import license The person in charge introduced that specific requirements were put forward in the use of enterprise supervision and other links. Further improved the whole process supervision system of imported solid waste, and clearly stipulated nine prohibitions: prohibition The People's Republic of China Dumping, stacking and disposal of foreign solid waste; Prohibition of transit transfer through the People's Republic of China Hazardous waste Import prohibited Hazardous waste; It is prohibited to import solid waste for the purpose of heat recovery; It is prohibited to import solid waste that cannot be used as raw materials or can not be used in a harmless way; Prohibited import into China Occurrence Or solid waste with large storage capacity and not yet fully utilized; Prohibited import There is no applicable national environmental maintenance control specification or relevant technical specifications And other mandatory solid wastes; Prohibited solid waste Entrepot trade It is prohibited to transport solid waste into the country by means of TOORDER.
Strengthen the supervision and management of imported solid wastes to prevent illegal entry of foreign wastes. The five departments jointly issuing the method are the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the General Administration of Customs AQSIQ The person in charge of the Ministry of Environmental Protection said that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the State Council jointly issued《 Solid waste import The management method, hereinafter referred to as the "method", the relevant person in charge of the Environmental Maintenance Department told the media. The implementation of the Method will promote waste import and utilization enterprises to further improve their awareness and level of environmental protection, standardize China's solid waste import management, prevent illegal entry of foreign wastes, and maintain China's environmental security. The person in charge said that in 2010, the actual import of solid wastes that can be used as raw materials, such as waste paper, waste plastics, waste hardware, waste steel, aluminum scrap and copper scrap, reached more than 40 million tons. The rational use of foreign solid wastes that can be used as raw materials will supplement China's resources and promote conserve energy ,reduce emissions Played a positive role. During the 11th Five Year Plan period, environmental protection, customs, quality inspection and other departments increased efforts to prevent and crack down on illegal transfer of foreign wastes to China, and related illegal events were effectively curbed.



environmental protection

Material recycling can Energy saving and environmental protection To prevent excessive consumption burden on the earth.
If there is no material recycling, we will waste more power to produce new products. The role of material recycling and reuse is irreplaceable by any other industry. In economically prosperous countries, material recycling and reuse industry is regarded as a sunrise industry. With the rapid development of China's economy, the progress of technology, and the slowdown of renewal, more and more commodities will lose their use value and become waste commodities, entering the stage of recycling and reuse of waste commodities. Therefore, it is very important to establish a standard recycling market for waste commodities, so that useful resources can be effectively used, harmful resources can be properly solved, and environmental pollution can be prevented.
Material recycling is only limited to the collection and distribution of waste products. There are still many tasks to be done in terms of network recycling in urban areas and classified and batch sales to consumer enterprises after collection and distribution. For example, in terms of recycling, the street offices and village committees will be relied on to carry out standard governance for the vendors who buy in the streets, and the network governance will be implemented. At the same time Organ For the pilot project, we will provide door-to-door service, and try to collect all the wastes as much as possible.
In terms of sales after collection, distribution and classification of material recovery, material recovery should try to bind with merchants as a combination, form a relatively fixed supply and marketing relationship with downstream consumer enterprises in a small amount and scope way, and complete the industrialized operation of renewable resources. At the same time, gradually study and develop waste materials Secondary processing And comprehensive application, complete the local resource utilization, further improve the waste application degree Recycling of renewable resources The application system lays the foundation.

Value embodiment

Application value: one ton of recycled application Iron and steel scrap , can make 850kg steel, compared with Iron ore Steel making can save 20 tons of iron ore and 1.2 tons of energy Standard coal Recycling 1 ton of waste paper can produce 800 kg of good paper, save 17 big trees, reduce the use of 240 kg of soda ash, reduce the purification emissions of paper making by 75%, and save 40% - 50% of paper making power consumption.
The value of waste plastics: more than 700 liters can be extracted from 1 ton of waste plastics through the skill of recovering waste plastics to refine gasoline and diesel Unleaded gasoline And diesel. Related article: Talking about recycling of plastic bottles
The value of the waste easy to pull aluminum cans: after the waste cans are dissolved, they can be recycled 100% for countless times to form new cans, and can also be made into automobile, aircraft parts or furniture.
Value of waste glass: 20000 pieces of 500g glass can be produced after 1 ton of waste glass is recycled The wine bottle 20% less cost than the consumption of new raw materials. Recycling 1 ton of waste glass can save money Quartz sand 720kg, less use of 250 kg of soda ash, saving Feldspar powder 60 kg, saving 10 tons of coal and 400 kilowatt hours of electricity.


1、 Reuse of livelihood waste
We are producing a lot of living waste every day. If we simply landfill the waste, the cost of a ton of waste will be 200 to 300 yuan, and it will also occupy a lot of land, and can form Land pollution Livelihood waste, such as Plastic bottle Cans , old newspapers and periodicals Glass bottles Sold to scrap companies, and then sent to plastic, metal papermaking Processing plant Glass When the factory processes and produces products, they can become raw materials to produce various products from scratch. In addition to reducing waste, they can also save raw materials and power. according to Laoshan, Qingdao The glass company revealed that after continuous improvement of the use skills of waste glass, the company recovered the waste glass Usage Now it has risen from 30% to 40%, 60% and even 80%. At the same time, the company can save 4200 tons every year Soda ash 2108 tons of coal, 380000 kilowatt hours of electricity, both saving money and environmental protection, kill two birds with one stone.
II Electronic waste have good prospects of gain
Abandoning electrical appliances can extract many valuable metals, such as gold, platinum and indium. Gold and platinum Needless to say, indium is called a metal vitamin, and its price has risen from $70 per kilogram to $1200. If the waste battery in the old mobile phone is recovered, 200g of gold can be extracted when it is accumulated to 1 ton Gold bearing ore Only 2 grams of gold can be extracted per ton. Currently, electronic waste disposal The annual profit of the company has reached 25 to 30 million dollars (according to statistics, the demand for digging 1 ounce of gold is 300 dollars, and the demand for recovering 1 ounce of gold is only 10 dollars). Known as China“ Capital of Hardware ”Yongkang is currently the largest recycling base for waste metals in China, with more than 200 waste metals Metalworking Exercise company, annual scrap metal a turnover 6~7 billion yuan, producing Alloy aluminium About 250000 tons.
3、 Rich "Turn"
The most common and boring kitchen waste at home—— leftover , peel, vegetable leaf, "on the spot" by biological skills compost Disposal, 0.3 tons per ton Organic fertilizer Many combustible wastes can "replace" coal to generate fire, power and heat. France can recover more than 40 million tons of waste every year. During this period, 20% of the waste has been recycled, mostly metal, glass and paper; 13.5% for composting; 29% completed power recovery, that is, for power generation or heating; 1.5% for simple combustion; Other wastes are disposed by harmless storage and landfill. This provides France with 3700 GWh of electricity and 7300 GWh of heat energy, as well as 1.8 million tons of organic fertilizer. Japan currently has several waste power plants, Denmark Switzerland Livelihood waste in other countries Burning rate 80%.