Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County

Autonomous County under Chengde City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County, Hebei Province Chengde City It governs an autonomous county, named after "Kuanheyi was set up in the Yuan Dynasty and Kuanhe City was built in the Ming Dynasty". It was founded in 1963 and Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County was founded in 1989. It is located in Hebei Province Northeast, southeast of Chengde, east of Liaoning Province Lingyuan Hebei Province Qinhuangdao City Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County Bordering to the west Xinglong County Neighboring, north and Pingquan City and Chengde County Connected, separated in the south the Great Wall And Tangshan City Adjacent. The county covers an area of 1933 square kilometers. [10] The county has jurisdiction over 10 towns and 8 townships. [25-26] As of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of the whole county is 240600 (the seventh census). [11]
Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County has four scenic spots, namely, Dushan Snow, Wanta Yellow Cliff, Single Tree Fairy Bridge and Fish Scales Folding Brocade, among the "Eight Outlets" in the Qing Dynasty. Panlong Lake outside the Great Wall It is a national scenic spot, Dushan is a provincial nature reserve, Thousand Crane Valley is a provincial bird nature reserve, and Wanta Huangya Temple was in the Liao and Jin Dynasties Chinese Buddhism Sanctum. In 2013, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County was rated as an advanced county in economic development in Hebei Province“ Hometown of Chinese Chestnut ”"Hometown of Silkworm in Hebei". In July 2020, the National Health Care Association confirmed Kuancheng as a national health county in 2019. [1] In March 2021, it was awarded as an advanced county (city, district) for village cleaning action in Hebei Province in 2020.
In 2020, the GDP of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will reach 15.71 billion yuan, an increase of 0.6% over the previous year. [12]
Chinese name
Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County
Foreign name
Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County
area number
one hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven
Administrative Region Category
autonomous county
Chengde City, Hebei Province, China [10]
geographical position
Hebei Province Chengde City southeast
1933 km² [10]
Area under jurisdiction
10 towns and 8 townships
Government residence
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Temperate monsoon climate
population size
240600 [11] (The seventh census of permanent population by the end of 2020)
License plate code
Ji H
15.71 billion yuan (2020)

Historical evolution

Sui Dynasty Liaoxi County
In the Tang Dynasty Raole Dudu Mansion have jurisdiction over.
In the Ming Dynasty, Kuanhe guarded thousands of households, belonging to Beiping Mansion have jurisdiction over.
In 1933, Kuancheng was occupied by the Japanese army and became a part of the Manchukuo The last piece of territory.
Kuancheng County was established in 1963.
In 1989, the Manchu Autonomous County was established with the approval of the State Council.

