Dry treasure

[gān bǎo]
The originator of Chinese supernatural stories
zero Useful+1
Ganbao (? 336), styled Lingsheng, Runan County Xincai County (now Xincai County, Henan Province), later moved to Lingquan Township (now belonging to Zhejiang )。 Eastern Jin Dynasty A writer and historian. His father was Ganying, the official of Danyang in the Eastern Wu Dynasty.
Gan Bao has read extensively since he was young and served as an official Zuolang Zuo Zuo After the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, responsible for national history《 Jin Dynasty 》Writing of. Posterior menstruation Wang Dao Promoted to Situ Youchang Shi, promoted Free riding and regular attendants Xiankang Gan Bao died in March of the second year (336).
Strange Tales Written by Gan Bao《 Stories of Immortals 》He has a profound influence in the history of Chinese novels, so he is called "the originator of Chinese mystery novels". [1]
(Reference for overview drawing [2]
Make rise
Eastern Jin Dynasty
Ethnic groups
the han people
one's native heath
Xincai (today Henan Province Xincai County)
Date of death
336 years
Key achievements
The originator of Chinese supernatural stories
Main works
Jin Ji, Soushen Ji, etc
True name
Dry treasure
Official position
Free riding, regular service, and writing

Character's Life


Early experience

Gan Bao studied hard and read widely since he was young. [3]
Western Jin Dynasty Yuankang Last year to Tai'an Between 299 and 303, Ganbao was in Jianghuai and was an adult. [4]
Yongjia In the first year (307), Gan Baoren Yanguan Prefecture (Yanguan Village, Haining City, Zhejiang Province today) Don't drive Assassin And subordinate officials). [5]
In the fourth year of Yongjia (310 years), Ganbao's father died and was buried in the sun of the green mountains in Ganpu. [5]
The first month of the fifth year of Yongjia (311), Du Tao Revolt against Changsha; [4] In the same year, Gan Bao and his family moved to Lingquan Township, Yanguan, Haining (now the junction of Wufeng Village, Huangwan, Haining, Zhejiang, and Liuzhong Village, Ganpu, Haiyan), and began to hold filial piety for his father. [5]
about Jianxing Between the first year (313) and the third year of Jianxing (315), Gan Bao was recruited as Works by Zoran [3] [6]
Three years of Jianxing (315 years), participated in pacification Du Tao's Rebellion The Imperial Court rewarded him for his meritorious service Guannei Marquis The title of nobility. [7]

Compile national history

Eastern Jin Dynasty Jianwu In the first year (317), the Western Jin Dynasty perished, Eastern Jin Dynasty Establishment; In November, due to the early establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was no historiographer, Chinese Book Supervisor Wang Dao The letter said: "The deeds of emperors must be recorded, written into ancient books and handed down forever. Emperor Xuan calmed down the world, and Emperor Wu complied with the fate and accepted the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period Their abdication, great achievements and great virtues are enough to compare with the ancient sages and sages, but their biographies are not found in the imperial treasury, and their kindness has not been written into music. His majesty is sage and wise. As the king of Zhongxing, he should start to establish the national history, write the emperor's own discipline, record the great achievements of Chen Zuzong, and record the contributions of the generals to help each other. It must be recorded truthfully, set guidelines for future generations, meet the aspirations of the whole country, and make people and gods happy. This is undoubtedly the foundation of the long-term stability of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to set up historiographers and order them to work together with the author, Lang Ganbao, and so on, to write a collection step by step. " Jin Yuan Emperor Sima Rui Take this advice. So Gan Bao began to take charge of the national history《 Jin Dynasty 》Writing of. [8] After Jin Ji was written, it was presented to the imperial court. This book is from Emperor Xuan of Jin Dynasty to Emperor Min of Jin Dynasty Fifty three years before and after, a total of 20 volumes. The book is simple and clear, straight to the historical facts, and can be euphemistic. People praise Gan Bao as a good historian. [9]

Official career

Daxing In the second year (319), Gan Bao wrote "Refuting the Necromancy Proposal". [5]
Taining In the second year (324), Gan Bao applied for the post of Shanyin (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang) County magistrate. [6] [10]
Ganbao was upgraded to Shi'an (Now Guilin, Guangxi) Taishou. [6] [11]
about Salty and Two years (327 years), Wang Dao Please appoint Gan Bao as its official Situ Youchang Shi During his stay in the Situ Mansion, Gan Bao once wrote a volume of Situ Mansion's subordinate officials, Situ Mansion. [4] [6]
Ganbao was upgraded to Free riding and regular attendants , concurrently as the author. [6]
Gan Bao died in March of the second year of Xiankang (336). [6]

