Palestine Israel conflict

Palestine Israel conflict in the Middle East
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Palestine Israel( Palestine and Israel )The Israel Palestine Conflict is Middle East One of the hotspots of conflict is conflict between Arabian countries and Israel and Middle East War Part of. The Palestine Israel conflict cannot be simply summarized as all Israel Israel And all Palestine arab Bilateral conflicts between. In the ethnic groups of both parties to the dispute, some individuals and groups call for the complete elimination of each other; The current international consensus is to support Two State Plan Some also support the one country plan - to establish a country that includes Israel West Bank region Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem Equal in internal, racial and religious status Secular country [1]
Behind the conflict, there are historical roots, including religious, cultural and ethnic factors, and more importantly, external factors such as the intervention of major powers. Various factors influence and intensify each other, making the Palestinian Israeli conflict very complicated. [2]
Among them, the two ethnic groups proposed exclusiveness The claim of sovereignty is the root cause. The settlement of Jewish immigrants and the status of Jerusalem are serious obstacles on the road to peace between Palestine and Israel. If these problems are not solved, the Palestinian Israeli conflict will not stop, and it is difficult to achieve real peace in the Middle East.
On January 20, 2024, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he did not agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state to the United States promise. [69] On January 22, Palestinian Prime Minister Ashtia said that the "two State solution" is an international consensus and should be gradually realized. [71] On January 24, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that Israel would continue its military operations in the Gaza Strip until it achieved "complete and absolute victory". [72] In March, Israel announced that it would confiscate 8 square kilometers of Palestinian land in the West Bank and return it to Israel. [89] On April 16, the UN Women's Office said that since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict, more than 10000 women have been killed in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. [93]
  • Latest news
On September 26 local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying that in the past 24 hours, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have resulted in 39 deaths and 86 injuries. Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict on October 7 last year, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have resulted in 41534 Palestinian deaths and 96092 injuries. ... Details
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Chinese name
Palestine Israel conflict
Foreign name
The Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Religious and cultural conflicts

Historical evolution

Semitic Of Canaanite Settle in Palestine Around the coast and plains.
13th century BC Phoenicians stay coastal Build a country.
Late 13th century BC Hebrew The tribes settled in.
Established by Jews in the 11th century BC Hebrew Kingdom , rear Assyria Babylon , Persia and other foreign nationalities once occupied Palestine.
1st century BC Imperium Romanum Intrusion, most Israel Exile all over the world.
It became Arab Empire Part of. arab They constantly moved in and assimilated with local indigenous people, gradually forming modern Palestinian Arabs.
For more than a thousand years, Palestine has been inhabited by Palestinian Arabs until now. This is the main reason for the Arab world to oppose the establishment of Israel.
Palestine Israel conflict
In 1920, Britain Jordan River For the boundary Palestine It is divided into eastern and western parts. The eastern part is called Outer Jordan (now the Kingdom of Jordan), and the western part is still called Palestine (now Israel, the West Bank of the Jordan River, and the Gaza Strip) as the British mandated territory. At the end of the 19th century“ Zionist Movement ”At the instigation of the Arab Movement, a large number of Jews moved into Palestine, and bloody conflicts continued to occur with local Arabs. After the Second World War, with the support of the United States and the Soviet Union, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution in 1947, stipulating that Palestine should establish the Jewish State (about 15200 square kilometers) and the Arab State (about 11500 square kilometers) after the end of the British mandate in 1948, Jerusalem (176 km2) internationalization. After the founding of Israel in May 1948, the two sides fought five wars in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982 because of the occupation of Arab land and the exclusion of Arab countries. Later, the Arab countries were defeated, and more than 1 million Palestinian Arabs were expelled from their homes where they had lived for generations and became refugees. The first Palestinian National Committee meeting held in Jerusalem in May 1964 decided to establish the Palestine Liberation Organization. 1969 Arafat Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO. In September 1978, Egypt, Israel and the United States signed the Camp David agreement. The Palestinians in the occupied territories were granted limited autonomy, while the PLO refused to accept autonomy. On November 15, 1988 Algiers At the 19th special session of the Palestinian National Council, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, announcing the establishment of the capital of Jerusalem on Palestinian land State of Palestine The declaration made it clear that Palestine accepted resolution 181 (Partition Resolution) adopted by the General Assembly on November 29, 1947. The boundary issue of Palestine will be settled through negotiation later. In December 1988, Arafat recognized Israel's right to exist and condemned terrorism On September 13, 1993, after the secret negotiations hosted by Norway, Israel and the PLO signed a peace agreement and proposed a plan for Palestinian autonomy. On May 4, 1994, the PLO and Israel Cairo Signed the historic Gaza Agreement on limited autonomy with Jericho, May 12, 1994, Palestinian National Authority Establishment. On July 12, 1994, Arafat returned to Gaza after 27 years of exile.
The Source of Palestinian Israeli Conflict Temple Mountain
According to the ancient Jewish scripture, "The world can be compared to the eyes of a man. The whites of the eyes are the sea that encloses the world; the black eyes are the earth where people live; the pupil is Jerusalem; and the face in the pupil is the temple." Hence the name Jerusalem Temple Mountain has become Islamism The third holy place. The biggest crux of the bloody conflict between Palestine and Israel for more than half a century lies in the status of the holy city Jerusalem; The root and focus of the fight for the city of Yahweh is the ownership of the Temple Mountain. In 2000, it was because Sharon, the Likud leader at that time, invaded here, which ignited the Palestinian Israeli conflict that continues to this day.
Jerusalem landmark: Dome mosque
Although it is called Temple Mountain, there is no shadow of the top of the mountain. At the extreme, there are only rectangular stone buildings and dense trees. In fact, the Temple Mount is still a name handed down from ancient Jews. In Christian legend, this stone is also regarded as the ancestor of human beings made of earth by God Adam The place.
In the 10th century BC Hebrew King Solomon built the first temple here, where the sacred object "the Ark of the Covenant" was stored. In 586 BC, Jerusalem was Babylon It was destroyed, and then the temple was destroyed. In 520 BC, the temple was rebuilt, but finally it was completely destroyed in the second century AD, and Jews were expelled from their homeland and wandered around the world.
Templar Palestine People call this place "Holy Land". Because there are thousands of years old Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jinding Mosque Jerusalem has also become the successor of Islam Mecca And Medina.
Walking on the Temple Mountain, almost every brick and tile has a story, a history, or magic, or sadness. For Jews and Muslims, the Temple Mount has sunk into their hearts. However, the overlap of such holy sites also turned into religious disputes and historical grievances, which made this place with an area of less than 0.135 square kilometers bear too much hatred and blood tears; To some extent, it dominated the antagonism of the Palestinian and Israeli people until it intensified into bloody conflict in 2000.

Historical records

Palestinian area It was once the hometown of Jews, and their legends in the text are well known. So《 Bible 》For example, this Christian classic records the story of the Jewish ancestors. Although most historians believe that《 Bible 》It is not because the record is not true, but because it is difficult to verify its authenticity; Furthermore《 Bible 》It's just a product of faith -- however, since most of the content is accepted by today's Jews, we need to carefully understand the outline of the story, because today's conflict and Jerusalem The problem is closely related to religious reasons:
The story begins when God tells Abraham Leave one's hometown Mesopotamia Go to Canaan, now the Palestinian area, and start a new life. In this way, Abraham is regarded as the ancestor of Jews, just as the Chinese think Yellow Emperor It is the same as the ancestor of the Chinese nation. So Abraham led his wife and sons to Canaan, which is probably the evidence that Jews thought they were masters of the Palestinian area. His son Isaac and grandson Jacob are both considered ancestors of Jews. Jacob had twelve sons, because Joseph dreamed that when harvesting, his brothers' wheat bales surrounded his wheat bales, and all of his brothers' wheat bales fell toward the center to his wheat bales. So Joseph predicted that his brothers and even his father would surrender to him. This made the 11 brothers hate their brother Joseph very much. They thought he was arrogant, so they sold him to Egypt as a slave. However, Joseph had a dream interpretation skill, which was very popular with the king of Egypt, so he was appointed Prime Minister. Later, Jacob and his sons came to Egypt to join Joseph and multiply their descendants. These descendants were called Israel for the first time. The king of Egypt saw the prosperous Jews as a threat. In order to eliminate this hidden danger, he found an excuse to demote these Israelis to slavery. The miserable service life made the poor Jews resist, so there was Moses , also The Ten Commandments of Moses , leading the Israelis back to their hometown. The following events are tedious and will not be described in detail. Around the 13th century BC, Israel established the first unified kingdom - Kingdom of Israel And they have two great kings, David and his son Solomon During his reign, he developed trade, maintained his rule by force, and made Israel flourish. More importantly, at this time, the kingdom's capital was Jerusalem, and it was established as the sacred place of the Jewish nation, which laid the root for the difficulty of resolving the crux of the Palestinian Israeli conflict.
Records of the Bible in Palestine and Israel
The reason why Jews occupied Palestine is Israel Their ancestors lived in Palestine, but this view is not shared by Muslims, because they were not the main ethnic group of Palestine thousands of years ago, while Arabs have lived in Palestine for thousands of years.