administrative division


Population and nationality

By the end of 2020, the total registered population will reach 260159, down 1.1% from the previous year. Among them, the urban population is 97892, and the rural population is 162357; The total number of households in the county is 78991, and the birth rate is 8.33 ‰, down 1.34 thousandths points from the previous year; The natural population growth rate was 4.44 ‰, a decrease of 0.01 ‰ over the previous year. [12]
As of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, according to the results of the seventh census of Chengde City, the population of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County is announced as follows: [11]
1、 Total population and distribution
The permanent population of Kuancheng County is 240579, a decrease of 9725 people or 3.9% compared with 250304 people in the sixth national population census in 2010.
Situation by township 111414 people in Kuancheng Town, 19254 people in Yuerya Town, 16924 people in Bancheng Town, 14616 people in Longxumen Town, 13126 people in Tangdaohe Town, 11668 people in Nianziyu Town, 6926 people in Huapi Liuzi Town, 5760 people in Huajian Township, 5408 people in Xiluotai Town, 5073 people in Liangjiatai Town, 4990 people in Songling Town, 4608 people in Mengziling Township, 4542 people in Donghuanghuachuan Township, 4324 people in Dashizhou Township, 4271 people in Weizigou Township, There are 3440 people in Dazigou Township, 3422 people in Tashan Township and 813 people in Dushigou Township.
2、 Household composition
There are 82563 family households and 1851 collective households in the county. The family population is 232173, and the collective population is 8406. The average population of each household is 2.81, 0.62 fewer than the sixth national population census in 2010.
3、 Gender composition
Among the population of the county, there are 124344 males, accounting for 51.69%; The female population is 116235, accounting for 48.31%. The gender ratio of the total population (100 women, male to female ratio) was 106.98, down 4.34 percentage points compared with the sixth national population census in 2010.
4、 Age composition
Among the population of the county, 51778 people aged 0-14, accounting for 21.5%; 140451 people aged 15-59, accounting for 58.4%; There are 48350 people aged 60 and above, accounting for 20.1%, including 30826 people aged 65 and above, accounting for 12.8%. Compared with the sixth national population census, the proportion of people aged 0-14 increased by 3.2 percentage points, the proportion of people aged 15-59 decreased by 12 percentage points, the proportion of people aged 60 and above increased by 8.9 percentage points, and the proportion of people aged 65 and above decreased by 6 percentage points.
5、 Education
Among the population of the whole county, 23836 people have college education or above; The population with high school (including technical secondary school) education level is 28028; The population with junior high school education is 90994; The population with primary education level is 71402 (the people with various educational levels above include graduates, dropouts and students in various schools). Compared with the sixth national census in 2010, the number of people with college education increased from 13914 to 23836; The number of people with high school education decreased from 27591 to 28028; The number of people with junior high school education decreased from 99870 to 90994; The number of people with primary school education decreased from 75379 to 71402.
6、 Illiterate population
Among the population of the county, 7759 are illiterate (illiterate people aged 15 and above). Compared with the sixth national population census in 2010, the illiterate population decreased by 859, and the illiteracy rate decreased from 4.21% to 4.11%, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points.
7、 Urban and rural population
Among the county population, 140890 people live in cities and towns, accounting for 58.6%; The population living in the countryside is 99689, accounting for 41.4%. Compared with the sixth national population census in 2010, the urban population increased by 51022, the rural population decreased by 60747, and the proportion of urban population increased by 5.5 percentage points.
8、 Floating population
There are 68154 floating population in the county, including 64059 floating population in the province and 4095 floating population outside the province. Compared with the sixth national population census, the floating population increased by 41081, or 51.8%; The floating population in the province increased by 41511, an increase of 184.1%; The floating population outside the province decreased by 430, or 9.5%.
According to the seventh census bulletin of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County, there are 35 ethnic groups in the county. Among them, Manchu 188613, accounting for 78.4%; Han nationality 50067, accounting for 20.8%; Mongolian 964, accounting for 0.4%. [11]

natural environment


Location context

Kuancheng is located in the northeast of Hebei Province, Chengde City In the southeast, it is near Beijing and Tianjin in the west and Bohai Sea in the east. The geographical location is between 40 ° 17 min to 40 ° 45 min north latitude and 118 ° 10 min to 119 ° 10 min east longitude. County seat distance Beijing 251 km, Tianjin 296 km, Chengde 85 km. The county covers an area of 1933 square kilometers. [10]
Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County Government

topographic features

Kuancheng is located Yanshan Mountain Range In the east, the whole county is in natural terrain, with an average altitude of 300-400 meters, and Dushan Mountain, 1846 meters above sea level, is the highest point.


Kuancheng County belongs to warm temperate semi-arid and semi humid continental monsoon type Yanshan Mountain climate It is characterized by four distinct seasons, hot and rainy in the same season, hot and rainy in summer, moderate cold and warm in spring, high and cool in autumn, and cold and little snow in winter. The annual average temperature is 8.6 ℃, the frost free period is 150-175 days, the sunlight is sufficient, and the temperature difference between day and night is large.


There are many rivers in Kuancheng County Puhe River Luanhe River Qinglong River Long River It is the mainstream and runs through the whole county. The total drainage area is 66452.1 hectares, accounting for 34% of the total area of the county.


The Kuancheng soil texture is loose and the pH value is moderate, and the PH value is in the range of 6.5-7.5 Cinnamon soil Mainly.

natural resources


water resource

By the end of 2010, the average annual runoff of rivers in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County was 307 million cubic meters. The groundwater quality is good, and it was tested to be《 Groundwater quality standard 》The Class III standard in GB/T14848-93 can meet the standards and demands for industrial, agricultural and domestic water. The water supply of the whole county is 39.3 million cubic meters.

