
Characters in Greek mythology
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Paris is Priam and Hecuba Before the birth of Paris, his son, his mother dreamed that the child became a fire and burned the whole palace. The mother told the prophet the dream and asked them what it meant. The prophet said that this indicated that the child would bring disaster and misfortune to the kingdom. The poor queen was so frightened that she gave her newborn child to a slave and asked him to kill her child. The slave pitied the boy and couldn't bear to kill him himself, so he threw him into the forest on Mount Ida. A female bear later adopted him and raised him as her own child. Finally, a shepherd found Paris and brought him back to raise him. He grew up healthily and showed great courage and strength early, as if he inherited her ferocity from the milk of the mother bear.
Paris was also involved Olympus He decided the battle of Goddess Hera Athena Aphrodite Who is the most beautiful woman? Who owns Golden apple Paris has a "golden apple agreement" with God handsome man You can get the most beautiful woman in the world. Because of his appearance, the priest believed that he would bring a destructive fate to Troy, and he was exiled to Mount Ida for grazing for many years. Later, in order to get back his aunt from Greece Hesione Paris was ordered by his father to go to Greece, where he met Helen He and Helen fell in love quickly and ran away without hesitation. At the same time Troy War The prologue of.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Alec Sandros
Key achievements
Ruled the battle of the goddess on Mount Olympus
Mythological system
Priam and Hecuba
Ononey, Helen
Ancient Greek name

Character's Life

Golden Apple Covenant
Paris is also called Alec Sandros. Because of prophecy, he was thrown to Mount Eder after his birth. There, Goddess Onos Fell in love with him. Later, due to the "Judge of Paris", Aphrodite He betrothed the most beautiful woman in the world to him, so he abducted her Helen , causing Troy War
Paris is good at shooting cold arrows, which injured several famous Greek generals. TROY Near the end of the war, Paris, the prince of Troy, and his allies in Troy Apollo A concealed arrow was shot Achilles Achilles finally died.
After Achilles died, Paris was shot by the angry Greek god Philoctetes Shot with a poisonous arrow. After being wounded by Philoctetes, Paris, in his deathbed agony, asked Oros for help and was refused. [1]

Paris' Death

The two sides fought fiercely again. Nyoptosmus waved his father's spear and killed twelve Trojans in a row. however Aeneas Eurymenes and his brave comrade in arms also broke through several big gaps in the Greek team. Paris killed Menelaus's comrade in arms Sparta Temoreon. and Philoctetes They also rushed back and forth in the Trojans' ranks, just like the invincible Ares, the god of war. Finally, Paris boldly threw himself at him. He shot an arrow, but the arrowhead passed beside Philoctetes and hit Cleodolus on the shoulder beside him. Cleodolus retreated slightly and protected himself with his spear. But Paris' second arrow came again and killed him.
Philoctetes saw all this and was furious. Holding the bow in his hand, he pointed to Paris and shouted loudly: "You are the villain of all our disasters, Troy. It's time for you to perish." He pulled his bow and put up an arrow. With a whoosh, the arrow flew out and hit the target. But only a small cut was made on Paris. Paris hurriedly drew his bow to shoot, but the second arrow flew over and hit him in the waist. He shuddered all over, endured severe pain, turned and ran away.
The doctors surrounded Paris to examine the wound, but the battle continued.
As night fell, Trojans returned to the city, and Daneans also returned to the warships. At night, Paris groaned and couldn't sleep all night because the arrowhead went deep into the bone marrow. It was Hercules' poisonous flying arrow. The wound after being hit by the arrow was rotten and black, and no doctor could cure it. The wounded Paris suddenly remembered an oracle, which said that only the abandoned wife Ononey could save him from death. Once upon a time, when Paris was still herding on Mount Ida, he had a good time with his wife Ononey. At that time, he heard the oracle from his wife. Although he was reluctant to look for her, he had to be carried by his servant to Aida Mountain because of his pain. His ex-wife still lives there.
Paris related pictures
The servants carried him up the hillside, and from the tree came the ominous chirp of a fierce bird, which made him shudder. He finally arrived at Ononey's residence. The maid and Ononey were surprised at his sudden arrival. He threw himself at his wife's feet and shouted, "Dear wife, please don't hate me when I am in pain Goddess of Destiny hold Helen Bring me before you, and let me leave you. I point to God, point to our past love, and beg you to sympathize with me, use medicine to heal my wounds, and relieve my painful pain, because you once predicted that only you can save my life. "
However, his bitter pleading could not make his abandoned wife change her mind at all. "What face do you have to come to see me," she said indignantly. "I am the one you abandoned. Go to find the young and beautiful Helen and ask her to help you. Your tears and crying can never exchange my sympathy. She sent Paris out of the door, but she did not think that her fate was closely linked to her husband's fate. Paris was carried away by the servants, who carried him down the hill. On the way, he swallowed his last breath because of the attack of curare. He's dead, Helen I will never see him again.
A shepherd told her mother the news of his tragic death Hecuba , she suddenly fainted to the ground. Priam did not know about it. He's sitting on his son Hector Beside her grave, she was immersed in grief and did not know what was happening outside. On the contrary, Helen was crying bitterly. She was crying not so much for her husband as for herself.
Ononey stayed at home alone and felt deeply regretful. She thought of Paris when she was young and their old affection. She felt heartbroken and could not stop crying. She jumped out of bed, ran out, passed mountains and rocks, crossed valleys and streams, and ran all night. Moon Goddess Selene She looked at her sympathetically in the dark blue sky, shining her way with moonlight. Finally she came to her husband's crematorium. The herdsmen paid their final respects to their friends and the prince. When Ononey saw her husband's body, she was too sad to speak. She covered her beautiful face with her sleeves and quickly jumped into the burning woodpile. Before the people standing by could pull her, she had been devoured by the flames and burned to ashes with her husband.


