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Smooth interface

Transition layer of adjacent occurrence layer
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Smooth interface refers to the transition layer of adjacent occurrence layer, which is horizontal or nearly horizontal, and is the feature of most soils, especially the part with the weakest differentiation degree in the lower part of soil profile. It is common in the soil layer with gradual transition, but in some cases, the smooth interface can also have distinctive transition characteristics, such as the cultivated layer of cultivated soil, the soil layer formed by the influence of groundwater or its capillary meniscus, and the horizontal bedding of soil forming parent material. [1]
Chinese name
Smooth interface
Transition layer of adjacent occurrence layer
Smoothing: reallocate the probability, even if the event does not occur, it will also give a probability. Meaning: flat and smooth. Flat and smooth. "Shi Ming · Shi Shu Qi": "Paper, as a stone, is smooth as a stone." Tang Bai Juyi's poem "A secluded scene on the pool": "Smooth green rocks, low density green shade trees." Zheng Zhenduo's "Pelican and Fish": "There is no wind, the lake is green and smooth like a mirror."