
Frontier poets and officials of the Tang Dynasty
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Cen Shen (715-770 AD), Nanyang Spiny yang (Today's Xinye County) [51-52] [48] And Gao Shi And called "Gao Cen", [49] As a governor of Jiazhou, Therefore, later generations called it "Cen Jiazhou" [51] Tang dynasty Frontier Poets The most outstanding representative of. [47] [51]
Born in a bureaucratic family, Cen Shen lost his father when he was young. He studied hard and read all the classics and history. At the age of 20, he offered a book to the emperor, hoping to gain an official position, but failed to do so. In the third year of Tianbao's reign (744), he was granted the right to lead Cao, a government soldier, to join the army. Later, he joined the army in the frontier fortress for two times, and served first as the envoy of Anxi Gao Xianzhi The assistant of the shogunate later went to Beiting in the last years of Tianbao and served as the envoy of Anxi and Beiting Fengchangqing Judge, most of his famous frontier poems were written at this time. In the second year of Emperor Suzong's Zhide (757), he returned to the east and was recommended by Du Fu and others to fill the Que on the right. In the first year of Dali (766), he entered Sichuan, and was first the staff of Du Hongjian, the envoy of Xichuan in Jiannan, and later served as the governor of Jiazhou. In the third year of Dali's reign (768), he was dismissed from office, and his return to the east was blocked, so he lived in Shu. At the end of the fourth year of Dali (769), he died in Chengdu. [47]
Cen Shen's poems spread far and near and have a wide influence. Most of the early poems were about scenery, travel, gift, farewell, and lamenting the unexpected official career. Among them, the style of scenery poems was extremely steep and beautiful, such as "Late Autumn Mountain Tour", "Gaoguan Valley Entrance Calling for Zheng", "The First Official Titles Gaoguan Thatched Cottage", etc., which were beautiful and elegant, and both creative and refined words were strange; Farewell poems such as Hu Jia Song Sending Yan Zhenqing's Envoy to Helong are also good lyric poems. Cen Shen is also the poet who wrote the most poems about frontier fortress in the flourishing Tang Dynasty, because his experience of frontier fortress life is extremely rich and substantial. These poems are magnificent in color, full of heroic spirit of generous service to the country and optimistic spirit of fearing hardship. The representative works of their frontier poems are "Walk on horseback to send off the troops to the west", "Luntai Song to send off the soldiers to the west", and so on. [47] His poetry collection was originally compiled by Du Que 30 years after the death of Cen Can, with 8 volumes. Later, Chen Tiemin, Hou Zhongyi and Liu Kaiyang also wrote Cen Sen Collection Annotation and Cen Sen Poetry Collection Chronicle Annotation for him. [48]
the tang dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
date of birth
About six years of Kaiyuan (718, controversial)
Date of death
About the fourth year of Dali (769, controversial)
True name
Native place
Jingzhou Jiangling (today's Hubei Jiangling County) or Nanyang Jiyang (today's Henan Xinye County)

Character's Life


Young people are smart

Cen Shen Statue [1]
about Kaiyuan In 722, Cen Shen began to study.
In the 14th year of Kaiyuan (726), Cen Shen began to write articles.
Around the 20th year of Kaiyuan (732), Cen Shen moved to Songyang (now Dengfeng County, Henan Province).
Around the 25th year of Kaiyuan (737), Cen Shen went west Chang'an , but was not promoted. Later, he repeatedly traveled between Chang'an and Luoyang for about ten years.
In the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740), Wang Changling, Ren Jiangning Cheng, and Cen Shenzuo《 Send Wang Dachangling to Jiangning 》To send. [2-4]

Three years of election

Trimble For three years (744 years), Cen Shen was the second person to become a Jinshi, followed by a three-year election period. [2] [5]
In the spring of the fourth year of Tianbao (745 years), Cen Shen set out from Chang'an, went east along Jingluo Avenue, crossed the Yellow River in Mengjin, reached the place where he traced the river, and looked for Chu Shi Tao; Then go northeast to Xinxiang County and visit Wang Fu, the county magistrate; After that, we went through Xiangzhou to Yecheng, then to Handan, and then through Qinghe County to Jizhou, then from Jizhou to Yingzhou in the north, and then to Anxi County in the northwest, where we visited our third uncle Cen Dan. At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, Cen Shen began to return to the south. He first went to Jingxing to visit Taoist Li; Then go to Liyang County near the Yellow River, cross the river to Baimadu on the south bank, and then go southeast to Yingyang.
In the fifth year of Tianbao (746), Cen Shen set out from Yingyang and returned to Chang'an in the west. He first crossed the Yellow River north to Wangwu Mountain, where he used to live, and then went north to Jinzhou, where he revisited his hometown; Then we went to Jiangzhou and visited Liji Tomb; Then he crossed the Yellow River eastward to Puguan, where he boarded; Finally, go to Duling, Chang'an, and send Guo Yi, a native of Anxi County, back to his hometown《 To Guo Yi 》。 In order to successfully participate in the winter fair, Cen Shen went east again to Yingyang to report the election defense to the state capital, and received the answer to the election. During the period of waiting for the government to distribute the selected text, Cen Shen arrived in Kuangcheng County (in the southwest of Changyuan County, Henan Province today) and was treated by Zhou County Captain. Later, he arrived at Daliang at night to sleep. He and his friend Han Zun visited Master Hui of Jingyun Temple in the east of Yanshi. In autumn, Cen Shen returned to Chang'an in the west to participate in the winter fair after receiving the selected interpretation text issued by the government, and wrote it in order to get the official award《 Feeling old fu 》Distribute relevant "talent" to Yamen. [6]

Two degrees out

"Every Envoy to Beijing" poetic painting (painted by Mao Guolun) [7]
In the spring of the sixth year of Tianbao's reign (747), Cen Shen, who had completed the election, was awarded the right to lead Cao, the government soldier Join the army , and created《 Initial official title: Gaoguan Thatched Cottage 》。
In the seventh year of Tianbao's reign (748 years), Yan Zhenqing was appointed as the military envoy of the Longyou Army in Hexi to try to recapture the garrison, and Cen Shen worked in Chang'an《 Hu Jiage Sends Yan Zhenqing's Envoy to Helong 》To send. The next year (749), Gao Xianzhi entered the court, and Biao Censhen enlisted for Youwei Wei. Cen Shen went out to Anxi Gao Xianzhi The shogunate head secretary.
In March of the 10th year of Tianbao's reign (751), Gao Xianzhi was awarded the title of Wuwei Prefecture Chief and Hexi Festival Envoy. His staff, Cen Shen, went to Wuwei after receiving the news. During his time in Wuwei, Cen Shen wrote《 Wu Wei sent Judge Liu Shan to Anxi for camp and then presented Gao Kaifu 》Etc. After Gao Xianzhi was defeated and returned to Korea, Cen Shen returned to the east, arrived at Lintao in June, and then reached Chang'an about early autumn.
In the autumn of the eleventh year of Tianbao (752), Cen Shen Du Fu Gao Shi Chu Guangxi Xue Ju Tongdeng in Chang'an Cien Temple Tower《 With Gao Shi and Xue Jue, he ascended the floating picture of Ci'en Temple 》。 In the spring of the next year (753), learned scholar Cen Shenzuo, a prefect of Pingyuan County《 Send to Yan Plain 》To send.
About the 13th year of Tianbao's reign (754 years), Cen Shen entered his shogunate at the behest of Changqing and went to Beiting again to serve as the justice of Anxi Xiting. In May, Feng Changqing left for the Western Expedition, with Cen Shen in the rear. In winter, Cen Shen wrote when he returned home in triumph《 Presenting Six Songs of Immortal Glory to Doctor Feng 》To offer.
highest virtue In the spring of the second year (757), Cen Shen worked in Beiting《 Beiting 》。 Since Tang Suzong was in Fengxiang, Cen Shen went from Beiting to Tang Suzong and worked in Fengxiang《 Two Marching Poems 》Etc. On June 12, Pei Jian, Meng Changhao, Wei Qidan, Du Fu and Wei Shaoyou recommended Cen Shen as an admonitory officer, and Suzong of the Tang Dynasty used Cen Shen as a right complement. In October, Cen Shen's retinue returned to Chang'an from Tang Suzong. [2-4]