The love between Ononey and Paris
Priam king of Troas gave birth to a son. On the night of childbirth, the queen Hecuba I had a dream. The prophet studied the dream and said, "This child will destroy Troy." So the whole palace frowned, but Priam was cruel, and ordered the attendants to take the newborn child out of the palace and throw it to the remote Mount Ida.
The child lay on Mount Ida for five days and nights. The cold dew fell on him at night and the sun shone on him during the day. But he did not die. The shepherd who took him to the mountain passed by and saw him sleeping. The shepherd said, "God doesn't want him to die." So he picked him up again and took him home to raise him. When the child grew up, his cheeks were rosy and his feet were light. No one could win his beauty and strength. When Paris was guarding the sheepfold, no ferocious wolf dared to stay nearby; When he sat by the fire, no robber dared to covet the house. So the herdsmen on Yida Mountain all sang about his ability and his career. They called him Alexandros, which means "helping others".
He is as gentle as a virgin and good at playing the piano. All the listeners are fascinated. Some people think he is Apollo Teach him. Once, he met Ononey, the daughter of the river god Kebailin, by the river. He was surprised at her beauty and stood there, unwilling to go away. Ononey occasionally raised his eyes, and saw someone staring at her, blushing and trying to avoid. But Paris came a few steps closer. When she saw that Paris was beautiful and delightful, she was also moved and stopped avoiding. They both sat by the river and talked inconsequently. Only when the sunset shone brightly on the river and the evening smoke covered the distance did Ononey stand up and say, "Oh, it's getting late, and I can't stay here anymore." Paris stayed there for a long time and watched her walk into the forest. When she hid behind the tree and looked back, she saw that he was still standing there staring at her.
On the other side of Troya is Greece with beautiful scenery. There is a brave king Peleus We are entertaining God and people. He married Sea King's daughter that day Tethys As a wife. The gods of Limpos, Zeus Here's to celebrate. Only a goddess Eris Peleus and Tethys dare not send an invitation to invite her, because she is the daughter of "war" and "jealousy", and they are afraid to see her face at the feast. She was so angry that she tried to avenge herself.
While the gods were listening to Apollo's golden fiddle and singing in harmony Golden apple It fell from the air onto the table. Its beauty and loveliness aroused the admiration of the gods. The apple was engraved with the words "To the most beautiful beauty" Hera Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Aphrodite ( Venus )They all got up to get this rare golden apple. Maybe what they wanted was not the golden apple itself, but the title of "the most beautiful beauty".
So there was no joy at the banquet, and the singing stopped suddenly. Hera said, "All the gods and men respect me. This golden apple belongs to me." Athena "Wisdom and kindness are more valuable than power, so they should belong to me." Beautiful Aphrodite I got up, smiled triumphantly and said softly: "I am the daughter of love and beauty. This golden apple is only for me."
Finally, Zeus was impatient: "In the pine forest of Mount Ida, Paris, the most beautiful man among mankind, lived there. Let him be the judge."
Hermes Standing in front of Paris, he said, "There is a dispute between the most beautiful man in the human race and the immortal god. Hera, Aphrodite and Athena each want to win the golden apple that should be awarded to the most beautiful goddess. When they come, please be the judge to settle the matter."
Ononey sat by the water and said to himself, "The gods are kind. They give me a gift better than beauty. This is Paris' love." Paris came to her and told her, "Ononey, Zeus asked me to judge a thing for him. Hera, Aphrodite and Athena are here, and they each want to win the golden apple that should be awarded the most beautiful one. Don't go away. There are huge grape leaves in front of you. Go hide there and listen to my judgment. No one will see you. "
Paris sat there waiting for the verdict. Hera said to him, "I know that I am the most beautiful woman, and no one can be more beautiful and authoritative than me. Listen to me, and I will give you the power to build great achievements and keep your name in the singer's mouth forever." Athena said to him, "Your wrist is strong, your heart is noble, and there are better things besides power and reputation. If you listen to me, I will give you wisdom and power. "