Famous people

Arafat , known as "Aong", President of the State of Palestine, Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman of the Executive Committee and Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces. Born in Jerusalem, a Sunni Muslim family. In 1948, he participated in the first Middle East War Studied in 1950 CAIRO University Engineering college, actively engaged in student sports. After graduation, he studied in the Egyptian Military Academy and served as a lieutenant in the Egyptian army. Participated in 1956 The Second Middle East War , become a blasting expert. From 1958 to Kuwait Served as engineer of public works department, and secretly prepared to build "Fatah", namely Palestinian National Liberation Movement In 1959, Fatah was officially established. In 1964, the "Fatah" armed group "Storm" commando was formed. From January 1965, he led the guerrillas to launch the first armed struggle against Israel in northern Palestine. In February 1969, he served as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the Chairman of the Central Committee of the organization the following year. Since 1974, he has been the commander in chief of the Palestinian Revolutionary Armed Forces. In November of the same year, he led the PLO delegation to the 29th United Nations General Assembly to participate in the discussion on the question of Palestine. In 1980, he was re elected as Chairman of the "Fatah" Central Committee and Commander in Chief of the "Storm" Commando at the 4th "Fatah" Congress. On November 15, 1988, Arafat Algeria Algiers announced the official establishment of the Palestinian State. He was elected president of the country. In December of the same year, he also announced his acceptance of UN resolutions 242 and 338, recognizing Israel's right to live in peace and security. In October 1991, the State of Palestine sent representatives to the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference. In September 1993, it announced the recognition of Israel and signed a declaration of principles with Israel on Palestinian autonomy in Gaza and Jericho, which promoted the peace process in the Middle East. In July 1994, he returned to the Palestinian Autonomous Region and became the President of the Palestinian National Authority (Autonomous Government).
Rabin (Yitzhak Rabin)
State of Israel Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense. Born in Britisher Palestinian Jerusalem under rule. Both parents immigrated from Russia and are fanatical Zionism The. In his youth, he was determined to save the country through agriculture Tel Aviv After graduating from an agricultural high school, he went to the United States Berkeley University of California, majoring in irrigation engineering. After the outbreak of the Second World War, he abandoned his original ideals, joined the army and joined the opposition the axis Military organization. After the war, he helped to release illegal Jewish immigrants from Palestine and was put under house arrest by the British for six months in 1946. His long military career tempered his military talents. In 1964, he was appointed Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff. In 1967, he personally commanded the "June 5 War" and defeated Jordan , Egypt and Syria Allied forces West Bank Gaza Strip Egypt Sinai Peninsula And Syria Golan Heights Under the rule of Israel. This action led the United Nations to adopt resolution 242, which requires Israel to withdraw from the occupied Arab territories. In 1968, Rabin retired from politics after 26 years in the army. Initially Ambassador to the United States From 1974 to 1977, he served as the only native Israeli Prime Minister. His government collapsed due to the scandal that his wife held an illegal bank account, but he still has considerable power within the Labour Party. In 1984, Israel established a coalition government, and he served as Defense Minister. Rabin, as a military leader, has now realized from the reality of history that peace is the trend of history. Only by following the historical trend can Israel survive and develop. In 1992, 70 year old Rabin made a comeback and defeated the right wing in the general election Likud Group The leader, Shamir, became Prime Minister again. The end of the cold war brought hope for peace in the Middle East. Soon after Rabin took office as Prime Minister, he launched a peace offensive against Arab countries, saying that he would first accept the principle of "land for peace" proposed by the Palestinians and United Nations resolutions 242 and 338. In November 1993, Israel and Palestine White House Signed the first peace agreement - the declaration of principles of autonomy in Gaza Jericho, Rabin Finally, they were able to make peace with Palestinian leader Arafat. In October 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty, ending the 46 year old State of war In September 1995, Israel and Palestine jointly signed the“ Taba Agreement ”。 According to the agreement, the scope of the Palestinian National Authority will be expanded to 27% of the West Bank, which will lead to the signing of an Israeli Palestinian Israeli treaty of peace Middle East It brought the dawn of peace and was praised by the international community, so Rabin and Arafat together won The Nobel Peace Prize However, the extreme right forces of Israel oppose peace with Palestine and call Rabin a "traitor"“ traitor ”。 November 1995, Tel Aviv King's Square Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist at the peaceful rally of 100000 people at the age of 75. Although Rabin's death will have some impact on peace in the Middle East, the historical trend towards peace in the world is irreversible, and the path of peace in the Middle East initiated by Rabin and others is unstoppable.
salon (Ariel Sharon)
Salon, Ariel (February 26, 1928 - January 11, 2014) Leader of the Likud Group of Israel. Former Foreign Minister. Member of Parliament.
Sharon Ariel
In 1928, he was born in Malale Village, Sharon District, near Tel Aviv. Once in Canterbury Staff College Hebrew University of Jerusalem and TEL AVIV University study. Participation since childhood Palestinian Jewish Defense Organization "Hagana" activities. From 1945 to 1950, he served successively as instructor, police instructor, reconnaissance company commander of the "Alexander Brigade"“ Golan Brigade ”Reconnaissance Captain. From 1950 to 1952, he served as the intelligence officer of the central and northern military regions. In 1953, it was responsible for the formation and command of Unit 101, which specialized in cross-border "retaliation" against Palestinian guerrillas and Arab countries (the following year, Israeli paratroopers were incorporated into this unit). In 1956, he served as brigade commander of the paratrooper brigade. In October of the same year, he participated in the war of British, French and Israeli aggression against Egypt. From 1958 to 1966, he successively served as the headmaster of the Infantry School, the brigade commander of the armored brigade, the chief of staff of the Northern Military Region and the head of military training of the General Staff. In 1967, he was promoted to Major General. In 1967, during the "June 5" War, he commanded a division to fight in Sinai, and served as the minister of military training after the war. In December 1969, he served as the commander of the Southern Military Region. He resigned from the military in July 1973 and ran for parliament. In September of the same year, he participated in the organization of the right-wing United Front Likud Group. After the war broke out in October 1973, he served as the division commander of the armored division and led his troops to break through Suez Canal , retired after the war. In December 1974, he was called into the reserve and served as the senior commander of the "emergency force". In June 1975, he served as security affairs adviser to the Prime Minister. In April 1976, he said that he had a disagreement with the government on defense policy and resigned as a consultant. He was elected as a member of parliament in 1974 and 1977. After Likud Group came to power in June 1977, he served as Minister of Agriculture and Chairman of the Settlement Committee. In August 1981, he became the Minister of National Defense. In June 1982, he planned and directed Lebanon The war. In March 1983, because Sharon indulged the Christian militia Sabra and Shatila massacre The incident forced him to resign as the Minister of National Defense. He was appointed as the Minister of Industry and Commerce in September 1984, the Minister of Housing from June 1990 to July 1992, the Minister of National Infrastructure in July 1996, and the Minister of National Infrastructure after July 1997. His term of office lasted until the end of 1998.
From October 1998 to July 1999, he served as the Foreign Minister of Israel.
In September 1999, he was formally elected as the leader of Likud Group.
Sharon is a famous right-wing hardliner in the Likud Group. He opposes the Israeli Palestinian peace talks and advocates building more Jewish settlements
On September 28, 2000, he visited the Temple Mount, the third holy place of Islam in East Jerusalem, which triggered a violent conflict between Palestine and Israel.
In February 2001 Likud Group Party leader participated in the Israeli Prime Minister's election and won.
On November 28, 2002, he was re elected as the leader of Likud Group.
On January 28, 2003, the leader Likud Group won the election, making the Likud Group the largest party in the parliament, and he was also successfully re elected as Prime Minister.
On November 21, 2005, he left the then ruling right-wing Likud Group and founded Kadima Party of Israel , serving as the party leader.
On April 11, 2006, the Israeli Cabinet announced that Israeli Prime Minister Sharon had permanently lost his ability to perform his duties, which meant that the Sharon era in Israeli politics had officially ended.
He died of illness on January 11, 2014.

Armed groups

The Islamic Resistance Movement (IRM) is a radical organization established in the occupied Palestinian territory, referred to as "Hamas" for short. It is spelled by three Arabic prefixes: "Islam", "Resistance" and "Movement". December 1987 by Palestinians Sheikh Ahmed Yassin found.
Hamas militants
Hamas is both a religious organization and a political organization. In terms of religion, Hamas upholds traditional Islamic ideas and believes in Islamic teachings and rules. Politically, it advocates violent struggle for terror and complete liberation by force from the West Bank to mediterranean sea The goal of establishing an independent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital was achieved, and Israel's right to exist was denied.
The leading body of Hamas is a seven member committee, which is in charge of political, military, security, organizational, propaganda and prison departments. The composition of Hamas personnel is divided into three parts: "open", "secret" and "military". The public part includes persons with legal identity, the secret part refers to leading members responsible for organizing and mobilizing marches and struggles, and the military part refers to well-trained terrorists specializing in violence. Hamas has about 20000 formal members.

Attack mode

After the establishment of Hamas, it has planned many demonstrations and attacks against the Israeli occupying forces, produced many explosions, and attacked Israeli border guards from time to time, kidnapped or assassinated residents of Jewish settlements, causing extreme panic and anxiety in Israel. In 1989, Hamas was declared an illegal organization by the Israeli authorities, banned all its activities, and arrested and imprisoned its spiritual leader Yassin.
In the process of fighting against Israel, Hamas has been fighting side by side with the PLO, which is the most prominent force in the process of Palestinian anti Israel. But in 1993 Oslo After the signing of the agreement, there was a fundamental contradiction between Hamas and the PLO. Hamas opposes peace talks with Israel and has been persisting in its violent struggle against Israel.
Yassin said: "The use of suicide bombers (a form of terrorist attacks) is the democratic right of any Palestinian. Israelis only understand this kind of democracy." The 65 year old man is Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas. Yassin said, "This is the price we pay for freedom. Israel is afraid of human bombs. They will kneel in front of us and beg for mercy. You can feel their fear. They are worried about where the next bomb will explode. Hamas will win in the end."
The deepest reason why Palestinians use human bombs is the breeding of terrorism. Israel has a sound military system, while Palestine does not: Israel has American assistance, and no Arab country dare to offer military assistance to Palestine on its own initiative. The extreme weakness of Palestine makes it impossible for them to possess high-tech weapons, while simple light weapons cannot defeat Israel. Therefore, the Palestinians began to use human bombs in the spirit of making spiritual attacks on the enemy and sacrificing their lives for the nation.

