
[bā gé dá]
capital of Iraq
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Baghdad( Arabic :بغداد‎; English: Baghdad), Iraq The capital is also Baghdad Province Capital, a famous historical and cultural city in the Islamic world. The name Baghdad comes from farsi , which means "the gift of god (bagh)". Old translations of "Baoda" and "Baha Pagoda". The population is about 7.21 million. [6]
Baghdad Crossing Tigris River Both banks, distance Euphrates River Only more than 30 kilometers away, it is located in the traffic artery between the east and the west. Railways, highways and aviation constitute three-dimensional transportation on land and in the air, which is very convenient. The railway leads northward Syria and turkey , extending southward to Persian Gulf , also international Orient Express Must pass by.
December 26, 2019, ranked 2019 Global Top 500 Cities No. 222 on the list. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Arabic: غ د د د; English: Baghdad
Baghdad Bahata
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Central Iraq
860 km2 (2002)
climatic conditions
Subtropical arid and semi-arid climate
population size
About 7.21 million [7]
Famous scenic spot
The ancient city of Baghdad, Faisal I Mausoleum, International Convention Center Building, Babylon Hotel
time zone
+3 time zone UTC/GMT+3 hours
Longitude and latitude
Latitude: 33 ° 14 'N Longitude: 44 ° 22' E
National telephone area code
Area code

Geography and Resources

Map of Baghdad
The main part of Baghdad urban area is in the east of the river, called "Rusafa", and the west of the river is called "Karkh". There are five bridges connecting the east and west sides. Baghdad is hot in summer (May October). The average daytime temperature in July and August is 41-43 ℃, and the noon temperature can reach 50 ℃; winter Average temperature 13℃, Minimum temperature Up to 0 ℃, annual average precipitation 130 mm. [2]
Baghdad is located in Iraq In the middle of the country Tigris River Both banks, with an area of 860 square kilometers.
This area is Subtropical Drought and Semiarid climate Zone. from the arabian peninsula Direct Indus River Downstream Thar Desert , both distributed with subtropical arid and semi tropical Arid climate Because the vast area of land here is Subtropical high Under control, there are intermountain plateaus and basins on the ground, which also help Desert climate The formation and development of. Here (hot in summer and cold in winter), for example, the temperature in Baghdad can reach 49 ℃ in summer and - 8 ℃ in winter. Karachi is 48 ℃ in summer and 4 ℃ in winter. To the east of Thar Desert, the distribution of subtropical arid climate is gradually interrupted due to the monsoon. Asia Subtropical zone and Southern Africa Similar, terrain unlike North Africa It is so flat, and the terrain in the east is very uneven, which also prevents a large area of arid climate from extending eastward. The Thar desert area, due to the prevalence of Iran Eastward expanding tropics on the southern edge of the low pressure Continental air mass (Tc), which prevents the equatorial monsoon flow (Em) from reaching far to the north; add Southwest monsoon The vertical thickness on its northern boundary is not thick; In addition, the upper level of the region in summer is anticyclone, and the lower level is significant Thermal low pressure It is not easy to rain, so the precipitation here is scarce, only about 75~150 mm, forming a desert. Iranian Plateau It is mainly composed of intermountain plateaus and basins surrounded by marginal mountains. It is not as hot as India and Arabia in summer and not as hot as in winter Central Asia The area is cold, and the climate is characterized by the temperate zone The transitional nature from arid areas to tropical arid areas. The winter temperature of the plateau is mostly 5~10 ℃, and the summer temperature can reach 30~32 ℃ in the southern lowlands, and the maximum temperature can reach 40~50 ℃. As the region borders the Mediterranean climate zone in the west, there is a certain amount of precipitation in winter and spring, and the rainfall in the west is more than that in the east, Zagros Mountains Southwest slope and Elbers The annual precipitation on the north slope is 500 mm, but the internal precipitation is less than 100 mm, forming a desert.

