Kong Fujia

The fifth grandson of Duke Min of Song
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Kong Fujia (? - 710BC) spring and autumn Hour Song State (Now Henan Shangqiu )People. Ancestor of the State of Song Neutrino activation 's brother Minor The eighth grandson of Min Gong before the Song Dynasty Fifth generation grandson of. offspring , Mingjia, word Hole parent Confucius The sixth ancestor, the official Dasima Duke Xuan of Song Dynasty Dying, Abdicate Yu's younger brother Mu Gong. Duke Mu is going to die after nine years in power. Tell him to Throne He also gave the crown prince of Xuangong and the barbarians, and made his son Feng live outside of Zheng. He was told to stand with the barbarians for the sake of Shang Gong. After ten years of public war, the people are desperate. Taizai Hua Du See his wife "beautiful and gorgeous" [5] He planned to take his wife, so he killed him and took his wife in the name of the peaceful people. When Shang Gong was angry, Governor Hua killed him again to welcome his son Feng Yuzheng Duke of Song Zhuang Confucius is the sixth grandson of Kong Fujia.
Hole parent
spring and autumn
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
one's native heath
Song State (Today Henan Shangqiu
date of birth
710 BC
True name
Confucius VI Ancestor

Character's Life

Kong Fujia is the Spring and Autumn period Minister of the State of Song Dasima Duke Xuan of Song Dynasty In the 19th year (729 BC), Duke Xuan of Song Dynasty Before he died, he abandoned his sons, Prince and Yi, and gave way to his younger brother, Prince He, in order to Duke Mu of Song [1]
Nine Years of Duke Mu of Song Dynasty( Duke Yin of Lu Three years, 720 BC), Duke Mu of Song was seriously ill. He summoned Kong Fujia and entrusted Kong Fujia with the advice of the barbarians, saying, "The former monarch, Duke Xuan of Song, abandoned his son, the crown prince, and the barbarians and set me up as monarch , I dare not forget. If I could save my head with the blessing of the doctor, what would you say if you asked about Yu Yi? Please serve and preside over national affairs. Although I'm dead, I don't regret anything. "Kong Fujia replied," But all the officials are willing to serve your son, Feng. "Duke Mu said," No, the first emperor thought I had virtue, so he let me preside over the affairs of the country. If he lost his morality and did not give up his position, that would be to abandon the promotion of the first emperor. What virtue can he say there is? Can he not rush to deal with it to carry forward the virtue of the first emperor? Don't abandon the achievements of your predecessor! " [2-3] therefore Duke Mu of Song Order Young Master Feng to leave Song State reach zheng Residence. On the fifth day of August of the same year, Duke Mu of Song died and succeeded to the Yi people Song Shang Duke [4]
Song Shang Duke Ten years and eleven wars, the people are desperate. The Chinese father supervisor made friends with the young master Feng, and the old master Shang attacked Zheng three times since he ascended the throne Dasima Kong Fujia is the main fighting faction. Kong Fujia was defeated by Zheng Zhuang's office and returned. People in China complained. Taizai Chinese Father Inspects His Wife Wei's "Beautiful and Beautiful" [5] He was determined to seize his wife and kill Kong Fujia. In the spring of the tenth year of King Huan of Zhou (the second year of Duke Heng of Lu), he killed him and took his wife in the name of the peaceful people. His wife hanged herself on the way. When Shang Gong was angry, the Chinese father supervisor killed him again and welcomed him Feng Yuzheng , is for Zhuang Gong The killing of Kong Fujia was a big event in the history of the Kong family. The surname is Kong. Kong Fujia has only one son, named Mu Jinfu. Jinfu gave birth to Yiyi, and Yiyi gave birth to Fangshu. Afraid of Huashi's persecution, he fled to the State of Lu. Later, Kong Shengzhongni, the sixth grandson of Confucius.

