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emergency communication

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The modern sense of emergency communication generally refers to the communication means and methods required for comprehensive utilization of various communication resources to ensure rescue, emergency rescue and necessary communication in case of natural or man-made emergencies, including important holidays, conferences and other communication needs, which is temporary Special communication mechanism provided for natural or man-made emergencies.
Chinese name
emergency communication
Foreign name
emergency communication
Applied discipline
signal communication


What is "emergency communication"?
The term "emergency communication" may seem strange and professional to many people, but if we talk about the early human emergency communication means such as "pigeon sending letters", "beacon fire is urgent", "chicken feather letter", we can certainly understand.
Based on the understanding of the concept of "emergency", "emergency communication" is the communication that supports the response to emergencies. The English corresponding to "emergency communication" is "emergency communication". Literally translated into Chinese is "emergency communication". The meaning of this translation is generally close, but it is still not accurate.
In addition, the other two English languages are often used internationally:
Disaster Reduction Communication (TDR, Telecommunications for Disaster Relief), It means to provide equipment for internal or external communication in the disaster area, which is specific to equipment.
Emergency communication service (ETS, Emergency Telecommunications Service), It means that the existing telecommunication network and business system are used to support emergency communication services.
From the analysis of emergency concept factors, it is obvious that emergency communication is not a communication mode, but a group of communication modes with different attributes that support different emergency needs.
Figure 1-1 is the functional structure diagram of emergency communication. It can be seen from the functional structure diagram of emergency communication that emergency communication may be divided into 6 × 2 × 3=36 emergency communication systems according to different use requirements. For example:
(1) Communication system supporting national monitoring and prediction of major emergencies;
(2) Communication system to support local detection and handling of emergencies;
(3) The communication system supporting the top commander in the disaster area to implement on-site command;
(4) Communication system supporting on-site rescue;
(5) Live TV relay system;
(6) On site emergency communication technical support system in disaster area;
(7) Self rescue and emergency call communication of people in disaster areas;
(8) Public communication in disaster areas.
Figure 1-1 Functional structure of emergency communication
According to the functional structure diagram of emergency communication, there may be 36 emergency communication systems, but some of them have similar communication requirements, and some of them can be supported by public communication systems. Therefore, there are not so many emergency communication systems actually needed. But it is certain that emergency communication is not one kind but a variety of communication systems.

Usage requirements

At present, China has recognized the importance of emergency communication system, so various departments in China have configured many emergency communication systems and equipment, and accumulated considerable experience in use. However, there are still many problems worth discussing about the functional requirements and system construction of emergency communication. For example, at an emergency communication system appraisal meeting hosted by the Emergency Response Office of the State Council, emergency communication executives from many national departments attended the meeting and discussed many basic issues, including the following.
1. Whether emergency communication needs "communication in motion"
Some people say that the existing satellite communication vehicles communicate intermittently when moving on the gravel road, which cannot meet the use requirements; Some people say that static communication is enough to reach the destination, and "communication in motion" is unnecessary and impossible on the gravel road.
2. What kind of vehicle is needed for emergency communication
Some people say that the communication vehicle should ensure sufficient capacity, load and off-road performance. Some people say that there is no such vehicle now.
3. Whether the emergency communication needs encryption
Some people say that emergency communication does not need encryption. Some people say that emergency communication must be encrypted. Someone said that according to the current regulations, no matter how the emergency communication is encrypted, it is against the regulations.
4. Whether emergency communication is broadband or narrowband
Some people say that emergency communication should be narrow-band in order to simplify; Others said that emergency communication should be broadband in order to improve; Others say that narrowband services should be separated from broadband services, otherwise no communication equipment can meet the requirements.
5. What kind of service quality does the image service need
One use requirement is to ensure dynamic image service and broadcast level dynamic image service; Another use requirement is that it is not necessary to guarantee broadcast level dynamic image services, but only to provide high-definition still image services, such as disaster assessment.
It can be seen that some requirements for the use of emergency communication facilities in China's emergency communication industry have not been unified. Unfortunately, the emergency communication supervisor has not paid enough attention to the general requirements for the use of emergency communication, so the general requirements for the use of various emergency communications have not been comprehensively and thoroughly discussed. Its consequences may lead to serious defects in the emergency communication technology system.