Peace plan


Plan presentation

The "Mitchell Report" of May 4, 2001 At the end of September 2000, a large-scale bloody conflict broke out between Palestine and Israel, and the Palestine Israel peace talks were in trouble. With the good offices of the international community, in October, the multilateral summit on the Middle East was held in Egypt Sharm el Sheikh At the meeting, it was decided to establish an international commission of inquiry to investigate the causes of the Palestinian Israeli violence. Palestine and Israel should immediately and unconditionally stop the violent conflict; To jointly create a period of relaxation; Take steps to rebuild mutual trust; The Palestinian National Authority strives to combat terrorism; The Israeli government must completely freeze the construction of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian controlled areas; Israel cancels Bacheng The bombing and blockade of; The two sides resumed cooperation on security. However, due to the tough policy adopted by the Sharon Government of Israel and the increasingly violent conflict between Palestine and Israel, the Mitchell Report has not been implemented.
June 5, 2001“ Tenet Ceasefire Plan ”In April and May 2001, the bloody conflict between Palestine and Israel intensified. To seek recovery Middle East peace process The international community has launched intensive diplomatic mediation in the Middle East. Palestine should immediately arrest Palestinian radical Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Islamic Jihad And stop anti Israeli propaganda, confiscate all illegal weapons in the Palestinian Autonomous Region, and stop providing help for "terrorist activities" that attack Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; For its part, Israel should ensure that it will not attack Palestinian targets, and withdraw its troops to the position before the outbreak of the Palestinian Israeli conflict on September 28, 2000, ending the blockade of the Palestinian autonomous region. The Palestinian National Authority issued a statement expressing its full acceptance of the Tenet Ceasefire Plan. Although Israel also announced its acceptance of the plan in principle, it failed to implement it because Sharon insisted that there must be a week of "absolute calm" and other preconditions.
March 28, 2002“ Arab Peace Initiative The "Arab Peace Initiative" was launched by the Saudi Crown Prince at the 14th Arab Summit on March 28, 2002 Abdullah Was adopted on the basis of the Middle East peace proposal. The initiative calls for Israel to withdraw from all Arab territories occupied since 1967, accept the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, and solve the Palestine refugee problem fairly. On this premise, Arab countries will recognize the existence of Israel, ensure its security and achieve normal relations.
May 30, 2003 Middle East peace "road map" plan In order to permanently resolve the Israeli Palestinian conflict, the plan proposed the idea of establishing an independent Palestinian state and peaceful coexistence between Israel and Palestine. The end of the Israeli Palestinian conflict will be divided into three stages. In the first stage (from the beginning to May of that year), Israel and Palestine will achieve a ceasefire; Pakistan will crack down on terrorist activities and carry out comprehensive political reform; Israel should withdraw from the Palestinian territory occupied after September 28, 2000, freeze the construction of settlements, dismantle the settlements established after March 2001, and take all necessary measures to normalize the lives of Palestinians. The second phase (from June to December of that year) is a transitional period, focusing on the establishment of a Palestinian State with temporary borders and sovereignty symbols. The Quartet of Good Offices on the Middle East (the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia) will convene an international conference for this purpose. The next two years will be the third stage. Israel and Palestine will negotiate on the final status and reach an agreement in 2005 to finally end the conflict between the two sides. The Quartet of good offices on the Middle East issue will hold a second international meeting on this issue.

Main resistance

For both governments, decades of war and confrontation cannot solve the problem, and only peace is the only way out. Under the mediation of the international community, the Palestinian and Israeli governments have signed many peace agreements, but they have always failed to reach a permanent peace agreement in the final stage of negotiations because of the great differences on the ownership of Jerusalem, Jewish settlements, the return of Palestinian refugees, the demarcation of the Palestinian Israeli border and other thorny issues. Moreover, all mediation plans and agreements were ended due to the deliberate delay of successive governments.
It all comes down to the deep-rooted national hatred and mutual distrust. Especially for the Israeli government, as a party with a strong military advantage, based on the interests of its own nation, a suicide bombing can lead to indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian settlements or the destruction of civilian houses. such Hamas In the dark, they constantly create suicide bombings; When the Israeli army is in the Ming Dynasty, any action of Hamas will become a handle for them to seize and wait for opportunities to retaliate. This vicious circle will seriously affect the stability of the region and is not conducive to the implementation of policies.
Sharon is a representative of the Israeli hardliners. He once entered the Al Aqsa Mosque to declare the religious relationship between the Jews and the Temple Mount, which has provoked conflicts that continue today. Moreover, when he was Prime Minister, he encouraged Israel to settle in the West Bank with preferential rent and tax policies, which also caused dissatisfaction among Palestinians. On the Palestinian side, the extreme representative is the Hamas Resistance Movement, whose spiritual leader Yassin once said: "Arafat has his own practice, we have our own practice, and the suicide bombing will not stop." It can be seen that there have been serious differences within Palestine, and the Palestine National Liberation Organization cannot influence the behavior of terrorist organizations, In fact, there are more than 100 terrorist organizations, large and small, in Palestine. Once there are serious differences of opinion or the Liberation Organization clearly interferes in terrorist acts, it may lead to civil war, making Arafat and the new leader Abbas have to be wary of them. Sharon once blocked Arafat's official residence because he thought he was suspected of instigating a terrorist attack. It can be seen that the problems of terrorist organizations have been able to influence the development of conflicts.
US President Bush in Jordanian Port City Aqaba Trilateral talks were held with Israeli Prime Minister Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas. The trilateral talks were held against the background that both Israel and Palestine expressed their acceptance of the Middle East peace "road map" proposed by the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia. The international community generally hopes that Israel and Palestine will seize this opportunity to make breakthrough progress in restarting peace talks and ending bloody conflicts. However, after the two sides shook hands to accept and worked hard to implement the road map, Hamas committed another suicide bombing in Israel, and its leader publicly condemned it Abbas It betrayed Palestinian interests, and the news said Abbas would not contact and negotiate with Hamas leaders. Since then, Israel has launched retaliatory actions, and the glimmer of hope for achieving peace that originally appeared has been clouded.

American intervention

After the "September 11" incident, the forces of the hardliners in the United States who are pro Israeli have risen significantly, and they are more partial to Israel on the Palestinian Israeli issue. The United States openly supports Israel's retaliation against the attacks of Palestinian militant organizations, characterizes Palestinian militant organizations as "terrorist organizations", demands that Pakistan change its leaders, and acquiesces in the house arrest of Palestinian leader Arafat. Bush has invited Sharon to visit the United States seven times, but he has not held any kind of meeting with Palestinian leaders. However, the US approach has not only failed to benefit Israel from its "protection", but has also intensified the Palestinian Israeli conflict. The Palestine Israel conflict is the core of the Middle East issue and an important source of anti American sentiment in the Middle East. The Bush administration has to adjust its Middle East policy to find ways to calm the Palestinian Israeli conflict and resolve the Palestinian Israeli dispute. As early as in the preparation stage for the war against Iraq, the United States drew up a "road map" plan to solve the Middle East problem, and reached an agreement on this with the United Nations, the European Union and Russia. After the war against Iraq basically ended, the Quartet on the Middle East issue submitted the "road map" plan to the Palestinian and Israeli sides in a timely manner.
yes U.S.A For example, promoting the implementation of the "road map" plan is one of the important contents of the adjustment of the U.S. Middle East policy after the Iraq war. It can not only calm down the "September 11" incident and Iraq War The anti American sentiment in the Arab world since then is also conducive to changing its image in the international community, improving relations with the EU and Arab countries, and further striving for Arab countries' support and cooperation in counter-terrorism and the United States' Middle East strategy.
The reason why the United States chose to hold trilateral talks with Palestine and Israel at this time is not only that the Bush administration has recognized the urgency of resolving the Palestinian Israeli conflict in its Middle East strategy, but also because the United States believes that the time has come to stop the bloody Palestinian Israeli conflict that has lasted for nearly three years. After several years of conflict, Palestine and Israel can be said to be both defeated, and both sides have paid a heavy price in political, economic, social and other aspects. Therefore, Israel has conditionally accepted the "road map", and Pakistan has also made positive efforts to cooperate with the implementation of the "road map". For the purpose of this tripartite talks, Sharon and Abbas have held two meetings. Both sides said they would take some practical measures to "restore confidence". A rare sign of detente finally emerged between Palestine and Israel, thus creating a suitable atmosphere for the mediation of the United States.
It is difficult to solve the current Palestinian Israeli conflict without external forces. It is obviously a good thing to have a powerful intermediary to mediate. Despite the special relationship between the United States and Israel, which may be suspected of favoritism in some aspects, Bush has always been worried about the instability in the Middle East, and in some cases, pressure may be exerted to stop Sharon's unrestrained tough behavior. However, the latest news shows that the United States may send troops to suppress the Palestinian terrorist forces and interfere in other people's internal affairs in such a way that the result can only be deeper hatred