Main impacts



Gan Bao has made outstanding contributions to historical theory, history writing and annotation:
Jin Ji
Wei-Jin period During the period, historiography officially broke away from the barrier of Confucian classics and became an independent academic category, which was fully developed. There are more than 20 authors of Jin Dynasty history books alone. according to Liu Jie Textual research, Jin Dynasty, Southern and Northern Dynasties There were 26 kinds of Jin history in the period, including 14 kinds of biographical style and 12 kinds of chronological style. Gan Bao's Jin Ji is the best in the chronological style history books. Southern Qi Dynasty When, Zang Rongxu basis Wang Yin Jin Shu 》Gan Bao's Jin Ji and He Fasheng Jinzhong Xingshu 》, compiled into a relatively complete《 Jin Shu 》, become Tang Xiu《 Jin Shu 》The main basis of. Gan Bao's Jin Ji is also one of the 18 Jin histories referred to by Tang Xiu's Jin Shu. Although Gan Bao's Jin Ji no longer exists, it can be seen from the compilation of the Qing Dynasty that the Jin Ji takes the years of Emperor Wu of Jin, Emperor Xiaohui, Emperor Xiaohuai, Emperor Xiaomin and other four emperors as the outline, and it also records the deeds of Emperor Xuan, Emperor Shizong Jing, and Emperor Taizong Wen of the Western Jin Dynasty, including the main historical events in the Western Jin period of the Three Kingdoms, involving many historical figures at that time, which has high historical data and academic value.
According to the comments of ancient historians, Ganbao's Jin Ji has the following advantages:
① The words are simple and graceful, and are used for narration.
② Re establish the routine and review the content in an orderly manner.
③ On the praise in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties history books belong to the excellent.
④ The influence on the later generations can be seen from the compilation of the people of the Qing Dynasty, Pei Songzhi Of《 Notes to the Annals of the Three Kingdoms 》、 Liu Yiqing Of《 A New Account of the Tales of the World 》、 Xiao Tong Of《 Selected Works of Zhaoming 》、 Li Daoyuan Of《 Water injection 》、 homme Etc《 Notes to Later Han Dynasty 》And《 Book banknote 》《 inspect by the emperor 》《 Huanyuji 》《 Latitudinal sketch 》This book has been quoted in other books. [12]
Historical theory and view
Gan Bao inherited the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements from the Warring States Period onwards, and used it to explore the natural world and human society. Ganbao inherited Sima Qian "Studying the Heaven and Man, Understanding the Changes of the Past and the Present" (Explore the relationship between natural phenomena and human society, and be familiar with social development and evolution from ancient times to the present) ”The historiography tradition.
Dry treasure has strong“ Heaven man interaction ”Thought. Gan Bao's thought is intensively reflected in the Book of Jin · Five Elements Annals. The Book of Jin · Five Elements Annals recorded many natural disasters and strange events that happened to people. Gan Bao believed that these were all related to the social and political success or failure and personnel gains or losses at that time. Gan Bao believes that the normality and strangeness of the nature are the symptoms of people's cessation of blame.
② A Probe into the Causes of the Rise and Fall of the State
Gan Bao is good at discussing the changes of ancient and modern times from the development of historical situation《 General Introduction to Jin Dynasty 》Jin Wu Revolution Theory and Jin Wu Revolution Theory are historical theories that cover the rise and fall of one or several generations, giving play to the author's historical views. Gan Bao believed that the main reason for the abolishment of the dynasty and the reform of the regime was not personnel, nor the actions of the political figures themselves, but in the destiny, people's hearts and fortune, the actions of the political figures could be successful only if they obeyed the weather, followed people and at any time. He believes that, Zhou Dynasty Of fate and happiness of a nation The long history is due to the wide foundation and deep roots. The rapid decline of the Jin Dynasty is due to its weak foundation.
③ Contribution to historical research and history book writing
Gan Bao practiced the research method of "comparative historiography" Western Jin Dynasty The discussion of the reasons for the rise and fall of the dynasties, using the method of "comparison", first compares the decline and rise of the Western Jin Dynasty with the rise of the Western Jin Dynasty, and then compares the Jin Dynasty with the Zhou Dynasty, to explain why the Zhou Dynasty lasted for a long time and why the Western Jin Dynasty perished quickly, which is quite reasonable.
Gan Bao also discussed the "truth-seeking" of historiography and the collection and application of historical materials. In his Soushen · Preface, he thought that despite the integrity and faithfulness of the historiographers, few historical events in the past had survived. Even if they had survived, there were different opinions, or it was difficult to judge by misinformation. Therefore, there are limitations in being straightforward. The writing of history books is to seek truth, but truth can only be relative. The implication is that even strange things can be searched for some facts. No matter the myths and legends, they all have social background and real historical "plain land". [12]


