Temple of Zeus

The largest temple in ancient Greece
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The Temple of Zeus is located in the southeast of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, to offer sacrifices Zeus It was also built ancient Greek The largest temple. The Temple of Zeus was built in 470 BC and completed in 456 BC. It was designed by architect Libon, The statue of Zeus The sculptor Phidias be responsible for. Until 86 BC, Rome Commander Sulla Attacks Athens , destroyed the unfinished buildings, removed some stone columns and other building materials and transported them to Rome. Until today, in the ancient Rome square in the center of Rome Ruins You can still see them. Zeus Temple is especially famous for its ivory and gold statues.
Chinese name
Temple of Zeus
Foreign name
Temple of Zeus in Athens
ancient Greek
geographical position
Athens, Greece
architectural style
Corinthian order
Best Travel Season
Spring and autumn.
Recommended travel time
1 hour
Opening Hours
April October 8:00-19:30 Others 8:00-17:30
Ticket Price

brief introduction

Temple of Zeus
The temple of Zeus was built in the style of Ionia, and later it was changed to the style of Corinthian stone columns, and marble was always used. The whole building is located at 205 Meter long On the 130 meter wide foundation, the temple itself is 107.75 meters long and 41 meters wide, with 104 Corinthian columns. Each stone pillar is 17.25 meters high, with a top diameter of 1.3 meters, and about 15500 tons of marble are used. And numerous Ancient Greek Temple Similarly, the temple of Zeus suffered serious damage, with only 13 of the 104 pillars remaining. The Temple of Zeus and Hadrian's Arch Across the road, Zeus Temple is located in the south of the road, while Hadrian Arch is located in the north of the road. These two buildings were built more than 1900 years ago Imperium Romanum It was built by King Hadrian. We can no longer see the original form of Zeus Temple and Hadrian Arch, and can only recall the glory of that time through the ruins.
The temple of Zeus is ancient Greek The religious center of. The temple is located in the southeast of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, in the middle of a vast flat land on the banks of the Irisus River. It is the area under the control of Zeus, the god of the ancient Greek gods; This place is full of yellow hills, but in ancient times Greek period It is surrounded by green valleys and clear streams. The scenery is elegant, and there is a dense forest not far away. The trees and flowers on both sides of the path in the forest are luxuriant and beautiful. It is also the religious center at that time. In ancient Greece, it was located outside the city wall of Athens. In the era of Emperor Hadrian, in order to expand the scale of the city of Athens, the city wall was expanded outward and the temple was incorporated into the city. [1]
 Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus Picture of the temple of Zeus
Picture of the temple of Zeus
Panorama of the Temple of Zeus
The Temple of Zeus was built from 470 BC to 456 BC, and its style is Doric Temple. Its base is 64x28m, Broad edge There are six columns and 13 columns on the long side. It is one of the most important buildings in early ancient Europe. There are marble carvings on the mountain wall: there is a local legend on the mountain wall on the east side of the front. Pelops and the king of Eris race. Zeus is the master of fate. He faces Pelops on the right, and finally Pelops wins; The carvings on the western gable on the back are Rabis People and Centaur fight; Twelve great achievements of Hercules are carved on the porch of the inner hall. The inner hall is more than 12 meters high The statue of Zeus , it is Seven Wonders of the world one of.
The workshop for shaping this statue is located about 100 meters west of the temple. Byzantium The temple was converted into a church during the period. An earthquake in the 6th century caused the temple to collapse, and all buildings above the foundation wall were destroyed.
Held in Athens in 2004 Olympic Games Before the opening ceremony, a collapsed temple column (the second one from the west on the north side) was rebuilt, and a 12 ton column head was mounted on its 10.5 meter high top, which was copied according to the prototype, so that visitors could imagine the scale of the original temple.

