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"Brahman" originates from“ Borachman ”。 The language of prayer has the power of incantation. If the power of incantation increases, the good will be blessed and the evil will be punished diviner It is called "Brahman".
Chinese name
Foreign name
Religious functions
Brahmanic and Hindu priests
Caste hierarchy
Superlative caste
Region of origin

Communication experience

Music, painting, sculpture, medicine, astronomy, numerology, divination, incantation, etc. from Brahmanism have a significant and lasting impact on Chinese culture.
Brahmanism entered China with Buddhism, but Taoism did not rise at that time. Brahmanism had a profound impact on the teachings of Taoism. Taoist scriptures are full of discussions about Sanskrit. The formation of the Three Purities is also closely related to the three main gods of Brahmanism. Taoist rituals also have a clear Brahmanic color. Lingbao Wumetri People's Top Quality Wonderful Sutra, "created" by Ge Chaofu in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, has an important influence in the history of Taoism. It is located in《 Daozang 》The position of the head. There are obvious foreign elements in the Duren Sutra, which were often attributed to the influence of Buddhism by previous researchers, but the fact is not accurate. The external elements of the Sutra of Tara Man are mainly from Brahmanism, such as the Brahman as the main god, the evolution picture of the universe through the vicissitudes, the beginning of the Heavenly Goddess's victory over human beings, and so on, which are all directly from Brahmanism, or derived from it. Among them, words of praise to the heavens, such as "great Sanskrit argot", are translated from the Brahmanic classics, but have been condensed and rewritten. [1]