It has been stated in the discussion of emergency concept that all emergencies need to be monitored and predicted in advance. The purpose of this is to send the prediction of possible emergencies as early as possible, and to find and prove that disasters have occurred as soon as possible. This requires the communication system to support the emergency monitoring and prediction system.
Prior to the occurrence of emergencies, the demand for emergency communication can be divided into two categories: monitoring and forecasting of national major emergencies, and daily response to local frequent emergencies. Major national emergencies include earthquake, flood, fire, epidemic, terrorist events, etc; Local frequent emergencies include: local criminal cases, political turmoil, terrorist events, etc. These monitoring and prediction need the support of communication system.
1. Communication system requirements to support national major emergency monitoring and prediction
(1) Support the prediction and confirmation of national major emergencies.
(2) Telecommunication services: mainly a large number of data services.
(3) Working environment: Establish fixed monitoring and prediction centers of government departments at all levels, which can collect monitoring and measurement data from all over the country.
(4) Design objectives: ensure service quality, improve network resource utilization efficiency as far as possible, improve telecom network security as far as possible, and keep information content as confidential as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: the government at all levels of the country manages vertically, and the government at all levels monitors and measures whether an emergency has occurred in their jurisdiction; Each functional department of the government conducts horizontal management, and each functional department of the government monitors and measures whether emergencies have occurred in relevant functions. It can be seen that this kind of monitoring and measurement involves many national departments, which are monitored and measured through two vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical and horizontal management lines are finally attributed to the central government.
2. Communication system requirements to support local emergencies
(1) Basic purpose: support the discovery and handling of local emergencies.
(2) Telecommunication service
- Alarm service: fixed telephone, fixed fax, mobile phone; The traffic is required to meet the alarm needs of the whole city or the whole jurisdiction area.
- Police handling business: data, television, fixed line telephone, fixed fax, mobile phone; The traffic is required to meet the police handling needs of the whole city or the whole jurisdiction area.
(3) Working environment: Build a fixed command center to ensure that the command center can communicate with the whole city or jurisdiction.
(4) Design objectives: ensure service quality, improve network resource utilization efficiency as far as possible, improve telecom network security as far as possible, and keep information content as confidential as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: each city or jurisdiction manages independently, routinely submits to the direct superior for instructions, and cooperates with neighboring cities or regions.

Communication requirements

It has been explained in the discussion of emergency concept that the first priority after an emergency is undoubtedly rescue. There may be an unusually large amount of organizational work. The rescue work after an emergency is a short-term, highly intensive group behavior that requires extensive coordination. This requires that the emergency communication system must be able to effectively support these rescue work.
After an emergency, the demand for emergency communication can be divided into five categories.
1. Communication system requirements to support the top commander in disaster area to implement on-site command
(1) Basic purpose: support the top commander in disaster area to conduct on-site command.
(2) Telecommunication services: fixed telephone, fixed conference telephone, television and image; The business volume requirements really meet the needs of the highest commander in the disaster area.
(3) Working environment: special mobile command post shall be configured to cover the whole disaster area with the command post as the center and command all groups participating in on-site rescue; At the same time, it can maintain hotline communication with the central and nearby municipal governments, provincial governments and military bases.
(4) Design objectives: ensure service quality, ensure information content security, improve telecom network security as far as possible, and improve network resource utilization efficiency as far as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: only one on-site rescue command post is set in a disaster area, and an emergency communication network supporting the top command is configured.
2. Communication system needs to support on-site rescue
(1) Basic purpose: support the on-site rescue commander to command.
(2) Telecommunication service: mobile phone service.
(3) Working environment: In the limited area where rescue is carried out, the rescuers should carry it with them.
(4) Design objective: ensure the quality of the telephone and make the equipment as portable as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: each rescue group is configured with one set to support coordination between leaders and group members of the on-site rescue group.
3. Requirements for live TV relay system
(1) Basic purpose: support the rebroadcast of on-site conditions.
(2) Telecommunication service: live TV service.
(3) Working environment: video rebroadcast of on-site conditions in the disaster area.
(4) Design objective: to ensure the quality of TV and make the equipment as portable as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: one disaster area is configured with several sets of video broadcast systems to provide CCTV programs for selection.
4. Need for on-site emergency communication technical support system in disaster area
(1) Basic purpose: support interworking, network access and extending transmission distance between different frequency and different system radios.
(2) Telecommunication services: various existing military or civilian train mounted radio services.
(3) Working environment: disaster area site.
(4) Design objective: ensure interoperability and make the equipment as light as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: several sets of mobile technical support vehicles are configured in one disaster area as required.
5. Communication requirements for self rescue and emergency call of people in disaster areas
(1) Basic purpose: support people in disaster areas to help themselves and call for help.
(2) Telecommunication services: telephone and various possible distress signals.
(3) Working environment: disaster area site.
(4) Design goal: use various possible facilities to send as many distress signals as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: use all possible facilities.
6. The needs of people in disaster areas for external communication
(1) If the emergency does not completely destroy the local public telecommunications network, then the external communication of the people in the disaster area mainly depends on the remaining public telecommunications network resources. However, at this time, the rescue commander in the disaster area must first compete for these precious telecommunications network resources. Therefore, each telecommunication company must supplement the communication capacity.
(2) If an emergency completely destroys the local public telecommunications network, then the public telecommunications company must configure a mobile telecommunications network to eliminate the communication blind zone.

