Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot

National 5A Tourist Attraction in Handan, Hebei Province
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synonym Guangfu ancient city (Guangfu Ancient City) Generally refers to Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area
Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot [5] , referred to as Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot, is located in Handan, Hebei Province Yongnian District Guangfu Ancient City is a tourist attraction with profound historical and cultural heritage, beautiful scenery in the northern water town and a long history of Tai Chi culture. It is a unique ancient city, water city and Tai Chi city in China. [6]
The ancient city of Guangfu has a history of more than 2600 years. The perimeter of the ancient city wall is 4.5 kilometers, and the area of the city is 1.5 square kilometers. The ancient city of Guangfu is located in the Yongnianwa with an area of 46000 mu. Around the city wall of Guangfu is a moat of 5 kilometers and 100 meters wide. Outside the moat is a wetland. "One city, two waters" has become a unique landscape of Guangfu. The low-lying lake has accumulated water all the year round, known as the "Little Jiangnan in the North". Guangfu Ancient City is the birthplace of Yang and Wu style Taijiquan, the birthplace of Yang Luchan and Wu Yuxiang. It is the hometown of Taijiquan. Taijiquan has gone from Guangfu to the whole country and the world. [6] [17] Relying on the ancient city of Guangfu, Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot focuses on promoting the former residence of Yang Luchan, the former residence of Wu Yuxiang, Guangfu Museum, the government office, Fu Gong Memorial Temple, Guangfu Water Street and other scenic spots, creating a world wide Taijiquan cultural tourism destination integrating sightseeing in the ancient city, Tai Chi sports, Tai Chi health, ancient city exploration, and wetland leisure. [25]
On February 25, 2017, Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area was recognized by the National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China as National AAAAA Tourist Attraction [22]
Chinese name
Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot [5]
geographical position
Guangfu Town, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province
climatic conditions
Temperate semi humid continental monsoon climate
Opening Hours
Winter 08:30-17:30; 08:30-17:00, Monday to Friday
Scenic spot level
Ticket Price
Free Admission (The scenic spots in the scenic spot are charged separately)

Development history

On June 26, 2020, the renovation project of Guangfu Ancient City has been fully launched, which will carry out rescue repairs to the ancient city wall of Guangfu, and repair and reinforce the east gate platform, west gate wall, and south gate wall of Guangfu Ancient City. [32]
In July 2002, the Qinghui Academy in Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area was rebuilt in the north of the Third Experimental School in Yongnian District, Handan City. The first phase of the project was completed on December 30 of the same year, and the office area, Qinghui Hall, Juxian Hall, Churi Pavilion and Stele Gallery were newly built. [31]
In August 2003, the second phase project of Qinghui Academy in Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area was completed, and Zhaoxian Hall, Benshutang, Junyuan Stele Gallery, Xiangyuan Pavilion, Fufang Pavilion, Lotus Pond, Jade Belt Bridge, etc. were newly built. [31]
On September 10, 2021, the water sightseeing channel in Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area will be open to navigation. [27]

geographical environment


Location context

Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot is located in Guangfu Town, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province, 25 kilometers away from Linmingguan, the seat of the district government. [1]

Yongnian Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot

Guangfu Special Line to Guangfu Town, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province


topographic features

Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot is located in one of the three low-lying lakes in Hebei Province with an area of 46000 mu Yongnianwa In the center, around the city wall of Guangfu, there is a moat around 5 kilometers. The average elevation of the land surface of Wadian Lake is 41 meters. The lake has accumulated water for many years, which is praised as the "Little Jiangnan Lake in the North" and the "Second Baiyang Lake". [4]
Aerial photography of Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot in Handan

Climatic characteristics

The climate of Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot in Handan City has a typical temperate semi humid continental monsoon climate, characterized by four distinct seasons, mild climate, sufficient sunshine, hot rain in the same season, and drought in the same period. The prevailing wind direction in the year is the south wind. [1]

hydrographic features

The Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot in Handan City is located in the southern edge of the North China Plain, surrounded by Yongnian low-lying land. The geographical environment of the plain wetland is obvious. The existing water surface in the depression is mostly artificial fish ponds, reed marshes, lotus lakes and other natural wetlands. [2]
 Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot
Guangfu Ancient City Moat