Historical records

Among the religions introduced from India to China, Buddhism was the most popular. In the minds of ancient Chinese, Buddhism was almost regarded as the alias of Indian culture. Everything that came from India was often entrusted to Buddhism. However, the Indian elements are generally regarded as Buddhist terms and ideas, which is incorrect. Brahman was introduced into China even before Buddhism.
Buddhism was introduced into China during the Yongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty. With many eminent Buddhist monks coming to China to preach, some Brahmans came to China. According to《 gaosengzhuan 》According to records, there are the following eminent monks with Brahman identity who have names and surnames to test:
"The Buddha Yieshe, this cloud of Jueming, the Mibin people, the Brahmans, the worldly affairs."
"Pray for Nabadhra, who is a man of virtue and virtue in the cloud and a man of India in the middle of heaven. He is called Mahayana, a Brahmanic species, because of his Mahayana learning. He learned all the theories of the Five Ming Dynasties, astronomy and calculation, and medical prescriptions and mantras. He was not good at all. Later, he met Apitan's miscellaneous mind, and read and realized that he deeply respected Buddhism. His family background is strange, and he forbids Shamen. Instead, the family secludes and seeks teacher training from afar. That is, he throws a hairpin to lose his hair, specializes in philology, and receives precepts, and knows all about the three Tibetans He came to Guangzhou in the 12th year of Yuanjia. "
"In the Yuan Dynasty, there was a Brahman surnamed Qutan in the city of Polonai in southern India. His name was Prajna Liuzhi, and Wei Yanzhixi. From the first year of the Yuan Dynasty to the end of Xinghe, he translated Buddhist scriptures, chanted sages, lived well, argued well, and understood only in Ye City. There were 14 books and 85 volumes."
The three people listed above were originally Brahmins and later converted to Buddhism. Because all the records in the Biography of Eminent Monks are Buddhist eminent monks, they are not interested in Brahmans. So, at the time of the Han and Tang Dynasties, did any pure Brahmans come to China? The answer is yes. On《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》Find a song written by Qingjiang in《 Send to Brahman 》The poem said: "The snow mountain and the golden river face east alone, and the Wu Mountain and the Chu River have boundless meanings. Now the heart of Baishou is exhausted, and the journey back thousands of miles is in a dream." The poet had social intercourse with the Brahman priests who came from afar.
Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, suffered from an eye disease, probably cataract, which was cured by a Brahman priest with a gold castor technique, so he gave a Brahman monk a poem that was handed down from generation to generation. His poem said: "The third autumn hurts the vision, and the journey is exhausted all day long. The middle age looks like an old man. Seeing Zhu becoming green, the sun can't help but feel the wind. How can I be misty when I learn the golden castor technique?"
Brahman's medical skill was in the leading position in the world at that time, and was introduced to China. The classics and records of Sui Shu contain 20 volumes of Brahman's Prescriptions and 5 volumes of Brahman's Prescriptions, which are the best evidence. From this, it can be inferred that the Brahmans who came to China successively were by no means one or two. [2]
On《 Sui Shu · Jingji Annals 》There are some classics in the name of "Brahman", which are called Brahman classics here. They are mainly distributed in the sub divisions, Jingbu and Shibu of Jingji Annals, namely:
One volume of Brahman;
The Brahman Astronomical Sutra, 21 volumes, was said by the Brahman sheikh;
The Astronomical Theory of Brahman Jiga Immortal, Volume 30;
Brahman Astronomy, Volume 1;
Brahman Algorithm, Volume III;
One volume of Brahman Yin Yang Calendar;
Three volumes of Brahman Suanjing;
"Brahmanic Prescriptions", Volume 20;
"Brahman Prescription", five volumes;
Five volumes of Foreign Biography of Brahman Master in the Great Sui Dynasty;
Nanzhao It is a local regime established by Yi and Bai ancestors in Dali, Yunnan Province from the middle of the 7th century to the beginning of the 10th century. The religious beliefs of Nanzhao were very complex, including primitive sorcery, which was later introduced into the Buddhist Tantrism. Recently, some people have found the evidence that Nanzhao once believed in Brahmanism from the Monument of Nanzhao Dehua and the Picture Biography of Nanzhao.
The Dehua Stele of the Nanzhao Dynasty is now located in Taihe Village, 15 miles south of Dali City. It was built in the first year of the Dali era of the Tang Dynasty (766). The stele is 3.02 meters high, 2.27 meters wide, and 0.58 meters thick. On the front is the main body of the stele, about 3800 characters long. On the back is the title and name, about 1000 characters long. Written in Chinese, it is an important material object for studying the history of the Nanzhao Dynasty.
According to the Nanzhao Dehua Stele, when he was the crown prince, Ge Luofeng "did not read non holy books, but tried to learn the skills of Yuren". Mr. Wen Yucheng believed that "Yuren" should be the "immortal" or "beginner" in the translation of the Modinga Sutra. The "art" of "art of universal people" refers specifically to the fourth part of the Brahmanism "Four Vedas". The second volume of Xuanzang's "Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" says: "His Brahman learns from the" Four Vedas ", namely, longevity, health preservation; temple, sacrifice and prayer; peace, ritual, divination, military tactics, and military formation; and art, power, skill, incantation, and medicine". It can be seen from this that Gelafeng also learns the Veda of Brahmanism.
According to the Nanzhao Dehua Stele, Geluofeng sent troops to defeat Tang Jiedu envoy Xianyu Zhongtong, which is "the gods bless, the divine torches help, the heaven and the people unite, and the military and the county are all pulled out". The sentence of "divine torch boosts morale" is worth studying. The "divine torch" is also the divine fire. According to the Brahmanism's theory of "sacrificing omnipotence", holding the "Buddha Ramani sacrifice" (one of the "fire sacrifices") can "subdue" the enemy and get the help of the god of fire.
According to the Nanzhao Dehua Stele, in the third year of Zan Pu Zhong (754), when Ge Luofeng ordered Li Mi, the governor of Yunnan Prefecture, and the imperial envoy to defeat them, "the corpses were buried in the fields of Pishe". Vaisya, the third caste in the Indian caste system, is next to Brahman and Satiri. It refers to the class of farmers, businessmen and handicraftsmen. The inscription language strongly suggests that Nanzhao was deeply influenced by Brahmanism.
The Monument to the Virtue of the Nanzhao Kingdom says that after Geluofeng settled down (in 765), "he sat in the south to be isolated, and unified the east to be the master. Then he practiced literature and martial arts, set up hundreds of officials, and ranked nine. He expounded three religions, and served four doors...". Among them, the "elucidation of the three religions" means that the elucidation of Confucianism, Buddhism and Sanskrit is a national policy in the construction of the ritual system.
In addition to the Monument of Nanzhao Dehua, the Picture Biography of Nanzhao is another important historical relic of the Nanzhao period. It was painted in the second year of Zhongxing (898) of the Nanzhao period, and there are adjacent museums in Tokyo, Japan. The first half of Nanzhao Tuzhuan is a picture scroll, and the second half is a text. The content of the picture can be divided into three parts: First, the cause of the towering mountains, that is, the story of the Buddhist monk's Worship. 2、 The story of iron pillars is the story of sacrificing iron pillars. 3、 In the story of the West Erhe River, Shun Huazhen became a king, "sacrificing the West Erhe River (Erhai Lake) with livestock".
Some people believe that the Weishan Saint Monk in the Nanzhao Picture Biography is a Brahman. Because the Buddhist monk wears a "red lotus crown" and has a beard, it looks like a non Buddhist. Moreover, when the Brahma Monk was "recorded" at the top of the Weishan Mountain to Mengxinuluo's wife and daughter-in-law, "there was a white horse with a red mane on the left, a handlebar iron staff in the rising cloud; there was a white elephant on the right, a handlebar gold mirror in the rising cloud, and a green sand cow." This should be a fictional Brahmanic ritual scene. The horse god Dadhikra, the elephant god, and Ganesa, the son of Shiva, all appeared as waitresses. The cow of Shiva God, named Nanda, is represented by Qingsha cattle.
In the fourth chapter of the Nanzhao Tuzhuan, the slain Buddhist monk hangs a white belt under his neck, which is the "neck belt" worn by scholars (Banjie) who are proficient in the "Five Ming" in Brahmanism. The Record of Zhenla Local Customs says: "For the Confucians, it is called Ban Jie,... a white line is hung on the neck... the line on the neck never goes away." Ban Jie, pronounced Pandit, originates from Sanskrit and is still used in Thai today, referring to learned people. During the Zhenla period, people were called Pankirti, most of whom were Brahmans, because knowledge was monopolized by Brahmans at that time, and ordinary people had no opportunity to receive education. Therefore, Zhou Daguan said in the "Record of Zhenla's Local Conditions" that "those who enter the official ranks from Ban Jie are the people who are high". As they are Brahmanic priests, the white line on their necks that marks Brahmanic identity will not go away for life.
In addition, the widespread worship of the Great Dark God in the Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake during the Nanzhao period also proved that Brahmanism was once directly introduced into Yunnan from India through the poison way of Sichuan. Mahakala is the Sanskrit name of the great black god, which means great and black, so the great black god is a free translation. His prototype is Shiva, the great king of freedom worshipped by Brahmanism. The Bai and Yi ethnic groups regard Dahei God as their "master" and "land master", that is, the "master of their own territory" and "master of their own territory", which are their land gods to protect their territory and secure their people. At present, there are still many main temples and local temples dedicated to the Great Dark God in Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake. This is the evidence of the integration of Brahmanism and local sorcery. [2]