Repeated official career

Farewell to Duty, Cen Shen (painted by Xie Zhenou)
beginning of creation In the first year (758), Cen Shen often sang with Du Fu, Wang Wei, Jia Zhi and other colleagues and friends of Zuo Province (under the door province) and You Province (Zhongshu Province)《 On autumn eve, study quietly and happily, present Li Shilang of the Ministry of War 》Etc. In March of the following year (759), Cen Shen probably changed his position from right Buque to living Buddhist nun because of referring to the power sycophant. In April, he temporarily served as Governor Shi of Guo, and in May, he began to leave the customs to take office.
about Baoying In the spring of the first year (762), Cen Shen was renamed Prince Zhongyun, and soon served as the imperial assistant in the palace and the judge of the festival in Kansai. In October, King Yong, the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses Li Shi Join forces with Shaanxi to crusade Shi Chaoyi , Cen Shen was appointed as the Secretary in charge. About in winter, Cen Shen enters Chang'an.
about Guangde In the first year (763), Cen Shen was appointed as the Kaogong Yuan Wailang, and the next year (764), he was appointed as the Yubu Doctor. [2-4]

die in a strange land

about Yongtai In the first year (765), Cen Shen was transferred to the position of treasury doctor. In November, Cen Shen was demoted to be the governor of Jiazhou, and went to Chengdu from Chang'an with Shao Yin Chengben. In December, they went to Liangzhou (today's Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province), where they stayed because of the political turmoil in Chengdu.
Dali February of the first year (766), Du Hongjian He appointed Jiannan Xichuan envoy, Biao Censhen as the official doctor, and also served as the imperial envoy in the palace, so Cen Shen joined his shogunate. In early summer, Cen Shen went from Liangzhou (today's Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province) to Yichang, Lizhou (today's Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province) to meet Du Hongjian. He arrived in Yichang, Lizhou (today's Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province) in April, entered Jianmen Pass in June, and arrived in Chengdu in July. [4] [8]
In June of the second year of Dali (767), Cen Shen went to work as the governor of Jiazhou, and wrote "Calling Shu Guests Back" ("Calling North Guests"). In July of the following year (768), Cen Shen returned from Jiazhou (today's Leshan City, Sichuan Province) to the east because of being dismissed from office. When he arrived at Rongzhou (today's Yibin City, Sichuan Province), he was blocked by outlaws and could not continue to return east along the waterway, stayed at Hukou, and then returned to Chengdu by land. [2-4]
In the autumn and winter of the fourth year of Dali (769), Cen Shen died at Chengdu Hotel at the age of 52 (51). [9]

Poetic achievements


Summary of achievements

Cen Shen's poems are good at seven character lines, [10] The poetic mood is novel, the style is strange and steep, the momentum is magnificent, the imagination is rich, the words are beautiful, the enthusiasm is unrestrained, and the characteristics of romanticism are rich. The subject matter of his poetry involves the description of aspirations, gifts, landscapes, travel, and so on. Among them, the frontier fortress poetry is the best. In the flourishing Tang Dynasty, Cen Shen wrote the most frontier fortress poetry with the most outstanding achievements.