United Nations resolutions

UN Resolution on the Israeli Palestinian Conflict
On November 29, 1947, the second session of the General Assembly of the United Nations voted for the partition of Palestine by 33 votes in favour, 13 against (10 of which were Islamic countries) and 10 abstentions, namely UN Resolution 181 The resolution stipulates that Britain will end its mandate in Palestine and withdraw its troops before August 1, 1948; Two months later, two countries were established on the land of Palestine, namely the Arab State and the Jewish State. According to the blueprint of the partition resolution, the territory of the Arab State can reach 11203 square kilometers, accounting for about 43% of the total area of Palestine at that time, with 725000 Arabs and 10000 Jews in the population; The territory of the Jewish State is 14942 square kilometers, accounting for 57% of the total area of Palestine, with 497000 Arabs and 598000 Jews in the population. The resolution also stipulates that a special international regime in Jerusalem will be established and managed by the United Nations. In order to win over Israel's ruling Labor Party, the Soviet Union changed its inherent anti Semitic attitude from the era of Russia, made great efforts to establish Israel, and gave diplomatic and military support to the establishment and consolidation of the State of Israel. Permanent Representative of the Soviet Union to the United Nations Gromeco A moving speech at the General Assembly played an important role in the smooth adoption of resolution 181. In the Belfort Declaration, he swore to support Israel The restored Britain abstained from voting at this time.
At that time, there were more than 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine, accounting for more than 2/3 of the total population. However, the territory of the Arab States in the partition resolution only accounted for 43% of the total area of Palestine. What is more intolerable to Arabs is that the territory of Arab countries is fragmented and disconnected, most of which are hills and barren areas. The Jewish state is not the case. Although only 600000 Jews, less than 1/3 of the total population, their territory accounts for 57% of the total area of Palestine. Most of them are located in the coastal zone, and the land is fertile.
On the afternoon of May 14, 1948, the square in front of the Tel Aviv Museum of Modern Art was crowded with Jews. At 4 p.m., Ben Gurion, the 1.6 meter tall "father of the founding of Israel", announced the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel. Ben Gurion became the first Prime Minister of Israel.

security council resolutions

On November 15, 2023 local time, security council Resolution 2712 on the Palestinian Israeli issue was adopted, which is the first time that the Security Council has adopted relevant resolutions since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict on October 7, 2023, and also since the end of 2016 security council The first resolution on the Palestinian Israeli issue. The resolution focused on humanitarian concerns, highlighted the protection of children, and called for an emergency humanitarian moratorium for a long enough period of time throughout the Gaza Strip to provide basic goods and services and carry out emergency relief and recovery work.
Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Zhang Jun He said that the Security Council should have adopted a more comprehensive and powerful resolution earlier. For well-known reasons, the current resolution can only take the first step based on minimum consensus. Nevertheless, the resolution is still of positive significance, starting the initial step of promoting the ceasefire, and is the bottom line requirement for saving lives, which helps to avoid greater humanitarian crises and disasters. [60]

Two State Plan

On July 24, 2018, Ma Zhaoxu, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said that the "two country solution" is the fundamental way to resolve the Palestinian Israeli conflict. The international community should strengthen efforts to promote the resumption of negotiations on the basis of relevant UN resolutions [3]
On November 29, 2018, Wu Haitao, the Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly that the "two country solution" is the fundamental way to resolve the Palestinian Israeli conflict. The international community should remain united, enhance its sense of urgency and responsibility, and launch a new round of peace promotion efforts [4]
On May 12, 2021, UN Secretary General Guterres said that it was "absolutely necessary" to ease the Palestinian Israeli conflict, and that the rising death toll, including children, was totally unacceptable. [38]
On the afternoon of February 21, 2024 local time, the Knesset of Israel completed its vote to support the statement of the Israeli Cabinet against the "unilateral recognition" of the Palestinian State. [87]

suspension of arms

On November 15, 2023 local time, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution focusing on humanitarian concerns and highlighting the protection of children on the current situation between Palestine and Israel—— UN Security Council Resolution 2712 , opened the initial steps to promote the Palestinian Israeli ceasefire [60]
In the early morning of November 22, 2023 local time, the Israeli cabinet voted to reach a temporary ceasefire agreement with the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). [61] On November 22 local time, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) issued a statement announcing that it had reached a four-day temporary humanitarian ceasefire agreement with Israel under the mediation of Qatar and Egypt. [62] On November 22, Moussa Abu Marzuk, member of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), said that the Gaza Strip would cease fire at 10 a.m. local time on the 23rd. [63] On November 23 local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar issued a statement saying that the temporary ceasefire agreement reached between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) will take effect from 7:00 on the 24th. Hamas will release 13 detainees on the same day. [64] At 7:00 a.m. local time on November 24, 2023 (13:00 Beijing time), the ceasefire agreement between the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel in the Gaza Strip officially came into force. [65]
On the 13th local time, the talks on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the exchange of detainees held by Egypt, the United States, Qatar and Israel in Cairo, Egypt, had ended. The Israeli delegation left Egypt after the meeting.

Ceasefire negotiations

On February 13, 2024 local time, the talks on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the exchange of detainees held by Egypt, the United States, Qatar and Israel in Cairo, Egypt, have ended. The Israeli delegation did not make a formal response to the request of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) for a ceasefire and the exchange of detainees during the talks. "The delegation just went to listen to the progress of the negotiations". [79]

Reconciliation negotiation

On April 20, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China gave an answer to the Palestinian Fatah and Hamas factions' consultations on intra Palestinian reconciliation in Beijing. Lin Jian said that, at the invitation of China, representatives of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) had come to Beijing for consultations a few days ago, and had in-depth and frank dialogue on promoting intra Palestinian reconciliation, The two sides fully expressed their political will to achieve reconciliation through dialogue and consultation, discussed many specific issues, and made positive progress. They agreed to continue this dialogue process and strive for the early realization of Palestinian unity and unity. [96]


On May 6, 2024, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) issued a statement, announcing its agreement to the ceasefire proposal in the Gaza Strip proposed by the mediation side. [100]

influence factor



In accordance with the provisions of UN Resolution 181 on the Partition of Palestine in November 1947, the Arab State and the Jewish State were established in the Palestinian region. The Jews agreed to the resolution and established the "State of Israel", while the Arab countries objected to the resolution and did not establish an Arab state in the specified region. thereafter arab league There were many wars between the country and Israel.


Jerusalem includes the old and the new urban areas, Judaism Christianity Islamism Both honored the old city as“ Holy City ”。

Occupied territories

In the Middle East War, Israel successively occupied the West Bank of the Jordan River, Jerusalem, Egypt, Syria and other countries, and built settlements in places with sufficient water and fertile soil.
In March 2024, Israel announced that it would confiscate 8 square kilometers of Palestinian land in the West Bank of the Jordan River and return it to Israel. [89]

Water source problem

There is no big river in Israel. There is much rainfall in the north and a large desert in the south. With population growth and rapid economic development, water shortage has become increasingly prominent. In order to solve the water shortage, Israel intercepts the Jordan River and its tributaries through the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River, and draws a large amount of groundwater from the occupied land.

Public pressure

How will the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Palestinian Gaza Strip develop next after the Israeli army's air strikes on the Palestinian Gaza Strip have caused heavy casualties? Although it is difficult to predict whether the Israeli army will carry out large-scale ground operations in Gaza, all signs indicate that the Israeli government and Hamas are under great pressure to compromise with each other and avoid ground war, and only mutual compromise can bring peace back to the conflict area.
Israel: leaders change their tune
Prime Minister ehud olmert On January 1, 2009, Israel said that it did not want to launch a lasting war, nor was it keen to expand the front, but hoped that the goal of the military operation currently being carried out in Gaza would be achieved as soon as possible, and then the operation would be ended as soon as possible. The day before, Olmert also said at the cabinet meeting that the Israeli military action will last as long as it takes, until the Israeli combat objectives are achieved. In addition, Foreign Minister Livni said during his visit to France that the fight against Hamas cannot be solved through a military operation, but requires "long-term" action. The latest positions of the two Israeli leaders show that they have reservations about launching large-scale ground attacks.
Analysts believe that consideration of the following factors may lead Israel to avoid large-scale ground operations. First, Hamas's strong resistance may cause heavy casualties to the Israeli army, because the air strikes have not shaken the foundation of Hamas; Second, ground attacks will lead to the deterioration of Israel's internal security situation, because since the beginning of the air strikes, protests in Israel have been increasing, and retaliatory terrorist attacks against Israeli targets may also increase; Third, there is tremendous pressure from the international community, because once the Israeli army takes a large-scale ground action, a large number of Palestinians will die in the war Humanitarian crisis It will also deteriorate sharply.
Brom, an expert from the National Security Institute of Tel Aviv University, believes that the air strikes have effectively hit Hamas. In this case, it is in Israel's interests to avoid launching ground attacks, because once ground action is taken, Israel is likely to face the problem of whether to reoccupy Gaza, which will be a huge burden for Israel.
A poll shows that 52% of the respondents support Israel's continuing air strikes, while only 19% support ground action. The result of this poll will also have an impact on the Israeli government's decision on whether to take ground action.
Hamas: its position tends to soften
On December 31, 2008 Gaza Senior Hamas leaders with actual control Hania Appearing on television for the first time since the beginning of the Gaza war, he demanded that Israel immediately and unconditionally stop its military attacks on Gaza, and said that if Israel could meet the Hamas demands to end the blockade of Gaza, "we can sit down and talk about all the issues seriously".
Analysts believe that Hamas softened its position at this time for two important reasons besides the international community's demand for an immediate ceasefire.
First, after several days of Israeli air strikes, Hamas's strength must have suffered some losses. With Israel constantly increasing its forces on the Gaza border, Hamas may not really be willing to have a thorough "showdown" with the Israeli army, although it has verbally vowed to compete with the Israeli army on the ground. If Hamas can take advantage of the current situation to reach a ceasefire agreement with Israel, Hamas can preserve its strength.
Second, since the beginning of the Gaza war, Hamas has found that even Arab countries, while condemning Israel, also blame themselves for providing an excuse for the Israeli army to use force against Gaza. Hamas first proposed a ceasefire. If Israel continues to expand its offensive, Hamas can no longer bear similar charges.
Palestinian people: looking forward to an early end to the split
Since the Israeli army launched a military attack on the Gaza Strip, ordinary people in Palestine, while condemning the Israeli army, have generally issued a call to end division and re realize Palestinian unity. This is unavoidable political pressure for Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and Fatah in the West Bank.
President of the Palestinian National Authority, Fatah leader Abbas In a televised speech on the evening of December 31, 2008, he once again appealed to Hamas and leaders of other political factions to accept the invitation to discuss the current situation in Gaza, so as to reach a ceasefire agreement to end the current situation.
In response, Hamas leader Haniyeh said in a televised speech on the evening of the same day that "unconditional dialogue can be launched within Pakistan to achieve national reconciliation". He also stressed that Hamas has not established an independent entity in the Gaza Strip West Bank The intention of separation.
This can be said to be another change in Hamas's attitude under the current situation. Before Haniyeh's speech, Hamas had categorically rejected Abbas's similar proposal on December 29, 2008. Analysts believe that Hamas changed its attitude because in November 2008, after Egypt's mediation for a comprehensive reconciliation dialogue within Palestine failed, Hamas had already shouldered the responsibility of boycotting the dialogue. If, under the current situation, Hamas does not respond positively to Abbas's appeal, it will obviously move against public opinion.

