application layer

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The application layer is also called Application Entity (AE), which consists of several specific application service elements (SASE) and one or more common application service elements (CASE). Each SASE provides specific application services, such as file transport access and management (FTAM), electronic message processing (MHS) Virtual terminal Protocol (VAP), etc. CASE provides a set of common application services, such as contact control service element (ACSE), reliable transportation service element (RTSE) and remote operation service element (ROSE).
Chinese name
application layer
Foreign name
Application layer
Other Expressions
Application Entity (AE)
It is the seventh layer of the seven layer OSI model
The standard is the most and the least mature
Protocol Example
DNS, HTTP, etc

Basic Introduction

The Open Systems Interconnection reference (OSI) reference model is an abstract hierarchical model.
OSI 7-layer network reference model:
Layer 7: Application Layer
Layer 6: Presentation Layer
Layer 5: Session Layer
Layer 4: Transport Layer
Layer 3: Network Layer
Layer 2: Data Link Layer
Layer 1: Physical Layer
TCP/IP protocol model:
Application Layer;
Transport Layer;
Internet layer/network layer;
Network Access Layer
Application Layer: This layer provides interfaces for applications used for communication and the underlying network used for message transmission. [1]
Network application is the reason for the existence of computer network, and the application layer is where the application layer protocol can exist and the network application can be realized.
application layer
application layer Application layer )It is the seventh layer of the seven layer OSI model. Application layer directly and Application Program Interface And provide common Network application service The application layer also Presentation layer Make a request. The application layer is the highest level of the open system, which directly provides services for the application process. Its function is to complete a series of services required for business processing while realizing communication between multiple system application processes. Its service elements are divided into two categories: public application service element CASE and specific application service element SASE
CASE provides the most basic services. It becomes the user of any user and any service element in the application layer, mainly for applications Process communication , distributed system implementation provides basic control mechanism Specific services, such as document transmission, access management, job transmission, bank transaction, order entry, etc. These will involve Virtual terminal , job transfer and operation, document transfer and access management, remote database access, graphics core system, Open Systems Interconnection Management and so on. [2]
Application layer software
1. Network aware applications:
Application program refers to the software program used by people for network communication. Some end user applications are network aware programs, that is, they implement application layer protocols and can directly communicate with the lower layers of the protocol stack. E-mail clients and Web browsers are examples of this type of application.
2. Application layer service [1]
How to realize a network application
1. Select a suitable network application architecture;
2. Determine the client process and server process according to the selected network application architecture;
3. Determine the port numbers of the client process and the server process;
4. Determine the IP addresses of the client process and the server process;
5. Select an appropriate application layer protocol;
6. Consider the services required by network applications. [3]

Functional features

The concepts and protocols belonging to applications are developing rapidly and widely used, which brings complexity and difficulty to the standardization of application functions. Compared with other layers, the application layer needs the most standards, but it is also the most immature layer. However, with the development of the application layer and the increase of various specific application services, a lot of research has been carried out on the standardization of application services, ISO Some international standards (IS) and Draft International Standards (DIS)。 Therefore, the main functions and characteristics of the application layer are described by introducing some general protocol standards.
It mainly provides interfaces between applications on any end of the network

Transport access and management

File shipping and remote file access are any computer network The two most commonly used applications. Document transportation and remote access The technology used is similar. It can be assumed that the file is located in File server On the machine, while the user is on the customer's machine and wants to read and write part The key technology to transport these files and support most modern file servers is virtual file storage, which is an abstract file server. Virtual file storage provides customers with a standardized Interface And a set of executable standardized operations. Hidden different internal parts of the actual file server Interface So that customers can only see the standard interface of virtual file storage, access and transport remote files application program , you may not need to know all the details of various incompatible file servers.