Types of poetry

  • Scenery poem
In his youth, Cen Shen's landscape poems were beautiful, elegant and similar in style Xie Tiao He Xun , but the language is strange, the style is steep, and the artistic conception is novel, such as Yin Fan《 Collection of Heroes from Heyue 》It is called "the mountain wind blows into the forest, whispering like someone"(《 A trip to the mountains in late autumn 》)"The long wind blows the white thatch, and the wild fire burns the withered mulberry"(《 To Daliang but to the owner of Kuang City 》)Such poems are all examples of poetic creation. In his later years, Cen Shen's poetic sense was always confused and depressed. After entering Sichuan, the landscape poetry added unique and strong features, and the seclusion thought also developed in the poetry.
Time Staging
In terms of time, Cen Shen's creation of scenery poems can be divided into five periods: the period of Song Yang's seclusion, the period of going in and out of Beijing, the period of twice going out of the fortress, the period of Guo's governor's history, and the period of Jiazhou's governor. [11]
1、 Songyang seclusion period
In 732, the 20th year of the Kaiyuan era, Cen Shen moved to Songyang (now Dengfeng County, Henan Province) in the 15th year of the year and began a period of seclusion (the duration is unknown). At this stage, Cen often absorbed a large number of beautiful and quiet images into his poems, accompanied by natural and dilute ways of expression, and his poetry style was fresh and simple. In particular, because of the lack of life experience and wisdom, Cen Shen's landscape poems at this time lacked the understanding of the vicissitudes of life and the unique thinking of the traces, and there was no subjective reason to hide the landscape in order to get rid of the shackles of the world. Therefore, the voiceless landscape described by Cen Shen at that time was completely derived from the aesthetic intuition of childhood, and it was a pure aesthetic. [2] [11]
2、 During the period of entering and leaving Beijing and Beijing
About the 25th year of Kaiyuan (737), Cen Shen, a 20-year-old man, traveled between Beijing and Beijing to seek fame. At this stage, the change of life trajectory gave Cen Shen a different aesthetic experience and enriched his poetic style, such as《 Gong Bei Qiuxing Sends Cui Mingyun 》Such poems simply describe the quiet and tranquil environment, select noisy images, and use cool colors to show the vast and bleak artistic conception in the magnificent and broad space. In general, Cen Shen's landscape poems have well completed the preparation and transition from landscape pastoral landscape to frontier scenery. [2] [11]
3、 Two times out of the fortress
In the eighth year of Tianbao (749), Cen Shen went to Anxichong to head the secretary of the shogunate; At the beginning of the 10th year of Tianbao (751), Cen Shen returned to Beijing from the border, which was the first time Cen Shen went out of the fortress. At this stage, Cen Shen's landscape poems focused on describing the vast expanse of the desert, filled with strong homesickness between the lines, and took sadness as the keynote. Later, Cen Shen spent two or three and a half years of official and semi reclusive life, during which he created some beautiful and elegant scenery poems, which are like the reprints of Cen Shen's Songyang scenery poems in his early years, revealing the aesthetic compensation Cen Shen sought after after returning from the frontier fortress.
In the 13th year of Tianbao (754), Cen Shen went out again. After entering the Beiting, Cen Shen's ambition of serving the country was greatly inspired. With the appreciation of Feng Changqing, Cen Shen freely spread the patriotism of the heroic students in the strange mountains and waters of the Western Regions. He looked at the wonders of the frontier fortress with inexplicable surprise, not only to enjoy the beauty, but also to achieve a high degree of unity between the love of mountains and rivers and the love of nations.
On the whole, Cen Shen's landscape poems (landscape poems in the Western Regions) created during his two trips to the fortress have a strong pioneering significance for Chinese traditional landscape poems. In terms of subject matter, Cen Shen was the first poet who extensively described the scenery of the Western Regions. He really introduced the landscape of the Western Regions into the care category of landscape poetry, and injected new descriptive elements into traditional Chinese landscape poetry; In terms of style, Cen Shen's landscape poems in the Western Regions injected heroism into the traditional landscape poems and made a breakthrough in the introversion of Chinese traditional landscape culture. These two aspects had a profound impact on the landscape poems of the Western Regions in later generations. [11]
4、 Guo Governor History Period
In the second year of the Qianyuan era (759), Cen Shen was demoted as the governor of Guo. Because of being demoted, Cen Shen's mood is inevitably lost. In his office, Cen Shen's landscape poems are fresh and pleasant in artistic conception, more detailed in body and object, and the landscape painting techniques have reached a level of proficiency. In terms of content, some scenery poems reveal Cen Shen's desire for seclusion in the mountains and forests and for seclusion and carefree life, which is actually a thought of official seclusion - "official" is the main complex, and "seclusion" is a temporary emotion. In general, Cen Shen's scenery poems created at this stage have lost the vigorous and passionate atmosphere in the frontier fortress scenery poems and connected with his early beautiful style. Most of them express the fresh and quiet realm through the beautiful landscape, but also contain many of Cen Shen's sadness and helplessness. If his Songyang scenery poems in his early years were a direct expression of the pleasure of perceptual landscapes, Guozhou scenery poems would be the depressed appeal of rational landscapes. [11]
5、 The period of the governor of Jiazhou
In the second year of Yongtai (766), Cen Shen was demoted again and served as the governor of Jiazhou (now Leshan City, Sichuan Province). On his way to office, Cen Shen had a sense of responsibility to safeguard the unity of the Tang Dynasty and a passion to make progress. After arriving in Jiazhou (today's Leshan City, Sichuan Province), Cen Shen found that Jiazhou (today's Leshan City, Sichuan Province) was the landscape of his disillusionment. Therefore, Cen Shen created a large number of landscape poems during his tenure. There was no pleasant feeling, only the lamentation of old age and the expectation of going east. At this stage, Cen Shen's landscape poems are the double return of poetic and emotional nature. [11]
Style performance
In terms of style, the main styles of Cen Shen's landscape poems are "Shang Qing" and "Curiosity" ("Curiosity" refers to the love of novelty). [11]
1、 "Shang Qing"
① In the early years, Cen Shen was in the creative mood of enjoying the pleasure of mountains and waters, so he chose more elegant warm color scenery to construct the beauty of mountains and forests, and also made great efforts to create the tranquility of mountains and forests. The poems he created are clear and natural, and can express the intuitive impression of beautiful mountains and rivers in simple, clear and bright words. The realm is clear, refreshing, far and deep. During the history of Guo Governor, Cen Shen once made a brief return to Songyang's landscape poems in terms of the style of landscape poems, and the theme of the return was to return to the quiet place - expressing the feeling of leisure by describing the beautiful and quiet landscape.
② Cold place: In essence, cold place is a lonely and desolate place. During the period of entering and leaving Beijing, Cen Shen constructed a cold place with a large number of cold colored scenery in order to match the sad and lonely state of mind in the pursuit of official career, so the quiet landscape in his creation gradually faded away from the quiet quiet and joined the cold and vast cold place.
③ Elegant realm: Some of Cen Shen's landscape poems exude a fresh and flexible atmosphere, and also give birth to the realm of pure and elegant -- the realm of pure and elegant. The elegant realm is the combination of beautiful scenery and open feelings, with perfect artistic tension, which is completely different from the introverted realm of quiet and cold. At the same time, the realm of elegance is also a realm of talent, a realm of transformation, which can not be achieved without talent. During his two trips to the fortress, Cen Shen had the opportunity to release his talent. In addition, all his passion and the beautiful scenery of the Western Regions triggered him, which made Cen Shen full of creative vitality, and also enabled him to describe a fresh and flexible artistic realm with his free verse, such as《 Bai Xuege Send Judge Wu to Beijing 》A poem has both clear and beautiful colors and vivid vitality. [11]
2、 Curiosity
① Wonderful scenery writing: Cen Shen likes to absorb new scenery into his poems, which makes his landscape poems (especially those of the Western Regions) bear the brand of "wonder" since their birth. In the landscape poems of the Western Regions, Cen Shen shows different scenes and wonders from the inland, giving people different aesthetic feelings with realistic and vivid descriptions. At the same time, when describing vast wilderness, high dangerous Jianmen and other inland scenery, Cen Shen also showed the characteristics of curiosity to win. Because of these strange scenery, Cen Shen's curious personality has been greatly stimulated. In turn, Cen Shen plays up this strange personality because of his curious personality. The two can be said to fit together and complement each other.
② Wonderful thoughts: Cen Shen is not only good at finding "strange" eyes, but also good at making wonderful thoughts. He can create "mountain wind blowing in the sky forest, whispering like someone" ("Late Autumn Mountain Walk"), "waterfalls hanging at the cliff mouth, half blank white" ("Master Cheng, who is not met in the Zhongnan Cloud World, looks at the Qinling Mountains and drizzle as a friend") and other wind passing through the mountains and forests The waterfall falls down these ordinary scenes, which are full of strange poems, while the strange and elegant scene sent out by Qisisheng is breathtaking. The well-known "suddenly like the spring breeze in one night, thousands of trees and pears blossom" ("The White Snow Song Send Judge Wu to Beijing") is an example.
③ Good at expressing strange feelings: Cen Shen's unique taste of scenery often gives him a strange feeling, which is colorful and extraordinary. The pure aesthetic in Cen Shen's early landscape poems is a kind of emotional transcendence and a kind of strange feeling to some extent for the noisy secular world; During his two trips to the frontier, Cen Shenduo expressed or exaggerated heroic sentiments through the wonders of the Western Regions, often surprising, and wrote a kind of opposite harmonious beauty. For example, when facing the hardships of the journey, he expressed passionate sentiments, and when the bitter cold of the frontier fortress was covered with a beautiful veil, people were filled with optimistic sentiments.
④ It is easy to use strange words: Cen Shen always uses some strange words in his poems about scenery to add decoration to the scenery, so that the poems have a more artistic sense of charm. For example, he uses strange verbs to connect two scenery, so that they have a clear sense of hierarchy, inject vitality into the scenery, and create a strange interest; Or through the careful selection of verbs, the originally elusive abstract things can be tied to the specific scenery, so that they can become tangible objects. [11]
  • frontier-style poetry
During his two trips to the frontier fortress, Cen Shen, under the control of the generosity of the meritorious frontier fortress, vividly demonstrated the strange scenery and customs of the northwest desert with a generous and heroic tone and unique artistic techniques. His realm was unprecedentedly open, and the creative and novel characteristics were further developed, with a unique and magnificent beauty, It broke through the traditional pattern of bitter cold and laborious soldiers in the past, and greatly enriched and broadened the description subject and content range of frontier fortress poems. [12]
artistic characteristics
In terms of artistic features, the artistic features of Cen Shen's frontier poems are mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
1、 Image and scene
Cen Shen Statue [13]
The magnificent image and magnificent scene are the outstanding achievements of Cen Shen's frontier poems, and also the outstanding artistic characteristics of Cen Shen's frontier poems different from those of Gao Shi and others. In brief, Cen Shen's frontier fortress poems can bring readers into a vast and mythical world through the magnificent scene, giving readers the power to work hard and have a vigorous and unrestrained feature. To be specific, Cen Sen, who served as a military officer in the Right Weiwei Military and a deputy envoy to the Yixi Beiting Military, has stationed in the northwest frontier twice with Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing, and has been to Anxi, Beiting and other places. He has a long-term experience of frontier life and has more contacts with the capital guards and judges. Therefore, on the one hand, in his frontier poems, Cen Shen described the strange and colorful natural scenery of deserts, snow mountains and volcanoes in northwest China, miraculously representing the extreme cold and heat, unpredictable and beautiful scenery in northwest China. The desert is described in Memories of Du Ling's Farewell across Jiuquan, Wu Wei's Sending Judge Liu Shan to Anxi for Camping and Presenting Gao Kaifu, and Walking Horse to Sichuan to Send a Doctor to the Western Expedition. The snow mountain is described in《 Beiting Yizong's Master Farewell 》、《 Send Xiao Zhi back to Beijing with a snow song on Tianshan Mountain 》And "Farewell to Judge Wu in the White Snow Song", etc., while the description of volcanoes includes "Farewell to the Volcano Cloud Song", "Hot Sea Journey to See Cui Fu Yu Back to Beijing", etc. On the other hand, in his frontier poems, Cen Shen also recounted the scenes of frontier officers and men joining the army, going to war, killing the enemy, and being demoted, and portrayed a number of magnificent and magnificent images of indomitable, powerful and majestic frontier officers and men, such as《 Send people to Anxi 》A poem depicts a high spirited Chang'an recruiter who goes to Anxi with high morale《 Presented to Judge Yuwen on the way to Longshan for the first time 》The poem depicts Judge Yuwen who braves the wind, frost and cold to urge his horse to gallop forward, Wu Wei sends Judge Liu Shan to Anxi for camp and then presents Gao Kaifu, and Zuma Chuanxing escorts a doctor to leave for the Western Expedition《 The Hou Feng doctor in the western suburb of Beiting was surrendered to the army 》、《 General Zhao's military song 》And《 General Song at Yumen Pass 》He portrayed a group of powerful generals who could fight well; It is worth noting that Cen Shen also wrote about petty officials and soldiers in his frontier poems, such as《 Title: Tiemen Pass 》The image of a strong petty official guarding the pass was portrayed, such as The Military Song of General Gai at Yumen Pass, Wu Wei Sending Judge Liu Shan to Anxi for Camping, and《 Luntai Song Presents Doctor Feng to the West Expedition 》And so on, they portrayed the invincible heroes of the soldiers. [12]
2、 Landscape painting and lyricism
Lyricism in scenery painting, organically combining lyricism with scenery painting, to achieve the realm of blending feelings and scenery, which is another artistic feature of Cen Shen's frontier poems. There are many ways to express feelings and scenery in poetry. The most common way is to express feelings after scenery. Emotion comes from scenery and expresses feelings on the spot. This is the most popular way in Cen Shen's frontier poems《 Yinshan Qixi Pavilion 》, Beiting Works《 Leave Qi Si at Lintao Guest House 》、《 Send Lintao to Beiting to leave 》"Send Xiao Zhi to Beijing in the Snowy Song on Tianshan Mountain" and so on; In addition to the writing method of "scenery before emotion", there is a more common way to express emotion and scenery in poetry, that is, to write scenery while expressing emotion, which is the way used by Cen Shen in his frontier fortress poem "Sending Judge Wu to Beijing in the White Snow Song"; In addition, the way of expressing feelings and scenes in poetry can also be used to describe the scenery throughout the article and imply thoughts and feelings《 Hu Jiage Sends Yan Zhenqing's Envoy to Helong 》And so on. [12]
3、 Language and prosody
The third artistic feature of Cen Shen's frontier fortress poems is that the language is fresh and handsome, the rhythm is flexible and changeable, and he constantly innovates and seeks novelty.
In terms of language, the most prominent feature of Cen Shen's frontier poetry language is "strange", but it is neither "strange and dangerous" nor "gaudy", but strange, strange and handsome. His language style is based on the popular and simple spoken language and the handsome and straight style. It is tempered by the unique imagination to show the legendary or fairy tale life. Like Li Qingzhao's words, "using the simple and popular language to send fresh thoughts", which is specifically shown as "the bridge crosses a thousand cliffs and the road is narrow" (Titles on the Iron Gate Pass Tower) Such vivid figurative sentences as "the flower flapping on the clothes looks like embroidery, and the clouds go with the horse, and the color of the horse is suspicious of the white"(《 Qingmen Song to Judge Zhang of Dongtai 》)Such beautiful and wonderful personification sentences, as well as such superb exaggerations as "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom" ("Send Judge Wu back to Beijing in the White Snow Song"). In a word, the language of Cen Shen's frontier fortress poems is just like what Hong Liangji said, "strange and reasonable" - most of which have not been published by predecessors, but are not fabricated, but derived from life experience.
In terms of rhythm, Cen Shen's frontier fortress poems are very creative - Cen Shen's frontier fortress poems are flexible and creative in their use of rhymes, which can be traced back to Yuefu (ancient Yuefu poems generally use one rhyme throughout or several rhyme changes in one article), and the rhyme style of the early Tang Dynasty, which is similar to that of the early Tang Dynasty, It also makes the level of poetry more distinct - the rhyme of poetry is often used in a level by level way, which is also conducive to the expression of the poet's complex thoughts and feelings in changing rhymes, as well as enhancing the artistic appeal of poetry. [12]

