zero Useful+1

Yaoshan Cliff

Chinese writer
Yaoshan Wall, formerly known as Qin Taobin , contemporary famous writer Hebei Province Longyao County People. CPC member Graduated in 1962 Hebei University Chinese Department. Successively served as a cadre of Xingtai County Cultural Center, Hebei Province Federation of Literary and Art Circles Professional writer, editor of Hebei Literature, Hebei Writers Association Executive Vice President chairman Professor of Hebei University, professional writer, first grade in literary creation. He began to publish works in 1955. Joined in 1980 Chinese Writers Association Served in 2012 Chinese Prose Society adviser [1]
Representative works:《 Mother's River [3] Old jujube tree [8] A Record of Tang Ancestor's Mausoleum [4] Premier Zhou at the epicenter [5] The Great Mountain Is True -- Memories of Writers Jia Dashan [13] Memories of Guo Qinglin [14] The Tragedy of Barber [17] Talking about Su San [18] Zhu Ziqing's Former Residence [19]
Publications:《 Old stories of common people [2] Lost Years [9] Beautiful Yan Zhao [15] The Everlasting Stars [16] Etc.
Honors: Selected Lyric Poems on Yaoshan Cliff, and the long poem Ideal, Never Unemployment won the Hebei Provincial Literature and Art Revitalization Award, the First Prize of Literature and Art Review in North China, and Wandering in America won the first prize in China Travel? literature Special Award for Outstanding Works, the author of Hebei New Period Literature won the Zhuang Chongwen Literature Award in 1991, and the author of Raising Tomorrow's Sun won the Hebei Provincial Government Book Award Bing Xin Literature Award [6]
Main deeds: The Old Hero in the Front, the lifelong pursuit of the famous writer Yao Shanbi, published on China Writers Network June 20, 2021 [10]
Chinese name
Yaoshan Cliff
Qin Taobin
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Nan Wang Dian Cun, Longyao County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province
date of birth
University one is graduated from
Hebei University
Representative works
Selected Lyric Poems on Yaoshan Cliff
Key achievements
Grave Literature Award
First Prize of Literature and Art Review in North China
Hebei Provincial Government Book Award
Native place
Bei Lou Xiang Nan Wang Dian, Longyao County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province