The statue

The statue of Zeus
The temple itself is Doricorder architecture. Surface paving Stucco Limestone, Temple roof It was built of marble, and the temple was supported by 34 Corinthian stone columns about 17 meters high, with an area of 41.1 meters x 107.75 meters. The stone statues in front of and behind the temple are carved from the marble of Paros Island. Many statues on the western herringbone eaves of the temple are in the style of Athens. Does Zeus like this construction? allegedly FIDIAS When building the statue, I saw it with my own eyes Olympus Ask Zeus, and the Great God answers by dropping thunderbolts and lightening to break the pavement of the temple. As for the main character of the temple "Zeus", the so-called "Christivan Pavilion" was adopted( chryselephantine )Technology is to add Ivory carving The muscles and gold clothing. The throne is also inlaid with gold on the wood bottom Ebony gemstone And glass, which took eight years to complete.
The statue of Zeus It is 12 meters high and has an olive crown made of gold fir wood The magnificent throne made of it is decorated with gold, ivory, ebony and various precious stones. On the right hand of the statue of Zeus is a small Niche with a crown - mythical Victory Goddess The statue is also made of gold and ivory. Its right hand is made of a piece of gold wand There is an eagle beside it. [2]
Corinthian order
stay Traveler Pausanias《 Travels to Greece 》In the book, there was a detailed description of the statue of Zeus, which recorded: "The main body of Zeus is made of wood, the exposed part of his body is covered with ivory, and his clothes are covered with gold Olive branch The woven crown is made of ivory and gold in the right hand Victoire de Samothrace In his left hand, he held a scepter inlaid with various metals. On the top of the scepter stood a vulture. As for his throne, the statues of "Elegant Three Goddesses" and "Seasonal Three Goddesses" (spring, summer and winter) are carved on the head and behind the head of the statue; The legs and feet are decorated with the dancing goddess of victory and the human head lion Sphinx It is decorated by other Greek gods, with a bottom width of 6.55 meters and a height of 1 meter, while the statue is about 13 meters high, which is equivalent to a modern building four stories high. Behind the statue hangs the statue of Jerusalem The sacred cloth that was looted from the temple. Phidias planned the changes around more precisely, including the light from the temple gate to the statue. In order to make the face of the statue more beautiful and bright, he built a large and shallow statue in front of the statue, which was inlaid with black marble Olive oil Pool, use olive oil to reflect light. During the period of standing, more workers came to wipe the ivory, which was called "Fiducias polishing workers".
It is said that Olympian officiant at a religions service , Yes FIDIAS He admired his masterpiece very much, so he appointed his descendants to take charge of preserving the statue of Zeus and enjoying the glory forever.

historical background

1915 Temple of Zeus
However, from 1954 to 1958, archaeologists carried out a series of exciting excavations. Not far from the temple of Zeus, they excavated the site of the work place of Phidias, which is the same size and shape as the main room of the temple. Phidias can sculpt in this temple like environment Zeus Without interfering with the work of the temple. Phidias must have selected a group of workers in Athens and brought them to Olympia. On the site of his workshop, many Athenian pottery made in 435 B.C. (Ferdinand died in 432 B.C. after completing the statue of Zeus), as well as ivory, glass, goldsmith's tools, and pieces of terra cotta models were found, which seems to be used for making some clothes of gods. Among the unearthed pottery, there is a broken cup with fine carved words: "I belong to Phidias".

Material Science

Temple of Zeus
The composition materials, age background and decorative statues of Zeus can be explained in detail, but FIDIAS Of Style It's hard to be sure. According to ancient literature records, the technology of sculpture of gods by Phidias reached its peak, which can make the gods have an unattainable majesty. In particular, the image of Zeus can add a unique character to the ordinary religious image. In order to find out the true meaning of this sentence (all the original works of the statue of Phidias have been lost), over the years, experts and scholars have Replica I have done individual research and hope to find out the common characteristics. They paid particular attention to the decorative statues of the Parthenon in Athens, which were said to have been supervised by Phidias. Of course, it is difficult to determine which female statue Fiducias carved himself; Because he is not only responsible for supervising the production, but also responsible for the sculpture of the giant statue of Athena in the temple, he must be very busy. However, it is likely that the design and style of all the statues will be decided by Phidias alone. The works closest to the style of Phidias may be the statues on the horizontal ribbons on the east side of the temple, but they are different in scale. These statues strike a delicate balance between the early serious style and the later relaxed and exquisite style.