Biological resources

By the end of 2010, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County had 1.8 million mu of forest land, 2.7 million cubic meters of standing trees, and 62% of forest coverage.
By the end of 2010, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County had more than 750 kinds of wild animals and plants. Wild animals leopard Qingyang , badger pheasant , Fox Roe deer Etc, Wild plant yes Almond Jujube stone , mushrooms, kiwifruit and Vitis amurensis Etc.

mineral resources

Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County's mineral resources mainly include gold iron coal kaolin 35 kinds of minerals, 16 kinds of minerals with proven reserves as of 2013, 15 kinds of minerals developed and utilized, and 30 tons of proven gold reserves, mainly distributed in Yu'erya and Huajian. The reserves of iron ore are 2.8 billion tons, of which the reserves of vanadium and titanium ore are 2.639 billion tons, mainly distributed in Gushanzi Xiaoxindian, Liangjiatai Dongchuan, accounting for more than 35% of the total reserves of Chengde City, with an average grade of 18%; high quality limestone (cement, ash making, flux limestone) 1 billion tons, with CaO content of 48-51%, mainly distributed in Laoliangzi, Longxumen; Dolostone 300 million tons, mainly distributed under the willows at Longxumen; 2.57 million tons of coal ( Gas fat coal , tank kiln ditch is coking coal ); The ceramsite shale is more than 300 million cubic meters (720 million tons), mainly distributed in the Mengziling Bancheng area; 75000 tons of fluorite, mainly distributed in collapsed mountains; feldspar 545000 tons, mainly distributed in Huajian; Diopside 897000 tons, mainly distributed in big stone pillars; 1.5 million tons of zeolite is mainly distributed in Tashan; Glass use quartz 105000 tons, mainly distributed in Huajian; kaolin 1028000 tons, mainly distributed in peeling.


In 2020, the GDP of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will reach 15.71 billion yuan, an increase of 0.6% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 2.17 billion yuan, up 4%; The added value of the secondary industry was 6.98 billion yuan, up - 2.5%; The tertiary industry realized an added value of 6.55 billion yuan, up 3.6%. The proportion of the three industries was 13.9:44.4:41.7. The primary industry increased by 0.9 percentage points over the previous year, while the secondary and tertiary industries decreased by 0.7 and 0.2 percentage points respectively. [12]
In 2020, the total financial revenue of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will be 2759.59 million yuan, an increase of 2% over the previous year. The local general budget revenue was 116.194 million yuan, up 6.4% year on year. Local general budget expenditure was 2642.14 million yuan, up 17.3% year on year. [12]
In 2020, the private economy in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will achieve an added value of 11.59 billion yuan, an increase of 1.6% over the previous year; It accounts for 73.76% of the county's GDP. The paid in tax of private economy was 2.58 billion yuan, an increase of 0.5% over the previous year, accounting for 93.44% of the total financial revenue; 62900 people were employed, down 9.6%. The proportion of private economy employees in the second and third industries of the whole society is 76.57%. [12]
In 2020, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will complete 3.86 billion yuan of fixed asset investment, a decrease of 1.8% over the previous year. The investment in fixed assets (excluding farmers, the same below) was 3.86 billion yuan, up 2% over the previous year. In the investment in fixed assets (excluding farmers), the primary industry invested 1 billion yuan. The investment in the secondary industry was 1.35 billion yuan, down 21.7% year on year; The tertiary industry invested 2.51 billion yuan, up 21.9% year on year. [12]
In 2020, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will be 36506 yuan, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year. The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 15452 yuan, an increase of 8.7% over the previous year. The urban registered unemployment rate was 4.4%, 0.88 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. [12]

