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Complete volatilization

The liquid components become gas molecules and escape from the liquid surface completely without reaching the boiling point
Complete volatilization means that the liquid component completely escapes from the liquid surface as a gas molecule without reaching the boiling point. Most solutions have volatilization, but they show different volatility due to different solutes.
Chinese name
Complete volatilization
major function
Cell regeneration, sterilization, sedation, immune function

Volatilization of essential oil

Physical properties of essential oil
1. Lipophilicity; 2. High permeability; 3. High volatility; 4. Water resistance.
Main functions of essential oil
1. Cell regeneration; 2. Sterilization; 3. Calm down. 4. Immune function
Chemical composition of essential oil
Monohydrocarbon, sesquihydrocarbon, acid, phenol, alcohol, ketone, ester, aldehyde, lactone and oxide.
Volatility of essential oil
1. Highly volatile essential oil: Due to its fast volatilization or evaporation speed, its function can only last about 24 hours, but it can effectively exert its functions and characteristics in the shortest time, such as improving mood and thinking ability. Such as bergamot, lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, etc.
2. Moderately volatile essential oil: the volatilization speed is average, and the fragrance can last about two to three days. Such as thyme, lavender, geranium, rose, juniper, marjoram, etc.
3. Low volatile essential oil: because it volatilizes or evaporates slowly, it still stays for more than a week, and is most effective for relaxing nerves and calming the mood. Such as patchouli, benzoin, sandalwood, rock orchid, cinnamon, etc.

Fully volatile stamping oil

Stamping oil for aluminum radiating fins of household and automobile air conditioners, low odor, completely volatile. This series of products are made of
Synthetic oil selection Special Lubrication additive Blended.
1. Excellent Aluminum and aluminum alloy Lubrication characteristics
2. No corrosion to copper and non-ferrous metals
3. Colorless, low odor, environmentally safe operating environment
4. Completely volatilized, no subsequent cleaning process is required