Post responsibilities

Job content and scope of responsibility
zero Useful+1
It refers to a post Need to go complete Of job content And the scope of liability, whether part-time still also look after or have charge of All refer to different post The job responsibilities are concrete Job description , which can be classified into different position Type category. The position is established by the organization to complete a task Type of work , position, title and grade must belong to one person. duty It is the unification of duties and responsibilities, and consists of the scope of authorization and corresponding responsibilities.
Chinese name
Post responsibilities
Job content and scope of responsibility
Related person

Determine responsibilities

1. Establish the name and number of jobs according to the needs of the work task;
2. Determine the job scope according to the job type;
3. Determine the equipment, tools, work quality and efficiency used by the post according to the nature of the work type;
4. Clarify the post environment and determine the post Qualifications
5. Determine the relationship between each position;
6. Clarify the responsibilities for achieving the objectives of the post according to the nature of the post. [1]

Functional significance

1. Can be maximized Labor employment Scientific allocation;
2. Effectively prevent work caused by job overlap Wrangle Phenomenon;
3. Improve the vitality of internal competition and better identify and use talents;
4. Basis for organizing assessment;
5. Improvement work efficiency and Quality of work
6. Specifications Operation behavior
7. Decrease Violation And the occurrence of illegal accidents.

Responsibility Manual

The general Responsibility Manual has three categories.
Category I: Code of conduct And image specification.
Category II: Job specification , work procedures and standard requirements, and competency standards.
Category III: Relevant Professional integrity Manual.


First of all, let employees really understand the position Nature of work The pressure of post work does not come from the pressure of others, but causes the staff on this post to come into being voluntarily from the heart, so as to become the driving force for active work. Instead, it is necessary to promote the staff on this post to participate in setting the post goal, and strive to encourage them to achieve this goal. Therefore, the goal setting, preparation for implementation, and evaluation after implementation of this post must be undertaken by the staff on this post, so that the staff on this post can recognize any problems that occur in this post and solve them by themselves. His boss only plays a role in assisting him. His post work is done for himself, not for his boss or boss, This position is his personal display ability and Value of life Stage. The implementation of the work at each stage in this post should be carried out by the staff on the post to actively exert their creativity, rely on their own efforts and Self coordination The ability to complete. Employees must actively exert their abilities of self solving, self judgment and independent problem solving in the work of their own posts in order to maximize the performance of work achievements. Therefore, the enterprise should encourage staff in all positions to take the initiative to undertake their own work that must be carried out, and also take the initiative to participate in self decision-making and work completion Self assessment
Secondly, when formulating job responsibilities, enterprises should consider that a job contains as many jobs as possible, so as to give full play to the other talents of employees who have been buried due to long-term single type work. The rich content of job responsibilities can promote a versatile employee to give full play to various skills, and will also receive incentives for employees Proactive The effect of willingness to work.
Third, with the permission of the enterprise's human resources, the right to transfer to other positions can be set in some job responsibilities after completing the established tasks well within a fixed period of time. Through job conversion, it has enriched the overall Knowledge area and Operating skills At the same time, it also creates a harmonious Corporate culture atmosphere

Unified secession

Any post responsibility is a complex of responsibility, power and obligation. As much as there is power, there should be as much responsibility, and as much as there is power and responsibility, there should be as much obligation. Any separation will cause problems. If you don't know your job responsibilities, you don't know your position, what you should do, how to do it, and to what extent. For example, enterprise Marketing personnel Is it just for selling something. His exact location should be Enterprise products The salesman of the enterprise, the spokesman of the enterprise image, the economic man of the modern enterprise Circulation field Professionals Enterprise development The leader of social responsibility Party. Therefore, we can not simply take "what do I do" as the understanding of post responsibilities, although this understanding has universality Each of us needs to fully understand the connotation of our job responsibilities in order to grasp our own position.
On the basis of a deep understanding of the connotation of job responsibilities and a good grasp of their own positioning, enterprise employees can take the initiative to do something related to job responsibilities and have clear goals and obligations if they have defined what they should do, how they should do it, and what standards they should do; For enterprises, they also have performance appraisal The basis of the company also defines the wages, benefits“ Five insurances and one fund ”And the labor protection , training and education conditions, etc.
This can be seen as an exchange, which involves the exchange of interests between enterprises and employees. Enterprises rely on the intelligence and physical strength of employees to achieve development goals, and employees rely on the material rewards they receive and their own development. Responsibilities of enterprises and employees Responsibility and rights Unified process To achieve a win-win situation.
It should be noted that people often separate the responsibilities and rights in post responsibilities. In general, some people, especially managers, tend to attach importance to rights and interests while neglecting responsibilities, so it is easy to Active Let others do their work, even their own work. When they become ball players, referees, and managers, they are neither dutiful nor responsible, then this kind of management becomes "trampling on others" Heel ”The result of management is that people are distracted and management is chaotic; Some people, especially the general staff and many employees, often attach importance to responsibility and interests while ignoring rights. They have a mentality of "just rely on eight hours to avoid accidents", and should actively propose that they should be trained and improved Reasonable suggestions If the power is indifferent, or even thinks that it has nothing to do with itself, then the result of this kind of work is very easy to hang up and make ends meet. Of course, there are also people who don't want money, don't want life, don't care about pay, don't care about fame and wealth, and don't care about their own rights and interests. They only know how to do their work well, but they are very rare. They are really models, role models, and a realm.
For scientific development and harmonious construction, it is necessary to re understand their own position and deepen the connotation of job responsibilities.