Historical evolution


Historical records

Haidar Hana Mosque
In the 18th century before, in Babylon《 Code of Hammurabi 》It mentioned that Baghdad (meaning "heaven sent") is an important town. It is called“ Big Food in Black ”Arabia of The Abbasids (750-1258), initially located in Anbar. The second in this dynasty Caliph Mansur (754-775) believed that Anbar was not suitable for Kyoto. So he surveyed in person, selected a small town called Baghdad on the right bank of the Tigris River, and decided to build a new capital here. After four years of construction, the new capital was built and named "Madina Salam", the "City of Peace" Arab Empire Capital. The city is round, so it is called "Tuancheng". The city is divided into outer city, inner city and imperial city, with three walls. With the imperial city as the center, the city walls form three Concentric circle The city wall has four gates with equal distance, and four streets stretch from the central area to the city gate, which looks like wheels spoke There are palaces, official residences mosque , library, garden, etc. [3]


Ancient buildings in Baghdad
In 773, Mansur Another palace "Qasr Khuld" was built on the outskirts of the city, and a camp, residence and mosque were built for the crown prince on the east bank of the river. The east and west sides of the river were connected by pontoon bridges, forming a corner with each other. In the middle of the 8th century and the 9th century, the caliph Harun al-Rashid and Mamun When he was in power, he expanded the city of Baghdad, built mosques, religious schools, libraries observatory , Inn Posthouse , market, bathroom and municipal Transportation facilities So that the city entered its heyday and became the political, economic, trade, cultural and religious center of the Arab Empire. The economy is prosperous, the transportation extends in all directions, the merchants gather in all directions, the market stores are numerous, and there are exclusive Chinese silk Porcelain And other commodities. Scholars gather and culture flourishes.

Create Smart House

In 830, Caliph Mamon founded a national academic research institution in Baghdad“ Smart House ”, gathering different nationalities and religious belief A famous scholar of Greece Persia , India and other countries arabic , promoting Arab scientific culture Development of. From the 9th to the 11th century, Islamic learning in Baghdad was in the ascendant Murtaizilai Asheri and Arabic The academic activities of the school were very active. Scholars of all schools wrote books under the patronage and protection of the court Hadith Teaching law Keram studies And literature and art. It is reported that there were more than 30 religious schools in Baghdad, including the 11th century Seljuk Korean Prime Minister Nizam Mulek Established Nietzsche Mea University And the 13th century caliph Mustansiriye University It is the most famous and has cultivated a large number of famous scholars and officials. with Cairo Cordoba is also known as the three famous cultural cities in the Islamic world.

Be ransacked

Mosques in Baghdad
In 1258 and 1401, Baghdad was attacked by Hulagu and Timur A large number of historic buildings and cultural relics were destroyed after two military raids, and all the classics collected in Baghdad were thrown into the river, which was said to be blackened by ink. Later, Baghdad Ilkhanate and Timurid Empire Under the rule. In 1534 and 1558 turkey People and Persians occupied it, and after 1638, it was Ottoman Empire The rule of. It was occupied by British colonial forces in 1917.

Settle the capital

Ahmadi Mosque
In 1921, Iraq declared independence and established its capital in Baghdad. At the end of the 20th century, it has developed into a modern city and is the political, economic, commercial, transportation and cultural center of the country. The modern buildings in the urban area coexist with the legacy of ancient buildings, setting off each other. According to historical records, there were more than 560 mosques in Baghdad. By 2006, there were more than 100 mosques, including the Kazmiya Mosque, the Imam Adham Mosque, and the Abdul Qadir Gilani Mosque. There are many universities (including religious universities) in the city, among which the famous are the old Mustansiriye College and Abbasid Palace Iraq Museum Islamic Museum, National Library and other historic sites. There are large stone statues of Arab historical celebrities standing in the Unified Park, and in Saadun Street and Abu Nuvas Street, they are made from《 The one thousand one night 》A large bronze statue of the story character. There is a monument to unsung heroes in the downtown area. There are many new modern buildings in Baghdad, including the famous king Faisal I Mausoleum, White House (government hotel), Republic Palace, International Convention Center Building, Babylon Hotel, etc.