Main attractions


Ancient city and city wall

The ancient city and its walls are now key cultural relics under national protection. In the Spring and Autumn Period, it was called Quliang. In the Han Dynasty, it belonged to Guangping State and Guangping Prefecture. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, in the 20th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (496), Guangping Prefecture was moved to Quliang City. In the Sui Dynasty, it was called Guangnian City and Yongnian City. In the Tang Dynasty, it was also called Mingzhou. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was called Guangping Road Administration, and in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was called Guangping Prefecture Administration. Before the Yuan Dynasty, the city wall of Guangfu was an earthen city. The existing city wall is the city wall of the Ming Dynasty, with east and west porcelain cities, four city gates, turrets, towers and other buildings, which epitomizes the architectural art of ancient Chinese city walls. The streets in the city maintain the scale and direction of the streets in the Ming Dynasty, and many Qing Dynasty residences are well preserved. Since the establishment of the county in the Western Han Dynasty, the city has been the county seat. Since then, the prefectures, prefectures, and counties had their offices here, becoming the political, economic, military, and cultural center of southern Hebei at that time. In the second year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (619), Dou Jiande established his capital in the city, with the country name of Xia. According to Lu Tai of the Ming Dynasty, "Guangjun connects Yanzhuo in the north, Zhengwei in the south, Qilu in the east, Qin and Jin dynasties in the west, and is known as a metropolis between Zhanghe in the history." According to Yongnian County Annals of the Qing Dynasty, "The old city wall was built by scholars, with a circumference of 6 miles and 240 steps. It was expanded to 9 miles and 13 steps in the Yuan Dynasty, square, 3 zhang and 5 feet high, and 2 zhang and 5 feet wide. The four gates, Yanghe in the east, Baohe in the west, and Zhenyuan in the south, were rebuilt during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty. In the 21st year of Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty (1542), the city walls were raised with bricks and stones, on which four city towers, four corner towers, and 26 shops were built. There were 29 roads built in, and the walls were covered with doors. In the 43rd year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1564), Cui Dade, the magistrate, built four more urn cities to prevent water disasters and wars. In the 12th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty (1639), 1752 old battlements were changed to 876, 57 additional shops were added, and the battlements walls were raised by 3 feet, and heavy gate towers were added outside each urn city. In the seventh year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1668) of the Qing Dynasty, the city was flooded and destroyed in several places. Later, it was repaired. In the seventh year of Tongzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1868), Duokou was added and the East, West and North Guanguan Pavilions were built. " The streets in the city are four streets, eight lanes and seventy-two lanes. [8]
 Ancient city and city wall Ancient city and city wall Ancient city and city wall Ancient city and city wall
Ancient city and city wall

