Nicholas V

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Nicholas V, commonly known as Tomaso Parentucelli, 1397 November 15th - died on March 24, 1455). First in the Renaissance the pontiff
True name
Nicholas V
Tomaso Parentucelli
one's native heath
Celera, Italy
date of birth
November 15, 1397
Date of death
March 24, 1455
Key achievements
Builders of Vatican Library, Glasgow University and other cultural places

Outstanding scholar

Born in a middle-class family in Celera, Italy, he has loved reading since childhood. His father, who was a doctor at the age of 9, died of illness. He entered the Caducian monastery to study University of Bologna I studied at school, but failed to continue my further education due to poverty. After leaving school, he went to Florence to work as a tutor in a rich family. When he was still a priest, all his income was used to buy books, and he even borrowed a lot of money for it. He hopes that he can have enough funds to display the world's greatest works in his library. Later, he joined the social circle of humanists and came into contact with the Renaissance, a new trend of humanism. Balentucheli highly appreciates the academic research of humanism, and he has also become an enthusiastic humanist and outstanding scholar. It is said that "he is familiar with the works of ancient and modern doctors, and almost none of the works of Greek and Latin authors have not been studied by him," which fully shows a new spirit of commemorating the past unique to the Renaissance. He hoped to integrate religious culture with secular culture, and indeed, to some extent, "combined profound biblical knowledge and extreme religious piety with versatile humanism." In 1419, he obtained a doctorate degree at the age of 22, and from then on, he began to work in the family of Bologna's Archbishop Alberti, for as many as 20 years, During this period, he accompanied the Archbishop to European countries for many times. After Albergati's death, the pontiff Eugenius IV Barentucheli was appointed Bishop of Bologna in 1444. But at that time, it was time for the residents to raise an issue and demand to get rid of it the pontiff He was unable to take office due to the control of Frankfurt The meeting greatly displayed his diplomatic ability and pacified the dissatisfaction of German elected monarchs and marquises. He was promoted to Cardinal. February 1447 Eugenius IV He died of illness. In March, with the support of a group of learned people, Barentucheli was elected the pontiff , known as Nicholas V. "Who would have thought," he once said, "that a poor priest without a penny would become a man of honor the pontiff ?” His election also reflects the democratic characteristics of Christianity: ordinary young people may become the pontiff Italian humanists are also very happy about this result. One of them even declared publicly: Plato The utopia has become a reality in the world, and philosophers have become kings.

A tolerant Pope

When Nicholas V ascended the throne, it was the time when Western European countries moved towards nation-state. The ideal of Great Harmony of the medieval Christian Republic had declined, while Rome the pontiff They have no ability to lead international politics as "world rulers". As for the Italian peninsula, it was also deeply involved in the so-called "political mosaic" situation. The kingdoms, principalities, republics, city-state and other organizations became independent one after another. They not only ran their own affairs, but also the law of the jungle, causing unprecedented chaos. the pontiff If the country is in the midst of it, unless it uses wisdom to attack its shield with its spear, it will be in great danger. In view of this, Pope Nicholas V began a series of political activities. On the one hand, to ensure the pontiff National independence, on the one hand, maintained the political status quo of the peninsula to avoid interference by the then powerful Germain and France.
At the beginning of 1447, before the end of the Basel Council, he insisted that the church should be presided over by the Council, and opposed the pontiff Monopolize the power of the church. The rival pope elected by the remnant council Felix V , still illegally occupying the Pope's throne. Nicholas V diplomat He adopted a self restrained and tolerant attitude and mobilized Felix V to abdicate. The end of the Basel Residual Conference in 1449 saved the split and restored peace within the Holy See. Nicholas V also achieved reconciliation with the Roman nobility, and made concessions to the citizens who participated in the riots. Under his own planning, the Loti Peace Treaty in 1454 ended the long war between the Republic of Venice and Milan. Soon after, Florence also participated in the Rorty Peace Treaty. The signing of the Rorty Peace Treaty not only brought peace to the Italian peninsula for 40 years, but also indicated a feasible political route for the divided Italy to move towards the so-called "confederation politics".
Nikolai V attached importance to strengthening legislative measures, prohibiting the sale of clergy, forbidding clergy to marry, and instructing bishops to improve the management of dioceses, but did not seek reform within Catholicism. In 1451, the famous Cardinal Nicholas was sent to Germany in an attempt to ease the rising resistance of Germany with superficial reforms.