Construction method

(1) Downward method
The downlink method is based on Organizational strategy And based on the process operating duty Decomposed Systematic approach Specifically, the specific content of responsibilities is obtained through strategic decomposition, and then the role and authority of the position in these responsibilities are defined through process analysis.
The specific steps of using the downward approach to build job responsibilities are:
Step 1: Determine the purpose of the position
According to the organization strategic target And the functional orientation of the department to determine the purpose of the position. The purpose of the position (setting) is to explain the overall goal of setting up the position, that is, to concisely state why the position exists and what its special contribution to the organization is. Readers should be able to distinguish this work from other work goals by reading the purpose of the position.
The general format of the purpose of the position is: work basis+ job content (Core responsibilities of the position)+ Work achievements For example, a company plans to Manager of Finance Department The overall purpose of the position can be expressed as: Relevant policies And the company Work plan Organize the formulation of the company under the guidance of Financial policy Plan and plan, lead the department staff, provide comprehensive financial services including cost, sales, budget, tax, etc. for each department, and implement Financial function Effective support for the company's business operation.
Step 2: Decompose key achievement areas
The key result areas of the position are obtained by decomposing the purpose of the position. The so-called key result areas refer to the aspects in which a position needs to achieve results to achieve the purpose of the position. We use fishbone diagram It is used as a tool to break down the purpose of the above example and obtain the key achievement areas of the manager of the Planning and Finance Department.
Step 3: Determine responsibilities and objectives
Determine the responsibility objectives, that is, determine the results that the position must achieve in the key result area. Because the description of responsibilities is to describe the responsibilities of the work holder and the final results required by the work, from the perspective of results orientation, it is necessary to clarify the objectives to be achieved in key achievement areas and ensure that each objective cannot deviate from the overall objectives of the position.
Step 4: Determine job responsibilities
As mentioned above, we express the final result of the position responsibilities by determining the responsibility objectives. This step is to determine what activities and responsibilities the incumbent should undertake to achieve these objectives.
Because every responsibility is operation flow One or several activities (tasks) of the position are implemented, so the responsibilities of the position in each responsibility should be determined according to the process, that is, to determine the responsibilities is to determine the role of the position in the process.
When determining responsibilities, the position responsibility point should be determined according to the inflow and outflow of information. When the information is transferred to the position, it means that the process responsibility is transferred to the position; After being processed by this position, the information is sent out, indicating that the responsibility is transferred to the next position in the process. This principle embodies the characteristics of "process based" and "clear responsibility".
Taking the recruitment work of a company as an example, Employee recruitment Of Workflow It can be divided into four parts:
(1) Recruitment plan Formulation, review and approval of;
(2) Budget, review and approval of recruitment expenses;
(3) Implementation of recruitment. Including the recruitment of general personnel, Human Resources Department Participate with the person in charge of the competent department; Key employees 's recruitment, Senior management The Human Resources Department and (the head of the competent department) participate;
(4) Feedback and inspection of recruitment
In the recruitment planning process: Human Resources Department Recruiting Specialist Make a recruitment plan, and then submit it to the manager of the Human Resources Department for review, so that the recruitment specialist's responsibility for making a recruitment plan is completed; The review responsibility of the plan belongs to the manager of the Human Resources Department. If there is no problem in the review, report to HR Director approval; The responsibility for approving the plan is transferred to the Human Resources Director. After approval, you can enter the next phase of the recruitment process.
It can be seen that the process based responsibility analysis clearly defines what role the position should play in each responsibility and what kind of authority it has. In order to clearly express the role and authority of the position in various responsibilities, verbs should be used accurately and normatively in the description of responsibilities, such as "formulation", "review" and "approval" in the above example.
Step 5. Description of responsibilities
As mentioned earlier, the responsibility description is to describe the responsibilities of the job holder and the final results required by the job. Therefore, after the responsibility objectives and main responsibilities are defined through the above two steps, we can Partial combination It describes responsibilities, that is, responsibility description=what to do+work results.
(2) Ascending method
The upward method is the opposite of the downward method in terms of analytical thinking, which is bottom-up“ Induction ”。 Specifically, from Work Elements Starting from, through the logical classification of basic work activities Task And get the responsibility description according to the classification of work tasks. Although the uplink method is not a special system compared with the downlink method decomposition method , but it is more practical and operational in practical work.
The steps to write responsibilities using the upward method are:
Step 1: List and merge the basic work activities (work elements), and clearly list the tasks that must be performed accordingly;
Step 2: point out the purpose or goal of each task;
Step 3: analyze work tasks and merge related tasks;
Step 4: briefly describe the main responsibilities of each part;
Step 5: compare each responsibility with the job purpose of the position, and improve the responsibility description.

