Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev

Russian Critical Realist Writers in the 19th Century
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synonym Turgenev (Turgenev) Generally refers to Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (Russian name: ИванСергееевичТургенев, November 9, 1818~September 3, 1883), 19th century Russia Critical realism Writer. Major works include novels《 Luoting 》《 Aristocratic family 》《 The night before last Father and Son "Virgin Land", novella "Ah Xia", "First Love", etc.
Turgenev was born into a noble family in Orel Province, but he hated serfdom since childhood. He studied in Moscow University and Petersburg University successively, went to Berlin for further study after graduation, and became a close friend with Belinsky after returning home. He has been writing for Modern Man since 1847 and opposes serfdom from the standpoint of liberalism and humanitarianism. Turgenev began to write in his college years, and he wrote in succession from 1847 to 1852 Hunter's Notes It is his famous work, mainly showing the relationship between peasants and landlords under serfdom. The anti serfdom tendency of the work angered the authorities, who arrested and exiled Turgenev on the grounds that his articles of mourning for Gogoli violated the censorship regulations. In detention, he wrote the short story "Wood", an anti serfdom novel. In the 1950s and 1970s, Turgenev's creation was flourishing. He successively published novels: Luo Ting (1856), Aristocratic Family (1859), The Night Before Tomorrow (1860), Father and Son (1862), Smoke (1867), Virgin Land (1877). Since the 1860s, Turgenev has spent most of his time in Western Europe, making friends with many writers and artists, such as Zola, Maupassant, Dude, Gonggur, etc. He participated in the "International Literature Conference" held in Paris and was elected as the Vice President (the President is Victor Hugo). On September 3, 1883, Turgenev died of illness in Paris, France.
Chinese name
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Foreign name
Russian: ИванСергеевичТургенев
english :Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
one's native heath
Oriol Province, Russia
date of birth
November 9, 1818
Date of death
September 3, 1883
University one is graduated from
University of Petersburg
Representative works
Hunter's Notes 》、《 Parent and Child 》、《 Luoting 》、《 The night before last 》Etc

Character experience

Turgenev, 12
Turgenev was born on November 9, 1818 Russia Orel, Orel Province, is an old style wealthy family. His father is a cavalry regiment leader. Turgenev's mother was a brutal serf owner. Turgenev, who had witnessed the ferocity and tyranny of the landlord class since he was young, had long been deeply sympathetic to the plight of the peasants.
In 1833, he entered the Literature Department of Moscow University, and one year later, he was transferred to the Language Department of the Philosophy Department of Petersburg University. After graduation, he went to the University of Berlin in Germany to study philosophy, history and Greek and Latin. Turgenev entered Moscow University for one year, and then transferred to St. Petersburg University to study classical works, Russian literature and philosophy.
In 1838, he went to University of Berlin Learn the philosophy of Hegel. Turgenev saw a more modern social system in Europe and was regarded as a "Europeanized" intellectual. He advocated that Russia should learn from the West and abolish feudal systems, including serfdom.
In the spring of 1843, Turgenev and his earliest master Li Gen (Chinese translation) jointly published the narrative poem Balasha, which marked his transition from romanticism to realism. Turgenev's long narrative poem Balasha was well received by Belinsky, and since then the two have established a deep friendship. After that, Turgenev began to turn to prose writing. The first prose work is the novella Andrei Kolosov. Then he published the narrative poem "The Landlord" and the novella "Bitushkov". He has also created many plays, including Diner, Breakfast of Your Patriarch, and Bachelor, which mainly reflect aristocratic life and customs.
In the early 1850s, he published novellas such as The Diary of Unwanted People and Yakov Pasinkov.
Turgenev received an honorary doctor from Oxford in 1879.
From 1847 to 1852, he published his famous work Hunter's Notes on the progressive journal Modern Man. The anti serfdom tendency of the work angered the authorities, who arrested and exiled Turgenev on the grounds that his articles of mourning for Gogoli violated the censorship regulations. In detention, he wrote the novel Wood.
In 1855, Turgenev published his play One Month in the Village, and began to care about the conflict between intellectuals and nobles. In 1856, he published the novel Luo Ting, which created the image of a small noble rebel with revolutionary passion but lack of action. In 1859, Turgenev published The House of Nobles.
In 1860, he published the novel "The Night Before Tomorrow", which created the image of a revolutionary Inzarov. Du Brolyubov attached great importance to this novel and published a comment "When does the real day come?" - asserting that "the night before tomorrow is always not far from the following day", and that Turgenev described the night before the revolution. Turgenev disagreed with this conclusion and hoped that Nekrasov would not publish this comment. Nekrasov did not agree, which led to a break between Turgenev and Modern People.
In 1862, Turgenev published Father and Son. The hero, Bazarov, was arrogant, valued action and scientific experiments. It is an imaginary new image of the author, but it was attacked by the democrats.
Tomb of Turgenev
In the late 1860s, he lived abroad for many years. He got to know many foreign writers, such as George Sang, Flaubert, Dude, Zola and Maupassant, who are French writers. He introduced Russian literature to Western Europe, especially the works of Pushkin and Lev Tolstoy. In 1867, he wrote the novel Smoke.
In the 1870s, Turgenev settled in France. During this period, he created a series of "reminiscent novellas", such as King Lear on the Grassland, Puning and Babuning, and Spring Tide. In 1877, he published his last novel, Virgin Land. In the last few years of his life, Turgenev, who was far away from his motherland, wrote 83 prose poems on his bed to express his feelings in his old age.
On August 22, 1883, Turgenev died of illness in Paris. According to his will before his death, his body was transported back to Russia and buried next to Belinsky's tomb in the Walkov cemetery in Petersburg.