Comments from previous dynasties

  • Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties period
Tang dynasty Yin Fan : The language in the poem is marvelous, and the meaning is also marvelous. As the saying goes, "A long wind blows the white thatch, and a wild fire burns the withered mulberry", it can be described as a talent. "The mountain wind blows into the forest and rustles like someone", which should be called Youzhi. (《 Collection of Heroes from Heyue ·Volume) [14]
Song dynasty Zhou Zizhi : It is very gratifying to see how beautiful and thoughtful the poems are. Watching Shaoling's saying that "brothers Cen Shen are curious and take me to visit Meibei", we can also get a general idea of his behavior. (《 Taicang Miji ·Volume 67: After the Collection of Cen Shen's Poems) [14]
Song dynasty Xu Yi : Cen Shen's poetry also has its own family. Gai tried to seal the Chang Qing Army, and he recorded many strange things in the Western Regions. For example, "Youboluo Flower Song" and "Rehai Xing" are not included in ancient and modern biographies. (《 Yan Zhou's Poetry 》) [14]
Southern Song Dynasty Lu You : When you are young, you are very good at Cen Jiazhou's poems. In the mountains, every time I get drunk, I lean on the Hu bed to sleep, and often make my son chant, until I wake up or sleep soundly. It seems that Taibai and Zimei are alone. (Postcen Jiazhou Poetry Collection) [14]
Shaozhang in the Southern Song Dynasty: Gao Shicai is high and powerful. His poems are not learned but can be used. Although he is not small, he is finally a great talent. Cen Jiazhou and Zi Meiyou are masters of Tang poetry. (A Review of 100 Poems of Tang Dynasty, Wu Shidao《 Wu Libu's Poetry 》Quoted) [15]
Southern Song Dynasty Liu Kezhuang : Most of the sentences of Cen Shen and Jia Zhi were written by Bao, but they are far from being recreational. (Continuation of Houcun Poetry, Volume II) [14]
Southern Song Dynasty Yan Yu : Gao Cen's poems are solemn and stirring. Reading them makes people sigh with emotion. (《 Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry 》) [15]
Yuan dynasty Chen Yizeng : Gao Shi's poems advocate quality, while Cen Shen's poems advocate ingenuity. (《 Poetry score 》) [15]
  • Ming, Qing and Modern Times
the Ming dynasty Xu Xianzhong Jiazhou poetry is mainly about style, so its style is rigorous and neat, its language is strange, and its meaning is square and strict, so its rhyme is fresh. Five character ancient poetry should be built from the point of view of the son, and the feet should be joined together. The ancients were thick, and Jiazhou was a little bit thin, which was also an ear. Others are unsatisfactory. In order to achieve this goal, the isolated peak cuts into the sky, and the lofty man is drawn out of the sky. When China Resources is approaching people, it will be a short time. (《 Tang Poetry 》) [14]
the Ming dynasty Gu Lin : ① Cen Shen is the master of the flourishing Tang Dynasty, who is the best at seven words, and has the same tone as Wang Wei. ② Cen Shi likes to start with colorful words, the first couplet is relaxed, and the second couplet highlights strange words, which is the most legal. (Comments on Tang Yin) [14]
the Ming dynasty Wang Shizhen : ① It is not easy to go up and down when it is high. Cen's strength is not as good as Dafu's, and he passes it gently. The body selection is always in the ancient times, and Cen is especially good at health. The singing line is upright and marvelous. It rises and falls every time. It's just true, especially authentic. (《 Yiyuan Zhiyan ·Volume IV) [15] ② Five words are close to the body, but Gao Cen is not good. Seven words, Cen is a little thick. (Yiyuan Zhiyan, Volume IV) [15] ③ The seven character law of the flourishing Tang Dynasty, Lao Duwai, Wang Wei, Li Qi, and Cen Shener. Li has the style but not the beauty; Cen has the talent but not the feeling; Wang has the beauty. (On All Tang Poems) [16]
the Ming dynasty Zhou Rujing : ① It's unnecessary to say a word about Wanren. Zhidun talks about other things, and Cen Shen specializes in this method. ② Before and after, repeatedly with two or three words, extremely energetic and easy to recite, Cen Shen is the director. (《 Secret Words of Sao Temple 》) [14]
the Ming dynasty Hu Yinglin : ① Ancient poetry has its own syllables. Lu and Xie are extremely humorous, but their syllables are quite different from those of the Tang Dynasty. Li and Du Wai from the Tang Dynasty are the best in Jiazhou. Although Xiangyang and Changshi have a high and distant tone, they can reach the syllable, which is close to the body. (《 A poetry den ·Internally edited Volume II) [14] ② Chang Shi has five ancient characters, which are deep and graceful, but the style and syllables are sometimes uneven. Jiazhou is fresh and wonderful. It is a great talent. Its quality and strength are all high. However, in the high and dark, the ancient flavor still exists; In the midst of Cen Yingfa, the Tang Dynasty wrote a great book. (Shisou, Internal Compilation, Volume II) [15] ③ Well workers Gao and Cen began to speak, and Cen was very strange. However, the Xuancheng was imitated, and the situation was getting worse. (Shisou, Internal Compilation, Volume II) [15] ④ The style of Jiazhou is strict, the syllables are bright, and the concentrated rhythm is rare. (Shisou, Internal Compilation, Volume IV) [14]
the Ming dynasty Xu Xueyi The Five Auspicious Laws of the Tang Dynasty, but Cen Jiazhou's words involve ingenuity, such as "a lonely lamp makes a visitor dream, and cold articles pick up nostalgia", "a stream swallows a woodcutter's road, and mountain flowers intoxicate the drug fence", and "flowers are blocked and people cry, and willows hang nostalgia", which are about several lines. However, Gao and Cen are distinguished by their different climates. Scholars are not allowed to have their own climates. If they follow their new skills, they will end up in the late Tang Dynasty. (《 Poetic Source and Style 》) [14]
the Ming dynasty Hu Zhenheng : Cen's words win the meaning, the sentence pattern is magnificent, but the verve is not raised; High meaning is better than words, and the feeling is lingering, but the muscles and bones are not enough. The failure of Cen's sentence still kept the prosperous Tang Dynasty; The high harmony makes the middle Tang Dynasty amusing. (《 Tang Yingui Sign ·Volume X) [15]
the Ming dynasty Lu Shiyong : ① Large is elegant, small is skillful. Censhen is often used skillfully. (《 Tang poetry mirror 》)② Cen Shen's good sentences are skillful. They are really inadequate and skillful, so we can know their depth. Therefore, it is said that "great skill is like clumsiness". (《 Introduction to Poetry Mirror 》) [14]
Late Ming and Early Qing He Yisun : Poets are like wind and rain, ghosts and gods come and go, eyes are empty, ears are floating, suddenly come and go, not to be interpreted in words, not to trace each other. For example, the poem "Returning to the White Pavilion Thatched Cottage" by Cen Shen said: "The thunder is near the white peak, and the rain is on the Eight Nine Peak. Looking east at the white pavilion clouds, half into the purple pavilion pines? (《 Poetic raft 》) [14]
Late Ming and Early Qing Xu Zeng : Cen Jiazhou's poetry is open-minded and awake. It's like listening to the words of heroes in Heshuo. (《 And An said Tang poetry 》) [14]
Late Ming and Early Qing Wang Fuzhi : Gao and Cen use qi to choose their articles. The five words are similar to the body. They are not their own long words. Their sentences are short and floating. They are bound to fall. The rhythm is arranged in the body, and the length of the winding is the best, so the qi can be matched, and it is more suitable than the reserve and Meng. (《 Tang Poetry Selection 》) [15]
Tan Zong of the Qing Dynasty: Although there are not many poems to be collected, all of them are very steep, and they must be very different from people. Not only is Dafu incomparable, that is, the king and Meng were all masters of the time, but it is not their ethics. It is called Gao Cen for thousands of years. What a injustice. (Close to the Autumn Sun) [14]
the Qing dynasty Mao Xianshu : ① Cen Jiyang's poem "Benevolence Floating Picture" is universal for "East" and "Winter". "Four corners" is a second language, which is clumsy, cool and blunt. To "Autumn comes from the west, and the whole Guanzhong Pass is covered with green. On the north of the Five Tombs, there are thousands of ancient green ripples", the meaning of the word is strange, and people above Chen and Sui Dynasty have not done it, and they have not done it again. Here is the true color of Li Tang's ancient poems. ② The works of "Wheel Platform" in Jiazhou are outstanding in appearance, vigorous in spirit and powerful in meaning. They are all excellent in thinking, which is almost beyond the reach of Zimei and Dafu. (《 Poetic Debate 》) [14] [16]
the Qing dynasty Tian Wen : Jiazhou (Five Laws) The words are carved and carved, and the exercise is deliberate. (《 Miscellaneous Works of Gu Huantang 》) [14]
Gu An in the Qing Dynasty: Gao and Cen are cheerful, so their poems are refreshing. It is not so shallow as to use folding pen with high energy, and Cen can use adding pen. (《 Record of Summer Relieving in Tang Dynasty ·Volume IV) [15]
Zhang Wensun in the Qing Dynasty: Gao and Cen were both said to have stronger bones and stronger spirit. (Collection of Tang Xianqingya) [15]
the Qing dynasty Zhang Qianyi : Its near style is slightly inferior to ancient poetry. (On the Poems of Youzhai, Volume V) [14] [16]
the Qing dynasty Shen Deqian : ① Reference poems can make strange words, especially good at frontier cold. ② The five characters of Jiazhou are the voice of the strong. (《 A genre of tang poetry 》) [14]
the Qing dynasty Xue Xue : Cen Jiazhou's "There is no lack of things in the holy dynasty, and there are few remonstrances" means that there are many things that are lacking, and it is impossible to diagnose them. The later generations did not pay attention to their hearts and even flattered their eyes with treachery, which is also a hate. (《 Yipiao Poetry 》) [14]
the Qing dynasty Peng Duanshu Jiazhou is a prodigy of its own. Its poetry is extremely vigorous and powerful. (On a Snowy Night, Volume I) [14]
the Qing dynasty Weng Fanggang : Jiazhou is so steep that it has never been seen since the Tang Dynasty. It is also a frontier fortress, which is full of wonders. Feng felt that the hero was born, so he had to become Duke Du. (《 Shizhou Poetry ·Volume I) [14]
the Qing dynasty Guan Shiming (Seven wonders) In addition to Wang and Li, Cen Jiazhou pushed ahead alone. Only going to Yuefu is far away. (Preface to Reading Tang Poetry in Snow Mountain House) [14] [16]
the Qing dynasty Hong Liangji : Odd poetry and reasonable people are called "strange". If it is strange but unreasonable, it is not strange. The poems of Lu Yuchuan and Li Changgu can be strange but not reasonable. The poetry is strange and reasonable, which is only Cen Jiazhou. (《 Beijiang Poetry 》) [14]
the Qing dynasty Liu Xizai : The poems of Gao Changshi and Cen Jiazhou can both be compared with Du Ling. When the height of Cen is high and solid, the interest is different. (《 Artistic sketch ·Poetry Overview) [15-16]
Anonymous in the Qing Dynasty: Cen Jiazhou is an outstanding scholar, whose poems are extremely vigorous and powerful, especially in ancient times. ("Poems on Not daring to live") [14]
Ding Yi in modern times: his poetry is clear and clear, isolated and beautiful, and more beautiful. People compare with Wu Jun and He Xun, which is also called "Jiazhou style" in terms of their poems. As for ancient poems and lines of songs, there are also works that are full of vitality and sound; The three lines of the poem "Zoumachuan" turn once. Although it has changed from Bailiang, it is also a creation. (The Origin of Poetics Volume VIII) [14]