At that time, Paris heard the voice of Ononee and said, "Wisdom is better than power. Give the golden apple to Athena." Aphrodite smiled at him and came to him. She whispered to him, "I don't have to tell you my beauty, because you will probably guess it. If you listen to me, I will give you the most beautiful woman among human women as a wife." Paris replied, "I need your gift, Aphrodite, because there will be no more beautiful girl than Ononese. You are indeed the most beautiful of the immortal goddesses. Of course, the gift is yours."
So he gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. He touched her tender fingers and felt a slight tremor in his heart. Hera and Athena, the divine hands, walked away in anger, and since then they have formed an inextricable feud with the Troyas.
Later, Paris went to Troya City, where his parents admitted him, happily accepted such a handsome and beautiful young man, and forgot the nightmare that Hecarb had had.
His father Priam ordered him to go to Menelaus, the king of Sparta. He could not bear to say goodbye to Ononey. Two lines of tears hung on their faces. He finally hardened his heart and got on the boat. Her tears chased him to the boat, but she refused to look back until he could not see.
Since he left, she has lived in the mountains of Ida sadly, and stuck to Paris. Apollo fell in love with her, but she was not moved by gold, silver and jewelry. He taught her medicine. She has been good at treating all kinds of diseases since then, but there is no cure for love!
At this time, Paris stayed Sparta , intoxicated with Menelaus 's wife Helen Her beauty and smile. Once, Menelaus was out on business, and Paris took the opportunity to take Helen aboard the ship and escape to Troya - with Aphrodite's help, of course.
Ononey looked forward to Paris' return every day. When she saw his ship slowly entering the harbor, she was suddenly surprised. She saw the girl in red dress clasping Paris' neck and leaning on his chest. She could no longer stand, and immediately ran back to Mount Ida. Paris and Helen lived happily together in the city of Troya. At the same time, Ononey, whom Paris had abandoned, was grieving in the mountains of Ida. Menelaus, who had been abandoned by Helen, visited the famous king throughout Greece and shouted for revenge.
Ononey sat on the grass slope by the river, tears dripping into the water. She saw her name engraved on the bark of many trees, which was carved by Paris. Paris also carved an inscription on the tree for their love: if Paris had abandoned his Ononey in his life Xanthos The river will also run counter current. When she read the inscription, she was so sad that she could not help crying: "Kosantos, let's go back! Let's go back to the source! Paris dared to abandon his Ononey when he was alive."
The Greek army had crossed the sea and the Troians were surrounded in the city. The brave soldiers died one after another, the great Hector died, the brave Sarpedon died, and the handsome Mennon died. Paris is no longer Paris. He was content with Yan Le and leaned against Helen all day long. His spear and shield were hung on the wall for a long time.
Later, he had to fight. The end of Troya has arrived. Paris was wounded by Hercules' poisonous arrow. First of all, a prophet said that if Paparis was injured, only Ononey could cure him. Paris ordered him to be carried to the place where Ononee lived on Mount Ida. He was badly injured. Nobody could save his life if he was shot by Hercules' arrow. However, Ononey was an excellent doctor, taught by Apollo himself. Ononese did not want to see him, but could not withstand the entreaties of him and those who carried him. Paris weakly begged her to heal his arrow wound. Now she is chewing the disappointment and pain of more than ten years in her heart. It seems that she has only hatred but no love for Paris. She repeatedly urged them to carry him back to the city. Once Paris left, Ononey's heart was full of nostalgia.
She regretted that she had refused him, and rushed to Troya with herbs. When she arrived, she saw Paris' body had been placed on the crematorium, and her body was soft and paralyzed. When she woke up again, the crematorium was ablaze with flames. Unprepared, Ononey jumped into the fire and lay beside Paris.
"Death" may make her and Paris reconciled in the underworld, or make her forget everything. In short, her death was much better than her gloomy life. [2]