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Memphis International Airport

Memphis Sherby County Airport Authority
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Memphis International Airport yes Tennessee, USA Memphis International Airport is the world's largest cargo airport. The airport is the third largest transfer center of Northwest Airlines and the headquarters of FedEx.
Chinese name
Memphis International Airport
Foreign name
Memphis International Airport
Airport type
Business International
Management organization
Memphis Sherby County Airport Authority
Start Date
June 15, 1929
Service city
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Urban distance
5 km (3 miles)
341 feet (103.9 meters)

historical background

From 1993 to 2009, the freight volume of Memphis International Airport was The world's largest cargo airport In 2010, its freight volume was Hong Kong International Airport Surpass ranked second, but still The airport with the largest freight volume in the United States
Memphis International Airport became the most expensive airport in the United States in 2011, with an average cost of $476.22.


As FedEx The main global hub airport, Memphis International Airport, has to deal with a large number of carriage of cargo by air Direct FedEx destinations from Memphis include many American cities across the Americas, plus Alaska Anchorage Hawaii Honolulu, as well as many cities in Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. In the intercontinental aspect, the direct destinations include: Cologne Dubai , Paris, London Campinas Seoul And Tokyo. So is Memphis International Airport Delta Airlines One of the hubs of.