Character status

Examining Father After, the first doctor It's Kong Fujia, the son of Zhengkao's father. He only did it Song State Sima. stay Confucius Family In history, Kong Fujia is a very important person.
Some people said that it was from him that the Confucius family began to take the surname "Kong". This statement is wrong. It is a misunderstanding caused by the indiscriminate use of family names. Neither Kong Fujia nor Confucius has the surname of Kong, but "Zi". Kong Fei's surname is their surname. In ancient times, "surname" was different from "surname". "Surname" represents "female birth", originally from the matrilineal line. In the Spring and Autumn Period, "the surname should not be noble or humble, and the surname should not be married".
In the generation of "Kong Fujia", Kong is only a character, not an inherited surname or surname. Because Kongfujia's ancestors were members of the royal family of the State of Song, when Kongfujia was introduced, "Five generations of kinship were exhausted, so don't be a public family", so the surname of the ancestors can no longer be used, and only a new surname can be used. (It was said that the ancestor's surname was "Gongsun") So Kong Fujia directly used his character as the new surname.
At that time, there was no set rule for the name of a man, or surname, or name, or word. After Kongfujia, the descendants of later generations, such as Mujinfu, Qifu, Fangshu, Boxia and Shulianghe, did not add their surname.
The name "Kong" was added to address it from the Confucius era after the sixth generation. The real surname of Confucius is "Zi" (here Zi is not a honorific name but a surname). His name is Qiu, but the surname is only used by women. Therefore, the combination of public places of Confucius is not called "Zi Qiu", but "Kong Qiu". Since Confucius is famous all over the world, his later generations will continue to use this feature of "embedding his surname in the name", such as Confucius' son is called Kong Li, his grandson is called Kong Ji, and his great grandson is called Kong Bai, etc., to demonstrate the blood relationship with Confucius.
With the war of the times and the ups and downs of the rich and the poor, the surname can no longer distinguish between the superior and the inferior. Gradually, the surname and surname mixed, and later generations did not know the difference, so "Kong" was taken as the surname of Confucius's descendants.

Kill oneself and lose one's wife

In the second year of Duke Huan Dasima Kong Fujia was killed. according to Zuo Zhuan Record: This spring, Song Huadu Attacking Kong Family, killing Kong Fujia and taking Kong Fujia's wife. Hua Du yes Dai Gong of Song Dynasty The grandson of Taizai , is“ Liu Qing ”The first one was at that time Song State A powerful nobleman. Why did he kill Kong Fujia? Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》Duke Huan said in the second year, Song Shang Duke After the accession to the throne, the people suffered untold hardships during the 11th World War in the past ten years. Kong Fujia is the Sima, and Hua Du is the Taizai. Taking advantage of the public's complaints, Governor Hua threatened to say, "It's all because of Sima." After killing Kong Fujia, Governor Hua killed Shang Gong zheng recall Zhuang Gong He established himself as the monarch, so as to tie up the State of Zheng.
Historical Records· Confucius The Aristocratic Family also recorded this: One year after Duke Huan, the wife of Ma Kong and Jia, the great minister, was beautiful. Once when she was out, she met Hua Du, too Zai, on the way. Hua Du liked her and kept staring at her [5] Because I like Kong Fujia's wife, Hua Du So people in the country threatened to say, "It's only ten years since the Duke of Shang ascended the throne, but there have been eleven wars, and the people are suffering and unbearable. Kong Fujia did all this, and I will kill him to stabilize the people." This year, people in the State of Lu killed their king Duke Yin of Lu In the following year, Governor Hua attacked and killed Kong Fujia and captured his wife. Duke Shang was very angry about this. Governor Hua killed Duke Shang again, met Duke Mu's son Feng from the State of Zheng, and made him king Zhuang Gong

Family members

Eighth Patriarch: Song Weizhong
Seventh generation ancestor: Song Gongji
The sixth ancestor: Duke Ding of Song Dynasty
High grandfather: Fu Fu He
Great grandfather: Song Fuzhou
Grandfather: Shizisheng
Grandson: Qi Fu
great-grandson: Kong Fangshu
Xuan Sun: Berxia
Fifth grandson: Shulianghe
Sixth grandson: Confucius