industrial and commercial project

Sun Yat sen's monograph on revitalizing China's industrial modernization
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The Industrial Plan is also known as the Industrial Plan for International Common Development. Sun Yat sen's plan on revitalizing China's industry national economy Modernization The monograph of. Written in English in 1919 by Zhu Zhixin , Liao Zhongkai, etc. The book reflects Sun Yat sen's grand ideal and specific plan for the modernization of China's national economy. The plan consists of six major plans. The main content is to build three world-class seaports and a series of second and third class seaports and fishing ports along the northern, central and southern coasts of China; Centered on three major seaports and five major railway systems, establish land and water systems all over the country Transportation System; Fully exploit coal, iron, oil and other mineral resources and set up smelting and machinery Manufacturing industry Develop and meet the people's needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation modem industry , implement Agricultural mechanization [1]
Chinese name
industrial and commercial project
Collection location
15 Shiachechang Rd, Fengtai District, Beijing
Modern times
China Garden Museum


the First World War During the capitalism Production has further developed, National bourgeoisie The demand for investment in industry has been greatly enhanced, Revitalize industry The voice of is very high. Sun Yat sen saw that, The war is over after Europe and America Imperialism National service to war industrial equipment A large number of technicians and skilled workers will be left unused. If China can take the opportunity to use these equipment and talents for industrial construction, it will greatly accelerate the development of China's economy. For this reason, he wrote this book in English in 1919 to appeal to "international common development Chinese industry ".

content validity

The book includes preface, the beginning of the chapter, six major plans and conclusions. Preface tells the author's motivation and process of writing this book. The first part outlines the main contents and basic ideas of the book. The first plan to the third plan proposes to build three Deep water port , i.e. located at Bohai Bay The northern port between Qinghe River and Luanhe River is located in the East China Sea Hangzhou Bay Zhapu , Ganpu and South China Sea Pearl River Estuary Extraneous Nanfang Dagang With the three major ports as the center, in the north, east and south of China, from the coast to the mainland, water courses are renovated, railways and roads are built, resources are developed, migrants are resettled to reclaim land, and industrial and agricultural production is developed. The fourth plan is Railway plan It is proposed to build 100000 miles of railways according to the five major railway systems of the central, southeast, northwest, northeast and plateau, forming a nationwide railway network The fifth plan is to develop food, clothing, housing, transportation and printing Means of subsistence Production plan. The sixth plan is to exploit coal, iron, oil and other mineral deposits and set up mining, metallurgical and other equipment manufacturer Plan, that is, raw materials and energy industry Plan for. The conclusion summarizes the role of realizing the industrial plan in changing China's backwardness and promoting world civilization capitalist For common economic interest ”Assist.
Purpose of China's industrial construction
Sun Yat sen inherited his former bourgeois class Thinkers thought about revitalizing industry in order to make China independent, prosperous and strong, and regarded industrial construction as "the key map for revitalizing the country" and "the urgent matter for saving the nation"; At the same time, he was very concerned about improving people's lives, emphasizing that China's economic construction should take "saving the poor" as an urgent task, and develop industry to make "people's livelihood smooth".
Key points of China's industrial construction and economic development
The author believes that "the buildings of railways and roads, canal , repair of waterways, commercial port The construction of market streets is "the sharp weapon of industry", while the agriculture and mining industry is "the mother of other undertakings". At the same time, they also believe that eating, dressing, living and traveling are people's life Basic needs Therefore, industrial construction should focus on these industries Leading department And drive the whole economic construction to "develop at all ends".
Industrial Operation mode The author advocates that industrial construction should be carried out by both the state and the private sector at the same time, but the scope of business of both parties should be divided: "Where an enterprise can be entrusted to individuals, or it is more suitable than the state to operate, it should be entrusted to individuals, rewarded by the state, and protected by law... until it cannot be entrusted to individuals and has an exclusive nature, it should be operated by the state." The author calls his big industrial and state-owned proposition "socialism". In fact, this is not socialism but state capitalism. The author sees the exclusion and oppression of small and medium-sized capital by monopoly capital in western countries, and believes that if state-owned state-owned enterprises are implemented in large monopolistic industries, the production of monopoly capital can be prevented and the interests of small and medium-sized capital can be protected. In essence, this is an illusion of the lower class of the national bourgeoisie.
Capital source of industrial construction
In view of China's poverty and backwardness, the author lacks the capital, technology and Technical talents He believes that we should speed up the pace of construction so that China's economic development can catch up with that of developed countries in a short time capitalist country We should implement "openness"; "No capital, i.e. borrowing foreign capital"; "If there is no talent, foreign talent will be used"; "If the method is not good, foreign methods will be used". The industrial plan is a construction plan based on such an "openness". The author summarizes his intention as: "To make foreign countries capitalism To create socialism in China ".
However, the author believes that Utilize foreign capital It must be based on the premise of not harming China's sovereignty Principle of equality and mutual benefit When concluding a contract with a foreign capital group, it may grant reasonable economic benefits to foreign capital, but it cannot be allowed to infringe upon China's sovereignty. The author regards this issue as "the key to the survival of China", and believes that "the right to development lies in our own survival, while the right to development lies in our own survival".
Because of bourgeois leadership Democratic revolution It was impossible to win in China. The grand blueprint of economic construction designed by the Industrial Plan for China was not possible at that time; proviso China included in Economic development strategy A series of thoughts of economic thought Heritage.