Position and responsibility

Of the four Indian families, the highest caste, priest and scholar class. It is the core group of all knowledge in ancient India and the most noble caste in Indian society. Changahan scroll six small margin meridians, fifteen kinds of scroll German classics The 29 volumes of Huilin's sound and meaning all show that this class was born from Brahma's mouth, with a decent and clean appearance Gao Jie He practices Veda and worships. according to Manu Code It is stipulated that there are six Brahmans in the four family names, namely, learning Veda, teaching Veda, sacrificing for oneself, sacrificing for others, giving and receiving. Therefore, the lowest of the four surnames is excluded Sudala Apart from the clan, the other three surnames all have to recite Vedas and offer sacrifices to others officiant at a religions service Teaching others Veda and receiving alms are limited to Brahmans.
Brahmans can enjoy a lot because of their special duties and status privilege They can be exempted from all kinds of taxes, because it is believed that Brahmins have paid off such debts with their pious deeds, and they cannot be punished death penalty Or any type of corporal torture Because Brahmans are sacred and inviolable. Those who give gifts to Brahmans are blessed, and they will receive certain good rewards in this life or in the afterlife. The most popular gift is land, which can "remove all the sins of the giver". Therefore, Brahmans occupy large estates, often entire villages.
Brahmans are mostly vegetarian diet Person, but Assam Brahmins have many non vegetarian foods, most of which are fish, chicken, pigeons, mutton and duck eggs Animal sacrifice )。 Brahmins in Bangladesh eat fish.
In addition to priests, they also served as court scribes, scientists (astrologers, mathematicians), teachers and civil servants. In the first half of the twentieth century. Brahmans hold 75% of government positions in certain fields.
Brahman's life can be divided Phase IV
(1) In the period of Brahma - ca ^ rin, he began to learn at the age of eight, and then learned Veda and cults for twelve years.
(2) Home stay (Brahma gr! Ha - stha) period, return home to marry and have children, sacrifice utux , engage in secular affairs.
(3) In the forest dwelling (Brahma va ^ na prastha) period, the family will give birth to children when they are old and live in the forest ascetic penance , concentrate on thinking and enter religious life.
(IV) Recluse (Sam! Nya ^ sin) stage , the persistence of peerless vulgarity Coarse clothes , holding water bottles, parading around. During the reclusive period, Brahman's way of doing things was followed by many Buddhists, such as parading, begging for food, and settling in rain; Also the Brahman of this period said monk , Shamen, marchers are also Exemplification

Behavioral privilege

Brahmans can enjoy a lot because of their special duties and status privilege You can waive all kinds of fees taxes and levies Because it is believed that Brahmins have paid off such debts with their pious deeds and cannot be punished death penalty Or any type of corporal torture Because Brahmans are sacred and inviolable. Those who give gifts to Brahmans are guaranteed that they will receive certain rewards in this life and the next. The most popular gift is land, which can "remove all the sins of the giver". Therefore, Brahmans occupy a large number of properties, including the whole village.
Brahmanism has a great influence on Myanmar culture. First of all, Brahmanism is the first religion that Burmese people believe in. Brahmanism gods are introduced into Buddhism as the protection gods of Buddhism category Indra As the first great god of the 37 traditional gods that Myanmar still believes in; Secondly, the religious rites of Brahmanism were widely absorbed and applied in various ceremonies of Myanmar's feudal dynasties Feudal dynasty Brahmans are employed in the court Priests , presided over the palace ceremony and the national ceremony with Brahmanism etiquette; Secondly, the patterns of Brahmanism are widely used in Myanmar's Buddhism and civil architectural art; Fourth, Brahmanic astrology was introduced into Myanmar and still popular in Myanmar society; Fifth, the Brahmanic myths were introduced into Myanmar, forming a traditional festival; Finally, the story of Brahmanism Myanmar Literature It also has a great influence, and the Ramayana drama is still thriving.