Stories of Immortals
Written by Gan Bao《 Stories of Immortals 》, which describes ancient times A large number of legends in the Han and Jin dynasties are extremely rich in content. There are many stories, which should be collected for a long time, covering a wide range and covering a wide range; From the royal family and the nobility to the common people, they are all in their eyes. He did not simply transcribe legends, but made artistic processing on the basis of collected materials, integrating the truth of life and the truth of art, making these legends more typical and durable, and eventually raising them to the height of literary works.
During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, scholars and scholars became more interested in social things and the masses of people, and the writing style and genre became more active. Notebook novel, a new literary form, came into being at the historic moment. Ganbao was one of the main originators of this new literary form.
Gan Bao, who had served as an official and a historian, and was a "good historian", should belong to the mainstream scholars of that era from a historical perspective; Re writing Jin Ji and Notes《 Zhouyi 》《 Zhou Guan 》He also made considerable achievements in learning. However, he did not stick to these achievements, and he did not suppress his broad interests and talents because he took the right road to rule; In literature, he did not want to follow the trend of poetry and prose, but found a new way to create a new "Soushen Ji". It can be seen that the birth of Sou Shen Ji has a lot to do with the background of the times, as well as the active thinking, unique temperament and wide interests of Gan Bao.
In fact, the book is not limited to the "Shinto" theory. Many chapters break through the barriers of fairy tales and folk legends, reflecting the material and moral of tracing history and paying attention to society. Whether from the perspective of notes or from the perspective of mystery novels, Soushen Ji shows high value.
Some stories in Sou Shen Ji were widely spread at that time, such as Xiaozi Dong Yong The story of the Han Dynasty is depicted in the portraits of the Han Dynasty, which have been unearthed in the tombs of the Han Dynasty in Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Sichuan and many other places. The textual record of Dong Yong's story is mainly found in Soushen Ji. Through the sorting and recording of Ganbao, it provides valuable literature basis for the study of Han paintings. The Goddess Chang's fly to the moon It is also the subject matter described in the Han Dynasty portraits, which is also recorded in Soushen Ji, which also provides the basis and convenience for the study of Han paintings.
"Sou Shen Ji" also records the foreign illusions performed in Jiangnan Tianzhu Hu Ren This undoubtedly adds a very important piece of information to the study of the history of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Another example is about Peng Zu Can be compared with《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》《 The Book of Rites of Da Dai 》And other records in ancient books; about Zuo Ci Sun Ce Hua Tuo And other character stories《 Later Han Dynasty 》《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》There are many similar examples when biographies in historical records refer to each other. Although most of the stories described in the book have strong supernatural color, they reveal rich historical information. It can be seen that Soushen Ji has very important data value. It has an important reference role for scholars who study history, humanities, folk customs, myths and legends, etc.
Sou Shen Ji is either long or short in text structure, diverse in form, fresh and lively, opening a new style of writing; Especially in terms of writing, it is also very beautiful. Its narrative style is fresh and elegant. It skillfully blends legends, stories, characters, suspense, local customs and customs into a whole, and is fascinating. Chinese supernatural stories began to appear in the Qin and Han Dynasties, but as far as the Han Dynasty literati novels are concerned, according to the research of researchers, most of them should be false suspicions. Gan Bao wrote "Soushen Ji" with the real signature, which is a real work of the Jin Dynasty. As a true and credible work in the Jin Dynasty, it is of great significance to understand the literary situation at that time and to study the development of early Chinese novels; This is also the treasure of Soushen Ji.
It is not excessive to say that Gan Bao's "Sou Shen Ji" pioneered the creation of mystery novels. From this point of view, the important position of Gan Bao's Sou Shen Ji in the history of Chinese literature is beyond doubt. Since the Six Dynasties《 Postscript of searching god 》《 Mystery 》《 An addendum 》It is obvious that these are all works that follow the example. Strange Tales and Legends in Tang and Song Dynasties, Qing Dynasty Pu Songling Strange Tales from a Liaozhai 》They also inherited and carried forward the writing skills and literary charm of Ganbao's Soushen. [13] Master of Modern Literature Lu Xun Of《 Cast a sword 》The story is taken from Soushen《 Tomb of the Three Kings 》There are numerous examples.
In addition, the influence of Soushen is also reflected in other fields of literature《 Tianxian Pai 》《 Acacia 》It is directly related to Dong Yong and Han Yong's Wife in Soushen Ji; and Yuan Zaju Dou E's injustice 》Its context can be directly traced back to《 Donghai Filial Wife 》。 [1] In poetry, Tang poets Bai Juyi Of《 Everlasting Regret Song 》, write and favorite concubine of emperor Minghuang After death, tang xunzong Miss each other day and night, and let the Taoist use his power to see the soul of the imperial concubine. The plot is taken from "Sought the Gods"《 Li Shaoweng 》。

