
[jū zhù]
Chinese words
zero Useful+1
Residence, Chinese vocabulary. Pinyin: jluzhu means to live in one place for a long time. In the Song Dynasty, officials were demoted and transferred to remote areas, which is called "residence". The relegated officials in Song Dynasty lived in designated areas, which was less than resettlement. [1]
Chinese name
jū zhù
Stay in the same place for a longer time
Ancient meaning
Officials demoted and transferred to remote areas


[live] Live in a place for a long time or live together for a long time
They live in house [1]


Han Dynasty · Wang Chong's Lun Heng Liang Zhi: Living on food and salary will not work. [3]

example sentence

1. It means living in the same place for a long time.
Northern History · Chinese toon Biography: "Today, I am not poor and lowly, but I live in a house and do not act as a magnificent person. I am thinking that you are not worthy in future generations and cannot be conservative, and will be taken by the potential family."
Ming Feng Menglong《 Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty 》The fourth time: "Uncle Kao said, 'Dig the ground and see the spring Basement , first welcome Mrs. Jiang to live in, and tell her Lord I miss you very much. It is expected that the wife will read her son, and the master will read her mother. The master will meet in the basement, and swear at Jiquan, Not tasted Violation. ""
Wu Jingzi of the Qing Dynasty, "The Scholars, the 40th Chapter": Five more government offices were built in the city. Recruit refugees to live in. [3]
Talking about Tang Dynasty 》The first time: "I found a house to live with Mo."
Ba Jin Home 36: "Now she has to live outside alone."
Returning to Liaodong in the Late Ming Dynasty, Suiyang Yuan Keli 》: "Yang Taixi and Shen Shou Chong came to the courtyard where Shen Shouchong lived in the Emperor's Son in Law Mansion, and he saw a hale and hearty old man standing in the courtyard, dressed in elegant blue casual clothes. "
2. Song Dynasty Official Demobilized and transferred to remote areas, called "living". The relegated officials in Song Dynasty lived in designated areas, which was less than resettlement.
Song Dynasty Zhang Duanyi Guier Collection 》Volume 1: "The allusion of the test, place Wait for the servants of the slain, live for the officials of the commoners, listen to and read about how to treat the scholars and children, and treat the generals and junior officials by themselves. "
Song Zhaosheng's "The Imperial Court and the Wilderness": "If the person who has been blamed is sent to live in the state, it is easier than resettlement."
Continue to learn from Zizhi ·In the first year of Baoyou, Emperor Lizong of the Song Dynasty, he said, "In Wuchen, you will live in Chaozhou, Chengai." Later generations also said it.
Qing Ping Bu Qing's "Xia Wai Yi Sha · anecdote · old minister gave other officials": "(Shunzhi) in March of the 13th year, he was sent to live in Liaoyang as a former official, and 15 years Dismissal 。” [1-2]

English Chinese

1. reside
2. be a resident (of)
Other relevant explanations: solve
Example sentences and usage:
  1. one
  2. two
    these ones here Monk Living in a big monastery. The monks live in a large monastery.
  3. three
    For the sake of his health, he plans to live in the seaside area. He is going to live by the coast for the sake of his health.
  4. four
    When Europeans were barbarians living in caves, the culture of these places had already flourished. These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.
  5. five
    Living in cities for generations has honed their talents. Generations of urban living sharpened their wits.
  6. six
    The court has no jurisdiction over diplomats residing in the country. The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country.
  7. seven
    He lived abroad for many years. He lived abroad for many years.
  8. eight
    The house is unfit for human habitation. This house is unfit for human habitation.
  9. nine
    He decided to live on our island. He decided to dwell on our island.