Historical evaluation

Pei Jian, Meng Changhao, Wei Qidan Du Fu Wei Shaoyou: Xuanyi, Langshi, Dali, Shibo, Supervisor, the Imperial Historian, bestows a Fei Fish Bag and Cen Shen, right. The officials secretly saw that Cen Sen had a clear understanding and was talking about elegance and righteousness. His good name was established early and was admired by generations. Today, the road to admonishment is wide open, and the officials who offer to replace are unprepared. They are willing to serve them. The officials came to the gate of the pavilion to hear the message, and then listened to the message and stopped. (Cen Shen Form of Recommendation of Supplement to the Legacy) [16]
Tang dynasty Du Que : I am lonely and poor at an early age. I can learn from historical records. Especially, I have written articles with clear words and clear intentions. I have gained a lot. I often go to good places and pull out the lonely show. Out of the common sense, every piece of writing will be handed down by everyone. Although there are many scholars and civilians in the country, and there are many soldiers and barbarians in the country, I cannot help but satirize and recite. At that time, it was also appropriate to discuss the draft of the public opinion in Wujun and He Xun. (《 Cen Jiazhou Preface 》) [14]
Yuan dynasty Xin Wenfang : After participating in Zuo Rong's tent and traveling between pommel horse and beacon dust for more than ten years, we have been extremely eager to express our feelings of parting. The city is blocked by cold fortresses, and all of them have passed by. The history books, especially the conjugated articles, belong to the word Qingshang, and are well intentioned. The tone of the poem is extremely high, which is rare in Tang Xing. Loving the landscape, I often miss the leisure and create a quiet and elegant style. The income is often excellent and isolated, and the more I feel. It is quite the same as Gao Shi's style, and it makes people feel generous when reading it. Every article is written out, and people often chant it. (《 Biography of Tang Scholars 》) [14]
Historian of Modern and Contemporary Literature Zheng Zhenduo Cen Shen is the most exotic poet in the Kaitian era. (History of Chinese Literature) [17]
Peng Lan, professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University: In his short life, the idea of being enterprising and loving the motherland has always been running through. In the art of poetry, the style is elegant, the imagination is rich, the idea is novel, the words are strange, and the spirit of romanticism is rich. Today, it is still worth learning. (Commentary on Famous Chinese Writers in Past Dynasties, Volume II) [18]

Anecdotes and allusions


Chiting Godson

Once, Cen Shen wanted to rush back to the Western Regions after completing military affairs, and he passed the Red Pavilion on his way. The local border guards asked Cen Shen to write a poem on the red pavilion wall. Cen Shen didn't refuse, so he wrote a poem on the wall. After writing, a tender voice read it out. Cen Shen looked back and found it was a child. Cen Shen was very surprised that there were children who could read Chinese in the western border areas. He couldn't help asking. A border guard officer said, "This boy is a shepherd boy not far from here. He can speak Chinese, and we allowed him to herd sheep here. Once we lost our way in a heavy snow storm, and he saved 13 soldiers." Cen Shen was very curious about the shepherd boy, so he asked him, "Who taught you to speak Chinese?" The shepherd boy replied, "It's my father." He said, Take a book out of your arms. Cen Shen didn't know the Uighur language. The shepherds told him: "This is the Analects of Confucius, which was written by my grandfather. My grandfather said that there are many reasons in it. Let me look at it slowly." Cen Shen was very pleased, so he wrote a few words to him: "The Analects of Confucius is broad, and the Uighur aspires to a long-term future."
When the shepherd boy returned home, he showed his father the book with words written on it. His father was very excited when he heard that the great poet Cen Shen had come here, so he took the child to visit Cen Shen. The father of the shepherd boy told Cen Shen: "We used to be in Mobei Grassland, and we also studied for generations. We escaped here to avoid disaster because of the civil strife in the palace. Teaching him Chinese is to make him remember his roots. Now I'm not healthy enough, and I hope you can take him as an apprentice and teach him to be useful." Cen Shen was thoughtful. There is a lack of translation in the border areas. If someone can translate the languages of both ethnic groups, It will certainly be very helpful for border defense. However, after all, he will not stay here for a long time, so he said: "I am willing to take him as my adopted son now, but would you like to take him away?" Although the father of the shepherd boy wanted to let the shepherd boy stay as a companion, he did not hesitate to agree to the future of the shepherd boy.
Cen Shen took the shepherds away and renamed them Cen Hu. Cen Shen found that Cen Hu was intelligent and extremely eager to learn, so he liked it very much. With Cen Shen's careful instruction, Cen Hu was proficient in both languages and could write excellent poems. Later, as a translator, Cen Hu made great contributions to the cause of the Han people and the frontier. [19]

Tomb bill

A unique paper coffin was unearthed from the tomb 506 of Astana Hala and Zhuogu Tombs (located 42 kilometers east of Turpan, Xinjiang). The coffin paper was the horse material income and expenditure account of some post station hotels in the West and Tingzhou, which were abandoned after use at that time. The time was mostly from the 12th year (753 years) to the 14th year (755 years) of Tianbao. In the account books, there are many bills of "Doctor Feng" (Feng Changqing, the capital of Beiting in the Tang Dynasty) and his relatives. There is also a bill that says "Judge Cen ate seven green wheat, three beans and five wins in total, and paid Chen Jin to the athlete". This bill is pasted on a unique paper coffin covering the body. The paper coffin is as big as a wooden coffin, but it has no bottom.
In the last years of Tianbao, there was only one Cen Shen who served as a judge in the Fengchangqing shogunate of Beiting Duhu and Yixi Jiedu envoys stationed in Jiexi Prefecture and his surname was Cen, so historians concluded that the "Cen Judge" here was Cen Shen. So the bill means that seven horses of Cen Shen and others used horse materials in the post station and paid the money for horse materials to the pawn Chen Jin. [20-21]

Gao Cen's Poetic School

Gao Cen's Poetic School , Tang Dynasty poetry school, also known as "Gaocen frontier poetry school" or "Tang frontier poetry school". [22-23] According to the academic circles' understanding of "Gao Cen's Frontier Fortress Poetic School", this school refers to a group of poets who are mainly Gao Shi and Cen Shen, including Wang Changling, Wang Zhihuan, Li Qi and other poets who were famous for writing frontier fortress themes in the high Tang Dynasty. Meng Erdong, the former professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University, believes that the "school" is not in line with reality and lacks scientific basis for such references as "Gao Cen's frontier poetry school" and "Tang Dynasty's frontier poetry school". At the same time, such references are easy to make people ignore the poems of Gao Shi, Cen Can and other subjects, as well as other people's frontier poetry, which does more harm than good, How to deal with this kind of formulation is a question worth pondering. [24]
Note: Meng Erdong verified that the name "frontier fortress school" first appeared in Hu Yunyi's book "War Literature of the Tang Dynasty" (first edition in 1927), which was put forward by Hu Yunyi under the inspiration of the national spirit at the time of national crisis. At that time, "frontier fortress school" refers to the poets of the Tang Dynasty who described war and frontier fortress. Later, the connotation of "frontier fortress school" changed from large to small: the whole Tang Dynasty → prosperous Tang Dynasty → high and cen. Over time, "frontier poetry school of the prosperous Tang Dynasty" seems to have become the synonym of Gao Shi and Cen Shen, and some people even think that "frontier poetry school" is equivalent to "Gaocen poetry school". [24-25]

interpersonal relationship

Family members
brief introduction
High grandfather
Cen text , Prime Minister of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.
Cen Jingqian served as the junior supervisor of Lintai and the governor of Weizhou during the period of Empress Wu Zetian.
Grandfather uncle
Cen Manqian.
Cousin grandfather
Cen Changqian , Prime Minister of Empress Wu Zetian.
Cen Zhi, also known as De Mao, was the Ming Dynasty's leader, the official Zhongxian, and the governor of the two prefectures of Jin.
Cen Di.
Cen gallops.
Cen chair.
Uncle Tang
Cen Xi , Prime Minister of Tang Zhongzong and Tang Ruizong.
Peer generation
Cen Wei, the eldest son of Cen Zhi, is the official of Chengcheng.
Cen Kuang, Cen Zhi's second son, once served as the single father's order, and Huzhou did not drive.
younger brother
Cen Bing, the fourth son of Cen Zhi, and the crown prince praised the doctor.
Cen Ya, the first one, Cen Chui, Cen Zhi, the fifth son, is the official of Changge Cheng.
Younger generation
Cen Zuogong.
Cen Zhuoer.
Table Reference: [26-28]