primary industry

In 2020, the total planting area of crops in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will be 227802 mu, an increase of 4.9%. The sown area of grain crops was 177342 mu, an increase of 8712 mu or 5.2% over the previous year; The total grain output was 58085 tons, an increase of 6.8% over the previous year. The sown area of vegetable crops was 31590 mu, an increase of 1635 mu, or 5.5%; The output of vegetables was 166437 tons, up 5.6% over the previous year. The output of edible fungi (dry and fresh mixed) was 38370 tons, up 3%; The oil planting area was 6630 mu, decreased by 675 mu, and the total output was 1200 tons, up 1.9%. The output of garden fruits was 47577 tons, down 2.1%; The dry fruit output was 45255 tons, up 5%; The output of Chinese chestnut was 42035 tons, up 5.1%. In the whole year, 19000 mu of forestation area was completed, down 47.2% year on year; Among them, 19000 mu were planted, down 9.5%. [12]
In 2020, the total meat output of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will be 17503 tons, down 6.2% over the previous year. Among them, the output of pork was 12257 tons, down 5.2% over the previous year; The beef output was 969 tons, down 0.4% over the previous year; The mutton output was 1860 tons, up 0.1%. At the end of the year, 153900 pigs were sold, down 6.3%; The output of poultry eggs was 8301 tons, up 9.3%. The output of aquatic products was 620 tons, up 1.6%. [12]
In 2020, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will be 3.235 billion yuan, an increase of 4.4%. The agricultural output value was 1.798 billion yuan, up 2.28%; The forestry output value was 292 million yuan, up 22.8%; The output value of animal husbandry was 969 million yuan, up 3.5%; The fishery output value was RMB 0.949 billion, up 2.28%. The added value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was 2.258 billion yuan, up 4.1%. The total amount of agricultural industrialization was 2.806 billion yuan, and the rate of agricultural industrialization reached 72.7%, an increase of 1.04 percentage points over the previous year. [12]

the secondary industry

In 2020, the total industrial added value of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will reach 6.33 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.8% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of industries above designated size was 6.29 billion yuan, up 1.5% over the previous year. Among industries above designated size, the added value of the two pillar industries accounted for 87.4% of the added value of industries above designated size. The added value of iron ore mining and dressing industry was 3.33 billion yuan, up 17%, and that of ferrous metal smelting and calendering industry was 2.17 billion yuan, down 16.5%. The main business income of industries above designated size was 27.25 billion yuan, an increase of 14.2% over the previous year; Profits and taxes reached 3.54 billion yuan, up 53.2% year on year. The total profit was 2.24 billion yuan, up 82.1% year on year. [12]
In 2020, the construction industry in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will achieve an added value of 660 million yuan, an increase of 1.5% over the previous year. There are 9 construction enterprises above the qualification level in the county, with an output value of 720 million yuan. The building construction area of construction enterprises above the qualification level was 364000 square meters throughout the year. [12]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2020, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will reach 4.3 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.7% over the previous year. According to the location of the sales unit, the retail sales of urban consumer goods reached 2.59 billion yuan, up 7.9%; Retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 1.71 billion yuan, down 15.3%. By consumption pattern: retail sales of catering industry reached 640 million yuan, down 2.3%; The retail sales of the retail industry reached 3.66 billion yuan, down 9.9%. [12]
In 2020, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will complete 166.77 million yuan of postal and telecommunications services, a decrease of 4.2% over the previous year. Among them, the total amount of postal services was 9.02 million, down 1.5%; The telecom business volume was 157.75 million yuan, down 4.3%. At the end of the year, there were 279885 mobile phone users, up 1.4%. 10691 local fixed telephone subscribers, down 14.3%. The number of Internet users in the county reached 72255, an increase of 12.6%. The county received 1.266 million tourists both inside and outside the mirror, down 36.3% from the previous year. The total tourism revenue of the whole year was 920 million yuan, down 42.1%. [12]
In 2020, the deposit balance of all financial institutions in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will be 29.16 billion yuan, up 19% year on year. Of which, the balance of personal savings deposits was 22.85 billion yuan, up 13.5% year on year; Deposits of non-financial enterprises reached 4.89 billion yuan, up 13.5% year on year. The balance of various loans was 19.01 billion yuan, up 2.2% year on year. Among them, household loans reached 6.21 billion yuan, up 4.5% year on year; Unit loans reached 12.81 billion yuan, up 1.2% year on year. [12]
In 2020, the premium income of insurance institutions in Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County will be 254.96 million yuan, up 3.8% year on year. Of which, the premium income of property insurance was RMB10020000, up 10.2% year on year; The life insurance premium income was 154.94 million yuan, up 0.1% year on year. Compensation payment was 123.22 million yuan, up 93.3% year on year. Including 50 million yuan of compensation for property insurance, up 30.4% year on year; Life insurance compensation payment was 73.22 million yuan, up 188.3% year on year. [12]