Form of residence


House and cave

  • tile-roofed house The top is in the shape of "human". The house frame is composed of beams, purlins and rafters. The rafters are covered with foil. The foil is pasted with mud. The mud is used to seat the tiles. The joints are hung with lime, and some are dry tiled. The length of the beam depends on the depth of the room; The length of purlins, the density of rafters, and the number of tiles can be described as "purlins are less than ten feet", "one room, thirteen rafters" (one slope), and "one room, three thousand tiles". The height of doors and windows is defined as "high eyebrows and low eyes" (doors are eyebrows and windows are eyes). The ridge of the house is not carved, and the door is a single leaf, which is slightly open. The front street room and the back upper room, and the ridge of the house is often used as the head of birds and beasts to ward off evil spirits. The door is a double leaf, straight open, with windows on both sides. The room is two bright and one dark, the bright one is the living room, and the dark one is the bedroom. The right side of the upper back room is used as a "corridor" to access the backyard.
  • bungalow Most of them are small rooms with a width of ten feet, which are used as kitchen and miscellaneous cabins. There are purlins and rafters, no beams, and no ridges in the middle. The top surface is smoothed by lime and slag mixing, and now prefabricated slabs are used instead.
  • cave dwelling On the north and south slopes, the masses cut a section along the cliff and dug caves. The kiln is in the shape of a dome, with doors and windows at its mouth. Some kilns are equipped with "set kilns", while others are chiseled with "sky kilns". In plain areas, in order to save wood, brick kiln is used, the upper part is filled with earth, the slag lime is mixed to make the surface, and the upper part is covered with cement and trowelled. cave dwelling It is warm in winter and cool in summer. The four seasons are pleasant.
  • Building Since 1978, farmers have become economically prosperous and more and more people have built buildings. The building is generally a two storey building, with unit type and single-sided type. Each floor of the unit type is a unit, where the elders at the lower level live and the elders at the upper level are mostly used for marriage. A single floor building is generally 10 meters wide and 4 to 6.5 meters deep. If it is 6.5 meters deep, a front wall will be built at a depth of 5 meters, and a corridor will be built outside. There are three rooms in the lower floor, and one on the left side opens from the inside, making it a bedroom and the middle hall. The upper layer has a balcony.

Courtyard setting

  • Sihetouyuan The courtyard with upper rooms, two pairs of buildings and street side rooms is called Sihetou Courtyard. It is called "dustpan palm" if there is no street house. Yanshi people advocate "Sihetouyuan One Village", a single family. The elder lives in the upper room and the younger in the mansion. The base and height of the upper room should be higher than that of the Xiazi room. It is not only for the sake of water, but also for the sake of respect and inferiority. Some have another hospital to store vehicles and farm tools. Courtyard Dwellings There are two kinds of brick and wood and civil structure. Most of the brick and wood structures belong to wealthy families. The foundation is laid with bluestone. The walls are made of black bricks and white ash. The rafters are square on all sides, and the roof is covered with green tiles; The foundation of the civil structure is laid with stone, and green bricks are piled to the windowsill around to prevent moisture. The rest are adobe walls, most of which belong to middle-class families. Most poor people are poor.
  • Cliff facing quadrangle stay Yanshi In the gully area on the south and north slopes, households cut a section vertically along the cliff, drill two holes in the cave below, and cover two rows of caves symmetrically on both sides of the cave“ Xiazi ”There are also "frontage" houses, which belong to kiln house mixed type houses. Rich cave houses often use brick coupons, or only Brick coupon Doors and windows.
  • Xiazha kiln It is mostly found in Mangling area in the north of Yanshi County. Since the terrain is high and flat, the residents will excavate a rectangular deep pit on the flat ground. Inside the pit, three sides of the kiln will be chiseled, and one side of the tunnel will be chiseled to extend slowly to the ground. Infiltration pits will be chiseled in the yard to prevent rain. This kind of house saves money, but it is forbidden to collapse due to heavy rain and insufficient seepage.


Most of the houses in southern Shaanxi are connected with each other, and the front is the hall, which is spacious and bright. After that, there are rooms with buildings, which are bright, clean and elegant. There is a side room beside it, which is often used for kitchen. Large families have built a courtyard with four sides. The middle hall is surrounded by senior dormitories, and the east and west wing rooms are mostly for junior residents. Flower pots are arranged around the courtyard to plant exotic flowers and plants. The carved panel on the four wall door is called the Flower Hall, which belongs to the rich family. Some of them build two or three rooms horizontally at one or two ends of a five room house, commonly known as "key head" or "tuojikou". Brick, earth and tile houses have gables shaped like stairs. The poor use grass instead of tiles, and the walls are plastered with bamboo. What's more, there are no walls around, and thatch spreads from the top to the ground, commonly known as the "floor shop" or "nest claw shed". There are also "stack wood" houses built with wood in deep mountains and forests.
Due to the rich resources of bamboo, wood and stone, there are many slate houses, bamboo and wood houses. The slate house is tiled with slate, and the top of the earth wall is also built with stone. This kind of house is mostly close to stone cliffs, surrounded by three walls, with unique construction methods, exquisite workmanship, fire and wind prevention, and is very solid. Slate house The best covering area is Linhe River and Fangliu River. The materials are carefully selected. The stone slabs are separated in size and thickness House structure Tight, neat lines (mostly "human" lines), all the viewers are amazed.
There are many bamboo and wood houses on the forest edge, mountain col and low-lying slope. The four walls of this kind of house are stacked with round wooden pallets, leaving "mouth" shaped windows. The wooden beams are densely arranged with large bamboos and tightly bound with fine bamboos. The roof is paved layer by layer with polygonum hydropiper leaves, and the bamboo strips are formed into a fan shape. Lay a layer of mud on the densely paved bamboo, which is the fire building for drying Kang grain. Some do not have a kitchen. They use buckets in the stove to cook and fry. The stilted buildings built due to the steep terrain are mostly used for roads and paths, and other places are mostly used for toilets or livestock.
In the past, when building houses, not only the craftsmen were ingenious, but also the carpenters could carve beams and paint buildings. The most difficult thing was to build "walk around the attic". Donkeys and horses can carry things in and out of such buildings. It is said that the Zhu's Ancestral Temple in the Taoyuan under the Tielu Dam was built when wood and stone craftsmen competed with each other. The stone craftsman first carved a pair of stone drums on the gate pier, on which sat a stone lion with a stone bead in its mouth. The stonemason knocked the lion's lower jaw in front of the crowd, and the stone bead rolled up, and the owner gave the silver to count two. The carpenter did not show weakness. The carved wooden lion not only held a bead in its mouth, but also carved a small lion under the neck of the lion, which looked like a mother and son snuggling together. The intimacy was hard to express, and the owner still paid the reward. There are no wooden lions, but stone lions still exist.
In recent decades, great changes have taken place in urban and rural housing construction. In addition to civil structures, there are also frame columns, steel roof trusses, flat roofed buildings, concrete, etc.