Main deeds

Yaoshan Cliff
able men tied down to a routine post [10-12]
----The Life Pursuit of the Famous Writer Yao Shanbi
Author: Liu Yongkai
Born in remote areas, my ancestors played hoe pole. My father took up the gun pole during the war of resistance against Japan. In the generation of Yaoshan Cliff, a grain seedling grew in the sorghum field, and even played with a pen pole for sixty or seventy years.
Yaoshan Cliff was born in 1939. The war was in turmoil and the water was in dire straits. After growing up and being sensible, it has become "the sky in the liberated area is bright and clear, and the people in the liberated area love it". Love of literature and art began in rural theaters and blind bookstores. Run from the village troupe, shout in the sorghum field, and dance swords and spears in the sorghum straw. When I was in junior high school, I loved opera, sang "Fishing and Killing a Family", "Farewell My Concubine" on the stage, and sang "Jade Tang Chun" and "Cosmopolitan" in senior high school. Before graduation, I ran to the stage with Qiu Pai, a decentralized cadre, and almost forgot about the college entrance examination.
When Yaoshanbi was a teenager, the writer he admired was Zhao Shuli, the founder of the "Yam Egg Sect", who had fallen from Tude. In 1956, he heard his speech in Xingtai. His language was funny, his characters were fresh, and he wrote about the "iron pen master" of farmers. In 1958, he went to the Chinese Department of Hebei University and listened to Gu Sui, a "master of Chinese culture", talk about Mao Zedong's Poems. He was famous and learned, and his class art was like Mei Lanfang on the stage. One is elegant and the other is strange and vulgar. I have been wandering between these two peaks and climbing hard all my life.
Yaoshanbi Middle School began to publish poems, and works were already flying around in college.
In 1960, Yaoshanbi went to Baxian County to take part in the rectification movement. His vision was wide and he saw a diverse and complex society. Four liang rations a day. My legs are swollen. I still work day and night. I can't stop going back to school. I just want to live. I was going to stay and work after graduation. Apply for going to the countryside three times. The chairman of Hebei Federation of Literary and Art Circles Tian Tian supported Yaoshan Cliff because Tian Tian and Ge Hua, secretary of the UCPC, were comrades in arms in western Hebei.
Choose Xingtai County Cultural Center. The next day, the Yaoshan wall reported that it would walk a hundred miles to the Shicao brigade in the mountain area, arrange to stay at the home of the model worker Sun Qinggui, and live in the bed where Qiao Yu had slept, and work three times a day. Xingtai County is a good place, with deep mountains, shallow mountains, hills, plains, and water villages. He Yaoming, the secretary of the county party committee, and Wang Yonghuai, the head of the county are two rare good cadres who also love literature. Led the whole county to fight for more than ten years to build the greenest place in Taihang Mountain. They trained Yaoshan Wall and sent it to the front lines of flood control, drought resistance and the Four Qing Dynasty. The deep life has made the Yaoshan Mountain wall like a fish in water, and the creation has entered a high growth period. It has successively published a series of poems and narrative poems in the Poetry Journal and Hebei Literature. The script "Roaring Chicken" was performed at the opening ceremony of the provincial primary and secondary opera performances, won the awards of Hebei Province and North China District, and was also praised by President Zhou Enlai.
Yaoshan Cliff belongs to a generation of people who are afraid of hunger and poverty. They yearn for "upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones". Most of their works are idealistic and romantic, believe in "literature and art serve the people", and even illustrate life. However, we should know that only with images can we have ideas. We should try our best not to use slogans and avoid formulaic conceptualization. Although our ideas are simple, we should still focus on ideas, which are unique. We should not shirk the limitations of the times, but be subjective and superficial.
At the end of 1965, Yaoshanbi attended the National Youth Entrepreneurship Association and made a speech at the conference of Learning to Walk in Life. He was transferred back to Hebei Federation of Literary and Art Circles as a professional writer and made great progress. Alas, the ten year cultural revolution came suddenly, and was called "the seedling of revisionism", entered the study class, went to the "May 7th Cadre School", and finally joined the queue to settle down. For six or seven years, even the household registration was moved to the Dongliu Shangu Brigade in Linxi County, from being equal to farmers to being an authentic farmer.