Restoration and reconstruction

After the occurrence of an emergency, after the basic food and clothing of the affected people has been solved, the work will be transferred to recovery and reconstruction. At the initial stage of recovery and reconstruction, some field support may still be needed, while some emergency communication system support is still needed. In the later stage of junior high school reconstruction, it mainly depends on local self-reliance. At this time, the public communication system has been restored, which is enough to support the recovery and reconstruction of the disaster area. At this time, the emergency communication system is no longer needed. If necessary, the communication system supporting the monitoring and prediction of national major emergencies and the communication system supporting local multiple emergencies should resume normal operation.

Usage requirements

1. Requirements for the use of communication systems to support the monitoring and prediction of national major emergencies
(1) Basic purpose: support the prediction and confirmation of national major emergencies.
(2) Telecommunication services: mainly a large number of data services.
(3) Working environment: covering the whole country.
(4) Design objectives: ensure service quality, improve network resource utilization efficiency as far as possible, improve telecom network security as far as possible, and keep information content as confidential as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: various national departments build fixed monitoring and forecasting centers.
2. Requirements for the use of communication systems to support local emergencies
(1) Basic purpose: support the discovery and handling of local emergencies.
(2) Telecommunication service: alarm service and police handling service.
(3) Working environment: communicate with the whole city or jurisdiction.
(4) Design objective: ensure the service quality and improve the efficiency of network resource utilization as much as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: each city or jurisdiction manages independently.
3. Requirements for the use of the communication system to support the top commander in the disaster area to carry out on-site command
(1) Basic purpose: support the top commander in disaster area to conduct on-site command.
(2) Telecommunication services: fixed telephone, fixed conference telephone, television, image and other services.
(3) Working environment: covering the whole disaster area.
(4) Design objectives: ensure service quality, ensure information content security, improve telecom network security as far as possible, and improve network resource utilization efficiency as far as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: set up a top command post for on-site rescue, and configure an emergency communication network to support the top command.
4. Requirements for use of communication system supporting on-site rescue
(1) Basic purpose: support the on-site rescue commander to command.
(2) Telecommunication service: mobile phone service.
(3) Working environment: In the limited area where rescue is carried out, the rescuers should carry it with them.
(4) Design objective: ensure the quality of the telephone and make the equipment as portable as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: each rescue group is configured with a set of system.
5. Requirements for the use of live TV relay system
(1) Basic purpose: support the rebroadcast of on-site conditions.
(2) Telecommunication service: live TV service.
(3) Working environment: video rebroadcast of on-site conditions in disaster areas.
(4) Design objective: to ensure the quality of TV and make the equipment as portable as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: one disaster area is configured with several sets of video broadcast systems.
6. Requirements for the use of on-site emergency communication technical support system in disaster areas
(1) Basic purpose: support interworking and network access between different frequency and different system radios.
(2) Telecommunication services: the existing services of various military or civilian train mounted radios.
(3) Working environment: disaster area site.
(4) Design objective: ensure interoperability and make the equipment as light as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: several sets of mobile technical support vehicles are configured in one disaster area as required.
7. Use requirements for self rescue and emergency call communication of people in disaster areas
(1) Basic purpose: support people in disaster areas to help themselves and call for help.
(2) Telecommunication services: telephone and various possible distress signals.
(3) Working environment: disaster area site.
(4) Design goal: send the distress signal as far as possible.
(5) Usage configuration: use all possible facilities.
8. Requirements for the use of public communication in disaster areas
(1) Basic purpose: to provide ordinary communication for people in disaster areas.
(2) Telecommunication service: telephone and short message service.
(3) Working environment: disaster area site.
(4) Design objective: no special requirements.
(5) Usage configuration: expand the communication capacity as much as possible.