Active diplomacy

Frederick III, the king of Germany and son of the Duke of Ernst of Austria, maintained a good relationship with the church. In 1452, he came to Italy to accept Lombardy Crown, also accepted in Rome the pontiff Nicholas V was crowned, becoming the last generation to be crowned in Rome Holy Roman Empire emperor.
Nicholas V was murdered many times in his later years. He was lenient with the first two prime criminals. In 1453, the third murder was uncovered. There is one the pontiff Stephen Pocano, the most trusted scholar, may have been deeply influenced by classical literature and art, and even planned to burn it down vatican , hijack the Pope, rebuild the Roman Republic, and carry out reform. Thanks to the early exposure of the plot, Stephen Pocano was arrested and sentenced to a heavy sentence. Less than a few months after the plot was revealed, something more unfortunate happened. In 1453, Byzantine Empire capital Constantinople cover Ottoman Empire Surrounded by the army, Nicholas IV sent a fleet to rescue him, but it didn't work. End of May Constantinople fall, Byzantine Empire Destruction.
Nicholas V collected tithes from Western Europe to finance the recovery of the Crusaders from Turkey Constantinople (1453). But most European countries did not obey his orders. The cruelty of reality forced him to bow his head; Human greed, but also cold through his blood.
The Holy See actively cooperated with Spain and Portugal in their overseas colonial plunder and announced that pagans were "an industry bestowed by God on believers." In the 15th and 16th centuries, Spain and Portugal made great progress in their missionary undertakings in Africa, and what they returned to the African people was plunder and disaster. An African indigenous Christian said that in the past, the Portuguese had Christianity but no gold, and we had gold but no Christianity. They have gold while we have Christianity.

Revival of culture

the pontiff Nikolay is known as the Renaissance Pope. When he ascended the throne, he had three wishes in his heart: to become a good Pope; Rebuilding Rome; Restore classical literature, art and knowledge. He relied on the pontiff And sent many envoys to Athens, Constantinople Germanic and British went to seek, buy or copy Greek and Latin manuscripts, whether they were pagan or Christian. He is vatican A large copying and editing center has been set up, inviting all famous Italian humanities scholars to Rome to translate classical works of Greece and Rome, such as Aristotle Metaphysics, rhetoric and ethics, Homer's epic, many famous works of the Greek Godfather, such as Basil, John Jinkou( Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople John I), Otherby, and others have also been translated into Latin. Pope Nicholas V also ordered people to translate the Bible. Nicholas V himself wrote excellent characters, which were comparable to the best scribes at that time. He often finds time to copy. However, Nikolay's illness limited his energy and time, and all his translation plans could not be fully implemented. He paid these scholars a lot, which made his financial situation urgent for a time, and also made churches everywhere very dissatisfied. Some bold critics accused him of spending the devout worship of believers on meaningless pagan literature and extravagant atheists.
He appointed a first-class artist to beautify vatican In order to build more magnificent St.Paul's Cathedral He ordered that the original cathedral Dismantle. Such destruction of historic sites has been severely criticized by later generations. His academic contributions have been recognized and praised by later generations. As he pioneered the trend, the atmosphere of literature and art became increasingly prosperous, and the Holy See became the driving center of the European Renaissance. the pontiff When Nicholas died, vatican library He has collected more than 1500 books, which is the most noble academic heritage he left to future generations. 1455 March 24th the pontiff Nicholas V died at the age of 57. He seemed extravagant because of his generosity. However, he brought peace to the church and prosperity and order to Rome. He built vatican library , unifying the Catholic and secular world, and also integrating the church and the Renaissance. His replacement is Spanish Callixtus III