Guangping Prefecture

Guangping Prefecture is one of the three famous prefectures in the south of the city in history. It is located at the north end of the north-south central axis of the ancient city of Guangfu, facing the South Street, with high architectural regulation. The government office was built on the original site of Wan Chunguan, built by King Dou Jiande of Xia Dynasty in the early Tang Dynasty. According to the Guangping Prefecture Annals of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, the original date of the government office is unknown, only stating that it was destroyed by war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. In the eighth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1375), the magistrate Shi Zhao rebuilt. In the 15th year of Wanli (1587) and the 9th year of Chongzhen (1636) of the Ming Dynasty, the prefects Jiang Yizhong and Cheng Shichang were rebuilt. Since the Qing Dynasty, fifteen prefects have repaired or added other buildings. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), the county magistrate Xu Zhizhou built it again. After reconstruction, the government office covers an area of about 53000 square meters, with a construction area of more than 5600 square meters, 19 courtyards and more than 160 houses. The architectural pattern is symmetrical in the middle axis, and the southernmost end is built with the Yimen Gate. On both sides of the Yimen Gate, the six branches of the government offices are arranged in order according to the tradition of "the left is written and the right is written" and "the upper is written" and "the lower is written". On the east side, from north to south, there are the official branch, the household branch, and the ritual branch. On the west side, from north to south, there are the military branch, the criminal branch, and the engineering branch, corresponding to the six branches of the imperial court. The main hall of Guangping Government Office is the core institution of the whole government. It is the place where the prefecture magistrate welcomes and sees off the imperial edict, holds large-scale celebrations, and hears major cases. On the east side of the central axis of the government office are the East Living Room, the Horse God Temple, the Grand Flower Hall, the East Lake of the stage, the kitchen, etc., and on the west side are the West Living Room, the Lotus Pond of the Staff Room, the officials, Ziyi Pavilion, the accounting room and other buildings. [9]
 Guangping Prefecture Guangping Prefecture Guangping Prefecture Guangping Prefecture Guangping Prefecture Guangping Prefecture
Guangping Prefecture

Former Residence of Yang Luchan

The former residence of Yang Luchan, located in Nanguan, Guangfucheng, is now a key cultural relics protection unit in Hebei Province. There were two original courtyards in the north and south. The north courtyard was a residence, and the south courtyard was a shop. The ancient land area was 980 square meters, but it had already been destroyed. The former residence is divided into two courtyards in the east and west. There were five tea houses, upper rooms, accessory rooms, martial arts hall and other buildings. After the first China Yongnian International Taijiquan Friendship Conference in 1991, in order to promote the Taiji culture, the Yongnian County Government established the Preparatory Committee for Yang Luchan's Former Residence, which was rebuilt and built on the original site in 1992. The front and rear courtyards of the former residence are the northern Qing style buildings. [10]
 Former Residence of Yang Luchan Former Residence of Yang Luchan Former Residence of Yang Luchan Former Residence of Yang Luchan Former Residence of Yang Luchan Former Residence of Yang Luchan
Former Residence of Yang Luchan

Former Residence of Wu Yuxiang

The former residence of Wu Yuxiang, located in the East Street of the city (also known as Yingchun Street), covers an area of 9000 square meters, with 75 original houses and 42 existing ones, belonging to the buildings built during the reign of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty. There is a spacious and bright car house on the earth cover at the south side of the front yard. The north of the car house is the main building of Wu Yuxiang's former residence. The building complex faces south from north and consists of three axes: east, west and center. The building on the middle axis is the axis of the house, which is a common three entry quadrangle in the north. On both sides of the central axis building complex, there were two axis buildings in the east and the west. Although it was also a three entry quadrangle, its architectural nature, style, and buildings on the central axis were basically the same, but its architectural scale and house height were slightly lower, and the decoration was also relatively simple. The east is a private house, and the west is left with two study rooms in the south section of the axis. In the backyard of the former Wushi residence, there used to be a back garden 60 meters wide from east to west and 40 meters long from south to north. There are lush flowers and trees in the garden. There are rockeries, lotus pools, pavilions, turtle ponds and martial arts training grounds, which are no longer there. [11]
 Former Residence of Wu Yuxiang Former Residence of Wu Yuxiang Former Residence of Wu Yuxiang Former Residence of Wu Yuxiang Former Residence of Wu Yuxiang
Former Residence of Wu Yuxiang