In 1970, after returning to the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Yao Shanbi worked as an editor of Hebei Literature for ten years because there were no professional writers. Because of their special skills, they are often arrested to play scripts. The county, city and provincial troupes, even the Shanghai Song and Dance Theater, came to Pingshan County to live in depth, and also named Yaoshan Wall to write lyrics. The script creation is "three combinations" and "three highlights". At the end of the "three auditions", people kneel in front of the hall like Su San, and let people "cross their noses and raise their eyes". Instead, the journal is published once every two months. There is a lot of time to go down to solicit contributions and hold meetings. In ten years, it has traveled to more than 100 counties in the province, even to famous villages and towns at the grass-roots level. In this way, we have the ability to recognize the county where a stranger comes from as long as he speaks.
After the Cultural Revolution, Yaoshanbi participated in the National Poetry Conference. After the conference, he visited the southeast coast with Ai Qing's poet delegation. He also experienced the "First Secretary" and "Goethe and Despice" events around him. He listened to Comrade Hu Yaobang's speeches several times, improved his ideological understanding and learned to think independently. The appearance of creation has changed greatly. After the rise of "hazy poetry", I found that although the new poetry trend is good, it pays more attention to thought than art. Most of them are thought sparks, without the shadow of art and skills. Instead of the formal beauty and musical beauty of traditional Chinese poetry, popular poetry has become branch prose. Instead, it is better to write prose. "Mother's River" and "The Tragedy and Comedy of Haircuts" have poured out the family love hidden in the heart for decades, with blood and tears, incisively and vividly. And poetry often extracts several lines of typical feelings from the colorful life. Emotions are typified, can be counted, and are almost written down by predecessors. Life is not repetitive, and prose can make full use of resources without waste.
Yao Shanbi, former chairman of Hebei Writers Association [20]
Hebei Literature issued 170000 copies, and stopped when it was said to stop. When they wanted to create professionally, the leaders asked Yaoshanbi to be the chairman of the Writers' Association of the province to preside over the work. Nobody was willing to do this job at that time. When Liang Bin was not the vice mayor of Tianjin, Li Mantian resigned as the director of Hubei Provincial Department of Culture, striving to become a professional writer in Hebei. The leader said that you are the only one with high academic qualifications, and you are expected to inherit the past and usher in the future. There is nothing to say. Today, the poor boy is supported by his seniors. Zang Kejia wrote 70 letters to Yaoshan Cliff, and Guo Xiaochuan wrote 5000 words in one letter. In 1960, he wrote "Water and Fire" and "Stopping Work". At that time, the love poems were still forbidden. After being circulated, the leaders pressed in the drawer for three or four years, waiting for the opportunity to let Zhong Ling write an article criticizing "Stopping Work", and Tian Tian wrote an article praising "Water and Fire" with great care.
If you don't put it on, step back a little. If you put it on, you don't need to raise your whip to fight. Hebei was originally a strong province in literature, but the "Cultural Revolution" became a disaster area. It took two months of investigation and research to find out the root cause of the disease. In addition to the backward thinking, there are two other points. One is that the cultural level of the writers is generally low, and the other is that the writers are familiar with the countryside, but not the city and industry. Therefore, Yaoshan Cliff planned a "battle in the depression". The indicators for applying for the adult college entrance examination, the writers' class in the Chinese Department of the university, the school of literature, and the association of writers and entrepreneurs are all the first in China. There were 200 people in the four issues of the writers' class. Not only did everyone receive a college diploma, but also the quality of the writers' team was improved. After the initial success of literary creation, I found that criticism was a weak point. Yaoshanbi not only took the lead in writing articles, but also promoted them in the Literary and Art Daily, and wrote comments