Process procedure

Technical documents guiding construction
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Process procedures are determined by words, charts and other carriers to guide product processing and workers' operation Process documents It is Enterprise plan The basic basis for organizing and controlling production is the guarantee of the enterprise product quality , improve labour productivity Important guarantee of. In machinery manufacturing enterprises, there are three main forms of process procedures: (1) Process Card (or Routing Cards). It is prepared according to parts, specifying the process route, process name, equipment used and Process equipment It is a general and comprehensive document guiding the processing of parts. (2) Process card It is prepared according to the parts in different workshops (process stage), which specifies the processes that the parts will go through in a workshop (process stage), as well as the equipment, process equipment and processing specifications used in each process. It is the basis for each workshop to prepare for work and organize production. (3) Process card. It is prepared according to each process of parts, and specifies the operation method technical requirement And precautions, and attached with processing sketches, are process documents used to guide workers to operate specifically. [1]
Chinese name
Process procedure
Foreign name
Technical documents guiding construction
Ensuring product quality plays an important role

Basic Introduction

Process procedure
A part with the same requirements can be processed by several different processes, but there is always one process that is the most reasonable under given conditions. People fix the content of the process in the form of a document to guide production. This document is called "process specification". The process procedure is composed of Technical documents The main part of Material quota . The main basis for the design and calculation of man hour quota is the production regulations that directly guide workers' operation Product cost labour productivity Raw material consumption is directly related. The quality of process procedure preparation. To guarantee product quality The first one plays an important role together.

primary coverage

1. Product characteristics , quality standards.
2. Raw materials Auxiliary raw materials Characteristics and quality standards to be met for production.
3. Production technological process
4. Main process technical conditions Quality standards for semi-finished products.
5. Main production processes Key points
6. Main Technical and economic indicators And finished products quality index Inspection items and times of.
7. Process Technical indicators Inspection items and times of.
8. Special equipment characteristics and quality standards.


Although the specific format of the process procedures used by enterprises is not uniform, their contents are largely the same. Generally speaking, the forms of process procedures can be divided into the following categories according to their content details:;

Process card

This is the simplest and most basic form of process procedure, which gives a rough description of the whole process of parts manufacturing. The card is prepared according to the parts, indicating the processing route of the parts, the equipment and main tooling used in each process, and Man hour quota

Process card

It is generally prepared by workshop and parts according to the process stage of parts, including Process All contents of the card only describe the processing steps of the parts in more detail. The blank property Processing sequence Requirements for equipment and process equipment required for each process Cutting amount , inspection tools and methods, and man hour quota are specified, and sometimes a sketch of parts is required.

Operation card

This is the most detailed process procedure, which is prepared for the purpose of guiding workers to operate. It is generally in the order of parts division number The card includes the process sketch Clamping Detailed description of mode, cutting amount, inspection tools, process equipment and man hour quota.
The process procedure applied in actual production depends on the product Production type It depends on the specific conditions of the processed parts. Generally, single piece small serial production Only the process flow card is prepared for general parts of, and the content is relatively simple. Some key parts can be prepared Process card mass production Common parts of Process card For key parts Operation Card For most parts in mass production, complete and detailed process procedure documents are required, and process cards are often required for each process.


Process procedure
In the workshop Production process It includes the main processes of directly changing the shape, size, location and nature of the workpiece, as well as the auxiliary processes of transportation, storage, knife grinding, equipment maintenance, etc. In the production process, the main process of gradually changing the shape, size, location and nature of the production object in a certain order to make it the expected product is called the process. The whole processing process through which parts pass in turn is called Routing Or process flow. Technicians determine and use Process documents Prescriptive Machining process The process is called machining process procedure.

important role

Process procedure
The machining process procedure is a process document that specifies the machining process and operation method of products or parts. Therefore, machining process regulations play an important role in machining, mainly including the following aspects:
Guide production
Machining workshop Planning and scheduling of production, operation of workers, processing quality inspection of parts, Processing cost The accounting of is based on the process specification. Process procedures are often used as a common basis to deal with problems in production. Such as handling quality accident The responsibilities of relevant units and personnel shall be determined according to the process procedures.
When the workshop wants to produce new parts, it is necessary to first formulate the Machining process Procedure, and then prepare for production according to the process procedure. For example, in the processing of new parts Key process Analysis and research of; Prepare the required knives, clamps and measuring tools (outsourcing or self manufacturing); Purchase or manufacture of raw materials and blanks; The purchase of new equipment or the modification of old equipment must be carried out according to the process.
Technical documents of new plant (workshop)
When building (rebuilding or expanding) batch or mass machining workshops (sections), the type and quantity of machine tools required and the layout in the workshop shall be determined according to the process procedures, and then the workshop area, power and lifting equipment configuration, and the type of work of the workers required shall be determined Technical grade , quantity, etc.
In addition, the advanced process procedures also play a role in communication and promotion advanced manufacturing technology Role of. Typical process The procedure can shorten the process of factory exploration and trial production. Therefore, the formulation of process procedures plays a very important role in the production and development of the factory, and is the basic technical document of the factory.

Design principles

1. The designed process procedures must ensure the processing quality and assembly quality of machine parts, and meet the requirements of the design drawings technical requirement
2. The process should have a high production efficiency So that the product can be put on the market as soon as possible.
3. Minimize Manufacturing cost
4. Pay attention to reducing workers' labour intensity To ensure production safety.

Essential raw materials

1. · Products Assembly drawing Parts drawing
2. · Product acceptance quality standard
3. · Year of the product production program
4、· roughcast Materials and blanks Production conditions
·5、 manufacturer Production conditions, including the specifications, performance and current technical status of machine tools and process equipment, the technical level of workers, the ability of the factory to manufacture process equipment, and the ability of the factory to supply power and gas.
·6. Used for process procedure design and process equipment design Design Manual And relevant standards.
·7. Relevant domestic and foreign manufacturing technical information Etc.

Main differences


Production process specification

It emphasizes: product name, dosage form, prescription Production process Operation requirements, materials Intermediate products Quality standards, technical parameters and storage precautions of finished products, calculation method of material balance, requirements for finished product containers and packaging materials, etc.

Post operation method

It emphasizes: production operation methods and requirements, review and recheck of key operations Product quality standard And control, safety and labor protection equipment maintenance , cleaning, exception handling and reporting, process hygiene and environmental hygiene.

Standard Operating Procedures

It emphasizes: title, number, preparer and preparation date, reviewer and review date, approver and approval date, issuing department date of manufacture Distribution department, title and body.