Main works



Thirty years after the death of Cen Shen, his son Cen Zuo collected his posthumous writings and asked Du Zhen to compile them《 Cen Jiazhou's Poetry Collection 》Eight volumes, this is the beginning of Cen Shen's poetry collection. By the Song Dynasty, Cen Jiazhou Poetry Anthology had evolved into eight volumes, seven volumes and ten volumes. Among them, ten volumes of the Song Dynasty magazine have been lost; The popular "Four Part Series" photocopies seven volume editions, which seems to have evolved from the seven volume editions of the Song Dynasty; And《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》The four volume edition seems to have evolved from the eight volume edition of the Song Dynasty. Modern point proofreading version has Chen Tiemin Hou Zhongyi Made after attending multiple versions《 Cen Shenji 》Etc. [29]


According to Cen Shen Ji Xiao Zhu by Chen Tiemin and Hou Zhongyi, there are 403 existing poems by Cen Shen, including one Gan Jiu Fu, one Zhao Bei Ke Wen and two tomb inscriptions (namely, the tomb inscription of Guo Yi Zhang Xianji and the tomb inscription of Cen Fujun, Anxi County magistrate, Boling County, Tang Dynasty) [30] )。 [31]

Publishing books

  • Author name Censhen
    Work time 2005-3-1
    Gao Shiji · Cen Can Collection is a book, which is a collection of Gao Shi and Cen Can published by Shanxi Ancient Books Publishing House, annotated and translated by Ruan Tangming and Li Xinjie.
  • Author name Censhen
    Work time 2008-6-1
    Cen Shen Collection is a book published by Sanjin Publishing House, written by Cen Shen (Tang Dynasty)
  • Cen Shenji
    Author name Censhen
    Work time 2019-7
  • Notes on the Chronicle of Cen Shen's Poems
    Author name Censhen
    Work time 1995-1-1
    Liu Kaiyang, formerly known as Yongyu. Chengdu, Sichuan. He graduated from Chengdu County High School in 1934. Since 1950, he has successively served as the director of the communication department of Beijing Learning magazine, the editor of the Third Editorial Office of Beijing People's Publishing House, and the director and professor of the Chinese Teaching and Research Section of Sichuan University of Finance and Economics. In 1981, Liu Kaiyang successively published Annals of Gao Shi's Poems (250000 words, Beijing Zhonghua Book Company), Annals of Cen Shen's Poems (1 million words, Bashu Book Company), Tang Poetry
  • Cen Jiazhou Poems
    Author name Censhen
    Work time 2004-3
    This book is a collection of poems by Cen Shen, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

Character controversy


Native place

On Cen Shen's native place, Du Zhen's Preface to Cen Jiazhou Collection Chao Gongwu Prefectural Study Record 》、 Ma Duanlin General examination of literature 》, Xin Wenfang's Biography of Talented Scholars of the Tang Dynasty and《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》It is recorded that Cen Shen's native place is "Nanyang", that is, "Nanyang theory"; According to Fayuan Zhulin and the Unified Records of the Qing Dynasty, Cen Shen's native place is "Jiangling", which is called "Jiangling theory".
according to Wen Yiduo According to Cen Jiazhou Chronology, Cen Shen was born in Jiangling (today's Jiangling County, Hubei Province) and lived in Jiyang, Nanyang (today's Nanyang City, Henan Province), Southern Dynasty Liang At that time, his sixth ancestor, Cen Shanfang, moved to Jiangling. Cen Shen is called Nanyang people in various books, probably from the perspective of his prefecture.
Liao Li, a researcher of the Literature Institute of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences, said in the Household Registration System of the Tang Dynasty and the Native Place of Cen Shen, "Cen Shen's ancestors have not lived in Jiyang, Nanyang for hundreds of years, and it is said that they are from Nanyang, which is too far away from the reality." And "Cen's entry into Jiangling began with Cen Shan. The text of good Fang Sun returned to the Tang Dynasty from Jiangling, and tired officials went to the middle school, which should be regarded as Cen Shen's basis for Jiangling people. But since the text, neither Cen Shen's ancestor nor his father has lived in Jiangling, and Cen Shen has never been involved in Jiangling in his life. It is also inconsistent with the actual situation that he is a Jiangling person. " Through the investigation of the household registration system of the Tang Dynasty, it is believed that "as a prefecture, it is not reliable to be called 'Jiangling people'. Compared with the two, I am afraid that 'Nanyang people' is more well founded." And "the theory of 'Jiangling people' is not well founded."
In a word, "Nanyang theory" and "Jiangling theory" have their own basis. The second theory is that "Jiangling theory" is the mainstream. [4] [32]