for 200 people successively. He has successively published four literary review monographs, including "Appreciating Flowers with Dew", "Aesthetic Perception", "Hutuangtan", "Hebei Painting and Calligraphy Review", and eight poetry collections, including "New Songs of Mountains and Rivers", "Golden Wing Song", "Beacon Smoke · Green Mountains", "Heart Flower", "My North", "Statue of Spring", "Bloody Green Shades", "Selected Lyric Poems on Yaoshan Mountain Wall", and "Mother's River", "Landscape Wind", "Wandering in America" There are five collections of essays, "Soul Lighting" and "Parents' Heart in Heaven and Earth". Therefore, they got the nickname of "Camel of Three Peaks" in poetry, prose and literary criticism. Yao Shanbi recalled that he was not a martyr's descendant with the spirit of sacrifice, but the spirit of dedication to learn from the predecessors such as Tian Tian and Zhang Qingtian, who had learned from others and "benefited from the past and benefited from the future".
In 1996, Hebei won the first prize of Lu Xun Literature Award, and the first battle of "Battle in the Depression" was won.
Yao Shanbi has never enjoyed the fame of a professional writer since he was 26 years old. He didn't breathe until he retired at the age of 60. It is not suitable for him to summarize his creative ideas, serve politics, and think independently. Foresight is the business of philosophers and thinkers. Ordinary people inevitably follow the trend. It is not easy to understand and interpret correctly. The theme of writing does not matter whether it is new or old. The important thing is that the thought is deep and shallow, and the image is good or bad. Inspired writing, the pursuit of fashion, not their own strengths. Their advantage is to be close to life and familiar with farmers, and record history with farmers' position and perspective.
I have made up my mind, and the time is running out.
As a result, the Yaoshan Mountain Wall retreated and started the second literary battle of life.
After 20 years of retirement, Yaoshan Cliff has successively published 17 books, including The Old Stories of the People, The Lost Years, The Great Beauty of Yanzhao, The Everlasting Stars, The Green Miracle of Saihanba, The Never Gone Fallen Years, Interesting Europe, The Red Journey of Yanzhao, The Land of Lamentation, The Strolling Europa, The Home of the Crop Yard's Heart, and nearly 200000 words are created every year. His works include a poem and eight essays, including Life of Stone, Mother's River, Drunken Hukou, Tragic Comedy of Haircuts, and Stone Wowo, which were selected into the Chinese textbooks of technical secondary schools and middle schools respectively. The series of Hebei New Period Literature, edited by the chief editor, won the solemn literature award of the Chinese Writers Association in 1990, the Bingxin Children's Literature Award, and the Hebei Provincial Government Book Award; His poetry anthology Selected Lyric Poems on Yaoshan Cliff won the 5th Hebei Literature and Art Revitalization Award in 1991; In 1992, the comment collection "Aesthetic Perception" won the first prize of literary theory in North China; The prose collection "Parents' Heart of Heaven and Earth" won the Hebei Literature and Art Revival Award in 1998, "People's Past" won the fifth Bingxin Prose Award in 2011, and "Lost Years" won the Sanmao Prose Award in 2015; The single essay "Old Date Tree" won the first prize in the global Chinese maternal love theme essay contest in 2010, "Zhu Ziqing's Former Residence" won the first prize in the national essay contest of the Chinese Prose Society in 2013, "My Reading Story" won the special prize in the "My Reading Story" contest of the Propaganda Department of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee in 2014, and won the Outstanding Contribution Award of the Chinese Prose Society in 2015, "A People's History of One Person" In 2016, he won the Chu Jiwang Literature Award of Literature Harbor magazine, and in 2018, Longyao Earthquake Personal Experience won the "Begonia Cup" National Prose Competition Excellence Award to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Zhou Enlai's birth.
Yao Shanbi, who is 82 years old this year, can be said that his life is a pure literary life. Apart from going to school, there are only two working units in one's life. One is Xingtai County Cultural Center, which has been in the countryside for 4 years, and the other is Hebei Writers Association, which has worked for 56 years.
Yaoshan Cliff has developed a belief in literature since childhood, which is true and realistic. There are many people and things that can not be written down in one's life, and it is still on the new long march of literature.
Source: China Writers Network 2021.6.20