Temple of Zeus
Although the statue of Zeus has disappeared in the world, he still exists in another way. The great face of Zeus has become The Orthodox Church Christ the Almighty. stay Istanbul Coran St. Francis Chapel Inside, on the top throne sits the god Olympia Zeus, who has been transformed into Christ. This one Paganism How did God transform into the image of Christ? archaeologist It is estimated that there are several reasons. First, the Olympian statue itself is an extremely perfect spectacle; Secondly, the idol represents the highest deity for almost a thousand years.

historical significance

Zeus Temple is the religious center of Greece, and there are many kinds of sacrifices sent by the city states and civilians. For hundreds of years, it has been in the open air Altar Worship Zeus. The altar is said to be made of ashes of various sacrifices offered to Zeus. The Temple of Zeus was built in 470 BC. In the fifth century BC, the local architect Libon of Elis supervised the construction of a magnificent temple as the Temple of Zeus, which was completed in 456 BC. The stone statues in front of and behind the temple were carved from the marble of Paris Island, and the statue of Zeus was in the charge of the sculptor Phidias.
Many statues on the western herringbone eaves of the temple are in the style of Athens. At that time, because of the need for Athenian statues in the temple, or because of the popularity of Phidias, the people who built the temple specially invited him to work as a sculptor in Olympia,
There is a saying that Phidias is sculpting Parthenon Of Asina When he was a colossus, he was accused of stealing valuable materials, was demoted, left his hometown Athens to live in exile, and died in Olympia. The only credibility of this statement is that Ferdinand was friends with his then name, Pericles. Any attack on his reputation would have a negative impact on Pericles, so Ferdinand began to flee.
The earliest modern excavation in Olympia was conducted by a French expedition in 1829. It lasted six weeks. It was the German expedition that made modern people know more about Olympia. Since 1875, they have been excavating almost uninterruptedly. Although they have found the temple of Zeus and the statues for decoration, and partially restored the original shape of the temple of Zeus, they have never found any trace of the statue of Zeus itself.
Temple of Zeus
The deities have been revered by people for more than 900 years, but Christianity ended everything in the end. In 393, Roman emperor Theodsius I , resolutely issued the imperial decree to stop the competition Olympic Games an assembly It also ends this year. Then, in 426 AD, another order was issued to destroy the pagan temple, so the statue of Zeus was destroyed, and the studio of Fidesia was also changed into a church, ancient Greek From then on, it was destroyed; The collapsed stone pillars in the temple were also affected by the earthquakes in 522 and 551 AD Moderate earthquake Collapse, Stone It was demolished and transformed into a fortress to resist barbarian aggression. Later, floods often occurred in Olympia, and the whole city was buried under thick mud. Fortunately, the statue had been transported to Constantinople (now known as Istanbul) before this, and was collected by Louis in the palace for 60 years. Unfortunately, it was also destroyed in the urban riots.
Although the statue of Zeus has disappeared in the world, he still exists in another way. The face of the great Zeus has become the omnipotent image of Christ of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the small church of St. Francis in Kola, Istanbul, on the top of the throne sits the god Olympia Zeus, who has been transformed into Christ.


Zeus( Greek : , or , God, ancient Greek The highest god in the myth, called Jupiter Latin : Jupiter), the youngest son born to Cronus (όόόόό) and Ruia (έέ α). Cronus, by overthrowing his father Ulanos Having gained the highest power, he learned that he would be overthrown by his children like his father, so he swallowed his children. His wife, Rhea, could not bear Zeus to be swallowed, so she took a stone and pretended that Zeus would swallow it for him. When Zeus grew up, he united brothers and sisters They fought against their father and launched a fierce struggle. after Ten-year war , in Grandma Earth Goddess Gaia He defeated his father with his help. Zeus and his brother Poseidon He and Hades are in charge of Tianjie Sea boundary , the underworld. From then on, Zeus became the ruler of the universe. Jupiter His Latin name derives from him.
Zeus gave birth to many descendants with many goddesses and women, including Apollo and Artemis Brother and sister Dionysus , Herakles, etc. Zeus did everything he could to get close to the goddess and women, and he was always furtive, so he always made Hera Anger. In order not to be known by Hera where his affair was, he would always obstruct Hera in various ways. Zeus also had some male lovers, such as Geinimide

