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Laboratory construction

engineering construction
Laboratory construction includes updating technology and equipment, increasing researchers and improving the ability of existing researchers. laboratory build The principle is to meet the needs of optimization and daily management of the laboratory work process. The design mainly considers the technological process of the laboratory, the location selection of special laboratories and functional rooms, the specific environment of the upper and lower floors of the building, the building structure and other factors.
Chinese name
Laboratory construction
Rely on the national appropriation
Key laboratory
Scientific research funding support

content validity

In recent years, the laboratory construction mainly depends on the state funding. Because of the slow development of science and technology, the state put forward the problem of laboratory construction, and thus established key state laboratories The laboratory construction also mainly refers to the national scientific research funding support for these laboratories.

Decoration design

The overall design is based on elegant and fresh colors, which is simple, natural, fashionable and high-end. It can not only reflect the functional requirements of modern laboratories, but also greatly meet the specifications of ergonomics. In the laboratory function partition, the load bearing of the building floor should be reduced as much as possible. The partition in the laboratory should use light partition walls, and different materials should be used according to different laboratories.
Ceiling: aluminum gusset plate ceiling of keel support that is not dust collecting and easy to fall off is used for ceiling of general laboratory. Some instruments need to be silenced, and the ceiling should be silenced. The embedded dust-proof lamp panel 30Wx3 is used for lighting. The illumination in the working area is>450Lux, and the illumination in the walkway is>200Lux.
Laboratory noise: according to OSHA and ADA specifications, the noise in the laboratory shall not be higher than 60 decibels. Consider the room of liquid quality and gas quality scanning electron microscope.
Laboratory floor: for washing room, high temperature room, gas cylinder room, mercury laboratory Constant temperature and humidity laboratory Different types of laboratories, such as clean laboratories and large instrument rooms, need to adopt different ground treatment methods.
In addition, for example Biosafety laboratory The decoration of special laboratories such as constant temperature and humidity laboratories should comply with relevant technical specifications.

Power distribution engineering design

The power distribution project of the laboratory is designed by professional designers based on the specific requirements of experimental instruments and equipment and comprehensive factors, which is very different from ordinary buildings. Because the requirements of laboratory instruments and equipment on the circuit are complex, which is not what people usually think, as long as they meet the requirements of maximum voltage and maximum power. In fact, many instruments and equipment have special requirements for circuits (such as electrostatic grounding, power off protection, etc.).
In the process of project construction, it was found that most users did not fully consider the special requirements of laboratory power consumption at the initial stage of laboratory design and construction, and even some users and design units thought that the power consumption of laboratories was similar to that of general offices. This has brought a lot of trouble to the later operation of the laboratory.
For the design of the power distribution project, not only the existing instruments and equipment, but also the development plan of the laboratory for several years should be considered. Fully consider the reservation of power distribution project and future circuit maintenance.

Air conditioning system design

The calculation parameters of the summer air conditioning room in the general laboratory are: the temperature is 26~28 ℃, and the relative humidity is less than 65%. The calculation parameters in the air conditioning room of the special laboratory shall be determined according to the process requirements. The main function of the air conditioning system is to control the temperature and humidity of the laboratory. Only when the air conditioning system cooperates with the laboratory ventilation system can the effective control of temperature, humidity and room pressure in the laboratory be truly ensured. In a word, the requirements for air conditioning systems in laboratories are different from those in ordinary offices or public areas.

Fire fighting system design

The laboratory is a special environment, and the requirements for fire protection are much higher than those of ordinary office buildings. The laboratory designer shall take different fire protection measures to ensure the fire safety of the laboratory according to the specific conditions of the laboratory (equipment investment and process characteristics, experimental process requirements, types of stored samples and reagents, characteristics of laboratory buildings, etc.).

Water supply and drainage system design

Water supply system Selection: according to the requirements of water quality, water temperature, water pressure and quantity for scientific research, production, living, fire protection and other aspects, combined with factors such as outdoor water supply system, and determined from the perspective of technical and economic indicators. Water quota, water pressure, water quality, water temperature and water use conditions shall be determined according to process requirements. The water pipe is laid under the floor by the civil engineering party through the embedded pipe and led to the designated position of the central console; For the side abutment, the water pipe shall be buried in the wall by the civil engineering party and led to the designated position. Other work shall be completed by the laboratory construction unit.
Pure water system: water quality meets GB/T6682-1992《 Specification and test method of water for analytical laboratory 》The requirements for secondary water are specified in. Pure water system, resistivity ≥ 5M Ω· cm. Ultra pure water quality requirements: resistivity ≥ 18.2M Ω· cm, 25 ℃. In addition, the pipeline transportation of pure water should also meet the requirements of relevant standards.

Gas cylinder room design

Laboratory gas use is dangerous and complex. For different laboratories, special consideration should be given to gas layout, classification, fire protection, power distribution, etc.

Air supply and exhaust design

The operation of many equipment in the laboratory requires a variety of gas supplies, and will also produce waste gas. How to solve the problem of air supply and exhaust safely and conveniently is also one of the problems that have puzzled laboratory staff for a long time. The traditional way of laboratory gas supply is to place the gas cylinder next to the instrument and equipment, and the gas cylinder of dangerous gas is placed in the gas cylinder cabinet. The exhaust shall be discharged directly to the laboratory or through simple pipes to the outside of the window. In the development process of the laboratory, with the increase of laboratory instruments and equipment, the laboratory is often densely covered with a variety of pipes and gas cylinders. This treatment not only causes great potential safety hazard, but also is not beautiful.
The correct solution for laboratory air supply and exhaust is to treat the laboratory air supply and exhaust as a system. This system should take into account the safety, convenience, daily laboratory management, cylinder replacement and other issues, while focusing on the future development of the laboratory, as well as special technical solutions for special gases.