Photographed by Liu Wentao, the famous writer Yaoshanbi
When it comes to Yaoshan Wall, it can be said that all generations of Hebei literary circles know it. He is a real veteran of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Provincial Writers' Association. From the "seventeen years" of the last century, the "Cultural Revolution" to the "new era" of all stages, after more than half a century of literary trials and hardships, the ebb and flow, Yaoshan Cliff has always stood in the torrent, he is not only a hard worker of literature, but also a hard gardener in Hebei literature garden.
The mountain wall was originally named Qin Taobin, a villager from Nanwangdian Village, Longyao, Xingtai. The Yaoshan Mountain of Longyao was originally the fief of Yao, so it became the holy mountain of all dynasties. That year Confucius Traveling around the countries, I wet the books and dried them in the south of Yaoshan Mountain to worship Yaoshan. In the sun, there were colorful jade stones of Yaoshan Mountain shining around. Qin Taobin, a young man, was fascinated by this strange image, and wanted to become a piece of jade with Confucius, so he started to call himself Yaoshan Bi. In the era of class struggle, in order to avoid the suspicion of dignity, he changed the jade wall to the earth wall, that is, the Yaoshan wall.
Famous writer Yao Shanbi is teaching prose. Photographed by Liu Wentao
Shanbi was born in an ordinary peasant family. His father joined the Fuxi anti Japanese guerrillas and died heroically. His 26 year old mother took him and his sister to farm and weave for a living. In the hard times, Shanbi finished junior high school, senior high school and university. He studied in Xingtai for six years in middle school. He walked 90 miles from his hometown to the school. I don't know how many times. He developed a pair of 46 yard feet and realized the dream of a great mother in the countryside.
Shanbi began to publish poetry works in newspapers and magazines from the late 1950s to the early 1960s, and was later transferred to the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles to engage in professional creation. Together with Liu Zhang, Lang Bo, Wang Hongtao and others, he became the most influential young poet in Hebei.
The poems on the mountain wall are fresh, vivid, imaginative, and good at comparison. They draw nutrition from folk songs and ballads, create a free style and folk style poetry, express life in a lively and profound way, and leave a unique brand of the times. The great poets Zang Kejia and Guo Xiaochuan praised the poems on the mountain wall, saying that the poems on the mountain wall came from the depths of the land and were wonderful works of folk new literature writing. I think these comments can help us re interpret the early poems on the mountain wall.
Photographed by Liu Wentao, a writer in deep thought
Since the new era, the mountain wall has turned around magnificently, mainly focusing on prose creation, and has successively written famous works such as "Mother's River", "The Tragedy and Comedy of Haircuts", creating another peak of mountain wall literature creation. The prose on the mountain wall still comes from the deep accumulation of life, flowing with the juice of emotional life. In addition, the profound literary foundation of the mountain wall has created a unique charm that is natural, intelligent and accessible.
Writer Yao Shanbi likes calligraphy
In addition to diligent creation, Shanbi is also an outstanding literary organizer and activist. From the 1980s to the middle and late 1990s, he has been the leader of the Provincial Writers Association, and has done something down to earth, which is unforgettable. First, it is worth mentioning that since 1984, Shanbi has personally communicated with Langfang Normal University, Hebei Normal University and Hebei University to jointly run four junior college classes for writers, which enabled more than 170 literary writers from different industries to enter universities for further study, study and obtain diplomas, solving the problem of "changing from agriculture to non agriculture" and "turning to work" for many people. The students of these junior college classes later became the backbone of literary creation in various cities of Hebei, and became the backbone leaders of writers' associations in various cities. In the same period, Shanbi also established the College of Literature and the Writers and Entrepreneurs Association in the Provincial Writers Association, which is also the first in the national literary world and a pioneer. At that time, the Provincial Writers' Association was not set up separately in the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and was restricted by various conditions. However, it was the proud work of Shanbi to preside over the work of the Writers' Association that he did minor things to help organize major events and set up a college class of writers and a college of literary and art.
The mountain wall is gentle, has no airs, and can get down hard. In those years, he ran to the grass roots when he had something to do, and made good connections. So amateur writers from all over the country published books and asked him to write prefaces. He took them seriously, regardless of thickness, distance or proximity. In those years, he wrote hundreds of prefaces for his friends. No one has the patience for this kind of thing, and he has no regrets. The mountain wall cherishes talents. In order to retain the writer Yang Xianhui, he went to Tianjin several times to coordinate with the Daqing River Saltern, but he still didn't retain anyone. Later, Yang Xianhui met Hebei writers and always felt grateful when he mentioned the mountain wall.
Photographed by Liu Wentao, a famous prose writer
As early as the early days of the "Cultural Revolution" in 1966, I met the famous young poet Yao Shanbi. At that time, I was a fan of him. He was tall, big eyes, thick hair, and big sleeves, just like a handsome guy. Later, I was destined to work with him in the same unit and became a friend and colleague. In my mind, the mountain wall is a kind brother, who is humble to me in everything. He is magnanimous, can put things off, calm and calm, and is not surprised. Although Shanbi is easy-going, he is obstinate and determined in nature, and can't stop "making trouble". I remember that in the 1990s, the superior once asked him to write articles for a powerful provincial party secretary, but he flatly refused. Later, he wrote an essay on the matter, entitled "Don't be a bodyguard for corruption". Shao Yanxiang, an old poet in Beijing, read the letter and said there was bone in his article.
The mountain wall is the real son of Yaoshan, and never abandons its grass root nature. He never pursues food, drink and clothing, nor extravagantly desires any famous car luxury house , Cloth clothes and rice, go your own way. In his daily life, he is also careless and informal. His coat is often buttoned wrong. In summer, when he takes a nap in the office, he sees him snoring with books on his back, newspapers on his back, which has been widely reported among friends. The mountain wall is intelligent by nature and is not good at words, but likes to sing in Beijing Opera. He said whether he likes singing or not. His song "The Uprising of Su San" can make all audiences fall for it.
Author Yao Shanbi loves to sing The Resurrection of Su San
Yaoshan Cliff is a three humped camel of arduous literature, one for poetry, one for prose and one for comment. He always keeps running and searching. There was a round of literary sun hanging overhead. From a distance, you could hear his footsteps. Beside him, the colorful stones of Yaoshan are shining