Role model

determine Employee Responsibilities There needs to be clear regulations on job responsibilities. The job description is not intended to cover all aspects, but to carry out a reasonable and effective division of job responsibilities, so as to urge relevant personnel to clarify their job responsibilities, earnestly perform their job responsibilities, and successfully complete their job responsibilities. A complete job responsibility should include the following contents:
Department name:
Direct superior: enter the title of the superior leader here
Subordinate departments:
Department nature:
Administrative permissions:
Main responsibilities:
give an example: Ministry of Personnel Post responsibilities
Department name: Personnel Department
Direct superior: Deputy General Manager in charge
Subordinate departments: Personnel Section, Labor Wage Section
Department nature: human resources development , utilized Professional management department
Management authority: entrusted by the deputy general manager in charge, exercise the authority of personnel, labor and wage management of the company, and undertake the implementation Company rules and regulations Obligations of management procedures and work orders
Management function: full-time management department responsible for management, supervision, coordination, training, assessment and evaluation of all links in the whole process of the company's personnel work, and responsible for its work
Main responsibilities:
1. Firmly obey the unified command of the deputy general manager in charge, earnestly implement his work instructions, and be responsible for all management behaviors to the leader in charge;
2. Strictly implement the company's rules and regulations and conscientiously implement them operating duty
3. Responsible for organizing Human resources development Formulation, inspection, revision and implementation of labor employment and labor utilization index plan;
4. Responsible for formulating the company personnel management System. Design personnel management procedures, study, analyze and put forward suggestions for improvement;
5. Be responsible for the formulation, implementation and control of the department's work objectives;
6. Reasonably allocate labor positions and control the total labor force. organization Labor quota Prepare, do a good job in the staffing of workshops and relevant posts of the company, and reasonably control the total labor force and Total payroll Organize quota control, analysis, revision and supplement in time to ensure rationality and accuracy , put an end to the waste of labor;
7. Responsibility Personnel assessment Inspection work. establish Personnel files database Standardize the personnel training, examination and selection procedures, and organize regular or irregular personnel examination, assessment and selection;
8. Prepare annual, departure and monthly labor balance plans and Salary plan Pay attention to the reasonable flow and arrangement of labor force;
9. Formulate labor and personnel statistical work System. Establish and improve personnel, labor and capital Statistical accounting Standards, regularly prepare labor, capital and personnel related Statistical report Regularly prepare and submit annual, quarterly and monthly comprehensive or thematic statistical reports on labor and capital, personnel;
10. Be responsible for the company's employees Labor discipline Management. Regularly or irregularly spot check the implementation of labor discipline of the company, timely assess, and be responsible for management work such as attendance, rewards and punishments, business leave, and transfer;
11. Strictly follow“ labour law "And the labor employment policy of the local government and the company's labor management system, responsible for recruitment, employment and dismissal, and organizing the signing Labor contract , manage employees according to law;
12. Responsible for verifying Post salary Standards. Do a good job in labor wage statistics, and be responsible for the daily wages Overtime pay To apply for approval and review, and handle attendance, rewards and punishments, leave on business trip, transfer and other work;
13. Responsible for employees Labor protection articles Quota and Plan management Work;
14. Cooperate with relevant departments in safety education. participate in Employee casualty accident To investigate and handle, and put forward handling suggestions;
15. Be responsible for preparing the training outline Staff training Work. Focusing on employee foundation Education for All While gradually implementing Pre job training Professional knowledge training related to skills and business technical knowledge The alternative education combined with comprehensive management knowledge improves the training mode and system;
16. Do a good job of others assigned by the company leaders Task