number of casualties

In the Palestinian Israeli conflict, Israel continued to launch multiple air strikes against the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip, resulting in 318 deaths and 1400 injuries. Hamas fired about 300 rockets into southern Israel. After the air strike, Hamas immediately moved to southern Israeli cities 30 kilometers away from Gaza Ashdod The firing of two long-range "hail" rockets, the longest range ever attacked by Hamas, has killed one Israeli and injured seven others.
"Enough, enough, enough blood and tears, give peace a chance", experienced“ One general's success will wither away ”The words of former Israeli Prime Minister Rabin are still in my ears, but for those trapped in war, bleeding itself is the reason for bleeding. On the 29th, Israeli tanks gathered at the border of Gaza to launch ground operations, Israel defence secretary Barak He said that he did not rule out expanding military operations in Gaza, while Hamas leader Haniya said to the Palestinians, "There are blood everywhere and martyrs everywhere. There may be more people injured and killed, but Gaza will never surrender."
On the bloodiest day in Palestine since the "Six Day War" in 1967, from the air raid that began on the Sabbath of Judaism to the "third uprising" that Hamas claimed after the three-day mourning day, there was a constant accumulation of hatred between each other. Whether the most advanced fighter missiles or the most primitive body bombs were used to attack each other, the blood flowed out. Peace, the great negative ideal of mankind - opposing anyone to do anything about it at any time - is becoming a certain means of affirmation: Hamas's rocket attacks are by no means spontaneous, Israel's one-year intelligence gathering and carefully deployed air strikes are also by no means "improvisational", and Iran and Syria stand behind Hamas, He also demanded that the economic blockade on Gaza be broken, while Israel should prepare for the domestic elections in February next year, and exert influence and pressure on the next American government.
For a long time, Israel, the European Union and the United States have refused to talk to Hamas, which is regarded as a "terrorist organization". After Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip, the first thing to guard against is the takeover of Hamas, and the first thing to do for Israel is to overthrow the Hamas government. Sharon, a political strongman in the Middle East, issued a brazen order before Israel withdrew from Gaza“ targeted killings ”The purpose of Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, and his successor Rantisi is to close the door for Hamas to enter the political process refugee camp Gained the loyalty of the Palestinian poor when Israel Gaza Strip When carrying out economic sanctions, Hamas gained political prestige by smuggling food and other necessities to help the people. Israelis probably forgot that the American political scholar Huntington, who is famous for his "theory of civilization conflict", said: "The revolutionary regime may be destroyed by wealth, but they will not be overthrown by poverty." The paradox of history is that, Huntington died on the very day when the Israeli air strike began.
Compared with Arafat, the Palestinian National Authority led by his successor Uncontrollable Hamas, Israel and the whole western world clearly emphasized the military wing of Hamas, while ignoring the political wing of Hamas. While Hamas resisted, it did represent part of the Palestinian public opinion. The United States and Britain now unilaterally accuse Hamas, saying that it "should be responsible for the breakdown of the ceasefire agreement and the new round of violence in Gaza". However, Israel's bloody and violent military action will only further push Hamas to the center of the stage of the Palestinian Israeli conflict, while the prospects for peace talks led by Palestinian President Abbas will be further bleak.
Hamas, which has 15000 well-trained armed personnel in the Gaza Strip, did not suffer a heavy blow in the air raid. The blood and fire of Israel may be the baptism of Hamas's complete abandonment of the political process, and the war will not end the war, because there can be no complete winner between Palestine and Israel.
As of December 4, 2023, Palestinian Israeli conflict in 2023 It has caused more than 17300 deaths in Palestine and Israel [66]
In March 2024, the latest data from the Gaza Health Authority showed that at least 12300 children had died in the past four months. In comparison, between 2019 and 2022, there will be 12193 children lost due to conflict Health. [88]
On March 23, 2024 local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying that the Israeli army had carried out seven military operations in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, resulting in 72 deaths and 114 injuries. [90]
On March 28, 2024 local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying that in the past 24 hours, the Israeli army carried out six military operations in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 62 deaths and 91 injuries. Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict on October 7, 2023, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have killed 32552 Palestinians and injured 74980. [92]
On April 16, 2024 local time, the UN Women's Office said that since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict, more than 10000 women have been killed in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. It is estimated that there are 6000 mothers whose deaths have resulted in about 19000 children being orphaned. [93]
On May 1, 2024 local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying that since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict on October 7, 2023, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have resulted in 34568 Palestinian deaths and 77765 injuries. [97]
On May 5, 2024 local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying that the Israeli army had carried out three military operations in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, resulting in 29 deaths and 110 injuries. [98]
On May 20, 2024, the Israel Defense Forces said that the Israeli army continued to carry out military operations in the Jebaliya area in the north of the Gaza Strip, the Rafah area in the south and the central Gaza Strip. In the past day, Israeli military air strikes on about 80 targets in the Gaza Strip killed two senior members of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) military organization. The Gaza Strip health department said on the 20th that since October 7, 2023, the death toll in the Gaza Strip has reached 35562, and the number of injured has reached 79652. At present, many dead and injured people are still buried under the ruins, and it is difficult for medical emergency and civil defense personnel in Gaza to rescue them. Israeli military sources said on the 20th that about 950000 Palestinians had been evacuated from Rafah. At present, there are still about 300000 to 400000 people in Rafah, mainly in the center of Rafah and the coastal areas west of Rafah. [102]
Number of casualties in previous conflicts
the sum
7978 (1620)
1503 (142)
particular year
Number of people
two thousand and twenty-one
126 (950) [40]
90 (130) [40]
two thousand and eleven
118 (13)
11 (5)
two thousand and ten
81 (9)
8 (0)
two thousand and nine
1034 (314)
9 (1)
two thousand and eight
887 (128)
35 (4)
two thousand and seven
385 (52)
13 (0)
two thousand and six
665 (140)
23 (1)
two thousand and five
190 (49)
51 (6)
two thousand and four
832 (181)
108 (8)
two thousand and three
588 (119)
185 (21)
two thousand and two
1032 (160)
419 (47)
two thousand and one
469 (80)
192 (36)
two thousand
282 (86)
41 (0)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
9 (0)
4 (0)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
28 (3)
12 (0)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
21 (5)
29 (3)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
74 (11)
75 (8)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
45 (5)
46 (0)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
152 (24)
74 (2)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
180 (41)
61 (0)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
138 (23)
34 (1)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
104 (27)
19 (0)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
145 (25)
22 (0)
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
305 (83)
31 (1)
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
310 (50)
12 (3)
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
22 (5)
0 (0)

All previous wars

The First Middle East War (1948-1949): also known as the Palestinian War, Israel“ war of independence ”。 On May 14, 1948, Israel announced its founding. In the early morning of the next day, Arab countries such as Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Egypt sent troops to attack Israel.
Palestinian Israeli map
The Second Middle East War (1956-1957): also known as Suez War Israel called it "Sinai Campaign". In October 1956, war broke out between Egypt and the British, French and Israeli armies. The alliance of Britain, France and Israel is a kind of joint interests: Suez Canal It has trade interests, and Israel needs to open the canal so that Israeli ships can navigate. By the end of the war, only Israel had gained great benefits.
The Third Middle East War (1967): Also called the "Six Five Year War", Arab countries called the "June War", and Israel called the "Six Day War". In 1967, Israel launched an attack on Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the morning of June 5 because of Egypt's blockade of the Gulf of Aqaba and its large-scale military savings. It is one of the most overwhelming wars in the military history of the 20th century. In this war, Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights.
The Fourth Middle East War (October 6 to October 26, 1973) yom kippur war , Ramadan War, October War. Originated from Egypt and Syria's plans to recover the land occupied by Israel Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights From the first day to the second day of the war, the Ethiopia Syria alliance obviously prevailed, but since then, the war situation has reversed. By the second week, the Syrian army had withdrawn from the Golan Heights. In Sinai, the Israeli army attacked between the two armies and crossed the Suez Canal (the original ceasefire line). Both sides suffered heavy losses in this war. The Camp David Agreement normalized Israel Egypt relations. Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel. At the same time, Egypt almost completely separated from the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union.
The Fifth Middle East War (June September 1982): also known as Lebanon War June 6, 1982. Because its ambassador to Britain was assassinated by Palestinian forces, Israel dispatched more than 100000 troops of land, sea and air force to launch a large-scale attack on the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Syrian army in Lebanon, and occupied the southern half of Lebanon within a few days. [5]