Complete Works

(1) Poetry anthology
Photographed by Liu Wentao, the famous writer Yaoshanbi
1. New Landscape Song
2. The Song of Crossing the River
3. Golden Wing Song
4. Smoke of War, Green Mountains
5. My North
6. Statue of Spring
7. Selected Lyric Poems on Yaoshan Cliff
8. Green Shade and Red Flower, etc
Mother's River
(2) Prose anthology
1. Mother's River
2. Notes on Visiting Soviet Union
3. Landscape Romance
4. Roaming America
5. Leisure Tour
6. Travels Abroad
7. The Heart of Heaven and Earth of Parents
9. Lost Years, etc
(3) Comment set
Yaoshan Cliff
"Enjoying Flowers with Dew"
(4) Script
1. Pulling out the Chicken
2. Cabbage

Publishing books

  • Author name Yaoshan Cliff
    Work time 2005-12-1
    The Journey to Yanzhao: A Hot Land for Elegy is a book published by Hebei Education Press in 2005. The author is Yaoshanbi and Qin Lingyun.
  • Author name Yaoshan Cliff
    Work time 2012-12
    The Collection of Essays on Yaoshan Cliff is a book published by Nanhai Publishing House in 2012. The author is Yaoshan Cliff.
  • Author name Yaoshan Cliff
    Work time 1999-1-1
    The Heart of Heaven and Earth of Parents is a book published by Hebei Education Press and written by Yao Shanbi


Yaoshan Cliff
1. The collection of comments "Perception of Beauty" won the first prize of literary and artistic criticism in North China
2. The poem "Ideal, Never Unemployment" won the outstanding work award of Hebei Provincial Literature and Art Award in 1982
3. Selected Lyric Poems on Yaoshan Cliff won the 5th Literature and Art Promotion Award of Hebei Province
4. The prose "The Tragedy and Comedy of Haircutting" won the second Hebei Provincial Literature and Art Promotion Award
5. Mother's River won the Hebei Province Prose Masterpiece Award
6. "Roaming in America" won the special prize of the first excellent works of tourism literature in China
7. The Heart of Heaven and Earth of Parents won the Hebei Literature and Art Promotion Award
8. Series of Hebei New Period Literature (chief editor) won the 1991 Zhuang Chongwen Literature Award
9. Uphold Tomorrow won Hebei Provincial Government Award and Bingxin Literature Award


Famous writer Yao Shanbi attended the press conference
The prose Hukou Waterfall includes the sixth grade textbooks of Chinese (Hubei Education Press)

Character anecdote

Mao Zhu, a female writer in mainland China
Photographed by famous writer Yaoshan Lan
The real name of the Yao Mountain Wall is Qin Taobin. As Yaoshan Wall often calls itself his pen name, it often forgets what his real name is. So one day, a colleague familiar with Yaoshan Cliff shouted, "Qin Taobin!" Yaoshan Cliff was indifferent and did not know that others were shouting at him. So that the person who is familiar with the Yaoshan Wall called "Yaoshan Wall" instead! Yaoshan Cliff looked back, and in the voice of others' questioning, it was known that Qin Taobin was himself, although his ID card and work card both showed Qin Taobin.
Yaoshan Cliff was the son of a martyr. It was only fourteen days after his father died.
Yaoshan Cliff has never seen his father. For the sake of Yaoshan Cliff, the beautiful mother did not remarry and brought up Yaoshan Cliff alone, which makes the tall and big Yaoshan Cliff have a special sentimentality, and also makes the prose written by Yaoshan Cliff always very touching.
Yaoshan Cliff always said that he was predestined by Buddha. This is not only because he looks like a living Buddha, but also because he has Buddha's big hands, Buddha's big feet, and Buddha's hand prints - broken palms. It is also because Yaoshan Wall was not smart when he was young. No matter what parents and teachers taught Yaoshan Wall, Yaoshan Wall was confused and forgot after reading.
About the year when Yaoshan Cliff was twelve years old, Yaoshan Cliff went to play in Longyao Temple, looking at the giant Buddha without paying attention to the high threshold at the foot, and finally a horse fell on its stomach to the giant Buddha. The fall left a big scar on the head of Yaoshan Cliff.
But it's really strange. Since the fall, Yaoshan Mountain Wall has become very smart. Yaoshan Cliff is no longer the stupid kid who forgot what he learned before, and his academic performance jumped to the top. In this matter, let alone the mother of Yaoshan Cliff, even the teachers and students, all said something strange.