Birth and death

time of birth
There are six opinions about Cen Shen's birth time in the academic circle:
① The second year of Kaiyuan: Cao Jiping's "Speculation of Cen Shen's Birth Year" refers to the "30" in Cen Shen's "Ganjiu Fu", which means that Cen Shen was born in the second year of Kaiyuan (714 years), that is, in the second year of Tianbao (743 years). [33] According to this theory, Cen Shen was already 50 years old when he wrote "Reading in Autumn, Enjoying Youxing, Presenting Li Shilang to the Military Department" in Guangde Yuanzai (756), which is inconsistent with the word "Top 40" in the poem, which means about 45 years old, so this theory cannot be established. [2]
② In the third year of the Kaiyuan era, Wen Yiduo's "Cen Jiazhou Chronology Research", based on the words of Cen Shen "Tianbao's Three Years of Scholarship and Highness" in Du Zhen's "Cen Jiazhou Collection Preface", commented on Cen Shen's "Gan Jiu Fu", "Gao Guan Thatched Cottage", "Two Marching Poems", "Yinshan Qixi Pavilion", "Beiting Works" and "On Autumn Eve, Studying Youxing and Presenting Military Department Li Shilang" Weighing the age mentioned in the six poems and essays, it is believed that the poem "The First Official Titles Gao Guan Thatched Cottage" was written in the third year of Tianbao (744 years), and the "30" in the poem is the real meaning of "30 starts, one life, and many eunuchs want to die". At the same time, it is believed that the least contradictory conclusion was reached when the official was given that year: Cen Shen was born in the third year of Kaiyuan (715 years). [4] Wen Yiduo's subjective assumption in this statement is that the age in five poems and essays, Gan Jiu Fu, Gao Guan Thatched Cottage, Two Marching Poems, Yinshan Qi West Pavilion, and Beiting Works, is "false age" (empty finger) ”Or "real age" (actual) ”There are similar problems with the "theory of the second year of the Kaiyuan era", and it is also incompatible with the system of the Tang Dynasty's civil service election, so this theory cannot be established. [2]
③ The fourth year of Kaiyuan said: Liu Kaiyang's Chronicle of Cen Shen in his Notes on the Chronicle of Cen Shen's Poems believes that Cen Shen was at most 48 years old when Guangde was in Yuanzai (763), which pushed Cen Shen to be born in the fourth year of Kaiyuan (716). [34] This theory follows the "Three Year Kaiyuan Theory". There are some problems such as the failure to put forward the basis for "48 years old" to be the "top 40". Therefore, this theory cannot be established. [2]
④ In the fifth year of the Kaiyuan era, Sun Yingkui said that, in his "Examination of Cen Shen's Birth Year", he first believed that Cen Shen was wandering in Heshuo in the third year of Tianbao (744), and could not reach Chang'an, according to the notes in "Rewarding Du Huaqi to see him as a gift and presenting Xiong Yao" and "Drinking in Jizhou Guesthouse Leads Wang Qiji to the South Tower", and then used "Yuzhi Hall to talk about Hui, Volume II, the number one scholar of all dynasties" The starting point of the "Twenty nine Scholars in the Third Year of Tianbao" and the "Zhao Yue List in the Third Year of Tianbao" in the "Biography of Talented Scholars of Tang Dynasty, Volume III, Cen Shen" are different from each other. Through demonstration, the preliminary conclusion that "Tianbao's Third Year of Jinshi is the highest" in Du Zhen's "Preface to Cen Jiazhou Collection" is the error of "Tianbao's Fifth Year of Jinshi is the highest" is reached by Cen Shen In the fifth year of Tianbao's reign (746 years), Cen Shen was born in the fifth year of Kaiyuan's reign (717 years). [35] This statement cannot overturn the record of Cen Shen in the third year of Tianbao (744 years) in Cen Jiazhou Collection Preface, Chao Gongwu's Junzhai Reading Annals, Ma Duanlin's General Texts and other documents. The statement that Cen Shen was "a scholar of high rank in the fifth year of Tianbao" is not based on enough evidence, so this statement is not true. [2]
⑤ The sixth year of Kaiyuan: Lai Yihui's Cen Sen Chronicle concluded that the two marching poems were written in the second year of Zhide (757 years) based on the original note of "Shi's retinue was in Fengxiang" under the title of "Two Marching Poems", and then believed that the "forty" in "I am grieving for my life, and I am lucky not to be old for forty years" was the real meaning, so the birth year of Cen Sen was the sixth year of Kaiyuan (718 years). [3] The academic circles misunderstand and misunderstand this theory deeply: this theory believes that Cen Shen was appointed an official at the age of 27 and 30, but the theorists after Wen Yiduo often put the conclusion that Cen Shen's birth year was the sixth year of Kaiyuan (718) in this theory into Wen Yiduo's argument system to deduce, so they think that this theory is "crude and incomprehensible, and has long been rejected by the academic circles", which is easily denied. [2]
⑥ In the seventh year of the Kaiyuan era, Wang Xuncheng's "Examination of Cen Shen's Official Date and Birth Year", according to the literature about Cen Shen's life, did not mention that he was a scholar in the third year of Tianbao (744), and later made a great contribution to the imperial examination. He thought that Cen Shen was "according to the regular tune of the Ministry of Officials, that is, after being elected in the winter collection, he was elected and released brown", and that Du Zhen's "Preface to Cen Jiazhou Collection" Not to mention that Cen Shen guarded the election, but only to say that "Jie Fuyou led the local army Cao to join the army" after he "became a high scholar", because the election was well known in the Tang Dynasty, and there is no need to say it clearly. Therefore, it cannot be wrongly believed that Cen Shen and Jie Fufu were also in Tianbao for three years (744 years), and that Cen Shen was also in Tianbao for six years (747 years) The travel experience of the Tang Dynasty shows that Cen Shen did not immediately appoint officials after he was elected. He was elected in the spring of the sixth year of Tianbao (747). Then according to the election system of the Tang Dynasty, Cen Shen must go to Chang'an to participate in the winter fair in October of the sixth year of Tianbao (747). Then in the spring of the second year (748), he "led Cao, a government soldier, to join the army", Then, based on the fact that "30" in the poem "30 is the beginning of one life, and many eunuchs want to die", the birth year of Cen Shen is the seventh year of Kaiyuan (719 years). [36] How to calculate the "three years of keeping election" proposed by this theory remains to be discussed. [2]
By analogy with Xu Tang, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, we can see that "three years of election" should refer to the spring from the year of Jinshi and the year when he was awarded official by the Ministry of Officials under normal circumstances. The whole period is three years, so it is "natural" to deduce that it is advisable to "say six years of Kaiyuan" (say ⑤) rather than "say seven years of Kaiyuan" (say ⑥), and according to "say six years of Kaiyuan" Come to calculate Cen Shen's age at each time when he wrote six poems, including Gan Jiu Fu, Gao Guan Thatched Cottage, Two Marching Poems, Yinshan Qi West Pavilion, Beiting Works, and Autumn Evening Reading and Enjoying the Military Department Li Shilang. The calculated result does not contradict Cen Shen's age in the poems. In a word, Censhen's birthday should be the sixth year of Kaiyuan (718). [2]
Time and place of death
There are mainly five opinions about the time and place of Cen Shen's death in the academic circle: ① Lai Yihui's Chronicle of Cen Shen believes that Cen Shen died in the fourth year of Dali (769 years); [3] ② The Chronicle of Cen Shen in Liu Kaiyang's Chronicle Notes of Cen Shen's Poetry Collection believes that Cen Shen died in Chengdu hostel in the fifth year of Dali (770 years); ③ Wen Yiduo's "Cen Jiazhou Chronological Research" believes that Cen Shen died in Chengdu Hotel in the first month of the fifth year of Dali (770), and the time was before the 21st day of the first month; [4] ④ Guo Moruo's "Li Bai and Du Fu" believes that Cen Shen died in late December of the fourth year of Dali (corresponding to 770 years), without mentioning the place where Cen Shen died; [37] ⑤ According to Wang Xuncheng's Research on the Date of Cen Shen's Death, Cen Shen may have died of illness on the ship on the way back to the east in October of the fourth year of Dali (769), and his place may be in Jiarong, not Chengdu's hostel. [38]
Du Fuyou《 Pay chasing, so people in Gaoshuzhou can see and send it every day 》A poem, the preface of which is called "On the 21st day of the first month of the fifth year of the Dali calendar, I paid Gao Gong for his work", and also called "the old man who lost his mind in the sea". It can be seen that Cen Shen died before Du Fu wrote this poem on the 21st day of the first month of the fifth year of the Dali calendar (770 years). The statement ① is generally credible. The argument ② ignores this point and the fact that Cen Shen did not act in the fifth year of the Dali calendar, and mechanically interprets the "seal wine, brown flowers and fragrance" in "Returning to the East, leaving a title too often, Xu Qing Thatched Cottage", and believes that the poem was written in the spring and summer of the fifth year of the Dali calendar, so it is not true. Both statement ③ and statement ④ believe that Cen Shen《 Therefore, three elegies of Pei Gong 》"Pei Gong" in refers to Pei Mian Pei Mian died on the 4th or 27th day of December in the fourth year of Dali (769) to determine Cen Shen's death after Pei Mian's death. The former conclusion does not consider the time of Cen Shen's death news transmission and the rest time of 100 undertakings after the New Year's Day of the first lunar month, while the latter is the conclusion after comprehensive consideration. However, according to the historical records, Pei Mian's family Ding is neither prosperous nor has eight brothers and nephews, which is inconsistent with the "eight dragons" (one is "eight Pei") in the poem "look at the door and respect the eight dragons" Xu Mengrong Record of the inscription of the Taoist Priest Pei presented to Sikong by the Right Servant of the Tang Dynasty Pei Yaoqing "Buried in Jiangzhou" and "With eight sons, Sui, Fan, Shu, Zong, Yan (19 characters removed) are not the same as their ancestors in Han Dynasty (three characters removed)? Zong and Gao are the most famous", which means "returning home to Jiang Laoying", and it is more appropriate to use Pei Yaoqing's eight sons to interpret the "eight dragons" or "eight Pei" allusions, so the "Pei Gong" in the "Three Elegy of the Old Prince Pei" It refers to Pei Yaoqing rather than Pei Mian, so neither of the two theories can be tenable since Cen Shen died after Pei Mian. Cen Shen's first return to the east "has always been the route to the south and east, and there is no trace of 'going back and forth' in Bashan". However, "Berthing a boat at the mouth of Qingshan Gorge and waiting for the Emperor Huaidi" says "going back and forth to Bashan Road", saying that ⑤ it is believed that Cen Shen has made another return to the east after returning to Chengdu, but without taking into account the phenomenon of biased words and the situation of poems on the way back to Chengdu, Cen Shen's return to the east cannot be realized, Set《 Xiawaijiang Zhouhuai Zhongnan Former Residence 》It is considered that Cen Shen's work on his return to the east is also based on insufficient evidence, and the conclusion about the time and place of Cen Shen's death is weak.
Cen Shenyou《 My guest house is sorrowful for the autumn, and my old visit to the two provinces is presented 》The title of this poem clearly states that it is a "guest house", and the poem says that "Mo Yan, the sage, does not need to use it, and the ordinary people should not stop". Therefore, it can be concluded that this poem is neither a Du Mu in Chengdu nor a work of Jiazhou, but only a work of returning to Chengdu after being blocked. The first two lines of the poem are "three times for Lang and then for Baitou, once for Wu Jing Qiu." Cen Shen was appointed as the governor of Jiazhou in the first year of Yongtai (765 years), and it was just five years in the fourth year of Dali (769 years), so it can be concluded that this poem was written in the autumn of the fourth year of Dali (769 years). Since then, Cen Shen has also written a poem called "Returning to the East to Leave a Topic Too Often, Xu Qing's Thatched Cottage". Although the time of writing is not clearly stated in this poem, it can be concluded that the poem was written before the trip and Cen Shen really wanted to return to the east again, because the poem title has the words "return to the east" and the sentence "suddenly make a ten thousand mile farewell and return to the Three Gorges" at the end of the word "return to the east". In the fourth year of Dali (769), he wrote "Sending Li Sima, a man from Mianzhou, back to Beijing because he was presented to Li's military headquarters" in Chengdu, which is also called "Jianbei Mountain is small, but there is little information from Banan". It can be seen that Cen Shen had the idea of returning to the east again and never made the trip. Du Zhen's Preface to Cen Jiazhou Collection said that "one day, when the chariot was turned around, the dog would wait for the moment, and the good would return to the bad, but the bad would not make the good", indicating that Cen Shen did not return to his hometown after entering Sichuan. In a word, Cen Shen died in Chengdu Hotel in the autumn and winter of the fourth year of Dali (769). [9]