Before building a house, the first thing is to choose the foundation. In the past, we used to pay attention to the direction of the mountain. The mountain on the left was fine, but the mountain on the right was not high. It is said that the left is a green dragon and the right is a white tiger. If the river bypasses the back of the house, it is called "washing the back with cold water", which means getting rich without getting rich.
If the depth of the house is one or two feet, it is actually only one or eight inches; If it's one foot six feet, it's only one foot five feet eight inches. This is called must send, not leave eight.
The top beam is the climax of building houses. Beams and timbers should not only be carefully selected, but also should not be stained with dust when felling. Before going to the beam, we need to offer fragrant rice and invite many people to accompany and sacrifice to the beam. The ceremony of sacrificing the beam was presided over by the carpenter and the mason, who cut the cock's cap and let the blood drop in the center and both ends of the beam. Some also put grain salt tea and the almanac of the year in the beam. The length of the words for sacrificing Liang depends on the time of firing the cannon. The opening words are: "Today, when sacrificing Liang, the world opens, the wealth is abundant, and the people are strong. The beautiful girl and the golden boy work together, and Jin Liang ascends to the main hall." Next is stepping on Liang. Each of them holds a fight with walnuts, chestnuts, steamed buns, and so on. When they change positions in the beam, it is a "difficult action", While stepping on it, he sang: "Baobaoba, planted in March and planted in April, collected grass in May and June, and returned home in July and August. When Baba is in the east, the children and grandchildren of later generations are in the middle; when Baba is in the west, the lights are on the third hour and the chickens are on the fifth watch; when Baba is in the south, the swallows both take the mud; when Baba is in the north, the building will be completed in the future." When he sang a sentence, he threw a handful downward, and the people accompanying Liang swarmed in, singing "OK!" in unison, it was very lively.
There are many taboos for building houses, such as the position of each meal on the palm board remains unchanged to prevent "eating two meals". The master should not joke with the craftsmen to avoid blurting out such words as "fire" and "death". If a woman is a helper, she can only dig mud and soil. If she walks on the wall, the wall will crack. After building, she will go to the house and the house will leak. Except in some rural areas, there is no big taboo for building houses in cities and towns.


After the house is built, first of all, a shrine should be built in the middle of the hall to worship the ancestral shrine. The second is to dig a fire pool in the corner and hang a fire hook for hanging Bucket Use. The fire pool is the place where the host receives guests. If the guests add a few pieces of firewood to the fire pool, the host will be more happy. Therefore, it means "increasing wealth". I wish the host prosperity and prosperity.
Swallows have always been regarded as lucky birds. They often build nests on door frames or purlins. People nail nails and put up boards in advance. Whose family has many swallow nests symbolizes that this year's grain harvest and everything is going well. Some people want to see the direction of the swallow nest when building a house, which is intended to be lucky.
The layout of the bed is used to smooth roof beam However, the local saying goes, "The bed is paved along the beam, and the house is full of children and grandchildren.".
Since ancient times, people have the habit of planting bamboos and trees in front of and behind their houses, so they often choose a single family to build houses. Do not plant "Daughter Red" in front of the front door, or the family will not give birth to men. If the toon is higher than the roof, try to cut it off, or the cat will not be able to feed. The newlyweds will plant a couple jujube tree Or a pair of paulownia hemp trees, which means early (jujube) giving birth to your son, and parasol trees attract the phoenix. Peaches, plums, oranges, oranges, pears, persimmons and pines, cypresses, cassia and bamboos are planted most.