Personal life

Turgenev never married. [1] The only true love in his life was dedicated to the singer Pauline Vialdo. She is married and has a happy marriage. Turgenev maintains a friendly relationship with her family. There is no hope for personal happiness. However, he still devoted his life to this Lady Vialdo and lived near her home whenever possible. When her two daughters got married, Turgenev prepared a dowry for each of them. [2]
When Turgenev was 24 years old, he fell in love with the maid Afdortya. As soon as Turgenev's mother heard the rumor that Turgenev was in love with Afdortya, she became furious and ordered that "the woman who committed a mistake" be sent away from Spaskoye immediately. Afdotya Yelmorayevna had to go only to Moscow. There, she made a living as a tailor. She was pregnant when she left, and gave birth to a daughter, Belagaya, the next spring. Shortly after her birth, her daughter was taken away from her mother and sent to her grandmother's manor. Afdotya Yermolayevna later married a small citizen, Kalujin. Turgenev paid her alimony every year until her death in 1875. [3]
Turgenev's daughter was not happy with her grandmother. When his daughter was 5 years old, Turgenev gave her to his lifelong girlfriend Pauline Vialdo to raise her. In February 1865, the 23-year-old daughter got married. Turgenev had a good impression on his son-in-law. He thought that he was beautiful, kind and capable. He would be happy if he married his daughter, because the newly married family was materially secure: the daughter received a generous dowry from her father, and the son-in-law Gaston Breuer was the owner of a glass factory. Soon Turgenev had grandchildren. Turgenev himself has never tasted family happiness, and he is particularly eager to hope that his daughter can be happy. However, life mercilessly deceived father and daughter. Gaston went bankrupt and squandered all his wife's dowry. There is discord between husband and wife, and the happy family is completely destroyed. Bela Gaia took the children and left her husband without any belongings Switzerland Although Turgenev was old and seriously ill, he still supported her as much as possible, helped her hide, and even failed to see her when she was dying. [3]

Main works

Chinese name
Year of publication
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight
Long poem
one thousand eight hundred and forty-three
one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine
Breakfast of the Chief Noble
one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine
Surplus People's Diary
one thousand eight hundred and fifty
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six
A Xia
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
first love
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight
Unfortunate Girl
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine
Memories of Belinsky
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine
Strange Story
short story
one thousand eight hundred and seventy
King Lear on the Grassland
one thousand eight hundred and seventy
spring tide
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two
The End of Chernopkhanov
short story
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two
Virgin land
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven
The Glory of Love
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one
reference material [4]