Time to travel in Heshuo
Cen Shen had a travel career during the election period, including visiting Heshuo, Hedong and Daliang. There are mainly four opinions about the time of this trip in the academic circle:
① Wen Yiduo, in his Textual Research on Cen Jiazhou Chronology, believed that Cen Shen was visiting Heshuo in the 29th year of the Kaiyuan era (741). The route was "from Chang'an to Handan in spring, to Jingxing, to Beiqiu. In late spring, from Beiqiu to Jizhou. In August, from Kuangcheng to Tieqiu, to Huazhou, then to Yingyang". According to the creation time, the relevant poems are listed in the order of Handan Guest House Song, Jingxing Shuangxi Taoist Li's Residence, Jizhou Guest House Drinking, Yiwang Qi's Calling on the South Tower, Drunken Calling on the Hall Wall of Zhou Shaofu in Kuang City, To Daliang, but to the Master of Kuang City, Suburbs Traveling to the Dui's Place, and Yanshidong and Han Zun's Accomplishing on the Scenery of Cloud Light and Improving on People, etc. [4] Liao Li agrees with the statement of the 29th year of the Kaiyuan era (741) in his Research on Cen Shen's deeds and works, but the arguments are different. [39] There are three bases for this theory, one of which is "The South Tower of Wang Qi's Poems and Poems in Jizhou Guest House", "Jizhou is called by poems and poem titles, and Jizhou before the county name was changed in the first year of Baoying", but poets in the Tang Dynasty tend to call old names, which is not fully based on the reason; The other two are also problematic and cannot be used as evidence. Therefore, it is not true. [6]
② Sun Yingkui, in his Biography of Cen Shen's Poems, believed that Cen Shen "visited Hedong and Jiangzhou in the spring of the second year of Tianbao, crossed the Yellow River from the north of Shaanxi Guo to Yongle (now the southwest of Ruicheng County, Shanxi Province), Jiangzhou (now Jiangxian County, Shanxi Province), Pingyang (now Linfen County, Shanxi Province) and other places, revisited the former residence of his father in Jinzhou (Pingyang County) when he was a teenager, and went to Puguan (now the east of Shaanxi Dynasty) in February to return to Chang'an." Cen Shen's wandering in the river was traced back to the third year of Tianbao (744): in spring, he started from Chang'an and went east along Jingluo Avenue, crossed the Yellow River in Mengjin and went north to the ancient capital Yecheng (today's Linzhang County in Hebei Province) and Handan (today's Jixian County in Hebei Province), visited Qi in March, went to Linqing (today's Linqing City in Shandong Province), and then traveled north to Zhongshan (i.e. Boling County, today's Dingxian County in Hebei Province), where he spent the summer in Boling, In the autumn, we went south to Jingxing, returned to Dongjun (namely Huazhou, now Huaxian County, Henan Province) in August, visited Daliang (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province) and other places, crossed the Caohe River to the west, returned to Yingyang for winter in the late autumn, and returned to Chang'an in the spring and February of the next year. [40] According to this, it is unlikely that Cen Shen arrived at Baiqiu in the third year of Tianbao (744) and then went to Jizhou to the north of Baiqiu, and then suddenly arrived at Qishang to the south of Baiqiu in three months after arriving at Jizhou; At the same time, if Cen Shen arrives in Beiqiu in February and travels to Qi in March, he will leave Chang'an at the end of the first month and the beginning of February at the latest. If this is the case, Cen Shen is unlikely to take the Jinshi exam in the third year of Tianbao (744). Therefore, it is not true. [6]
③ In the Cen Ginseng Chronicle attached to the new edition of Cen Ginseng Collection and Annotation, Chen Tiemin believed that Cen Ginseng should travel along the river in the 27th year of the Kaiyuan era (739). The travel route was "from Chang'an in spring to Handan via the ancient Yecheng, and then from Handan to Beiqiu. In late spring, from Beiqiu to Jizhou. In April, from Jizhou to Dingzhou. Then to Jingxing. In winter, to Liyang and Xinxiang." He traveled to Daliang in the first year of Baoying (742), The travel route was "in July, autumn, from Chang'an to the east, August, to Huazhou, Kuangcheng, Tieqiu, Daliang, and then from Daliang to Yingyang with Yanshi". In the third year of Tianbao (744 years), you visited Hedong. "In the year of Tianbao, you were selected as the best person, and the second person was selected as the best person. In the end of this year and the beginning of the next year, you will travel to Jiangjiang and Jinxi." It was also decided to travel to the independent river for the fourth year of Tianbao (745 years). [41] In the 29th year of Kaiyuan (741), Chen Tiemin negligently believed that there was no system in this year and denied Cen Shen's travel to the north this year. He also decided to travel to the independent river without any basis. Therefore, it is not true. [6]
④ Sun Zhi's On Cen Shen's Heshuo Journey and His Poems reached an excellent conclusion after considering the first three statements: the journey took place in the third year of Cen Shen's Tianbao (744 years) and later to the sixth year of Tianbao (747 years) before he was first awarded the official post. [6] (For the itinerary, see "The Life of the Characters - Three Years of Being Elected")

Commemoration for future generations

  • Memorial buildings
There is Cen Shen Memorial Hall in Autumn Harvest Farm, Cenhe Town, Shashi District, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province. The memorial hall contains a detailed introduction to Cen Shen's life and family, as well as celebrities' calligraphy and paintings related to Cen Shen's poems and other exhibits. [42] At the same time, the autumn harvest farm has built Censhen Academy and Censhen ancestors' "one door and three phases" supply room. In addition, Cenhe Town also has Censhen Culture Square.
  • Memorial Organization
Cenhe Town Cultural Station has established Censhen Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Censhen Poetry Couplet Association, Censhen Art Troupe and other organizations.
  • Commemorative activities
On June 30, 2010, Censhen Culture and Sports Festival was held in Censhen Culture Square.
On the afternoon of July 22, 2013, the Zhangtaimei Culture and Art Festival in Shashi District and Censhen Culture and Sports Festival in Cenhe Town were opened. This cultural and sports festival, with the theme of basketball games, plans to hold more than 60 games, lasting for 20 days.
On June 1, 2016, the first "Tianyu Cup" National Cen Shen Poetry Contest was launched. As of September 30, it was co sponsored by Jingzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Jingzhou Daily Media Group, Shashi District Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau, Shashi District Cenhe Town People's Government, and Longshang Huakai Literature Salon. It took four months to collect more than 3000 original poems from 1231 people across the country. On October 22, the award ceremony and poetry recitation of the competition were held in Censhen Memorial Hall, Autumn Harvest Farm, Cenhe Town, Shashi District. [43]
On the evening of August 1, 2017, the opening ceremony of Cenhe Town's annual "Shashi District Zhangtaimei Culture and Art Festival and Cenhe Town Censhen Culture and Sports Festival Basketball League" was held, which is expected to last eight days. [44] On the morning of December 16, the Censhen Culture Seminar in Shashi District was held in Cenhe Town, a millennium old town, with the theme of "Censhen and Cenhe". At the meeting, the head of Censhen Painting and Calligraphy Institute reported the research results of Censhen and Cenhe in the past five years. Based on their latest research achievements, scholars from different perspectives, using multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary theories and methods, discussed the origin, development and evolution of Cen's participation in Cenhe culture, and explored the relationship between Censhen culture and regional ecological, economic and social development. [45]

Later studies


Historical data index

Tang dynasty
Du Que
Preface to Cen Jiazhou Collection
Southern Song Dynasty
Active power
Tang Poetry Chronicle 》(Volume 23)
Yuan dynasty
Xin Wenfang
Biography of Tang Scholars 》(Volume III)
reference material: [46] Note: the list is incomplete

Study of works

The main works of annotation, collation and research on Cen Shen's poetry and prose collection are as follows:
Responsible person
Cen Jiazhou Chronology
Wen Yiduo
Complete Works of Wen Yiduo
The Year of Cen's Poems
Li Jiayan
Published in the 3rd issue of Literary Heritage Supplement
Cen Shen Ji Jiao Zhu
Chen Tiemin, Hou Zhongyi
Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, August 1981 Edition and 2004 Revision
Cen Shen 「 Frontier Fortress Poems
(Chronicle attached)
Morino Fanfu, Xinmeihuizi
Youxi Water Society December 1988 Edition
Notes on the Chronicle of Cen Shen's Poems
Liu Kaiyang
Bashu Publishing House, November 1995
Collection of Cen Jiazhou's Poems (Volume I)
Morino Fanfu
Published in Series 5 of Speech Culture Studies of Andian Women's University (Speech Culture Research Institute of Andian Women's University, March 2000)
Notes on Cen Jiazhou's Poems
(Chronicle attached)
Liao Li
Zhonghua Book Company September 2004 Edition
Table Reference: [46]

Life study

The main works on Cen Shen's life are as follows:
Responsible person
Cen Shen Chronicle
Lai Yihui
Published in Journal of Lingnan, Volume 1, Issue 2 (1930)
Research on Cen Shen's Birth Year
Sun Yingkui
Published in Nanjing Ooid Normal University (Social Science Edition), 1981, Issue 3
Cen Can's Commentary on Biography
Liao Li
People's Literature Publishing House, August 1990
"Cen Shen's deeds and works"
Liao Li
Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 1997
Turpan Unearthed Literature and Cen Shen
Liao Li
Journal of Xinjiang University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 24, No. 1, 1996
Research on the Date of Cen Shen's Death
Wang Xuncheng
Published in Research on Ancient and Modern Chinese Literature, 1991, Issue 2
Examination of Cen Shen's Date of Admission and Birth
Wang Xuncheng
Published in Literary Heritage, 2003, Issue 4
"The essay on horse materials stored in the Changxingfang Branch of Jiaohe County and Cen Shen's Spring Festival"
Xiong Fei
Published in Dunhuang Studies, 1997, Issue 3
A Study of Cen Shen's Stories in Dunhuang Manuscripts
Zhang Zikai
Published in Literary Heritage, 2000, Issue 6
"Cen Shen didn't go with Du Hongjian when he entered Sichuan"
Li Houqiong
Published in Journal of Neijiang Normal University, Issue 3, 2005
Cen Shen's Year of Death
Li Houqiong, Yu Junmin
Published in Journal of Yibin University, Issue 2, 2004
On the System of Observing Elections and the Time for Tang Poets to Release Brown after Their Ascension to the Imperial Court
Chen Tiemin, Li Liangwei
Published in Literary Heritage, 2005, Issue 3
Table Reference: [46]