Automatic control system design

The main purpose of the VAV control system is to precisely control the ventilation and air conditioning system of the laboratory, so as to ensure that the temperature, humidity, air change times, and toxic gas emissions of the laboratory can meet the design standards under the most energy-saving premise.
yes Biosafety laboratory Constant temperature and humidity laboratory For laboratories with special requirements, the automatic control system is also required to strictly control the pressure gradient changes between laboratories.

Exhaust system design

The laboratory air supply and exhaust system is one of the largest and most influential systems in the whole process of laboratory design and construction. Whether the air supply and exhaust system is perfect or not will directly have an important impact on the laboratory environment, the health of laboratory personnel, the operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment, etc.
The problems of excessive negative pressure in laboratory, gas leakage of fume hood, and laboratory noise have always been the problems puzzling laboratory staff. These problems have caused physical and psychological damage to the personnel who have been working in the laboratory for a long time, and even to the management and logistics personnel who work around the laboratory.
The laboratory with complete supply and drainage system is a harmonious, safe and healthy workplace. Laboratory pressure, noise, the number of air changes in the room, air flow organization, and toxic gas residues in the fume hood are all issues worthy of attention.

Instrument placement

The design of laboratory instrument placement is one of the key and difficult points in a laboratory design. The arrangement of experimental instruments seems simple, but there are many factors to be considered. Whether the experimental instruments can operate well and safely, whether they can be properly protected, whether the impact of the environment on them can be minimized, whether there is an impact on each other, whether the laboratory personnel can use them conveniently, and so on, are all issues that need attention when considering the placement of laboratory instruments. The reasonable arrangement of experimental instruments requires designers not only to have a good understanding of the instrument itself, the special requirements of the environment, water supply, gas supply, power supply, waste liquid and waste gas discharge, but also to have a wealth of knowledge in building engineering design and construction management.

technological process

Application - pre review - investigation - review - pass - design - implementation - completion

Implementation plan

The laboratory construction scheme roughly includes a series of landing schemes, such as the preparation stage scheme, the laboratory design scheme, the laboratory decoration scheme, etc. Each scheme should be linked to each other to ensure the preparation of the user's laboratory to the greatest extent. [1]
1. Preparation for laboratory construction
The preparation for laboratory construction is the first and most important step of the overall solution of the laboratory, which is related to the smooth construction of the laboratory. The preparation for laboratory construction includes site selection requirements, determination of test project methods, prediction of test project frequency, and setting of laboratory planning life. The location of the laboratory must ensure that the environment will not interfere with the detection, such as vibration, bearing, floor height, etc. The method of testing items is determined in advance to arrange the laboratory function room more reasonably, ensure smooth operation of the laboratory and reduce mutual interference between equipment. The frequency prediction of test items is mainly to calculate the load of laboratory power and water, which can predict the laboratory energy consumption in advance and better arrange the laboratory power, water supply and drainage, air exhaust, etc. However, the setting of laboratory planning years determines what specifications of decoration materials are used to reduce the budget for laboratory decoration.
2. Laboratory design planning
The laboratory design planning is based on the actual situation of the customer's laboratory, combined with the experimental projects carried out, and designed for the customer: laboratory layout plan, laboratory furniture layout, instrument and equipment layout, laboratory decoration design, laboratory water supply and drainage design, laboratory HVAC design (exhaust, tail gas treatment, air conditioning and purification system) Laboratory centralized gas supply design drawing, laboratory sewage system design drawing, laboratory electrical design drawing, laboratory intelligence and automation design drawing, etc. The key points to be considered for laboratory layout: layout according to the actual test project requirements and local conditions, and fully consider the convenience, safety and expandability of laboratory work. Ensure that the laboratory design planning meets both the requirements of laws and regulations and the personalized needs of customers.
3. Laboratory decoration construction
The laboratory decoration construction is based on the relevant laboratory construction standards and in combination with the requirements of the testing projects carried out by the customers. The team specialized in laboratory decoration provides customers with decoration services such as new construction, reconstruction and expansion of the laboratory, including the construction of the main works of the laboratory, the electrical construction of the laboratory, the construction of the laboratory ventilation system, the construction of the laboratory cleaning system Construction of laboratory waste gas and sewage treatment facilities.
4. On site supervisor of laboratory
The purpose of laboratory on-site supervision is to ensure that the construction process is strictly implemented in accordance with the construction plan. Follow up the decoration and construction of the laboratory, find out the problems on the laboratory construction site in time, and ensure that the laboratory construction is consistent with the requirements of the construction scheme.
5. Laboratory project acceptance
The purpose of laboratory project acceptance: to assist the owner in the acceptance of the laboratory to ensure that the functions, layout, materials, etc. of the laboratory meet the design requirements. Since there are many concealed works during the construction, it is difficult to find some defects in the laboratory within a short period of time after the completion of the decoration construction, so the laboratory technical service department specially set such problems as stage acceptance nodes when preparing the design scheme, to avoid losing control of quality due to the omission of key quality control points. The laboratory shall establish acceptance criteria for laboratories in different fields according to standards, and carry out comprehensive acceptance from the aspects of standardization, safety, reliability, etc. of the laboratory, so as to ensure that the laboratory meets the requirements of safety, environmental protection, and relevant accreditation and certification specifications. [1]