Hongji Bridge

Hongji Bridge is located in Dongqiao Village, 25 kilometers east of Guangfu Town, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province, across the Fuyang River from east to west. Hongji Bridge is a single hole double open shoulder stone arch bridge built of bluestone. The big arch looks like a rainbow flying frame, with two small arches on each end, which is magnificent in shape. The east and west of the bridge are 48.9 meters long and 6.82 meters wide. The main arch spans 31.88 meters and has a rise height of 6.02 meters. It is composed of 18 single arches arranged longitudinally. The arches and stones are tied together by iron. The outside is carved with dragon heads, phoenix, two dragons playing with pearls, etc. On the outside of the small coupon at the west end, there are flying dragons, tangled flowers, etc. On both sides of the bridge deck, there are 18 square pillars, and on the top, there are lions, monkeys, peaches, etc. 34 balustrades and 4 drum stones are carved with animals, flowers, plants and relevant historical allusions. The "Hongji Bridge" inscribed on the outer side of the fence in the middle of the bridge is signed as "Established by Jia Yingbi, the prefect of Guangping Prefecture, Tui Guan Gongchen, Tongji Zhouping, Tongzhi Dong Xuan, and established in October, the 10th anniversary of Wanli." At the bridge head, there was a monument rebuilt in the 14th year of Daoguang. Hongji Bridge, also known as the sister bridge of Zhaozhou Bridge, was announced by the State Council as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units in May 2006. [12]
 Hongji Bridge Hongji Bridge Hongji Bridge Hongji Bridge Hongji Bridge
Hongji Bridge

Wujia Courtyard

Wujia Courtyard is located in Dunshi Street, south of Guangfu East Street. It was the former residence of Wu Ruqing. It is a large-scale residence pattern of three grade officials with four entrances and three exits. Now it basically preserves its original appearance. It is a traditional large-scale official residence with four entrances and three exits. It is the most complete and largest existing large-scale residence in Guangfu, and has high historical value of cultural relics and artistic aesthetic value. The Wujia Courtyard is a courtyard with three sections along the east, middle and west axes. There are quadrangles and garden squares in the east, private schools and theaters in the west. [13]
 Wujia Courtyard Wujia Courtyard Wujia Courtyard Wujia Courtyard
Wujia Courtyard

Sweet Dew Temple

Ganlu Temple is located in the south of the road, 300 meters away from the Dongguan of Guangfu Ancient City, Yongnian District, Hebei Province. It is adjacent to the Small Forest Park in the east, a thousand mu ecological sightseeing park in the south, Dongguan New Village in the ancient city of Guangfu in the west, and the famous Taiji Square and Silicon Valley Chemical Industrial Park in the north. It is a famous millennium temple in southern Hebei. Ganlu Temple was first built in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Like the ancient city of Guangfu, it has experienced many vicissitudes in the long history, and has a history of more than 1400 years. According to the Records of Yongnian County, the temple was rebuilt again in the Ming Dynasty, and was renamed Lotus Nunnery, and later changed to Ganlu Temple. During the Republic of China, the temple was completely destroyed in the battle of local bandits. It was repaired in 2006. [14]

Guangfu Museum

Guangfu Museum is divided into two floors, with a building area of 4000 square meters. There are three chapters in total, Guangfu, Taiji and Yongnian. The sound, light, electricity, multimedia and other technologies are used to display the history, culture, customs, traditional customs, legends, red revolution, ancient city culture, natural wetlands and Tai Chi inheritance of Guangfu in an all-round way according to different plates and themes. The design is simple and generous, highlighting the ancient charm and historical precipitation of Guangfu. The three chapters adopt different classical elements for formal design, so that the streamline is coordinated and the three chapters are harmonious. [15]

Yongnianwa Wetland Park

Yongnianwa, with a total area of 1070 hectares, closely surrounding the ancient city of Guangfu, passed the national review in December 2017 and officially became a national wetland park. Yongnianwa Lake is also the third largest lake in Hebei Province after Baiyangdian Lake and Hengshui Lake. It mainly includes two types of natural wetlands and artificial wetlands, of which the natural wetlands include two subtypes of marsh wetlands and lake wetlands. The wetland park is rich in animal and plant resources, and its geographical location is located in the middle line of the north-south migration of Chinese migratory birds. Every spring and autumn, a large number of migratory birds pass by here for a short rest, and a large number of summer migratory birds live and breed here. Yongnianwa is the only typical inland freshwater wetland naturally formed in southern Hebei, and is also a national key flood storage area and detention area designated by the Ministry of Water Resources. At the same time, the construction of Yongnianwa Wetland Park has attracted the attention of government leaders at all levels. [16]

