
South Asia region
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Bengal, referred to as "Bangladesh", includes The People's Republic of Bangladesh (Bangladesh) and Indian controlled West Bengal Sometimes includes India Bihar Tripura and Orissa
The main residents of this area are Bangladeshis, who speak Bengali. The population of Bangladesh is 164.7 million, and the population of West Bengal is 84.3 million. 66% of Bangladeshi believe in Islam, 33% believe in Islam hinduism
Chinese name
Foreign name
area covered
88752 km²

historical background

In Chinese classical books, Bangladesh was in the Southern Dynasty Liu Song Fan Ye Authored《 Later Han Dynasty 》It is called "Pioneer Country" in China [1] Song dynasty Zhao Rushi Zhufanzhi 》It is called "Penggarao" in China, and the capital of the country is "Tanaka"; element Wang Dayuan A Brief History of Island Barbarians 》"Pungara"; bright Mahua Enjoying the World 》Work“ Bangkara ”。

East Bengal

East Bengal is the full name of modern Bangladesh“ People's Republic of Bangladesh ”(Bengali: G ô n ô pr ô jat ô ntri Bangladesh, English: People's Republic Of Bangladesh), Bangladesh for short, South Asia Country, located in Bay of Bengal To the north, a small part of the southeast mountainous area Myanmar Neighboring, east, west and north India It is adjacent to and has a large number of enclaves on the northern border, with a total area of 147570 square kilometers. In June 2015, India and Bangladesh reached a new Border agreement Bangladesh has obtained 111 enclaves with a total area of 170 square kilometers, and residents within the enclave have freely chosen their nationality.
Bengali yes South Asia One of the ancient peoples of the subcontinent. The earliest inhabitants of Bangladesh were Australians in Asia. In 1757, Bangladesh became British India A province of Partition of India and Pakistan Later, ascription Pakistan , known as East Pakistan In 1971, it became independent from Pakistan.
Bangladesh belongs to Subtropical monsoon climate , the coastal area is monsoon type Savanna climate Rivers are densely distributed vertically and horizontally, river transport Developed, easy to flood in rainy season, and tropical hurricanes often occur. Mineral deposits include natural gas, coal, titanium, zirconium, etc, jute It is the main economic source of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is the world Population density The most populous country and the world Least developed countries one of [2]

West Bengal

West Bengal India West Bengal And other places, sometimes including India Bihar Tripura and Orissa The main residents of this area are Bangladeshis, who speak Bengali. 66% of the population believe in Islam, 33% believe in Islam hinduism
India West Bengal Located in India Gangetic Plains East, West and Orissa Bihar Jharkhand as well as Nepal Contiguous Assam and The People's Republic of Bangladesh , adjacent to the north Sikkim Bang and Bhutan , near the south Bay of Bengal
West Bengal is divided into 19 counties, covering an area of 88752 square kilometre , with a population of 84.3 million (2003). West Bengal is mainly Bengali, and its main language is Bengali capital Calcutta It is the third largest city in India.
The temperature is 24-40 ℃ in summer and 7-26 ℃ in winter. The rainy season is from June to September every year, with an average annual rainfall of 1750mm. One corner of the North Ridge is mountainous, and most of the rest are Ganges Brahmaputra River The lower reaches and its tributaries are alluvial plains. The altitude is 12-30 meters, and the delta plain is lower. Important rice jute , sugarcane producing areas. Freshwater fishery and marine fishery Are important. Minerals include coal and iron. Damoder River Downstream is a mining and heavy industry Zone. Hugley River The coast is a large Industrial zone Jute processing cotton spinning and Metalworking , military industry, machinery, etc.