Publishing books

  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2019-3
    Arxia is a novella created by the Russian writer Turgenev. It was completed in 1857 and first published in the first issue of Modern People magazine in 1858, with the subtitle of "The Story of Ni Ni". The novel tells the story of young men and women who meet by chance in a foreign land and love each other, and shapes the image of a beautiful and brave girl, Ah Xia. The story exudes a light sadness that fate cannot resist, reflecting Turgenev's pessimistic fatalism. The author tries subjectively to make
  • first love
    Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2015-9
    First Love - Turgenev's Collection of Short and Medium Stories is a book published by Yilin Publishing House in 2015. The author is Turgenev.
  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2001-8-1
    Virgin land, Turgenev wrote a novel in 1877 ten years after he stopped writing. This novel takes the populist "going to the folk" movement as the background, the disillusionment of an idealist's ideal and his love story as the main line, and describes the ideological process of another generation of young people.
  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2019-1
    Spring Tide is a novella written by the Russian writer Turgenev in 1871. Based on a real experience of the author, the novel expresses the author's views on the "superfluous people" in Russia at that time. Spring Tide does not show major social and political issues, and it seems to be just a moving love story from the perspective of the plot. Although its length is almost the same as the author's novels, Turgenev called it a novella.
  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2016-8
    Father and Son is a novel written by the Russian writer Turgenev, which is also his representative work. The work was published in 1862. After the noble son Kirsanov graduated from university, he took his friend Bazarov, a medical college student of civilian origin, to visit his father's farm. Bazarov's democratic view had sharp conflicts with Kirsanov's family, especially with the aristocratic liberal view of Barwell, Arkady's uncle. In this conflict, Bazarov
  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2013-4
    The Aristocratic Family is a novel written by the Russian writer Turgenev. The Aristocratic Family vividly depicts the rise and fall of the Russian nobility. Although Lavletsky had ambitious goals, he was too timid to know what to do, and even hoped for the guidance and rescue of aristocratic girls. In The Aristocratic Family, the writer explores life and personal happiness through the ups and downs of love between Lavletsky and Lisa.
  • Hunter's Notes
    Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2019-5
    Hunter's Notes, first published in 1852, occupies a very important position in the history of Russian and even world literature. The work depicts rural life in Russia in the 1840s. With simple and sharp strokes, the author has created a series of characters with strong vitality and wide influence through deep and clear understanding and observation of the landlords and the peasantry
  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Wood is a short story written by the Russian writer Turgenev. It was written in 1852. Due to the official ban, it was published in Modern People magazine in 1885. Grasim, the hero of the novel, is a mute serf, but he is tall, gentle, good, and born with divine power. He was brought to Moscow from the countryside by the moody, eccentric and cruel landlady's grandmother. After experiencing the failure of love, he was forced to drown himself
  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2013-4
    The Night Before Tomorrow is a novel written by the Russian writer Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. It was first published in 1860. The eve reflects the eve of reform. In the summer of 1853, two young noblemen, Shubin and Bersenev, chatted endlessly along the Moscow River and gradually talked about love. They both fell in love with Ye Linna, a girl with long hair. Ye Linna is a compassionate and idealistic girl. This passion, integrity
  • Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2014-5
    Smoke is a novel written by the Russian writer Turgenev. "Smoke" was written from November 1865 to January 1867, published in the second issue of the Russian Guide magazine in 1867, and published in a separate edition in the same year. Smoke tells the love story of a Russian youth whose surname is Levy. Smoke fully exposes the complicated contradictions in the author's thought: in the novel, he criticizes General Ramirov, a noble who wants to restore serfdom, and also criticizes the overseas Chinese
  • Surplus person's diary
    Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 1954-12
  • Luoting
    Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2005-4-1
    This book includes dozens of famous works of Chinese classical literature, modern Chinese literature and foreign literature. Different from other versions, it clearly reflects the characteristics of serving young people: First, it has concise and practical notes to answer questions for readers and convey knowledge; Second, the translation of foreign classics is concise and vivid, which is easy for Chinese teenagers to read; Third, there are carefully written guide articles by experts to open the door for readers to understand the classics; Fourth, many works are illustrated with the original works
  • prose poem
    Author name Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
    Work time 2008-1-1
    "Prose Poetry" is one of Turgenev's main works in his later years, which is rich in content. The author expresses the beauty of Russian language with sincere feelings and lyric style, and this beauty is his only dependence and support in the days of doubt, anxiety, and painful worry about the fate of his motherland. He firmly believes that this language can only be produced among a great nation. This belief also deeply touched the translator Ba Jin, who said: "The translator likes Turgenev's works and has spent time for them..."

Creation characteristics



Turgenev has a deep love for human beings. This love is not only shown in his praise and praise for people with noble virtues such as kindness, courage and tenacity, but also in his deep sympathy for human suffering. It shows that he always tries to help those who suffer, and it shows that he hates and condemns those who cause such suffering. All these are fully reflected in his works.
Turgenev, starting from humanism, ruthlessly exposed and profoundly criticized the inhumane social system. All his works embody this uncompromising spirit, which also shows that he has completely broken away from the noble class he came from. [5]
Some of Turgenev's heroes and heroines have become immortal artistic images in Russian literature, and love description plays an important role in Turgenev's novels. The love described in Turgenev's novels leads to a tragic end without exception.
In the history of literature, Turgenev was the first to introduce social ideals into love. Opening Turgenev's six novels, it can be found that the love of the hero and heroine in the works has never been married after all kinds of difficulties. Turgenev has said this for many times: "I am mainly a realist; what I am most interested in is the lively truth of people's faces. It is the author's highest happiness to accurately and forcefully express the truth of life, even if this truth does not conform to his personal preference. "This shows that the writer's loyalty to real life in writing has overcome his preference for women. The tragic ending of his love story is determined by the social reality of Russia in the 1940s and 1970s, which is the tragedy of the times and society. [6]