Cultural Activity


Humanistic history

In the history of the ancient city, it has attracted numerous dignitaries, scholars and refined scholars. Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, and Zheng Banqiao, a painter of the Qing Dynasty, left many poems and paintings. In particular, Fang Guancheng, the governor of Zhili in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, was passing by to control locusts and feed food. The food and lodging lotus pavilion looked out at the ancient city and improvised a poem: "Rice leads thousands of beds of reeds to the bank, and when you walk, the front sleeve is full of lotus wind. The Quliang City is fragrant as the sea, and the early days of the building are near the water. It is planned to put a boat in the shadow, and then put it in the open. The air in the curtain hall disappears completely, and the gulls and fish in the Qingxing are temporarily the same". This poem is a true portrayal of the ancient city scenery.
Guangfu has a long history. It has long been the political center of southern Hebei. Many famous people have come out of the past generations, and many historical celebrities have emerged in calligraphy, medicine, poetry, strategy, divination and other aspects, with rich writings. Mao Sui, famous for his resourcefulness and boldness, Ju Shu, who is comparable to Zhuge Liang with the overall situation of the world in mind, Sima Shu, one of the top ten talents in the Tang Dali, Zhang Gai and Shen Hanguang, the three talents in the south of the capital, etc. [3]
Guangfu is also a fertile land of profound folk culture. The folk art culture has a long history, has a long history, has profound implications, and is of great interest. The folk art of Guangfu is a rich and colorful form of artistic performance created by the people through thousands of years of labor and life. [3]
Yang style Tai Chi is relaxed and generous, while Wu style Tai Chi is compact and compact. Both of them are good at combining hardness with softness, and are known as "living sculpture, flowing music, and white snow in sports". Yang style and Wu style Taijiquan have a wide influence, and their disciples are all over the world. Yongnian was named the "hometown of Taijiquan" by the National Sports Commission. It has held eight consecutive international Taijiquan exchange activities. Each session has more than 1000 taijiquan lovers and many taijiquan sects coming to compete and exchange, which is a hot spot for tourism.
Guangfu was awarded the titles of "China Taijiquan Research Center" and "China Taijiquan Town" by the National Association of Folk Literature and Art Artists. Since 1991, the Chinese Taijiquan Exchange Conference, with Guangfu as the core, has been held more than 10 times, attracting fans from nearly 30 countries and regions. Every year, tens of thousands of Taijiquan fans from Hong Kong, Britain, the United States, Japan and other countries and regions come to watch the competition and learn skills. [2]

Main activities

On September 28, 2016, the national performance activity of 10000 people to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the promotion of simplified Taijiquan and the grand event of 100 cities linkage was held in the Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area of Handan City. [28]
On March 24, 2019, the Yongnian District Art Taijiquan Exhibition Contest "Early Spring in March in Mingzhou" - "Dream Seeking Taijiquan", sponsored by the Publicity Department of the CPC Yongnian District Committee and the Yongnian District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, was grandly held in Guangping Yamen, the ancient city scenic spot of Guangfu. [29]
On September 20, 2021, Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot held the second offline comprehensive observation exercise of the 6th Hebei Tourism Development Conference. [26]
On August 18, 2024, the 6th Jitai Taijiquan Exchange Conference was held in Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area. [30]

Delicious snacks

Old horse and mutton soup, Maliansheng donkey meat, Nantang, Zeng elbow, Guangfu crisp fish, donkey meat sausage and mung bean flour crust are the best food in the ancient city of Guangfu. [20]


In 2011, Yongnian Guangfu Ancient City became the fourth batch of provincial scenic spots in Hebei Province. [24]
In 2013, Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot was promoted to the national 4A tourist attraction. [23]
In 2014, Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot passed the technical assessment and examination and acceptance of the technical assessment expert group jointly formed by Hebei Provincial Environmental Protection Department and Provincial Tourism Administration, and was recommended as the national ecotourism demonstration zone. [18]
In 2017, Handan Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area was recognized as National AAAAA Tourist Attraction
In 2023, Guangfu Ancient City Tourism and Leisure Block will be selected into the second batch of provincial tourism and leisure blocks in Hebei Province. [19]

Management unit

The operating unit of Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot in Handan was founded on March 6, 2008.