Example of responsibilities


Sales Clerk

1. Execute the Company's Promotion plan , check the price tag and Promotion poster Attendance
2. Answer customers' questions accurately and assist them
3. Put the goods on the shelf, press Commodity display Arrangement required
4. Tracking stacking Commodity sales And replenish the goods in time
5. Responsible for the acceptance and return of purchased goods

Manager of Management Department

1. Responsible for enterprise standardization Standardized management Promotion and implementation of
2. Responsible Enterprise investment Deliberate with and participate in the project opening plan investment decision work
3. Responsible for all aspects of enterprise operation Rules and regulations Drafting and improvement of
4. Collect, summarize and analyze the work of each department of the enterprise, and put forward suggestions for improvement
5. Responsible Enterprise internal audit Implementation of

Manager of Administration Department

1. According to Leadership Intention and Enterprise development strategy , responsible for drafting important drafts of the enterprise
2. Responsible for enterprise information information management as well as Publicity report Daily administration transaction management work
3. Responsible for the daily security and fire management of the enterprise
4. Responsible Receptionist External publicity Public relations
5. Responsible for general affairs and logistics Vehicle management Etc

Manager of Technology Department

1. Responsible for the design and R&D management work
2. Responsible for organizing the test management of new products developed by enterprises
3. Responsible for the research and development of new products technological process Design work of
4. Responsible Enterprise products Technical improvement quality improvement And Control work
5. Be responsible for the research and related work of enterprise product quota technical information Arrangement of

Writing responsibilities

In the process of consulting services for enterprises, it is difficult for enterprise employees to find out what is involved in writing. The first difficulty is to describe it in words Process operation The second difficulty is the writing of job responsibilities.
It is more difficult to write job responsibilities than I imagined. Although it is difficult to define process objectives, enterprise employees can still write 10% of them, and job responsibilities are difficult to write. The difficulty is that almost no enterprise personnel can write a qualified job responsibility independently. Some people may say that it is exaggerated. Or it is just some enterprises quality of personnel Poor, no, neither of them is exaggerated. Even some enterprises have famous schools MBA Graduated. But even the job responsibilities they wrote for the first time still can not pass. Because they did not clearly describe their work content, they piled up the requirements of their work, but missed the main work. They used too many Modifier , even words of determination are mixed in. Some job responsibilities are like Letter of determination In addition, the post responsibilities shall be compared with Working standards It is not advisable to mix them together.
Why most people can't write their job responsibilities well? Because they don't know what their responsibilities are. Why many people can't understand their job responsibilities? Because too many textbooks give non-standard models. Why can't the job responsibilities of other enterprises be referenced? Because different enterprises have different requirements for the job responsibilities of the same name.
The job responsibilities are easy to write. The ordinary terms cannot be more ordinary. It cannot use modifiers, adjectives, metaphors, exaggerations. It must be objective, rational, and straightforward“ One says one, two says two ”It is most appropriate for writing job responsibilities.
It is also difficult to write well the job responsibilities. More words are not enough, less words are wrong, more items are not enough, and less items are not enough. More work will change, less work will fail. Writing job responsibilities does not need fancy writing. Writing job responsibilities requires simple style of writing, not affectation, but careful wording.
The ancients said that poetry writing skills are beyond poetry. It seems that writing job responsibilities is also beyond poetry. That is, you must know all the things that the post is responsible for. That is to say, determine the job responsibilities first and write down the job responsibilities later.
How to determine the job responsibilities Enterprise Strategy target The decomposition starts, and then the enterprise Decision classification , and then from organizational structure Setting starts with position allocation, and then subdivides functions and Process carding In order to understand the tasks and work undertaken by the post. Clarification of responsibilities is the premise and basis for writing job responsibilities.
Here is an example for netizens to use for reference:
Attachment: A manufacturing enterprise Administration Department Post responsibilities of infrastructure supervision of the Property Department
1. Responsible for capital construction inquiry
2. Be responsible for the selection and approval of the infrastructure construction team.
3. Submit the capital construction budget for approval.
4. Responsible Capital construction contract Initials.
5. Responsible for infrastructure construction construction management
6. Organize infrastructure construction acceptance of work
7. Organize infrastructure construction Project settlement Submit for approval.
8. Responsible for capital construction contract and capital construction file management
9. Abide by the company's rules and regulations.
10. Complete other tasks assigned by the superior.