Leaders of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County
full name
County Party Committee
Zhang Cheng
Deputy Secretary
Gao Chunlin, Wang Meng
member of the standing committee
Yang Guizhen, Qi Hongyan, Fang Kun, Wang Yidong, Yang Ruixin, Ye Zhiwu, Li Changshong, Yu Jianlong
County People's Congress
Director of the Standing Committee
Wang Yanming
Deputy Director of the Standing Committee
Liu Ruixue, Zhang Zhimin, Li Cong, Xu Qingfeng
County government
county magistrate
Deputy magistrate
Ye Zhiwu, Fang Kun, Liu Jingtian, Li Manshun, Zhuang Weiwei, Xiang Chao, Zhang Xudong, Li Xin
County CPPCC
vice president
Feng Liwen, Zhang Heli, Wang Tingbing, Pei Xibin
County Supervision Committee
Liu Changxi
County People's Court
Lv Yongxin
County People's Procuratorate
Prosecutor General
Ding Honglin
As of January 2024, reference sources: [13-16] [18-24] [27]


Kuancheng Road
Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County is located in Chengde City qinghuangdao City, Tangshan City, Liaoning Province Chaoyang City At the junction of four cities, it is located in the hinterland of Bohai Rim and Beijing Tianjin Economic Circle. Chengqin Sea Highway, Beiling Highway, Pingqingle Highway and Pingtie Highway are connected vertically and horizontally; Chengqin Expressway The whole line is connected. After the operation of Beijing Kuancheng bus, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County is integrated into the 1-3 hour traffic circle of Beijing Tianjin, Tang Qin and other large and medium-sized cities.
By the end of 2020, the total mileage of roads open to traffic in the county has reached 1513.7 kilometers (including village roads), 3.5 kilometers less than the previous year. Among them, 214.8 kilometers are national and provincial roads, 195.7 kilometers are county roads, and 1103.1 kilometers are rural roads. [12]

social undertakings


Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2020, the county has 11 art performance groups, 1 cultural center, 18 cultural stations, 1 cultural relics museum, 1 library, and 2 cinemas. The number of cable TV users reached 26000, and the comprehensive coverage rate of radio and television was 93%. [12]


By the end of 2020, the county has 37 schools with 40312 students, an increase of 1.8% over the previous year. Among them, there were 5540 high school students, up 9.1% over the same period; 10961 junior high school students, up 5.2%; There were 23811 primary school students, down 1.3%. [12]

medical and health work

By the end of 2020, there are 355 health institutions in the county; There are 1464 beds and 1731 health workers. Among them, 271 technicians and 611 doctors; 18 township level hospitals, 375 beds and 238 health workers; There are 204 village clinics and 124 other clinics. [12]

social security

In 2020, 51645 people in the county will participate in the basic endowment insurance for urban employees, with a year-on-year growth of 6.5%; 121245 people participated in urban and rural basic endowment insurance, up 0.01% year on year; 30810 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban employees, up 5.1% year on year; 209506 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, down 0.8% year on year; 25750 people participated in unemployment insurance, up 43.5% year on year. The total population of minimum living security is 15769. Among them, there are 1755 urban residents with minimum living security and 14014 rural residents with minimum living security. [12]

famous scenery

Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County places of historic figures and cultural heritage Liao and Jin Dynasties Chinese Buddhism The ruins of "Wanta Huangya Temple", the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, and the water conservancy and hydropower projects in North China—— panjiakou reservoir Impounded Panlong Lake Known as "Guilin beyond the Great Wall", Dushan, the second main peak in the east of Yanshan, has Oyama Magnolia And other rare flowers and trees, Qianhe Mountain It is a provincial bird nature reserve, Xifengkou Yes《 Dadao March 》The birthplace of Wangchanggou was once the command center of the Anti Japanese War in eastern Hebei and southern Hebei. [25-26] Wanta Huangya Temple is a temple built for nomads to worship the settled ethnic groups Grand Buddhist Temple It is the only place for Chinese Buddhism activities other than Tibetan Buddhism activities. Other scenic spots include Tashan Qinghekou, Puhekou, Tashan Xiantai Mountain, and Dashi Zhuzhu Yulin Mountain.