Zeus family

The relationship between the name and Zeus Children
Goddess of Justice themis (Themis) Aunt: the second time sequence three goddesses
Ocean Goddess Eurynomor (Eurynome) Cousin: the third The Three Goddesses of Beauty
High yield, agriculture and forestry goddess Demeter (Demeter) Second Sister: No. 4 Persephone
Goddess of Memory Mone Aunt (Mnemosyne): the fifth nine muses
Night Goddess Leto Cousin (Leto): No. 6 Artemis And Apollo
Days later Hera (Hera) Third Sister: the seventh wife Ares, Hephaestus, Eltya and Herb
Maia, Goddess of Wind and Rain, Encounters Hermes
Semene, Princess Tebai, has an affair with Dionysus Dionysus
Princess Darnaya of Argos has an affair with King Tillings, the great hero Perseus
Argos Princess Alcmene Encounters Hero Heracles
Antiope, the daughter of river god Athospus, has an affair with King Tebai amphion
Aegina, the daughter of the river god Asopus, has an affair with the judge of the underworld of King Vonos Iacos
Princess Phoenicia Europa An affair with a judge of the underworld Ladamantis , Judge of the Netherworld of King Crete Minos
Sparta Queen Leda's extramarital hero Pauludutis, a gorgeous beauty Helen
Hera, daughter of river god Inakos Priestess Iran Russia affair Egypt King Epaphus
Lycia The Princess Encounters King Lucia

Zeus weapon

Zeus Our weapons are "Thunder" and Aegis (sometimes called“ The shield of Zeus ”, Shield of Zeus)。 The thunderbolt of Zeus was created by Cyclops (Cyclops). Even the gods will be shocked by its power. Aegis was created by Hephaestus Created by Goatskin But it was full of magic, and even Zeus' thunder did nothing to it.
Zeus in Roman myth Middle and Jupiter confuse.