Historical evaluation

A talker in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Liu Qing : Qing is a ghost Dong Hu [14]
Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature 》① As for the books of the Jin Dynasty, there are numerous books. Historical events, Land-based aircraft The beginning was not prepared, and Wang Shao continued the end, but not the end. Gan Bao described the discipline, so as to get the order by reviewing; Sun Sheng "Yang Qiu" is based on appointment. ② Sun Sheng, Gan Bao and Wensheng are written by history. They are accurate and aim at the scripture. Although the windows and doors are different, the brushwork is slightly the same. [12]
Jinzhong Xingshu 》: (Gan Bao) wrote Jin Ji, from Emperor Xuan to Emperor Min, 53 years ago. The comments hit the mark and were called good. [4]
A New Account of the Tales of the World ·"Zhongxing Book" is cited in the "Tiao Pian": Bao Shao is famous for his erudition and talent. [4]
Jin Shu 》: ① The number of yin and yang operations with good sex, thinking Jingfang Xiahousheng Etc. ② To promote and secure the country, there are talents with good history, but the books written are not canonical. ③ Zan Yue: Chen Shou Zhang, rock standing alone. Puma Pu Li Jie, literary words comprehensive. Wang still is elegant, Yu ashamed is Dun Shi. To do Sun Fuhan, to be a good man. Deng Xie Huai lead, strange news without discipline. Xi also studied and thought, Xu Fei was gorgeous and beautiful, and his quilt was simply printed, which was passed on to remote worship. [14]
Stone ·Volume IV Preface: ① There are examples in the history of husband, and there are laws in Judah. If the country cannot, it will be unstable; If history has no precedent, then right and wrong cannot be confirmed. Xi Fuzi's sutra practice started as a routine; Zuo's biography shows its area. The distinction between disciplines is impressive. As far as the Warring States Period was concerned, there was Jin Dynasty, which was more than 500 years old. There was no shortage of talents in history. Although its body had changed repeatedly, its gentleness had ended. The only way to rise to enlightenment is to say far away Qiu Ming , re established the routine and reduced it to Jin Ji. Deng and Sun had already gone down, so they crept into their tracks. History thrives and prospers here. ② Ganbao Fan Ye , reasoning and multi work, Deng Can , Daoluan, whose words are boring but few in need, Zixian's words hurt his heart, but his righteousness is excellent. One or two of them are the beauties of order and example. [12]

Anecdotes and allusions

Gan Bao loved the divination of Yin Yang and Five Elements. He paid attention to the study of the biographies of Jingfang, Xiahou Sheng and others to lay the foundation for his writing of Jin Ji. Ganbao's father had a pet concubine who was envied by Ganbao's mother. When Ganbao's father died, his mother buried his concubine alive in his father's grave. At that time, Ganbao brothers were young and ignorant, and did not know about their elders. More than ten years later, Gan Bao's mother died of illness. He opened his father's grave to be buried together, only to find that his concubine was lying on the coffin, with the same appearance as a living person, and went home in a car. One day later, she unexpectedly woke up. Gan Bao's father often gave her food and drink, and she was as kind as ever. The concubines can tell everything that has happened in the family for more than ten years, and they are accurate. They don't feel uncomfortable living in the grave. Soon, brother Ganbao remarried his concubine and she gave birth to a son. [15] In addition, Gan Bao's brother was seriously ill and died, but his body was not cold for many days. Later, he woke up and said that he had seen many ghosts and gods in the world. Like waking up in a dream, he did not know that he had died. Gan Bao, under the influence of this, wrote and collected the changes of ancient and modern gods and strange characters, and titled "Soushen Ji". [16]

interpersonal relationship

Grandfather: Gan Tong, Soochow General Fenwu , Fengdu Tinghou.
Father: Gan Ying, Dongwu Danyang Cheng. [17]
Brother: Gan Qing. The Book of Jin was not named. Later generations recorded that it was Gan Qing. [4]
Brother Cong: Gan Zan, Eastern Jin Dynasty Yu Yi Ministry general. Yonghe In the first year (345), Dai Xi was killed together Champion General Cao Ju, plotting rebellion, was killed by Anxisima Zhu Tao Flatten. [5]
Descendants: Ganbao moved to Haiyan. In the Gansong and Ganbai years of the Song Dynasty, they lived in Yandi, but in the 23rd century, they moved southward from Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, first to Sizhou, then to Lingzhi in Wulin County, and then to Nanliang in Qiantang. In the 27th century, the Yuan soldiers moved southward and returned to Haiyan to live. Today, the Haiyan Gan family mainly lives in Shendang, Tongyuan, Ganpu and Liuli. Ganbao is the ancestor of Haiyan. [18]

