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Cosmic X-ray burst

Cosmic X ray burst
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universe Medium X-ray source radiation The sudden and significant enhancement of was first discovered by Babushkina et al. in 1975.
Chinese name
Cosmic X-ray burst
Foreign name
cosmic X-ray burst
Discovery time

brief introduction

[Chinese entry] Cosmic X-ray burst
Cosmic X-ray burst
[Foreign Words] Cosmic X-ray burst [Author] Qu Qinyue


Cosmic X-ray burst
And the universe Gamma ray The explosion is similar. The cosmic X-ray explosion (referred to as the X-ray explosion for short) is also one of the major discoveries of astrophysics in the 1970s. Main points of the X burst features Yes: the rise time of the explosion is ≤ 1s; the duration of the explosion is from a few seconds to tens of seconds; most of the energy is radiated in the range of less than 50 kiloelectron volts; the explosion occurs repeatedly, but there is no accurate period. Most explosive sources have explosive intervals ranging from a few hours to dozens of hours; some X explosive sources have explosive intervals ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. Some people call the former type I X burst and the latter type II X burst. MXB1730-335 is a very strange source of X bursts, on which type I and type II X bursts can be observed at the same time. For most explosive sources, a relatively stable X-ray radiation was also observed between the two explosions. It is also found that when the stable radiation is in a high intensity state, there is no X burst; when it is in a low intensity state, there is an explosion. It is also found that most of the explosive sources, perhaps all of them, have a period of explosive activity and a period of quiet eruption. X eruption only occurs during the period of explosive activity. such period It lasts for weeks, months or years. The typical value of the maximum flow of the X burst measured on the ground is 10~10 ergs/(cm · s). If the distance of explosion source is 30000 light years, the maximum power of X explosion is 10~10 ergs/s. The observation shows that the energy spectrum of type I X bursts tends to soften, while that of type II X bursts does not. X explosion sources are distributed near the galactic plane. An X burst source has been found at Globular cluster NGC6624. The nature, mechanism and radiation process of the X burst are not well studied. Some people think that the X burst originates from the nuclear reaction on the surface of the neutron star, and others think that the X burst is caused by the instability in the accretion process of the neutron star in the binary star [1]