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Seek time

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Seek time
Average seek time It means that after receiving the system command, the MO magnetic disc drive moves the head from the beginning to the data location Track The average time required. It refers to the time required for the computer to send an addressing command until the corresponding target data is found. The unit is milliseconds (ms).
It refers to the time required for the head to move to the track where the data is located. In different head scheduling algorithms, there are different seek times. [1]
Chinese name
Seek time
Head moves to data Track Average time of
Mainly refers to
Average seek time
Measure MO magneto disk drive
Computer operating system


The seek time here mainly refers to Average seek time , which is an important parameter to measure MO magneto-optical disk drive. The smaller the value, the better the performance.


Average seek time In fact, the rotation speed of MO magneto-optical disk drive Disk capacity As a parameter determined by multiple factors, the faster the rotating speed of MO magneto-optical disk drive is, the larger the disk area that the head can scan in unit time will be; On the other hand, the higher the disk capacity of MO magneto-optical disk drives, the higher the data recording density, and the smaller the disk area that the head needs to scan when reading and writing data of the same capacity, thus reducing the average seek time and improving the performance of MO magneto-optical disk drives. We often use it to describe the ability of hard disk to read data. Average seek time The smaller the size, the faster the hard disk will run.

Seek time

General hard disk Average seek time Within 7.5~14ms.

Disk Scheduling

Disk address: set number+ Cylinder No +Panel number+sector number. [1]
The time required to read and write the disk information once can be divided into: seek time delay time , transmission time. [1]
In order to improve the disk transmission efficiency, the software should focus on reducing seek time and delay time. [1]

Ways to reduce seek time

Reducing seek time is the key to improving disk transmission efficiency. Because the "seek time" is on the order of tens of milliseconds. The disk driver of the operating system can reduce the average service time of the disk by reasonably scheduling the access request sequence of multiple processes to the disk. [1]