Main works

Gan Bao has written many books, including 20 volumes of Jin Ji and 30 volumes of Soushen Ji. Gan Bao has great attainments in Yi ology《 Jin Shu 》An explicit note《 Zhouyi 》。 Sui Shu · Jingji Annals 》It contains: ten volumes of the Book of Changes, and one volume of the Book of Changes Yao Yi. Liang has four volumes of the Book of Changes Zongtu, all written by Gan Bao. Among them, the words in Zhouyi Zongtu and Suizhi have been lost, and neither of the Tang Annals has been recorded. The two books, Zhouyi Annotation and Zhouyi Yaoyi, are included in the two Tang Annals. In addition, "Classic Interpretation · Preface", "Song History · Yiwenlue · Classics" and Hu Yigui Ten volumes of Notes to the Book of Changes have also been recorded in The Enlightening Wing Biography of the Book of Changes. According to《 Cefu Yuangui 》It is recorded that the second volume of the Book of Changes, the second volume of the Book of Changes, was also written for Gan Bao. Xiang Gaomo Zhu Yizun Ma Guohan Everyone agrees. However, "Sui Shu · Jing Ji Zhi" clearly said that Wang's book was written in the second volume of "Zhouyi Enquiry", and the second volume of "Zhouyi Yuanpin" was not written by anyone, so he is a Taiwanese scholar today Huang Qingxuan The textual research of others on the fact that Gan Bao did not write the two books of "Zhouyi Wennan" and "Zhouyi Xuanpin" is true (see "Textual Research on the Book of Changes in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" 9). Gan Bao's works on Yi ology have all been lost today, and his notes on Yi are mainly scattered in the Tang Dynasty Li Dingzuo Of《 Zhou Yi set solution 》、 Lu Deming Classic exegesis 》Medium. Later generations have edited books. In addition, according to other ancient records, Gan Bao also wrote: "Yi Yin", "Mao Shiyin", "Zhou Guanli Note", "Answering Zhou Guanyi's Difficulties", "Zhou Guanyin", "Hou Yangyi", "Zuo's Letter in the Spring and Autumn Period", "Preface to the Spring and Autumn Period", "Zheng Yin", "Li Yan" and so on. [19]

Character controversy

Gan Bao's birth year has not been clearly recorded, and there are differences in the academic community:
Vice President of the Chinese Association of Literary Selections Xu Yimin It is speculated that Gan Bao was born Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty In the seventh year of Taikang's reign (286 years), he was a researcher of the Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Cao Daoheng Associate Researcher, Institute of Arts and Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Shen Yucheng Agree with this statement.
Professor of Chinese Department of Nankai University Li Jianguo It is speculated that Gan Bao was born Soochow The Last Emperor Tourmaline In the first year (276), he said, "I'm afraid this estimate is conservative, and the birth year can be put forward some time".
Professor, Department of Ancient Literature, School of Literature, Capital Normal University Zhang Qingmin In the article "New Research on Gan Bao's Life", it was speculated that Gan Bao might have been born at the end of the Eastern Wu Dynasty Telege Four years (280 years). [6]

Commemoration for future generations



Ancient Five Heroes Relief
On September 29, 2007, the landmark of Zhumadian, Henan Province Celestial Column Completed, it is located at the intersection of Kaiyuan Avenue and Leshan Avenue in Zhumadian City. Four 2m high and 3.9m wide high reliefs are embedded on the four sides of the base of Tianzhong Tower, of which the south side is the "Five Ancient Masters"( Liss Han Fei Huan Kuan Fan Zhen , Ganbao). [20]


In 2010, the People's Government of Xincai County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province, built a Ganbao Cultural Plaza in the new area of the county seat to build Ganbao statues. [2]

Historical data index

Liu Song · He Fasheng The Book of Revival in the Middle of Jin Dynasty [4]
The Book of Jin, Volume 82, Biography 52 [14]
Tang Dynasty· Xu Song Jiankang Record ·Volume VII [4]