computer network upper E-mail The realization of communication mode A revolution of. E-mail The attraction of is that, like the telephone, it is fast and does not require both sides Are present at the same time, and leave written messages for processing or multiple delivery Copy
ISO mark
although E-mail It is considered as a special case of document transportation, but it has some special properties that are not common to all document transportation. Because, E-mail system First, a perfect human-computer interface should be considered, such as writing, editing and reading E-mail Of Interface Secondly, provide a postal service for transporting mail management function , such as managing mailing lists and submitting notice Etc. In addition, E-mail Another difference from general document transportation is that mail messages are the most highly structured text In many systems, in addition to its content, each message has a large number of additional information fields, including the sender's name and address , the name and address of the receiver, the date and time of posting, the list of persons receiving the carbon copy, the expiration date, and the importance Grade , security permissions, and many other additional information. In 1984, CCITT formulated a series of protocols proposed by X.400 called MHS (Message Processing System). ISO attempts to integrate them into the application layer of OSI, and calls them MOTIS (Message oriented positive switching system). Due to the lack of X.400 structure, this kind of absorption is not very simple. In 1988, X.400 was revised to match MOTIS Convergence. In this chapter we will introduce MHS.

Virtual terminal

Because of various reason It can be said that the work of terminal standardization has completely failed. The OSI method to solve this problem is to define a Virtual terminal In fact, it is only an abstraction of the actual terminal state An abstraction of data structure This abstraction data structure May be determined by keyboard And computer, and put the current state Reflected in monitor On. Computers can query this abstraction data structure And can change this abstract data structure to make screen The output appears on the.

Other functions

Other applications have been or are being standardized. Here, we would like to introduce directory services Remote job entry, graphics and information communication.
(1) directory services : It is similar to an electronic phone book, providing services for finding people or finding available services on the network address Method.
(2) Remote job entry: allows users working on one computer to submit jobs to another computer for execution.
(3) Graphics: It has the function of sending drawings to remote display and plotting.
(4) Information communication: for public use at home or office information service for example Intelligent telex , TV pictures and texts, etc.
Contact Control Service Element] ACSE and up] [2] sup] Submit, Concurrency and Restore CCR b]
With the development of the application layer, various specific application services have increased. Most of the application layer services defined in ISO7498 have
It is classified into the Common Application Service Element (CASE), and many applications have some common parts of data, almost
All of these applications need to manage connections. In order to avoid that every new application has to start from scratch, ISO decided to
Some public parts are standardized. The two most important are described below.
(1) Contact Control Service Element ACSE
The contact control service element provides the function of establishing application connections and releasing them normally or abnormally.
The so-called connection refers to the connection between two application entities; The contact control service element is the basic core subset of the application layer
The following ACSE primitives are proposed:
1) A-ASSOCIATE establishes a connection
2) A-RELEASE Release a contact
3) A-Abort initiated by ABORT user
4) A-P-ABORT provider initiated abortions
Each ACSE primitive has a one-to-one mapping relationship with the corresponding presentation layer service primitive, that is, application connection and presentation connection
It is established and released at the same time.
(2) Commit, Concurrency, and Recovery (CCR)
The main purpose of CCR is to coordinate several (interrelated) application contacts, which is the information processing of basic multi application contacts
Management tasks provide a safe and efficient environment. Almost all applications requiring reliable operation use CCR.
In the CCR model, data are divided into two categories: safety data and conventional data. The so-called safety data are those that can withstand
Data that failed to be used and can be re referenced after the application contact is restored to normal. It usually stores the security data outside
Part of the storage medium. In order to ensure the integrity and reliability of safety data, some specific rules should be used to modify it,
For example, specific blocking mechanism. The so-called regular data are those that are not saved in reliable storage during application contact
Data of the area. For example, in the buffer or work stack. When the application contact is damaged, these data will no longer be available.

