Small account management fee

Management fees charged for accounts with average daily balance less than a certain amount
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Small account management fee is the bank's target for those Average daily balance Accounts with less than a certain amount charge a certain amount every month Account management fee Generally, each bank has this charging item, and the specific amount is different.
From August 1, 2017 Bank card annual fee Small account management fee Start to cancel and suspend some basic finance of commercial banks service charge [1]
Chinese name
Small account management fee
Minimum deposit
300 yuan
Pay Service
34 items
Cancellation time
August 1, 2017


Small account management fee
The following is the collection standard of small account management fees for some banks:
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Every 3 months Average daily deposit If it is less than 300 yuan, a small account management fee of 1 yuan will be charged every month.
bank for economic construction: savings account Small account management fees may be charged. The charging standard of small account management fees of Shanghai Branch is: RMB personal Current deposit Small account refers to Average daily deposit balance RMB individuals less than 500 yuan (excluding) Current deposit account A small account management fee of 3 yuan is charged every quarter, and the settlement time is on the 20th or 21st of the last month of each quarter.
The so-called daily average Deposit balance Is the daily deposit balance average That is, the daily deposit balance is accumulated by days in the statistical period, and divided by the number of days in the statistical period, it is equal to the daily average deposit balance. Average daily account balance=total daily deposit balance in the statistical period/days in the statistical period.
Since July 1, 2011, controversial small accounts management expense , bill printing fee, password modification and password reset Service Charge 34 bank charges were officially suspended. CBRC People's Bank of China , Country development The Reform Commission jointly issued the Banking financial institutions Exemption service charge (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), requiring banking financial institutions to exempt from RMB as of July 1, 2011 individual account 34 services of 11 categories. The small management fee is stipulated as "signed and issued" Pay on behalf Accounts pension Account, minimum living allowance account, medical insurance account unemployment insurance Accounts Housing provident fund account Annual fee and Account management fee (including small account management fees); " This means that in addition to the above accounts, small account management fees are also charged.

Conditional exemption

according to CBRC According to relevant regulations, from August 1, 2014, these two fees (bank card small account management fee and annual fee) will be "double exempted", but citizens need to hold ID And bank card can be exempted from these two fees only if they apply to the bank outlet actively. Moreover, a bank can only apply for one "double exemption" account. According to the bank staff, the reason why citizens need to apply on their own initiative is that many people have opened multiple accounts in the same bank right to select on one's own , Card Human needs Offer to apply for a free card. When applying, one card can be "double exempted", or the annual fee of one card can be exempted separately and the small account management fee of another card can be exempted. [2]

Opinions of all parties

It is understood that the bank's quarterly deduction of 3 yuan is related to the small account management fee levied by the bank. Bank of China Beijing branch In December 2005, it was announced that from March 20, 2006, Beijing Branch of Bank of China began to open RMB ordinary current deposit accounts with an average daily deposit balance of less than 500 yuan (excluding) and Current all-in-one Account management fee of RMB 3 will be charged quarterly.


The charge is mainly to reduce“ Sleep account
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some Joint-stock bank , relevant staff said that they charged small account management fees mainly for two reasons: first, from the current situation of personal accounts, many "sleep accounts" that have been idle for several years bank account Resources form a huge waste. Enlarged to the whole society, the same customer often opens multiple accounts in different banks, wasting the social Financial accounts resources.
Second, by charging Account management fee The bank hopes that existing idle account customers can effectively merge their own bank accounts, actively strive for customers to merge their assets among banks, and select a bank as their own finance asset management OK, so as to improve the finance of individual customers Financial awareness


Bank charges should be more humanistic
In this regard, some lawyers questioned the bank's behavior of collecting small account management fees, believing that it was suspected of unilateral breach of contract. Xie Ziqi, a lawyer from Guangdong Qunlihong Law Firm, said that the bank did not specify that management fees should be charged for small accounts in the contract for opening accounts for depositors. The bank collects depositors' money in the form of announcement, depending on whether the account opening agreement stipulates that the bank has the right to unilaterally change. Some banks charged management fees without agreement with depositors, which violated contract law
Great Wall Securities Director of Research Institute Xiang Weida He said that although the collection of small account management fees is objectively helpful to reduce "sleep accounts" and save related Financial resources , but not all costs can be paid by customers, and banks should consider Corporate social responsibility
In response to the statement that banks "improve services and save costs", "promote personal finance and reduce invalid and inefficient accounts", relevant experts said that the Internet and Database technology Very developed, banks can solve this problem through technological innovation and other humanized measures. Technically, the workload of managing an account worth 100 yuan is the same as that of managing an account worth 1 million yuan. Why didn't you hear about clearing an account worth 1 million yuan?

Data of each bank


Data 1

Data of small account management fees of banks in Mainland China at the beginning of 2010 (for reference only):
1, ICBC : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 500 yuan
2, the Agricultural Bank of China : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 500 yuan;
3, Jilin Bank : Since September 1, 2009, small account management fees of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged for new accounts less than 100 yuan.
On April 1, 2010, the management fee of small account of Agricultural Bank of Liaoning started to rise. A small account management fee of 6 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 500 yuan;
5, China Construction Bank : The charging object of small account management fee of China Construction Bank is within the statistical period Average daily deposit balance Less than 400 yuan (exclusive) RMB personal Current deposit account (including Long term fixed account , excluding Semi Credit Card and debit card Account), 3 yuan per account per quarter, Quarterly collect;
,6, Bank of China Average daily balance A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 300 yuan; If the day Account balance 600, then counted as two days.
,7, Bank of Communications : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 500 yuan; (Bank of Communications Debit Card No small account management fee)
8 Guangdong Rural Credit Union: small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter (for passbook Collection, free of charge for debit card)
9, Postal Savings Bank of China : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 100 yuan

Data 2

China Minsheng Bank Shenzhen City A one-time small account management fee of 36 yuan/year will be collected if it is less than 5000 yuan (5000 yuan);
China Everbright Bank : No small account management fee;
CITIC Bank : No small account management fee;
Huaxia Bank : No small account management fee;
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank : No small account management fee;
Industrial Bank : RMB personal current deposit accounts with an average daily balance of less than 300 yuan (inclusive) within 3 months after opening an account for 3 months will be charged 3 yuan/quarter, and accounts with an average daily balance of more than 300 yuan within 3 months will not be charged. There is no charge for accounts opened for less than 3 months. Accounts with designated functions are free of charge.
China Merchants Bank : A small account management fee of 1 yuan/month will be charged if the average daily deposit balance is less than 10000 yuan (10000 yuan); (February 2012), 3 yuan/month in Shenzhen and Chongqing; Qingdao Branch 5 yuan/month.
Shenzhen Development Bank : Small account of 3 yuan/quarter/person will be charged for personal comprehensive quarterly average assets<1000 yuan management expense
Guangdong Development Bank : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if the average daily deposit balance is less than 500 yuan;
Bohai Bank : No small account management fee;
Hengfeng Bank : No small account management fee;
Zheshang Bank : No small account management fee;
Bank of Nanjing : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if the average daily deposit balance is less than 300 yuan;
Bank of Beijing : No small account management fee;
Bank of Shanghai : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 300 yuan;
Bank of Tianjin : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if it is less than 300 yuan.
Ping An Bank : If the daily average balance of the account is less than 1000 yuan, 2 yuan/month will be charged Account management fee [3]
Bank of Jiangsu : A small account management fee of 3 yuan/quarter will be charged if the average daily deposit balance is less than 300 yuan.
Huarong Xiangjiang Bank : No small account management fee is charged.
Jiujiang Bank Lushanka : No small account management fee is charged.