Related gods

Poseidon Poseidon
Poseidon often holds trident , which became his symbol. When he is angry, monsters will appear at the bottom of the sea. When he wields a trident, he can cause tsunamis and earthquakes. But the sacred animal dolphin, which symbolizes him, shows the tranquility of the sea and Poseidon's kind divinity. aegean sea Greek sailors and fishermen nearby worshipped him very much.
Poseidon's trident is not only used as a weapon, it is also used to break rocks, and the spring flowing from the crack irrigates the earth, so that farmers can harvest crops, so Poseidon is also called the god of harvest. Poseidon also gave the first horse to mankind. The chariot he rode in was pulled by a golden horse. When his chariot was on the sea Benz The waves will become calm, and dolphins will follow around.
Poseidon has a wide range of divinities, strong aggressiveness and great ambition. He always wanted to seize the throne of Zeus, but Zeus found out that he exiled him to the ground to be punished and helped King Lameidon build Troy In addition, he often fought with the gods. In Athens and Trossen, he fought with Athena for hegemony.
Hades rules the underground world. The underground is a vast world like the sun, which contains rich minerals.
Hades is a god that everyone fears, and everyone keeps him at a distance. He usually sits in a chariot pulled by four black horses and holds a double halberd. He can remove any obstacles in front of him. If he goes into the world of the sun, he must lead the souls of the victims Hades , or check whether there is sunlight shining into the yellow spring from the cracks in the ground.
There is a gate between hell and the sun. This is the "Hell Gate". This gate is located near the Cape of Tanas, and is composed of a man named Saberas Three headed dog Guard, once you enter the Hell Gate, you can never return to the sun.
There is a long road from Hell Gate to the bottom of Hell, and there are often illusory ghosts coming and going on the road. There are also many rivers in the hell, one of which is called the Kokutes River, which is formed by the tears of the bad men who served in the slave labor in the hell. Therefore, there are often terrible wails on it, because the name of the river itself means "the cry from afar". The other one is called the Clone River, which must be passed by those who want to go to trial. The water in this river is black, and the current is fast. No one can swim across it. A boatman named Kalong is on the ferry. Only by taking his boat can he cross the river, but he will ask for a fare of one yuan, or refuse to carry. If those waiting for trial have no money, they must wait for a year, At that time, Kalong would pick up the ferry free of charge. So after the Greeks died, they usually put a dollar in the mouth of the dead.
stay Hades There are three judges in the huge palace. They are Minos, Ladamantos and Aiku, who are specially responsible for judging the thought, speech and behavior of the soul. There is also the justice goddess Himis, who holds a sword and weighs good and evil for each soul. If the soul has more good than evil, it will go to heaven, and vice versa. Those who commit the most heinous crimes will be banished to the "Infernal Hell", and will always accept the endless pain and torture. Hades dealt with the affairs of hell in an orderly way, with strict discipline. He was cruel and merciless, but fair and selfless. He was a formidable god.
Palas· Athena (Wisdom and Goddess of War
Pallas Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and her mother is the goddess of wisdom. When she was pregnant, she felt that she would give birth to an extraordinary daughter. She warned Zeus that the upcoming child would pose a threat to his rights, so Zeus did not hesitate to swallow him. But Athena did not die, but absorbed the strength of her father and the wisdom of her mother.
It is said that Athena was born from the head of Zeus. When Zeus's head cracked, Athena jumped out of it. She shouted "Long live victory", and then danced. She wears a shining helmet, wears gorgeous armor, and holds a shining spear. When seeing this girl, all the gods were amazed and amazed, and the whole Olympus Mountain was shocked by her dance steps.
Athena When I was young, I had a playmate named Pallas, who was as old as Athena, and they often stayed together. They like to play war and martial arts games best. One day, they took up the spear again to play. When Pallas saw Athena coming from behind, he turned to stab her with the spear. Zeus on Olympus saw it. Afraid of hurting his daughter, he quickly protected her with a sheepskin shield. Pallas was shocked when he saw a shield falling from the sky. Athena saw her partner in a daze and thought the opportunity was coming, so she bypassed the shield and thrust the spear at Pallas. The thrust hit the point. Pallas shouted and fell down. Athena was very sad. In memory of her friends, Athena added "Pallas" before her name. From that day on, her official name was Pallas Athena.
Athena and Poseidon fought for the ownership of the Attic region, and the six immortals were invited to be judges. The gods decided to let them have a competition, and whoever gave the most useful things to human beings could get this land. Poseidon hit his trident on the rock, and a war horse roared out. Athena poked at the ground with her spear, and a silver tree grew on the ground leaf Of olive The gods decided that the olive branch was a symbol of peace and was more useful than the horses used in the killing war.
Athena is ingenious and talented. She is not only the patron saint of women's knitting and sewing, but also the patron saint of men's craft. A famous sculptor FIDIAS Once a statue was carved for Athena with ivory and gold. Athena held the ornament symbolizing victory in her right hand and held it in her left hand Elliptical This precious statue was placed in the Pantheon of Athens.
Prometheus (God of Premeditation)
Prometheus was the son of Iapetus, the god of death, and the cousin of Zeus. At that time, Zeus and his brothers were fighting with their father. Prometheus' mother could predict the future. She knew that Zeus was in this war China Council He won and helped Zeus with his son. Before long, Zeus defeated his father Cronus and became the new master.