Historical culture

Mosque dome
90 kilometers south of Baghdad Babylon The ancient city ruins can understand the powerful Babylonian Empire Your style. It created the world's first code and built Seven Wonders of the world One of Hanging Garden , and the Babel Tower, which is said to make God feel shocked and angry; It also first divided a day into 12 hours, implemented a seven day week system, and created the world's oldest characters—— Cuneiform And took the lead in using ceramic plates as tableware.
War act human society For history cultural relics and historic sites We have always lacked due respect for our protection. Since 1991 Persian Gulf War Since then, the bombing of the United States and Britain has affected many Iraqi historic sites Taixifeng The arch is an example. This world-class civilization site has been destroyed and is in danger. More seriously, in the Persian Gulf War Later, the theft of cultural relics that lost their protection became a way of making money under sanctions. Museums in all provinces were looted, and precious cultural relics and historical materials stored there to avoid bombing were swept away. Today, in the international cultural relics smuggling market, we can see that countless Iraqi cultural relics are being sold. It can be seen that the long-term war not only destroyed Iraq's national economy and people's livelihood, but also destroyed a large number of human civilization It's priceless. [4]

folk culture

Children in Baghdad
As early as 4000 years ago, Baghdad established a Sumerian city-state. In the 18th century BC, it was known as the "world Four Ancient Civilizations ”The Kingdom of Babylon, one of the world's largest cities, has stepped onto the stage of history. For centuries, it has not only Arab Empire The capital of west Asia And Middle East The center of regional economy, trade, culture and transportation. As the capital of the Arab Empire, Baghdad has a history of more than 1200 years. From 786 to 833 AD, Baghdad was in its heyday. At that time, great construction was carried out in the city, and buildings with Arab style appeared one after another. The urban area developed from Hexi to Hedong, becoming the most important culture and Trade Centre , and Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty Byzantine Empire Capital of Constantinople , known as the three famous cities in the world at that time.
In the 10th century AD, Baghdad became the center of world intelligence. arab Classical literature The magnificent palace, picturesque city gardens, wonderful and dangerous fairyland, and rich local customs described in the famous book "The Thousand and One Nights" make Baghdad known as the hometown of "The Thousand and One Nights".
In addition, Baghdad has the world's oldest university - Mustashiria University. The city also has dozens of military, natural, historical and other types of museums, which can be called the largest city in the Middle East.

tourist resources


Believer's palace

Believer's palace
In the center of Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, there is a six storey“ Believer's palace ”This is one of the office and living places of Saddam Hussein during his presidency. In 2003, US military Heavy bombing was carried out on the possible hiding place of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, and many buildings were blown into ruins. According to the records of the US military, on the night of the outbreak of the war, the US Air Force went to this "believer palace" Main building Two 900 kg heavy bombs nicknamed "bunker terminator" were dropped. In the next four days, at least six other similar members of the public landed on the "Believer Palace". to reinforced concrete structure The "believer's palace" in Beijing caused serious damage, and the traces left by the bomb were clearly visible. However, the bunker built for Saddam Hussein under the "Believer Palace" has been completely preserved, and has gradually become an "informal tourist attraction" for residents in the "green area" of central Baghdad.
After the war broke out, the "Believer Palace" was ransacked for many times. First, thieves of all sizes stole the items collected in it, taking advantage of the chaos after the US army entered the city. Then, the US troops stationed in the Green Zone also frequently entered the Believer Palace to dismantle the building materials that can be used for the decoration of their camps. Even so, people can still find some "small souvenirs" worth collecting from the ruins of the Believer Palace. For example, the remains of crystal colored lights hanging in the hall. Although the ground buildings are in a mess, the bunker under the Believer Palace is almost intact. No in the bunker lighting In addition, the US military engineers have not been clear about the structure of the bunker water supply system, resulting in serious water accumulation in some rooms. It is reported that the bedroom area of Saddam Hussein in the bunker is not large. Compared with other rooms, it is just the wallpaper that is different. Before the war broke out, Saddam had hosted a meeting of senior officials in this bunker. [5]

