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Chabei District

Administrative regions under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province
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In 1949, Chabei District was set up, which was stationed in Zhangbei County. It has jurisdiction over 8 counties, including Zhangbei, Kangbao, Baoyuan (merged with Baochang and Guyuan), Duolun, Chongli (in Taipingzhuang), Shangyi, Shangdu and Huade.
Chinese name
Chabei District
Time of establishment
In 1950, Baoyuan County was abolished and Baochang County and Guyuan County were restored. Baochang County, Huade County and Duolun County are under the jurisdiction of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Chabei District governs 6 counties.
In 1952, Chabei Special Area was under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province.