Prometheus and Athena are very good friends. They often play together. Once Zeus had a fierce quarrel with a Titan. The angry Zeus burned the Titan into ashes with a good thunder. One day Prometheus came to the earth. He saw the blue sky, the earth and everything was so beautiful, but it was a little dull. So he took the ashes of the Titan and made it into clay figurines with water. Athena breathed on the clay figurines, and the clay figurines immediately had life, This is the original human.
Because human beings are born with Titanic blood, Zeus was very disgusted and refused to provide the last gift to human beings - fire. But Prometheus came up with an ingenious way. He brought a thick and long one fennel The stalk, carrying it, approached the oncoming solar car, stretched the fennel stalk into its flame and lit it, and then returned to the ground with the flickering kindling.
Zeus was furious when he saw the flames rising in the world, and decided to revenge on human beings. He ordered Huoshen Hephaestus She created a beautiful stone statue, and Athena gave it life with magic; Hermes Teach them language skills; Eros Aphrodite Give her all kinds of attractive charm. Zeus named this beautiful image Pandora , which means "a woman with all talents", because the gods have given her a gift that is harmful to mankind. He sent this young woman to earth, and she came to Prometheus' brother Epimetheus Please accept Zeus for him Gifts Prometheus once warned his brother not to accept any gift from Zeus on Mount Olympus, but to return it immediately. But Epimetheus forgot this warning. Pandora walked up to Epimetheus and suddenly opened the lid of the box. The disasters inside flew out like black smoke, including disease, disaster, jealousy, theft, greed, evil, etc. At the bottom of the box, there was only one beautiful thing - hope, but Pandora, according to the Father of All Gods' warning, closed the lid before it flew out, so hope would be closed in the box forever. Since then, various disasters have filled the earth, the sky and the sea. Disease spreads day and night among human beings, wreaking havoc, and quietly.
Then Zeus retaliated against Prometheus himself. He handed over the enemy to Hephaestus and two servants, who were nicknamed Kratos And Pia, that is, force and violence. They chained Prometheus to caucasus mountains Every day Zeus sent an eagle to peck the liver of Prometheus who was bound. How much of the liver was eaten, and it soon returned to its original state. He had to endure the torment until someone volunteered to die for him in the future. One day, Hercules came here to find Hesperides. When he saw the eagle pecking at the poor Prometheus' liver, he took out his bow and shot down the cruel eagle. Then he released his chains, liberated Prometheus, and took him away from the cliff. But in order to meet Zeus's conditions, Heracles put the chiron Stay on the cliff as a double. Charon was an immortal god, but he was willing to sacrifice to save Prometheus. Finally, in order to thoroughly implement Zeus's judgment, Prometheus must always wear an iron ring, which is inlaid with a stone from the Caucasus Mountains. In this way, Zeus can proudly claim that his enemy is still locked on the cliff of the Caucasus Mountains.
Hera (day after)
Hera was the daughter of Cronus, the sister of Zeus.
When Zeus fell in love with Hera, he often became a cuckoo Close to her, so later the cuckoo became the goddess's sacred bird.
When Zeus and Hera were united, the earth gave birth to many people to celebrate their happy marriage Apple Trees, trees are full of golden apples, these apple trees are also the tree of life.
Hera is the most authoritative goddess. He wears gold Straw sandals Sitting on the golden palace, its glory and majesty are incomparable. Hera was a queen with great authority, and all the gods were intimidated by her majesty. She is autocratic, domineering, jealous and quite belligerent. Therefore, all places in Greece hold triumphal ceremonies at the Hera Festival, and almost all people who worship this goddess are military officers with outstanding military achievements.
Hera is the model of perfect women, the image of a loyal wife, the patron saint of women, and also the exception Aphrodite The most beautiful goddess outside.
Hestia (Goddess of Flame and Home Kitchen)
Hestia is Cronus and Ruiya The daughter of Zeus and Hera. Both Apollo and Poseidon proposed to her, but she swore never to marry, so as to keep her virginity. Considering that she wanted a place to live, Zeus agreed to let every family give her a seat.
She quietly left Olympus Mountain to protect every family with a stove. She's not just kitchen god , also Household god The flame symbolizes her existence and is the guarantee of the family's sustainability, stability, harmony and prosperity. In ancient times, the fire on the altar was lit by the ancestors, and their descendants have the obligation to keep the candle lit, because the extinction of the candle means the extinction of the human race. Every family has its own stove, and every town has its own altar. The fire on the altar symbolizes the life of this town. Whenever people in a town go to a new place to establish a colony, the sacred fire will accompany these brave immigrants to other places.
Zeus liked Leto, the goddess of darkness, very much. After they fell in love, Leto became pregnant, but it caused Hera's jealousy. Leto was forced to leave, and she could not find her for nine days and nine nights Habitat Later, she became a swan Come to a floating island, with the help of Zeus, fix the floating island on the bottom of the sea with four columns. Apollo and his sister Artemis He was born on this island, which was later named Tyro
When Apollo was born, his body sent out golden light. The goddess in the sky screamed with joy.
In order to be recognized by the gods, Apollo decided to go to Olympus to show his unique skills, but the gods of Olympus did not pay attention to him at all, especially Hera, who despised him at all. Therefore, Apollo decided to go out on his own to explore the world, and built miracles, becoming more and more famous.