Tower of Babel

Restoration of Babel Tower
Five thousand years ago, Baghdad was located in a flat land, where there once stood an extremely spectacular giant tower - "Babel Tower". People don't know where the "Babel" tower originally came from, but only know that remote date It went into the Jewish《 Bible · Old Testament 》Middle.
stay Hebrew In Chinese, "Babel" means "turmoil", so this tower is called“ Babel Tower ”。 Others interpreted the word "turmoil" as "Babylon" and called the city“ Babylon ”, called the tower "Babylonian Tower". In Babylonian, "Babel" or "Babylon" means "the door of God". It is really puzzling that the same word should have opposite meanings in two languages.
In fact, there is a reason. In 586 BC, Neo-Babylonian Empire king Nebuchadnezzar II Destroy the Jewish state, demolish the Jewish holy city Jerusalem, burn the temple, and take the king and nearly ten thousand people captive to Babylon, leaving only a few of the poorest people. This is the famous“ Babylonian Captivity ”。
The scale of this tower is very grand. In 460 BC, 150 years after the tower was built, ancient Greek historian Herodotus When visiting Babylon, the damaged tower is still Favorable According to his records, the Tongtian Tower was built on many huge platforms with eight floors. The higher the tower is, the smaller it is Marduk Temple. The outer edge of the wall is built with Spiral The stairs of the tower can go up around the tower to the top of the tower; The middle waist of the tower ladder is equipped with a seat for rest. Tower base Each side is about 90 meters long and the tower is about 90 meters high. According to the late 19th century archaeologist According to Coldwell's actual measurement and calculation, the side length of the tower base is about 96 meters, and the total height of the tower and the temple is also about 96 meters, which is almost the same. Babel Tower was the highest building in Babylon at that time. It can be seen anywhere in the country. People call it the "Tower of the Sky". Some people also call it the footstep of the gods of heaven on their way to the mortal abode, the "post station" or "hotel" of the heavenly road.

Dietetic culture

Night View of Baghdad
Baghdad is like most arab countries Similarly, the main food is rice, and the most extensive diet is Fried rice Of course, I also like to eat white bread Many traditional dishes are very close Syria and Lebanon Dishes, such as roast mutton shish kebab And some fried meat made in the furnace.
Baghdad cuisine has a strong taste, because a lot of Pepper , onions, garlic, and all kinds of horseradish And spices.
Baghdad people like to eat fish very much, especially freshwater salmon. Fry the fish until brown, then sprinkle a lot of pepper and cut tomatoes on the table. Tigris roast fish Especially famous. It is quite common to eat sweets made of fruit Pie Waiting for pasta, and Yogurt , yogurt residue and cheese
Iraqis don't eat pork And don't eat congealed dishes. They seldom drink alcohol. In the northern region, it is the "Lelac" made from sweet distillation. The most popular drinks are yogurt "Samming" with a lot of foam and various juice drinks, such as almond Juice. Most important hot drink It's black tea with sugar.
cold dish : Yogurt residue with green onion Vegetable Salad , spray vegetable oil Mixed cold dishes, Minced meat and pepper Canned vegetables Fried chicken Or fried turkey With vegetables, poultry Assorted food? Oil immersion Canned fish Fish in vinegar.
The first hot dish: with pie, eggs Green pea , vegetable, rice broth, Yundou Potato soup pea soup Mutton soup , noodle chicken soup, green pea thick broth, Cauliflower soup
The second hot dish: fried, boiled or smoked fish, with potatoes and macaroni shish kebab , mutton fried rice, chicken fried rice , cuttage roast and then fillet, fried Pheasant , fried turkey or fried chicken, smoked pheasant, minced meat and pepper, and a platter made of vegetables, macaroni and rice.
Sweet food: sugar boiled fresh strawberries and other fruits, or Canned fruit Fresh Fruit Salad , fresh fruit, watermelon muskmelon jelly Fruit stuffing Sweet pie, ice cream , ice cream. In addition, strong tea must be served after dinner.