Brahmanism It is polytheistic with the color of monotheism and worships all kinds of nature Divine blockhouse Sacrifice and prayer are popular to attract blessings and avert disasters, while Brahma is the master of the creation of all things in the universe. Brahman gave birth to Brahman from his mouth, Sadiri from his shoulder, Yashe from his belly, and Sudala from his foot, which determined the rank of the four surnames. This became Caste system The basis of. People should obey the will of Brahma, so they should believe Vedas Serve Brahmans and strictly abide by the caste system. Later, Brahmanism developed. It abstracted "Brahman" as the noumenon of the universe, or the highest principle of the birth of the universe; On the one hand, from personal observation, I believe that "I" is the master and noumenon of the individual, the human body is born from "I", human activities are born from "I", and all things outside also exist from "I". From this, it can be inferred that "I" and "Brahman" are the same. What one should strive to do is to achieve the consistency of Brahman and I through practice, so as to avoid the suffering of reincarnation and get great freedom.


In the ancient Indian subcontinent, Halaba culture During this period, there was the sprout of religion, which mainly worshiped nature Totems Primitive worship mark Around 1500 BC, Aryan Massive invasion aboriginal culture He compiled the original religious document Veda from 1200 BC to 1000 BC, and founded Brahmanism on this basis. Compared with other religions in the world, Brahmanism was born earlier, so its content is also complicated. On the one hand, it's not like Christianity or Islamism So, yes《 Bible 》、 The Koran And so on. Instead, the Vedas, Upanishads《 Memoirs 》, and later various codes as doctrinal source On the other hand, unlike Christianity and Islam, it does not have a single and clear God, but thousands of gods as objects of worship.
And in secular life Caste system Similarly, the Brahmanic gods are also hierarchical. The highest level god is Brahman. It is not a personified god, transcending time and space, and has no form, but it is the absolute reality and ultimate noumenon hidden behind the universe. The second level of God is the specific form of Brahma, which appears as Brahma Shiva Vishnu The three main gods, their various incarnations, spouses and Heir As the embodiment of Brahman, the three main gods have different functions. Brahman is the creator of the world, Shiva is the destroyer and reconstructor of the world, and Vishnu is the defender of the world. The third level god is a personified natural object, such as the sun god Moon god Earth Mother God There are various kinds and names. From here, it is easy to see that the lower the level of God, the more primitive traces of totem; The higher the totem, the more abstract it is. It is worth noting that“ vedism In addition to the main number of natural gods, there are also some ancestors and heroes among the gods, which is an extension of the concept of ancestor worship and hero worship. Therefore, a distinctive feature of Vedas is that they worship nature gods While respecting the dead. "

Indian social class

About Brahman, the Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia: "[Brahman]... is one of the classes in the Indian social class system. People of this class think they are descendants of Brahman. They usually read《 Four Vedas 》, offering sacrifices, ranking Four surnames The highest level of (four classes)... India has the most powerful Brahman class, so the country has another name of Brahman State. The religion of its people is called Brahmanism ... In Volume 29 of the Yogi Earth Theory, Brahmans were classified into three categories, that is, there are three kinds of Brahmans, namely, seed, name, thought, and action. The species Brahman is said to be born in the Brahman family. A person whose name is like a Brahman is called a Brahman. The upright Brahman means that he can expel those who are evil and evil... In the original Buddhist scripture, he once listed his views on the Brahman class. He thought that the ancient Brahman was an ideal class in all aspects, but by the time of Buddhism, the Brahman class had fallen Four surnames One of them... is a kind of people who serve the Great Brahma King and practice purity. " It can be seen that Brahman is a class. Among them, the upright Brahman is a practitioner who "can dispel evil and not be good at law". But who is the Brahman? The person, no matter who he is, can prove "self"—— Vajra Needle Upanishads
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustration of caste system
Brahmins are priests and nobles, belonging to varna One, it mainly grasps Theocracy , fortune telling, monopolizing culture and reporting the farming season are of the highest status in the society.
Aryan people believe that they can get God's blessing and Blessing Brahmans hold the highest position in society because they master the communication channel between God and man.