Once, Apollo met the little Eros Eros He mocked that Eros's arrow was like a toy, which could not build immortal merit. After hearing this, Eros took two arrows of different colors from his quiver, one gold and one lead. The arrow of gold is the arrow of love, while the arrow of lead resists love. Eros shot the golden arrow at Apollo and the lead arrow at the goddess Daphne , a love tragedy begins. Apollo fell in love with Daphne, and Daphne saw Apollo just like the devil. Finally, in order to avoid Apollo, Daphne became a Laurel Apollo decorated his bow with laurel sticks in memory of Daphne.
Apollo in charge of music and harp He is also in charge of dance, poetry and inspiration. Poets and prophets rely on his revelations. Apollo was an open and aboveboard god and never lied.
One of Apollo's sons was Asclepios, who could heal the sick and save people, and could bring the dead back to life. This destroyed the order of nature, and the hell was empty. Hades In his rage, he asked Zeus to judge. Zeus killed Asclepios with thunder and lightning. Although Apollo was very sad, he could do nothing.
Apollo's symbols are harp, bow and arrow, and Palm Crown made of trees, Aishen trees and laurels.
Ares (God of War)
Hera was born by smelling a strange flower.
Ares is violent and often carries out bloody killings. His divine nature is to fight regardless of good or evil, so no one likes him. He is tall and strong, but he moves slowly and lacks strategies. He usually fights on foot and occasionally takes a chariot. The horse pulling the chariot was born of the North Wind and the God of Anger.
He was accompanied by his son on the battlefield, representing terror, trembling, panic, fear, etc Goddess of Dispute Elis, and Enou, the daughter of the urban destroyer.
The gods of Olympus hated Ares for his barbarism.
Ares's main enemy is Athena. This intelligent goddess made a firm resistance to Ares's brutal acts. She often stood up to fight with Ares face to face to protect those soldiers who fought for the just cause.
Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera. He lived in seclusion in Etona Mountain, and cooperated with the Cyclops to develop rich mines and specialized in making sophisticated tools.
Hephaestus had an ugly face, Leg He also limped. But his soul and intelligence are very outstanding. He is clever and full of enthusiasm. He built the palaces of the gods on Mount Olympus, and built thunder and armor for Zeus. In addition, he also made the bow of the god of love, the carriage of Hercules and other objects and weapons of the gods.
Although he is ugly and disabled, he has a beautiful wife, Aphrodite. But Aphrodite often met Ares, and Hephaestus opened an ingenious Golden Net , cover them and let them make a fool of themselves in front of the gods. Finally, the couple broke up in discord.
The word Hephaestus, Greek It means the god of fire. He was honored as the patron saint by blacksmiths and carpenters. He is a gentle, peace loving God, and has won the same popularity in heaven and on earth.
Antai is the god of the sea Poseidon And the son of Gaia, the mother of earth. He never feels tired, and his body can absorb the power of the earth as soon as it touches the earth.
His favorite food is young lions, and he enjoys killing people. In his territory, neither man nor animal can survive. Whenever outsiders come from sea or land Libya He forced outsiders to duel with him and put people to death, and then used the skulls of the dead to decorate the temple he built for his father on the beach.
Hercules, the great hero, came to Antai's territory. The gods gave him a task, that is, to destroy all monsters that hurt people and animals on the sea and on all roads. When Hercules and Antai competed, both sides were surprised by the strength of their opponents. Although Hercules kept knocking Antai to the ground, every time Gaia Will restore Antai's strength. At last, Hercules discovered the secret of Antai's constant power. He grabbed the terrible giant and let his feet off the ground thallus Finally, I strangled him in my arms.
She is the goddess of love and beauty. According to legend, she was born from the foam in the sea.
stay Olympus On, Hera and Athena They all said that they could compete with Aphrodite. Once, when the gods were having a feast, the goddess of dispute quietly came to the banquet hall of Olympus Mountain Golden apple Put it on the table. Hera took the apple, but Athena and Aphrodisi did not agree, and asked Zeus to make a ruling. This matter was so difficult that Zeus had to give it to a man named Paris The shepherd of. Paris looked at the three goddesses. After much deliberation, he gave the golden apple to Aphrodisi. The dispute between the three goddesses was resolved, and Aphrodisi became an indisputable beauty god.
Aphrodite's beauty not only conquered the gods on Mount Olympus, but also completely conquered people's hearts. She ignites passion for people with sweet wishes, makes them love, and makes them feel happy or painful.
Her influence is all over nature. On the vast sea, she appears in the form of light. When the stormy waves see her, they will calm down immediately, and the storm will stop immediately. She is also the mother of plants, which makes the earth full of vitality and flowers.
Artemis Hunting goddess
Hunting goddess Artemis She is the sister of Bright Apollo. She is a lively, healthy and cheerful goddess. He has almost the same divinity as his brother. First quarter moon It is her bow, and the moonlight is her arrow.
She is the goddess of hunting and the protector of wild animals. She dotes on small animals, so she makes pasture and farmland green. The goddess also often led the fairies who served her to explore and hunt. Whenever she was tired, she would play the harp or flute and dance with the fairies, Muse And elegant goddess often come to cheer.
Artemis brought dew, rain and frost to the earth. She has brought benefits to the cultivated land, grain, and fields with harvest in sight. But if people forget to sacrifice to her, she will freeze the crops with hail and exile wild animals to trample on the crops.
Artemis likes to gallop on the forest and grassland. Her face is childish, she carries a quiver on her shoulder, and she often has a head beside her Stag Or hounds.