Conflict again


Pillar of Defense

Conflict situation
The large-scale military operation, code named "Pillar of Defense", launched by Israel on November 14, 2012 is a response to the increasingly frequent rocket attacks by Palestinian militants, which is now limited to long-range attacks on multiple targets in the Gaza Strip. Israel sent an army to Gaza and launched the "Cast Lead" operation, which led to the death of more than 1000 Palestinians, and the greatest loss was caused during the land campaign. [6]
The Palestinian Israeli conflict entered its fourth day on November 17, 2012. Israeli warplanes continued to bomb multiple targets in the Gaza Strip, killing four Palestinians and injuring more than 30. The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said on the 17th that the Hamas government building in Gaza City was bombed by Israel. It is not clear whether there are casualties. So far, this round of Palestinian Israeli conflict has resulted in 40 Palestinian deaths, of which at least 10 were civilians and at least 300 were injured. [2]
The Palestinian Israeli conflict entered its fifth day. According to the Israeli side, Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Organization Hamas have reached a ceasefire agreement, but the AFP news agency reported that the Israeli army air raided the news building in Gaza on the 18th day, and the role of the ceasefire agreement remains to be seen. [7]
Palestine Israel conflict disaster
Palestine The medical department said on the 19th that Israeli warplanes continued to carry out air strikes against Palestinian targets in the Gaza Strip that day, killing at least 36 Palestinians. So far, the Israeli military operation that lasted for six days has caused nearly 1000 Palestinian casualties in the Gaza Strip.
On the same day, Israeli warplanes bombed some targets in Gaza City, Rafah, Beit Rasia and a refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing at least 36 people. In recent days, Israeli military operations have resulted in 110 Palestinian deaths and 870 injuries. More than half of the casualties are women, children and the elderly.
Israeli military sources said that Israeli warplanes carried out 80 rounds of bombing on the Gaza Strip on the 19th, and 1350 rounds of bombing have been carried out in the past six days. The two Palestinian resistance forces, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Islamic Jihad (Jehad), have launched at least 1700 rockets into Israel in recent days.
The conflict between the Palestinian Gaza Strip and Israel entered its seventh day on the 20th. With Egypt's mediation, the two sides are negotiating a ceasefire. As of 5:00 a.m. Beijing time on the 21st, more than 140 Palestinians and 5 Israelis had died and a large number of people were injured in the conflict.
Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki moon Arrived in Jerusalem on the 20th and held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Ban Ki moon called on Israel to exercise restraint and achieve a ceasefire as soon as possible. Netanyahu, on the other hand, said that Israel could not tolerate attacks against its own nationals and was willing to solve the problem through diplomatic means, but would take any measures to defend its nationals. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also arrived in Israel on the evening of the 20th and immediately held talks with Netanyahu and other government officials. [8]
As the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) refused to extend the ceasefire and continued to launch rockets into Israel, the Israeli army announced on July 27, 2014 to launch a new "sea, land and air attack" on the Gaza Strip. Seeing that the situation was not good, Hamas quickly accepted the new 24-hour ceasefire agreement. [9]
Rocket vs Iron Dome
During the continuous days of Palestinian Israeli Gaza conflict, the offensive and defensive battle between Palestinian Hamas rockets and the "Iron Dome" interception system of the Israel Defense Forces attracted the attention of the outside world. Israel was attacked by 737 rockets launched by Hamas militants, 245 of which were successfully intercepted by "Iron Dome", with an interception rate of 33%.
Israel began to develop the "Iron Dome" anti rocket system in February 2007, and completed the final test and began to deploy on July 19, 2010. Each set of "Iron Dome" anti rocket system has six launchers, and each launchers has 20 small missiles, which can intercept rockets and mortars with a range of 5-70 km. Israel's first "Iron Dome" anti rocket system was deployed at the end of March 2010, and five have been deployed.
Ceasefire agreement
The two sides continued to exchange fire on the 19th. The total number of people killed by Israeli air strikes has increased to 91. Armed personnel in Gaza responded with rockets, and Israel sounded alarms in many places.
Israel's "Iron Dome" anti missile system launches missiles
Palestinian officials said the same day that the ceasefire negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) had entered an "important stage", and the two sides had offered conditions to each other, but the time for reaching a ceasefire was difficult to determine.
According to several people familiar with the negotiations, the Israeli side proposed to sign a ceasefire agreement with a validity of more than 15 years, which would be guaranteed by the Egyptian side. Other requirements include that the Palestinian armed forces stop firing rockets and attacking Israeli soldiers at the border, immediately stop smuggling and transporting weapons to Gaza, and that Israel has the right to attack armed personnel after being attacked or receiving information. Palestinian Liberation Organization official Shaas said that Israel once asked Hamas to disarm, but was rejected. Regev, the spokesman of the Israeli government, refused to respond to whether Israel sought to add the demilitarization clause of Gaza to the ceasefire agreement, believing that the ceasefire agreement must ensure that Gaza personnel stop rocket attacks.
Hamas side proposed that the terms of the ceasefire agreement include the lifting of Israel's material blockade of the Gaza Strip. This request may trigger Israel's concern that lifting the blockade will make it easier for Hamas to obtain weapons from outside. Israel has imposed a material blockade on the Palestinian side since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007. In the ceasefire negotiations, Hamas also demanded that the international community guarantee that the ceasefire agreement must ensure that Israel stops cross-border attacks, coastal attacks and targeted killings.
Prime Minister of Egypt Hisham Gandil On the 19th, he said that in the indirect ceasefire negotiations hosted by Egypt, the representatives of Israel and Hamas were "close to reaching a consensus". On the same day, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said that Hamas did not want the war to escalate, but would resolutely fight back against any attack launched by Israel. [10]
The United Nations Security Council held intensive closed door consultations on the Palestinian Israeli conflict, which lasted nearly two hours. But the impasse has not been broken. At the same time, the number of casualties caused by the conflict is still rising. [11]
Palestinian sources said that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement( Hamas )A press conference will be held in Cairo on the evening of the 20th with the Islamic Jihad Organization of Palestine (Jehad) to announce a ceasefire agreement with Israel. [12] However, the Israeli side later claimed that no ceasefire agreement had been reached between Israel and the armed personnel in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, and that the negotiations between the two sides were "still continuing". [13]
On the 21st, Egyptian Foreign Minister Amre announced at a news conference held in Cairo that Israel and Palestinian armed factions (including Hamas) had reached a ceasefire agreement, which came into effect at 21:00 local time on the 21st of Gaza (3:00 a.m. on the 22nd of Beijing time).
Debris of various types of rockets from Hamas
According to Israeli sources, although Israel has agreed to a ceasefire, it will not end its blockade of Gaza. From the conclusion of the ceasefire agreement to its entry into force, Israel's domestic reaction was calm, and celebrations began in Gaza City. [14]
Casualty data
On November 14, 2012, since Israel took large-scale military action against Gaza, a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict has lasted for many days. The ceasefire agreement between Palestine and Israel, which the international community hoped for, was not reached as scheduled on the 20th, and Israel launched a new round of attacks on the Gaza Strip on the 21st, destroying a number of government buildings, police stations and a bridge, including Gaza The office of Abu Kadera government office and the office of Iran News Agency in the city center. The attack resulted in the death of seven Palestinians.
On November 21, 2012, Israeli air strikes have killed 145 Palestinians and injured more than 1200. Gaza militants fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, killing five Israelis. [14]

Blade protection action

On July 11, 2014, the Israeli military announced early this morning that the limited ground attack on the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip had begun.
On July 12, 2014, Israel launched the“ Blade protection action ”On the fifth day, the death toll rose to 135, including dozens of children. Demonstrations and protests took place in many places in the West Bank on the same day, and many people were injured. In order to promote the ceasefire in Gaza, the foreign ministers of the four countries, Britain, the United States, France and Germany, will hold a meeting in Vienna later on the 13th to discuss the current situation. [15]
On the evening of July 14, 2014, the Egyptian government put forward a ceasefire initiative, calling on the Palestinian and Israeli sides to stop all forms of conflict from 9:00 a.m. local time on the 15th, and within the following 48 hours, the international mediators would consult with the Palestinian and Israeli sides on the specific contents of the ceasefire agreement.
On July 15, 2014, the Israeli Security Cabinet decided to accept this initiative, but the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which controls the Gaza Strip, continued to fire rockets at Israel.
On July 16, 2014, Hamas announced that it had officially rejected Egypt's ceasefire initiative.
On the evening of July 17, 2014, the Israeli army had launched a ground attack on the Gaza Strip.
On July 18, 2014, Israel was attacking Gaza in the form of air strikes and ground and naval shelling.
On July 19, 2014, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that they were ready to "significantly expand" the ground offensive against militants in Gaza. [16]
On July 21, 2014, Hamas just announced the capture of an Israeli soldier. The soldier, Shor Aaron, was captured by the Qassam Brigade under Hamas. Israel said it was investigating that Palestinians in the West Bank had fired guns to celebrate. [17]
On July 22, 2014, it was reported that Israel invaded Gaza by bombing white phosphorus bombs, an internationally prohibited weapon. The vast majority of patients in Gaza hospitals are unarmed civilians, children, women and the elderly, and Israeli aircraft launched crazy attacks on their homes. Doctors removed 20 cm long fragments from the body of a Palestinian girl who had been hit in the Israeli bombing. [18]
Palestine Israel conflict
On July 26, 2014 Egypt Qatar Under the mediation of the United States and other countries, Israel agreed to accept a 12 hour humanitarian ceasefire, but during this period Israeli forces will continue to destroy the tunnels built by Hamas (Israel rejected the proposal of a week-long humanitarian ceasefire proposed by US Secretary of State Kerry). So far, the death toll of Palestinians in Gaza has exceeded 1000, more than 70% of whom are civilians, and the number of injured has reached 6000. Other Palestinians in the West Bank have died in demonstrations; On the Israeli side, only two civilians were killed and another 42 soldiers were killed. Hamas launched a large number of rockets into Israel in Gaza in July, but almost all the rockets fired into the protected areas were intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome anti missile system. [1]
From July 28, 2014 to the morning of yesterday, ten soldiers of the Israeli army had died, which made the death toll of the Israeli army in this conflict rise to 53, the most serious casualties since the conflict between the Israeli army and Hezbollah in Lebanon broke out in 2006. [19]
On July 29, 2014, five soldiers were killed by Hamas elements who had infiltrated Israel through tunnels. Hamas launched a rocket propelled grenade at the soldiers stationed at a lookout in Nahal Oz, and tried to drag the body of one of the soldiers into the tunnel, but was blocked by Israeli fire, and one Hamas member was killed. [19]
On July 29, 2014, more than 1200 Palestinians were killed, more than 7000 injured and 56 killed in Israel as a result of the conflict. [19]
On July 30, 2014, more than 8000 people were killed and injured. Israeli military strikes have led to more than 250000 Gazans becoming homeless or forced to leave their homes, nearly 200000 of whom have gathered in shelters opened by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. [20] Israel's military operations caused 1359 deaths in Palestine, and 108 deaths on the 30th alone. Another 20 bodies were excavated from the ruins. More than 7200 people were injured. [21]
On August 12, 2014, preliminary information showed that the casualties and property damage caused by the conflict were very serious. Nearly 2000 Palestinians were killed, about 75 per cent of them civilians, including 459 children. This figure is more than the total number of children killed in the previous two Gaza conflicts. [22]
On May 14, 2018, the Palestinian people held a protest demonstration near the Israeli border in the Gaza Strip and clashed with the Israeli military and police, resulting in more than 50 deaths and more than 2000 injuries. [23]
On May 15, 2018, the Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the Israeli Ambassador to Ankara, Eitan Naeh, to protest against the violent conflict in the Gaza Strip. At the same time, the Turkish government asked Naeh to leave Turkey "for a period of time". [24]

