
[sù mìng lùn]
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"Su" refers to the old and past meaning, while "Ming" refers to the living ability of animals and plants.
Northern Zhou Dynasty "Buxuci" by Anonymous: "Destiny accumulates good fortune, and hearing the scriptures is like a jade". In ancient times, it is used to mean that people's wealth and longevity are limited by certain experiences, and only by obeying the arrangement of God can people accumulate blessings and eliminate disasters. Destiny in ancient China has the saying that "life and death have a destiny" and "wealth and honour are in heaven". stay ancient Greek Rome There is also the idea of "obeying fate".
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The concept of fatalism is very common. No matter at all times and in all countries, people are constantly trying to unlock the mysteries of life, or find out the meaning of certain things. The historian Helmer Lingren said: "It seems that people regard things as being caused by a certain force, naturally occurring, or purely accidental, and then people add" God "," destiny "or" opportunity "to it." In human history, beliefs, legends and myths related to fate are often everywhere.
Assyria The scientist Jean Botero said:“ modern culture In all aspects Mesopotamia " He also said that in ancient Mesopotamia or Babylon People can find "the earliest human reaction and view to supernatural things, as well as the oldest recognizable religious framework". The idea of fate also comes from this place.

Origin of argument

Fatalism is a kind of world view that has existed for a long time. It originated from Mesopotamia , Egypt, etc Oriental Culture At that time, human beings felt the changes of heaven and the world, and felt that there were some inevitable certainties. This thought of the eastern nether world spread to Greece Later, become Greek philosophy One of the Aryan Bring it to India, plus India already has it Vedic period The discussion on the phenomenon of predestination in India has become an important school of philosophy in the Indian ideological trend, that is, what we call fatalism. The most important theory of fatalism is that there are some fixed numbers in many mysterious changes of human destiny, which can also be called the fixed numbers of the law of necessity.