tourist guide

Opening Hours Tuesday Sunday, 08:30-15:00.
Way of arrival: Take Metro Line 2 to Akropoli Station.

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1941 Temple of Zeus
Zeus was Greek God of gods , built for table worship The statue of Zeus It is the largest indoor statue in the world, where the statue of Zeus is located Temple of Zeus yes Olympic Games The source of Olympic The project was on this trip.
Construction time: about 457 BC
Construction site: Olympia, west coast of Greece( Olympia )In the ancient city of
The Temple of Zeus was built in 470 BC and completed in 456 BC. It was designed by architect Libon and the statue of Zeus was carved by sculptors Phidias Engraving.
The temple is built of limestone covered with plaster, and the roof is made of marble. The temple is supported by 34 Corinthian pillars with a height of 17 meters. The area of the temple is 41.1 meters by 107.75 meters, In his right hand, he held the Statue of Victory made of ivory and gold, and in his left hand, he held a scepter inlaid with glittering metal, on which an eagle stayed, while his throne Sphinx , Victory and Mythological figure The decoration does not include the throne. Only the statue of a god is equivalent to a modern building with four floors high, so that Zeus's head is almost against the top of the temple when sitting on the throne. The temple in Olympia was destroyed by fire in 5 AD. Although the statue of Zeus survived because it was transported to Constantinople, it was also doomed to be burned by fire in AD 462.

Latest information

On November 21, 2021 turkey west Eden Of Remains of Magnesia Ancient City Central, Turkey Ankara University The researchers of the Department of Paleology have made a new archaeological discovery -- the gate of the Temple of Zeus Stone [3]