Border conflict

On July 27, 2018, Palestinians and Israeli soldiers clashed in the border area between the Gaza Strip and Israel, resulting in the death of at least two Palestinians, including a teenager.
On September 24, 2018, according to the Russian satellite news agency, the spokesman of the Gaza health department, Kudera, posted a message on his personal Twitter that the conflict with the Israeli army in eastern Gaza had resulted in the death of one Palestinian and the injury of 14 others. Since March 30, the Gaza Strip protest "March of the Great Return" has continued in Gaza. Protesters often have bloody clashes with the Israeli army. Since the end of May, Palestinian militants and the Israeli army have launched four rocket attacks and air strikes against each other. [25]
On November 13, 2018, Israeli warplanes continued to bomb the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian militants also fired rockets at Israel. A new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict resulted in at least three Palestinian deaths and about 20 injuries on the same day. The casualties on the Israeli side are unknown. [26]
On May 5, 2019, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that he had ordered the army to continue "large-scale air strikes" in response to rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. Since the 4th, Palestinian militants have fired about 430 rockets from Gaza to Israel, and the artillery fire has continued until the morning of the 5th local time. Since the 4th, about 200 targets have been hit. [27] Palestine and Israel reached a ceasefire agreement on the 6th. The conflict has resulted in at least 20 deaths and more than 200 injuries. [28]
From the evening of May 9 to the early morning of May 10, 2021, the conflict between Israeli police and Palestinians in East Jerusalem continues. Palestinian Red Crescent Society Said that at least 560 people have been injured in the past three days [33] On May 10, according to the Agence France Presse news from Jerusalem, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police broke out again in the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on the 10th local time, which has injured hundreds of people and sent about 50 people to hospitals. [31] On the evening of May 10, the Israel Defense Forces issued a statement saying that the Israeli army bombed many military targets of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the Gaza Strip that day. Palestinian media quoted health officials in the Gaza Strip as saying that 20 people were killed and 65 injured in the eastern part of Beit Hanoun town in the Gaza Strip, including 9 children [32] The Palestinian people and the Israeli police once again broke out serious conflicts on the Temple Mount in the old city of Jerusalem (Muslims call it the "Noble Forbidden Area"), which has injured more than 300 people [32]
On May 11, 2021, the conflict between Palestine and Israel will further escalate. Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets into southern Israel, while Israel also launched air strikes against targets in the Gaza Strip. The conflict resulted in the death of at least 28 Palestinians and 3 Israelis. [34]
On May 12, 2021, the health department of the Gaza Strip said that 43 Palestinians, including 13 children, had been killed when the Israeli army launched a large-scale and violent air attack on the Gaza Strip. The Israeli emergency department said that one person was killed and one seriously injured by anti tank missiles launched from Gaza. [35]
From May 10 to 12, 2021, a serious armed conflict broke out between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Armed men in Gaza fired more than 1000 rockets at Israel, killing six Israelis and injuring more than 100. The Israeli army immediately launched a retaliatory action, carrying out air strikes against hundreds of targets of armed groups in the Gaza Strip. The air strikes have resulted in 65 deaths and 365 injuries in Pakistan, including 16 children [36]
In the morning of May 13, 2021, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Gaza Strip, 67 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip, including 17 children, after Israel launched air strikes on the Palestinian Gaza Strip for several days; Another nearly 400 people were injured. [37]
On May 13, 2021, Palestine fired thousands of rockets at Israel, killing six Israelis and injuring more than 100. Hundreds of Israeli air strikes have returned, killing 65 Palestinians, 16 of them children, and injuring at least 365. [38]
In the early morning of May 14, 2021, the IDF spokesman's office said that the Israeli air force and ground forces began to attack the Palestinian Gaza Strip. [39]
On May 14, 2021, Israel launched 450 missiles and artillery shells into Gaza, while Palestinian factions launched about 2000 rockets in response. [40]
At 2:00 on May 21, 2021, after the Palestinian Israeli ceasefire agreement came into effect, at noon on the same day, Israeli police rushed into the courtyard of the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and threw gas bombs and concussion bombs at the people who went to Friday prayers. Then the worshippers gathered in the temple and protested loudly. [41]
Three Palestinians were killed in the re explosion of Palestinian Israeli conflict in the West Bank of the Jordan River. Source: Al Jazeera [43]
On February 14, 2022 local time, Reuters quoted the Palestinian Ministry of Health and witnesses as saying that the Israeli army killed a Palestinian in the conflict in the West Bank. [42]
In the early morning of April 2, 2022 local time, Israeli security forces killed three "resistance fighters" from Palestine in Jenin, a city in the north of the West Bank. The Israeli military said that those killed were members of radical organizations. Four Israeli personnel were injured in action, and one of them was seriously injured. [43] [58]
In 2022, Palestinians and Israeli troops will continue to clash in the West Bank. The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinians in the West Bank on April 13, including a 14-year-old boy. The Israeli military said that the boy killed threw petrol bombs at the Israeli army. Two other Palestinians were also killed in clashes with Israeli forces.
Since March 22, there have been many serious attacks in Israel. In recent days, Israeli troops have launched operations in the West Bank of the Jordan River, which has resulted in the death of many Palestinians. [44]
On January 26, 2023, the Israeli military clashed with Palestinians in the northern city of Jenin in the West Bank, resulting in at least 9 Palestinian deaths and 20 injuries. This is the single operation with the largest number of deaths in the West Bank of the Jordan River by the Israeli army in more than 20 years. The US government announced that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will visit the Middle East this weekend [50] On March 31, according to Reuters, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) said that an Israeli air strike launched by Syria on March 31 resulted in the death of an officer of the IRGC [52]
On April 5, 2023, since the conflict between the Israeli police and the Palestinian people broke out in the Al Aqsa Mosque in the old city of Jerusalem, the situation between Palestine and Israel has continued to be tense, and the two sides have successively broken out armed conflicts in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of the Jordan River and Jerusalem, causing huge casualties. On June 19, for the first time in 20 years, Israeli forces used helicopter gunships to carry out air strikes in the West Bank of the Jordan River, killing six Palestinians and injuring more than 90. On June 21, for the first time since 2005, the Israeli army used drones to assassinate three Palestinians who were alleged to be "terrorists" in the West Bank [55] As of July 14, at least 190 Palestinians and 26 Israelis had died in the conflict in 2023 [55]
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Announcing the adoption of code names for Israel“ Aksa flood ”And said that at least 5000 rockets had been launched into Israel [56] Israel immediately declared a state of war and launched a code name for Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip“ Iron sword ”Action of [57]

protest demonstration

On February 7, 2020, the Palestinian people held a protest demonstration in the West Bank city of Tulkarem and clashed with Israeli soldiers. A Palestinian youth was shot dead by Israeli forces. This is the fourth Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in the past three days. [29]
On May 14, 2021, thousands of Palestinian people held demonstrations in more than 200 places in the West Bank. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society revealed that the demonstrators were attacked by Israeli bullets and tear gas, and more than 500 Palestinians were injured. [40]

Exhume a corpse

On January 18, 2024 local time, the Israeli army carried out "serious damage" to a cemetery in Khan Younis, the southern city of the Gaza Strip, digging and removing the body from the cemetery. In response, the Israel Defense Forces said that the move was to search for the remains of the dead hostages taken by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). CNN said that the response marked the first time that the Israel Defense Forces admitted to digging bodies. [68]

Body found

On April 22, 2024, Al Jazeera Television reported that Gaza's civil defense authorities had dug up at least 210 bodies in the mass graves of Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, and there were "signs of torture and ill treatment". [95]

Land annexation

On July 3, 2024 local time, Israel announced that it would confiscate about 12 square kilometers of Palestinian land in the West Bank of the Jordan River and return it to Israel. [103]