Tourism information


admission ticket

There is no admission fee for Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Spot in Handan, and the scenic spots in the scenic spot are charged separately.
The ticket price of Yang Luchan's Former Residence is 13 yuan/person time; The ticket price of Wu Yuxiang's former residence is 13 yuan/person time.
The ticket price of Guangping Government Office is 35 yuan/person time.
The ticket price of Tong Family Courtyard is 20 yuan/person time.
The admission price of Wujia Courtyard is 30 yuan/person time. [21]


  • Route 1
Handan Tourist Line Direction: Yang Luchan's Former Residence - South Lake Amusement Park - South Gate of Guangfu Ancient City - South Gate into Guangfu Ancient City - South Street - Guangping Mansion (Fuya) - East Street - Wujia Courtyard - Wu Yuxiang's Former Residence - Ancient City Wall - East Gate out of the Ancient City - Dongguan Amusement Park, etc. - Hongji Bridge
  • Route 2
In the direction of Yongnian Mingli Line, one north gate of Guangfu Ancient City, one north gate, one north street of Guangfu Ancient City, one east street, one Wujia Courtyard, one east street, one eastward, one Wu Yuxiang Former Residence, one ancient city wall, one east gate, one out of the ancient city, one Dongguan Amusement Park, and one Hongji Bridge
  • Line 3
In the direction of Yongnian Mingli Line, one is the north gate of Guangfu Ancient City, one is the north gate of Guangfu Ancient City, one is the north street of Guangfu Ancient City, one is the east street, one is the west direction of Guangping Mansion (Fuya), one is the south street, one is the south gate of the ancient city wall, one is the south gate of the ancient city, one is the South Lake Amusement Park, one is the former residence of Yang Luchan, one is the east ring road, one is the Dongguan Amusement Park, one is Hongji Bridge, etc
Guide Map of Parking Lot in Guangfu Ancient City Scenic Area


Guangfu Ancient City is 20 kilometers southwest of Handan City, 160 kilometers north of Shijiazhuang, the provincial capital, and 420 kilometers away from Beijing, the capital. Guangfu Ancient City is close to National Highway 107, National Highway 309, Handan Linzhou Highway, Beijing Guangzhou Railway, Shiwu High speed Railway, and Qinglan Expressway, 25 kilometers away from Handan Airport, with obvious regional transportation advantages. Self drive at the north entrance of Handan of Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway, drive east along Handin Highway to the north of Nanqiao, or get off at Yongniankou, drive east along Mingli Line to the south of Beidikou, and then get there.
On July 17, 2012, the whole Guangfu Tourist Highway was completed and opened to traffic. The Guangfu Tourist Highway starts 700 meters west of the interchange of Renmin Road of Qingdao Lanzhou Expressway, intersects Renmin Road, goes north to the south gate of Guangfu Ancient City, and intersects the Ring Road of Guangfu Ancient City. The total length is 12.57 kilometers, the total investment is 383 million yuan, and the design speed is 80 kilometers per hour. The whole line is constructed according to the technical standards of first-class highway.
On May 7, 2013, the No. 605 bus to Guangfu Ancient City was opened in Handan, Hebei Province. The length of bus line 605 is 35 kilometers. It starts from the bus hub of Handan Railway Station, and passes through Yuxin Avenue - Renmin Road - Guangfu Tourism Line - South Gate of Guangfu City - the terminal Guangfu City (East Gate). There are 40 stations along the way. Route 605 is a paid bus, starting at 1 yuan, with an interval of 10-15 minutes, and the maximum fare is 5 yuan. The first shift is 6:00 a.m., and the last shift is 19:00 a.m. [7]