Newspaper Selections

Famous writer Yaoshanbi signs books (1)
Many characters make you romantic
----Read the Lost Years on the wall of Yaoshan Mountain
"Many people are romantic, and the brilliant flowers are picked up". This is how I feel when I read the Lost Years (Huacheng Publishing House), a collection of essays on Yaoshan Cliff. This book records many real people and describes various domestic life styles in the middle of the last century. The characters have their own characteristics in personality and destiny, the life scenes are lifelike, the language is simple and fluent, and the description is vivid. Reading it like a realistic version of "The Picture of the River during the Qingming Festival", I was immediately brought into the changeable years in the middle of the last century.
The Lost Years is divided into four parts: "The fate of the writer", "The tragicomedy of the artist", "The road of the model worker", and "The romance of the common people", with a total of 105 articles. The characters involved in the book include not only the author's own relatives, familiar writers and artists, but also workers, farmers, entrepreneurs and so on.
Before the "Cultural Revolution", Hebei was a strong province in literature, with many famous writers, such as poet Tian Tian, the author of "Red Flag Manual" Liang Bin, the author of "Flaming King Kong" Liu Liu, and the young dead Jia Dashan.
Famous writer Yaoshanbi signs books (2)
In the chapter of "Fang Ji Returns to His Hometown", Fang Ji, the author of "Between Waves of the Hand", was convicted of writing during the "Cultural Revolution" and suffered hardships, but he was forthright. After learning the news of the fall of the Gang of Four, he died of excessive excitement. Zhang Jun, a kind-hearted writer recorded in the book, is enthusiastic about supporting other writers and generous to those who have hurt themselves. Some famous writers from other provinces, such as Zhao Shuli, the representative of the "Yam Egg School", and Yaoshanbi, also had personal contact as "foreign tuners". As for Ma Shengli, a man of mixed reputation, Yaoshan Cliff also has contacts. He classified Ma Shengli into the "Model Worker's Road", recorded Ma Shengli's past glory, and objectively and briefly analyzed the reasons for Ma Shengli's failure.
The Lost Years also depicts the folk customs of urban and rural areas in China in the middle of the last century. For example, there is such a description in the "Chinese Cabbage Complex": "It is a big event to live at home to store Chinese cabbage in winter... Every year when it is frosty, farmers produce vegetables, and carts and small cars send them to the city... Every family carries people to push them home. On the streets and alleys, in the courtyard of their home, Chinese cabbage is piled up like a mountain, which is really a Chinese cabbage festival..." "When the Chinese cabbage harvest fails, the residents will be anxious and queue up to buy it from morning to night; When the harvest came, the vegetable company broke its legs and mobilized to buy patriotic food. "
The text of this book is simple and easy to understand, but the historical data is rich and solid. For example, the term "Shunzhi Provincial Party Committee" appeared in the Ancient Mystery, Uncle and other articles, and I later learned through consulting the materials that "Shunzhi" is a historical place name, roughly equivalent to today's Hebei and Tianjin, Beijing, one province and two cities. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhili Province and Shuntian Prefecture were established here, and since then people have used the term "Shunzhi" to refer to this area. In the 1920s, the Communist Party of China also established "Shunzhi Provincial Party Committee" here.
Famous writer Yaoshanbi signs books (3)
Each article in the book is about one thousand words long, and the character writing technique is mostly line drawing. A thousand words can outline an image with complex experience. Even if it records some important events, it can also be expressed in plain and simple words. The people and events described in the book are basically the author's own experience, which is both literary and historical, and can be called "faithful history". Putting aside the Lost Years, the documentary essays in the book seem to constitute a Chinese style painting in the middle of the last century, which is still playing back in my mind.
Source: People's Daily April 5, 2016 [7] Author: Wu Ruichun

Yaoshanbi Literature Museum

On April 23, 2023, Yaoshanbi Literature Museum will open in Longyao County, Hebei Province [21]
Yaoshanbi Literature Museum will open on April 23, 2023