Customs and customs


Intangible cultural heritage

Wide City Back Pole ”Commonly known as "Back Song", it began in the Qing Dynasty Guangxu reign period During this period, he was particularly famous for his exquisite props and exquisite workmanship. In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage.
The "Wide City Back Pole" is divided into single frame, double frame and three frames. During the performance, an adult man was carrying several twisting children. The whole back pole was 3-4 meters high, with an average weight of about 27 kg. A good back arm can carry more than 200 kg of weight at most, supporting three or four twisting children.
"Kuancheng Back Pole" is based on classical drama and is a combination of classical opera and folk art. The props are finely made, and the upper and lower corners are bound with great care. The upper and lower corners are traditional opera costumes, and many props are handed down from ancestors.
The scene of "Kuancheng Backing the Pole" is grand. During the performance, two pairs of dragon and phoenix flags and a pair of yellow gongs and umbrellas opened in front of each other. The red vertical under the yellow gongs and umbrellas is printed with the names of the meeting head, heritage artists and thirteen performers carrying songs. All the "Kuancheng Backing Pole" projects have 13 projects, including "Ma Rui Xianshou", "Pai Fen Ma", "Blood Handprint", "Suo Liang Deng Dian", and "Huo Dong Tian". [3]

festival celebration

Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County has had the custom of celebrating the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month since ancient times. From the 13th to the 16th day of the first month, dozens of stilts Dryboat dragon lantern Wait for the flower party, sing and dance together. [3]

Local specialty

Red Star Apple: The largest red star apple can reach three or four hundred grams. The ripe apple is red and has a strong fragrance. Red Star Apple was first introduced from the United States in the early 1960s. In 1993, it was selected as the designated fruit for the Asian Games; In 1995, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County was designated by the government as one of the "eight dragons" of the county's agricultural development; In 1996, at the International Fruit Expo held in Beijing, it won two awards: "High quality product" and "Chinese famous fruit"; In 1997, it was rated as "Chinese Famous Fruit" by China Fruit Circulation Association.
Kuancheng Chestnut : Kuancheng is Hometown of Chinese Chestnut It has a history of more than 2000 years of chestnut cultivation. As early as the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, Kuancheng Chestnut It was transferred to Tangshan via Qianxi and sold overseas through Tianjin Port. Kuancheng's climate characteristics of "four distinct seasons, distinct temperature difference, and rainy and hot seasons", and the natural conditions of "sufficient sunlight, loose soil, and rich soil trace elements", make Kuancheng's chestnut have a unique quality of "uniform fruit, bright peel, golden flesh, lingering entrance, clamorous pine, moderate sweetness, and aftertaste", In the international chestnut market, it has a good reputation of "Chinese chestnut in Hebei, Hebei chestnut in Kuancheng". Kuancheng produces more than 1000 tons of "century old golden chestnuts" from more than 100000 ancient trees with a history of more than 100 years.

Famous people

The famous figures of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County are: Zheng Baosen Wang Xin'an Talent and profit People Yuan Ruiliang Liu Guichuan A distant view Geng Yuting Zhu Changsheng Li Baochen Yang Xiaocun Yang Xiaogang , Ji Xiuchun, Zhang Huanyu, Li Guichuan, Ma Xiaobing Chen Limin Yang Yong, Fu Yimin, Liu Baotuan Gao Chun Hou Yongshu Sun Yulian Zhang Yuzhen, Xiao Guoqing, Wang Lihua, Liu Li Ma Fu Yao Naisheng, Jin Tianbin Liu Fengyu Pei Fugang, Zheng Lianyu Yang Shuyi Xushan Wang Junyun, Chen Zhiman, Gong Peihai Zhang Xixian Liu Changyu , Golden Crane Dance, Weng Yimin Xu Rongdong Zhou Lianchun Etc. [26]

Honorary title

In 2007, Kuancheng County was selected as one of the first national food safety demonstration counties. [2]
In February 2020, Kuancheng County was selected as one of China's top 100 counties and cities in food safety in 2020. [4]
In June 2020, Kuancheng County was selected into the second batch of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization areas and counties. [5]
In July 2020, the National Health Care Association confirmed Kuancheng as a national health county in 2019. [1]
In November 2020, Kuancheng County was selected into the third batch of counties (districts) meeting the standard of water-saving society construction. [6]
In December 2020, Kuancheng County was awarded the title of "The Second Civilized County in Hebei Province". [7]
In March 2021, Kuancheng County was awarded as an advanced county (city, district) for village cleaning action in Hebei Province in 2020. [8]
In March 2022, Kuancheng County was included in the list of advanced counties for village cleaning action in Hebei Province in 2021. [17]