Protocol Example



DNS was first established in 1983 by Paul Mocca Jos (Paul Mockapetris); The original technical specification is No. 882 Internet Standards Draft (RFC 882). Draft Nos. 1034 and 1035 issued in 1987 amended the DNS technical specifications and abolished the previous drafts Nos. 882 and 883. After that, the revision of the draft Internet standard basically did not involve the DNS technical specification part Changes to.
Early domain names must end with a period of "." so that DNS can resolve domain names. nowadays DNS server The ending period can be automatically filled in.
Currently, for domain names length The limit of is 63 characters, including www. and .com Or other extensions. The domain name is also limited to ASCII A subset of characters, which makes many other languages unable to correctly represent their name And words. The IDNA system based on Punycode code can translate Unicode character string Map to valid DNS character set , which has been verified and Registration Authority Adopted as a workaround.


The development of HTTP is the World Wide Web Consortium and the Internet Working Group( Internet Engineering Task Force )As a result of cooperation, (they) finally released a series of RFC The most famous one is RFC 2616. RFC 2616 defines HTTP protocol A widely used version of HTTP 1.1.
HTTP is a client And server-side request and response standards( TCP )。 Client is end user The server side is a website. through the use of Web browser Internet worm Or other tools, the client initiates a command to the server port (default port is 80) HTTP Request (We call this client) user agent (user agent)。 The response server stores (some) resources, such as HTML files and image (We call this response server the origin server.). There may be multiple middle layers between the user agent and the source server, such as the agent, gateway , or tunnel. although TCP/IP Protocol is the most popular application on the Internet. HTTP protocol does not regulations You must use it and (based on) the layers it supports. In fact, HTTP can be used in any other Internet Protocol Or on other networks. HTTP only assumes reliable transmission (provided by its underlying protocol), and any protocol that can provide this guarantee can be used by it. Usually, the HTTP client sends a request to establish a TCP connection to the server's designated port (port 80 by default). The HTTP server is there Port listening The request sent by the client. Once the request is received, the server sends back a state Line, such as "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", and (responsive) news The message body of the message may be the requested file, error message, or other information.
HTTP uses TCP instead of UDP reason Because (opening a) a web page must transmit a lot of data, and TCP The protocol provides transmission control, organizes data sequentially, and corrects errors. For details, please refer to "Differences between TCP and UDP".
The resources requested through HTTP or HTTPS protocol are Uniform Resource Locator (Uniform Resource Identifiers, or, more accurately, URIs).


The FTP service generally runs on ports 20 and 21. Port 20 is used for transmission between client and server data stream And port 21 is used for transmission control flow , and is command Import to ftp server. When data is transmitted through data stream, control flow Idle state And when control flow , the client's firewall , its session will be set as timeout, which will cause some problems when a large amount of data passes through the firewall. At this time, although the file can be successfully transferred, it will be disconnected by the firewall because of the control session; Some errors may occur during transmission.
Objectives of FTP:
Promote file sharing (computer programs or data), encourage indirect or implicit use of remote computers to shield users from different host The details of various file systems in the shortcoming
Passwords and file contents are transmitted in clear text, which may cause unwanted eavesdropping. Because a random port must be opened to establish a connection, it is difficult for the client to filter actively when a firewall exists pattern FTP traffic under. This problem has been solved by using FTP in passive mode. The server may be told to connect to a reserved port of a third-party computer. this mode When a large number of small files need to be transferred, the performance of FTP is poor. Although FTP can be directly used by the end user, it is designed to be controlled by the FTP client program.
Many sites running FTP services open anonymous services. Under this setting, users can log in to the server without an account. By default situation The user name of an anonymous user is "anonymous". This account does not need a password, although it usually requires you to enter the user's email address As the authentication password, this is just some details or the email address is not determined at all, but depends on FTP server Configuration of.
The application layer protocol provides rules for communication between applications. To ensure smooth communication, the application layer protocols implemented on the source host and the destination host must be consistent.
Functions of application layer protocol:
L Define the process for both communication parties;
L Define the message type;
L Define the message syntax;
L Define the meaning of any informational field;
L Define the way to send messages and the expected response;
Define the interaction with the next layer. [1]