Communication command

The concept of "emergency communication" is often associated with the concept of "emergency communication command". Therefore, some people often cite the concept of "military communication command", which has both advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspect is to seek laws as far as possible and formulate response plans to improve command efficiency; The disadvantage is that the national financial resources are difficult to support, even with equipment, it is unable to support applications. War is a matter of life and death for a country, and it is imperative to pay a heavy price. To this end, the State has established the Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff, the Academy of Military Sciences, the General Armament Department and a large number of subordinate equipment research institutes. It is applied to permanent command post with complete facilities, mobile command post and individual soldiers. If the emergency communication is also carried out in the same way, and the response to emergencies involves almost all departments in the country, and the emergencies are diverse, who will be responsible for the overall management? If it is difficult to achieve overall management at the moment, divisional construction will inevitably occur. If every department is as perfect as the "battle command post", will the national financial resources be allowed? Even if allowed, is it possible to achieve the desired effect?
Looking back, let's look at the basic situation of emergency response.
Before an emergency occurs, it is necessary to monitor and predict whether it is possible to happen? Has it happened? At this time, extensive and continuous monitoring and prediction are required. For example, monitoring and forecasting of emergencies such as earthquakes, floods and epidemics. At this time, all kinds of monitoring and prediction systems are directly needed. These systems need the support of communication systems, and the main construction cost of these monitoring and prediction systems is the construction cost of communication systems. These systems usually do not need to list command function requirements separately. There may be simple command function requirements, which can usually be realized by basic communication functions.
In the rescue stage after the emergency, that is, within a few days of possible life, a large number of groups carry out extensive collaborative and high-intensity rescue behaviors. At this time, the most important thing is unified communication and command. The question is what kind of communication command is needed? What kind of communication command can be realized? In general, this is a matter of keeping pace with the times. Today can only adopt today's systems and methods, and tomorrow will inevitably adopt tomorrow's systems and methods. Today's real problem is that the simple vehicle command post can provide, but the communication transmission system is not available, or the communication capacity cannot meet the demand. It seems that in reality, the emergency communication problem must be solved first.
In the recovery and reconstruction phase after the emergency, the public communication has been restored and can be supported by the public communication network. Emergency communication is no longer a problem. At the same time, the commander can make full use of military hardware system facilities and develop application software by himself. Thus, command is no longer a problem. For example, the unified system of urban linkage supports the perfect fixed command post by using the perfect communication system, and the unified system of urban linkage successfully supports the acceptance and handling of emergencies at the grass-roots level of the city at any time.

