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Qingyuan Mansion

Historical administrative region
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Today Hebei Province Zhaoxian County, Ningjin County, Gaoyi County, Baixiang County, Zanhuang County and the northern part of Lincheng County and Longyao County. Jinfu was renamed Zhaozhou.
Chinese name
Qingyuan Mansion
Subordinate regions
Pingji County (Now Hebei Zhaoxian County
this Hebei Province Some regions
Qingyuan Mansion Northern Song Dynasty Rise in the first year of Xuanhe (1119) Zhaozhou Place Pingji County (Now Hebei Zhaoxian County )。 Its jurisdiction is quite modern Hebei Province Zhaoxian County, Ningjin County, Gaoyi County, Baixiang County, Zanhuang County and the northern part of Lincheng County and Longyao County. Jinfu was renamed Zhaozhou.