
City of Mato Grosso, Brazil
zero Useful+1
Cuiaba (Portuguese: Cuiab á) is located in Brazil Mato Grosso It is also the capital of the state, with a population of 508156 (2003).
Chinese name
Foreign name
Portuguese: Cuiab á
Mato Grosso, Brazil
population size
508156 (2003)
Famous scenic spot
Handicraft Museum
Mareshar Longdong International Airport
165 m
Highway hub from Brasilia to Port Viliu

brief introduction

Kuyaba Satellite Map
A city in central and western Brazil, the capital of Mato Grosso. be located Paraguay River Upper source Cuyaba River The left bank, 165 meters above sea level, is the geometric center of South America. The population is 168000 (1980). 1719 Built to mine gold, 1818 Set up a city. Near the trade center of agricultural and pastoral areas and the distribution center of rubber and coconut in the north. Export cattle, dried beef, sugar, leather and wine. Waterway Columba (644 km). Brasilia to Weiliu Port Highway hub. There is an airport. In 1970, it set up Mato Grosso Federal University. meanwhile 2014 Brazil World Cup Also in Cuyaba


With a unique geographical location, Cuyaba is the starting point for many tourist destinations in Brazil. It is known as the "gateway to the Amazon", and it is also the destination for the Bandanau Everglade( Pantanal Marsh )And other nearby natural scenic spots.
Kuyaba Architecture
The residents of Kuyaba in the early days of its founding were composed of cavalry explorers, aborigines and black slaves. Cuyaba, with a history of nearly 300 years, has churches and museums during the colonial period, and there are many archaeological sites nearby.
This city derived from ethnic mix has a coordinate representing the geographical center of the South American continent, which is used by Marshal Ganjido Hongdong to calculate that Kuyaba is just located in the pacific ocean and Atlantic Half of the distance between the location, and ordered people to build a geographical coordinate there. Nevertheless, there is also a coordinate of the geographical center of the South American continent in the Jimaliance Platform. Kuyaba is close to the Jimaliance Terrace National Park (Kimaras Highland National Park) and many places famous for their natural scenery, such as Santo Anton Newtown Duvivagel, which is rich in desserts and drinks made from local fruits, and Santo Gonzalo, where craftsmen live.

delicious food

Fruit liqueur and "De Lei Lei" iced tea


The waterway is connected to Kolumba (644km), the highway hub from Brasilia to Port Viliu, and there is an airport.

scenic spot

The Handicraft Museum is located in the home of craftsmen. It has about 400 pieces of handicrafts made of wood and leather, all made by local craftsmen. The museum building was built in 1910. It was originally a school. In 1975, it became a home for craftsmen. It was abolished in 1985, and was repaired and put into use again recently by the government of Madu Grosso State (Mato Grosso State).