Existential significance

In today's society, the increasing number of large-scale assembly events brings great pressure to the existing communication system; At the same time, a series of emergencies, such as earthquakes, fires, terrorist events, constantly test the working ability and efficiency of the government and its corresponding functional institutions. Improving the adaptability and response speed of the government and its main functional organs has increasingly become a focus topic. In large gatherings, tens of thousands of people gather together, and the communication facilities in some areas are saturated. Serious overload will paralyze communication until it is interrupted; In the case of fire protection, when the building is seriously damaged, the communication facilities in the building are basically paralyzed, while the public communication network around the site cannot complete the command and dispatching function, and the support for images and videos is relatively low; In the process of public security handling cases, especially major terrorist events, national and local leaders need to master the situation of the crime scene in real time. At this time, image and video monitoring are particularly prominent; What's more, in the face of destructive natural disasters (such as the last Wenchuan earthquake), infrastructure, including communication facilities, transportation facilities, power facilities, etc., has been completely destroyed. The disaster area is isolated to a certain extent, and all on-site information needs to be collected, sent, and fed back in real time. In all these cases, wireless emergency communication system is crucial.
The emergency communication system plays the role of "pioneer" in timely, accurate and unimpeded transmission of first-hand information when the city operation suffers from sudden disasters or accidents, and is the central nerve for decision-makers to correctly command rescue and disaster relief. Only when a sudden disaster comes, the emergency communication can deliver the rescue and relief information in a timely, accurate and unblocked manner, rather than the dumb and blind in an emergency, can we control the first pass of urban safety management. For example, on May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan. The communication system in Wenchuan and other county-level disaster areas was completely blocked, and the efficient and convenient communication network in the past was destroyed and paralyzed. The Internet and communication links of the four major operators, Netcom, Telecom, Mobile and Unicom, were all interrupted in the disaster area. Long distance and local telephone traffic in Sichuan and other places has increased to more than 10 times of daily traffic, while the traffic of Chengdu Unicom has reached 7 times of normal traffic, and the SMS traffic is twice of normal traffic. In addition, the power failure has caused transmission interruption, and the telephone connection rate is half of the normal average. The SMS transmission is slow, and the whole disaster area has suddenly become an "information island".
Under different circumstances, there are different requirements for emergency communication.
(1) In case of sudden traffic peak due to various reasons, emergency communication should avoid network congestion or blocking to ensure that users can use communication services normally. The communication network can be expanded or lightened by means of adding relays, emergency communication vehicles, overload control of switches and other technical means. At any time, it is necessary to ensure the normal dispatching command and other communications of the command and dispatching department.
(2) In case of traffic accidents, environmental pollution and other accidents and disasters, or public health events such as infectious disease epidemics and food safety, the communication network should first ensure important communication and command communication through emergency means, so as to achieve the emergency objectives of the above natural disasters and meet the above needs. In addition, due to the infectivity of environmental pollution, ecological damage and other events, it is also necessary to monitor the site and report the monitoring results to the command center in a timely manner.
(3) In case of terrorist attacks, economic security and other social security events, on the one hand, emergency means should be used to ensure important communication and command communication; On the other hand, it is necessary to prevent terrorists or other illegal elements from using communication networks to carry out terrorist activities or other activities endangering social security, that is, tracking and locating saboteurs through communication networks, inhibiting some or all communications, and preventing the use of communication networks for sabotage.
(4) In case of flood, drought, earthquake, forest and grassland fire and other natural disasters, the communication network may have two situations:
The failure of the communication network itself caused by natural disasters caused communication interruption. The network was rebuilt after the disaster. The communication network ensured important communication and command communication through emergency means. The goal of emergency communication is to use various management and technical means to recover communication as soon as possible, ensure the normal use of communication services by users, and achieve the following goals, namely, the communication between the emergency command center/linkage platform and the site is smooth; Promptly release, adjust or cancel alert information to users; Ensure the interconnection and data exchange between national emergency platforms; Dredge communication network traffic in disaster areas, prevent network congestion, and ensure normal use of users.

Other related

The regional space emergency communication system uses the floating platform as the carrier to form a regional space communication network, recover the mobile communication information damaged on the ground, and solve the remote command and dispatching problems based on video and voice. The system mainly includes three parts: floating platform, ground system and user terminal.
The regional space emergency communication system has six main characteristics: providing efficient and wide coverage; Flexible and quick deployment; Applicable to a variety of complex environments and major disasters; Provide high bandwidth, with the minimum transmission rate of 2Mbit/s, meeting the transmission requirements of real-time video; Compatible with existing ground and satellite communication systems; Provide reliable priority services, effectively avoid network congestion, and ensure the command and dispatching of emergency and disaster relief departments.
The regional space emergency communication system has a good application prospect. It can often be used well in the communication environment where the ground system is damaged greatly. In addition to disaster relief, space emergency communication system will play an important role in conference support, national defense and other aspects.
Near space emergency communication is mainly suitable for various major disasters, with the ability of rapid and low-cost deployment, and can reduce the communication recovery time to 8 hours or even 4 hours.
China has already had the research foundation for developing space communication. Space based emergency communication can effectively solve the problems of emergency relief and ensuring the smooth flow of information in the face of frequent natural disasters, which has huge economic and social benefits.