Attitudes of all parties

On September 5, 2020, Egyptian Foreign Minister Shukairi held talks in Cairo with visiting Foreign Minister Zayani of Bahrain, and discussed the Palestinian Israeli issue and the situation in Libya. According to the joint statement issued after the talks between the two sides, Egypt and Bahrain welcome any initiative based on international norms aimed at comprehensively and justly realizing the cause of Palestinian peace. The statement said that the two sides expressed in the talks that they would uphold the principle of resolving the Palestinian Israeli issue through the "two state solution", support efforts aimed at achieving regional peace and stability, and emphasize that Israel should stop any attempt to annex Palestinian territory. [30]
On May 11, 2021, both sides of the conflict showed a strong attitude. Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu On the 11th, he said that Israel would intensify its attack on Gaza, and the power and frequency of attacks would increase. Hania, leader of the Hamas Political Bureau, warned Israel that if Israel escalates the situation, Hamas will be ready to deal with the escalation. [34]
On April 15, 2022, Premier Li Najib Mikati He issued a statement strongly condemning the attack of the Israeli police on the Al Aqsa Mosque at the Temple Mount in the old city of Jerusalem in the early morning of the same day, calling it "an infringement of its sanctity". [45]
On April 21, 2022, the Arab Ministerial Committee held an emergency meeting in Amman, the capital of Jordan, to condemn Israel's violation of the Al Aqsa Mosque and call on the international community to take immediate intervention measures. The Arab Ministerial Committee issued a statement after the meeting, condemning the recent attack by the Israeli police on the believers in the Al Aqsa Mosque, and opposing any Israeli attempt to change Al-Aqsa Mosque Historical status and current behavior. The statement said that Israel's "flagrant provocation" in Jerusalem could fuel violence and threaten regional and global security and stability. [46]
On May 25, 2022, Israeli troops clashed with Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus, resulting in the death of one Palestinian and the injury of dozens of others. [47]
On October 7, 2022, Israeli forces clashed with Palestinians in the West Bank cities of Ramallah and Qalqiliya, killing two Palestinians. [48]
On January 26, 2023, Palestine announced the cessation of security coordination with Israel in response to the killing of nine Palestinians by Israeli forces in the West Bank earlier that day. [49]
On February 20, 2023 local time, United Nations Security Council At the 9263rd meeting, a statement was made on the situation in the Middle East and the Palestinian question. The Council reaffirmed that all countries have the right to live in peace within internationally recognized borders, and that the Israeli and Palestinian peoples have the right to enjoy the same degree of freedom, security, prosperity, justice and dignity. The Security Council expressed its unswerving commitment to resolving the dispute between Israel and Palestine and realizing the vision that two democratic countries can live side by side in peace "within secure and (internationally) recognized borders" [51]
On May 10, 2023 local time, in response to CCTV reporters' questions about the escalation of the Palestinian Israeli situation, the Deputy Spokesperson of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Haq, said that the Secretary General of the United Nations was concerned about the current situation in Gaza. Haq said that in addition to the military actions escalated by the Palestinian and Israeli sides, the 600 trucks of food, medical supplies and fuel originally planned to pass through the Gaza Strip ports could not enter because of the closure of the ports. He hoped that the problem could be solved in the near future. [53]
On July 3, 2023 local time, Jordan Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Safadi warned that the Israeli attack on Jenin was a dangerous signal, which would lead to an escalation of violence and disastrous consequences. Safadi called on the international community to take immediate and effective action to stop Israel's illegal acts. [54]
On October 13, 2023, according to the Israeli Times, after the United Nations called on Israel to revoke the order that "Palestinians should move to southern Gaza within 24 hours", the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, criticized the response of the United Nations. [59]
On January 20, 2024, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he did not agree with the United States to establish a Palestinian state promise.
On January 22, 2024, according to the Russian satellite news agency, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) admitted that during the attack on Israel, Hamas might have made "some mistakes" due to the collapse of Israel's security system and chaos at the border with the Gaza Strip. It was reported that Hamas released a 16 page pamphlet entitled "Our Vision: Why Launch the" Al Aqsa Flood "Action" on the 21st, which was the first time that Hamas released a report on this attack, explaining Hamas's position and the motivation behind it, and refuting some Israeli claims. However, Hamas did not say what kind of mistake it made. [70]
On January 22, 2024 local time, Palestinian Prime Minister Ashtiyah said at the weekly cabinet meeting of the Palestinian National Authority that the international community had reached a consensus on the establishment of a Palestinian State, which should be translated into practical steps to truly ensure the establishment of the country. Ashtia also said that the Palestinian Israeli conflict must stop, and countries that support Israel have the obligation to stop Israel's actions. In addition, Ashtiyah expressed his gratitude to Norway for its mediation role in the matter of Israel's approval of keeping frozen Palestinian taxes in the custody of a third country. [71] On the morning of January 24 local time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel would continue its military operations in the Gaza Strip until it achieved "complete and absolute victory". [72]
On January 26, 2024, the International Court of Justice of the United Nations issued provisional measures in The Hague, requiring Israel to comply with the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide Covenant [73] On the evening of January 27 local time, the Israeli Prime Minister condemned the ruling of the International Court of Justice against Israel and said that he would continue to fight Hamas. [74]
On the afternoon of February 6, 2024 local time, the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation quoted Israeli military officials as saying that Israel had completed the formulation of relevant plans, and it was expected that military operations in the Gaza Strip would continue until 2025. The military official also said that Israel's military operations in relevant regions would not be "ended in a short time". [75]
On February 8, 2024 local time, the Saudi Foreign Minister chaired a consultative meeting on the Palestinian Israeli conflict in Riyadh, the Saudi capital. The meeting stressed the need to immediately achieve a comprehensive ceasefire, end the war in the Gaza Strip, ensure the protection of civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law, and remove all restrictions that hinder humanitarian aid from entering the Gaza Strip. [77]
On February 11, 2024 local time, many countries in the Middle East issued a statement condemning Israel's plan to launch ground operations against Rafah and calling on the international community to take action to prevent the situation from escalating. [76]
On February 12, 2024, it was reported that France had submitted an initiative to Lebanon aimed at ending the border conflict between Lebanon and Israel. According to the report, the initiative calls on Hezbollah militants in Lebanon to retreat 10 kilometers from the Lebanon Israel border area and cease fire if conditions permit. The agreement was rejected by Hezbollah in Lebanon. [78]
On February 15, 2024 local time, the official website of the Australian Government released a joint statement by the leaders of Australia, New Zealand and Canada, calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The statement said, "There are signs that Israel is planning to launch ground military operations against Rafah in the Gaza Strip, and we are seriously concerned about this." In addition, the statement also showed that Israeli military operations would be "devastating". [80]
On the afternoon of February 18, 2024 local time, the Israeli cabinet unanimously agreed to issue a statement opposing the "international directive" seeking to promote the establishment of a Palestinian state. [82]
On February 18, 2024, Benny Ganz, a member of Israel's wartime cabinet and former Defense Minister, threatened that if the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) did not release all the detainees before the Muslim Ramadan, Israeli troops would launch ground operations against Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip. [83]
On February 19, 2024 local time, EU Foreign and Security Policy High Representative Borrell said that 26 member states of the EU called on the Gaza Strip to immediately implement a humanitarian ceasefire, unconditionally release the detainees and provide humanitarian assistance. [85]
On February 20, 2024 local time, the United Nations Security Council voted on the new draft resolution on the situation in Gaza proposed by Algeria, which was vetoed by the permanent member of the United States. [86]
On the morning of March 25, 2024 local time, the United Nations Security Council, with 14 votes in favour and the United States abstaining, adopted a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian Gaza Strip during Ramadan. [91]
On April 19, 2024, according to the Israel Times, the Israeli Foreign Minister Katz posted a post on social media saying that he appreciated the United States' approach to vetoing a draft resolution on Palestine's application for full membership of the United Nations in the United Nations Security Council on the 18th. [94]
On May 6, 2024 local time, President Xi Jinping was invited to hold a trilateral meeting between Chinese, French and European leaders with French President Malcolm and European Commission President Von Delaine at the Elysee Palace in Paris.
With regard to the Palestinian Israeli conflict, Xi Jinping stressed that the top priority is to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire and end the war as soon as possible, the top priority is to ensure humanitarian relief, and the fundamental way out is to implement the "two country plan". China supports the acceptance of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations. China and the EU have many important consensus on the Palestine Israel issue. China is ready to work with the European side to support the convening of a larger, more authoritative and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible, to formulate a specific timetable and road map for the implementation of the "two State solution", and to promote an early comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question. [99]
On May 7, 2024, in the Sino French Joint Statement on the Situation in the Middle East, it was mentioned that the two heads of state called for the resumption of the political process in a decisive and irreversible manner, the concrete implementation of the "two state plan", to ensure that Israel and Palestine live side by side in peace and security as neighbors, and jointly establish a viable, independent A sovereign Palestinian state. The two heads of state reaffirmed their commitment to this program, which is the only way to respond to the legitimate expectations of the Palestinian and Israeli people for lasting peace and security. [101]
On July 1, 2024, the Israel Defense Forces issued an evacuation order, requiring the people in Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip and a large area in the east of Rafah to immediately evacuate to the so-called "humanitarian zone" in the west of the Gaza Strip. The spokesman of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Diarrik, said on July 2 that the withdrawal order issued by Israel affected a large number of civilians in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, and the United Nations side expressed deep concern about this. [104]

Case decision

On February 13, 2024, the South African Government submitted an "urgent request" to the International Court of Justice to review Israel's military action against the southern Gaza city of Rafah.
On February 16, 2024 local time, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the Netherlands, ruled on South Africa's request to review Israel's military action against the southern Gaza city of Rafah. In accordance with the request received on February 15, the International Court of Justice made the following decision and sent letters to South Africa and Israel. At present, the Gaza Strip, especially Rafah, is facing a serious situation. Therefore, the International Court of Justice requires all parties concerned to immediately and effectively implement the provisional measures issued on 26 January this year. These measures apply to the entire Gaza Strip, including Rafah. The Court stressed that Israel has an obligation to comply with its obligations under the Genocide Convention and the Court's judgment, including ensuring the security of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. [81]


On February 19, 2024 local time, the International Court of Justice, headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands, held a hearing on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. [84]

social influence

On December 6, 2023, the Palestine Israel conflict was selected into the“ Top Ten Catchwords of Chinese Media in 2023 ”。 [67]