artistic characteristics

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Turgenev's works have distinctive characteristics of the times and strong critical spirit. His creation begins with poetry and ends with prose poetry. He has made great achievements in poetry, drama, novels and so on. His creation is faithful to the principle of realism, good at grasping the pulse of the times, keenly discovering new and important social phenomena, focusing on the life and destiny of aristocratic intellectuals and civilian intellectuals, and is famous for being good at shaping female images. His works, with distinctive themes, rigorous structure and beautiful language, are especially good at depicting the ever-changing natural scenery, and are endowed with poetic and philosophical ideas. He also made outstanding achievements in the psychological description of characters. One of the most fundamental tendencies of his creation is not to follow a certain social trend of thought, but to devote himself to depicting and shaping the unique human customs, national ethics and the Russian national character with distinctive national character. This has a good impact on the development of Russian literature. [7]
Turgenev's novellas and short stories can almost be regarded as the combination of poetry and prose, and they are the new form of the combination of classic Russian poetry and Russian prose. In other words, they are the new form of the combination of classic Russian romanticism and classic Russian realism.
Turgenev's psychological, lyrical and poetic novellas and short stories, on the whole, are a new style in which poetry permeates prose comprehensively; But to be specific, that is to say, it is also a very free literary form from its various variants. Turgenev took a very flexible attitude towards this style. He selectively adjusted the breadth, depth and intensity of poetry intervention according to the different themes and characters: for love themes, most will strengthen emotional and psychological rendering; For funny things, most people will focus on the ingenuity of ideas; For mysterious content, it will probably strengthen the atmosphere of the moment; As for "Hamlet of Russia", they will not miss the display of their psychological journey, and as for the innocent boys and girls, they will vigorously express their feelings of love. Therefore, the style of Turgenev's short stories and novellas has acquired various forms in the overall trend of poetry's full penetration of prose. [8]
Turgenev is good at choosing a scene in life, taking in people and things in the scene, or selecting a side of the situation, focusing on a moving link in the story, embodying feelings in the scene, expressing feelings in the scene, and the scenes penetrate each other. [9]
Compared with the quite free and flexible style of novellas and short stories, the style of Turgenev's novels is relatively stable. Although the factor of poetry has weakened, it has never disappeared. It always "breaks the ground" from the gap of narration in time, thus strengthening the narrative effect in all aspects. At the same time, the elements of drama seem to have been increasing. To some extent, it even endows Turgenev's novels with stylized features, such as roughly the same overall structure, small space for activities, short time span, the dialogue of the characters occupying the central position, indispensable interlude or supplement, the moment of excitement, and the dramatic turn of the plot, The following climax, the unique ending, and the appropriate poetic exaggeration and enlightenment interspersed with it. These are the basic structural modes of Turgenev's novels, or a relatively stable and skillful program. Therefore, Turgenev's novels show a trend of "integration" of other styles such as poetry and drama, which is unique to Turgenev, who is a poet, playwright and novelist. [8]

Character influence

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Turgenev was the first Russian novelist with full realism spirit and proficient realism techniques. From the development history of the whole Russian realistic literature, he ended the "transition" period of Russian literature from romanticism to realism with his novel creation reflecting "lively reality". His appearance marks that Russian realistic literature has entered a new mature stage.
Turgenev was loyal to his own nature and creative personality, creatively inherited and developed the fine traditions of realism of Pushkin and Gogol, effectively used the positive achievements of romanticism in Russia and Western Europe, refined and created his own unique realistic novels, thus greatly enriching the treasure house of Russian realistic literature, It has effectively promoted the development of Russian realistic literature.
Turgenev was the first Russian novelist with worldwide influence. With his own creation and rich artistic experience, he expanded the influence of Russian realistic literature and made great contributions to the establishment and consolidation of the important position of Russian literature in world literature. [8]
Turgenev's creation reflects the social life of Russia in the transitional period from feudal serfdom to capitalist system, and shapes a series of artistic models full of the characteristics of the times. It has become an important part of the art chronicle of the Russian liberation movement, with a simple, simple, delicate, fresh and lyrical artistic style, It has a great influence on Russian and even world literature. Lenin called him an "outstanding Russian writer". Along with Lev Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, he is known as the three giants of Russian literature. [7] Turgenev also contributed to the standardization of Russian language. [10]

Character evaluation

Turgenev is a very intelligent person with an extraordinary talent for poetry. (Comments by Russian literary critic Belinsky) [11]
Turgenev is a master of Russian language. (Comments on Dostoevsky, a Russian writer) [12]
When future literature history experts talk about the development of Russian language, they will surely say that this language was created by Pushkin, Turgenev and Chekhov. (Comments by Gorky, a Soviet writer) [12]
Turgenev is an "outstanding Russian writer". (Lenin's comments) [7]