
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Spanish: Rep ú blica Boliviana de Venezuela), short for Venezuela , is located at South America The country in the north covers an area of 916400 square kilometers. To the north Caribbean , West and Columbia Adjacent, south and Brazil Junction, east and Guyana Bordering, capital Caracas Venezuela is rich in natural resources, including oil, natural gas, iron ore, bauxite, gold, coal, nickel, diamond, etc. In 2019, the total population of Venezuela was 32.22 million. [1]
Venezuela was once home to the Arawak and Caribbean Indians. It became a Spanish colony in 1567. Independence was declared on July 5, 1811. From 1819 to 1829, it formed the "Great Republic of Colombia" with Colombia, Panama and Ecuador. The Federal Republic of Venezuela was established in 1830. In 1864, it was renamed the United States of Venezuela. It was changed to the Republic of Venezuela in 1953. In 1999, it was renamed the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In 1958, the constitutional government was implemented and the literati regime was established. Since then, the Democratic Action Party and the Christian Socialist Party have been in power alternately. In December 1998, the presidential candidate of the "Patriotic Center" Chavez The victory in the general election broke the political pattern of the two traditional parties' long-term alternative governance. [1]
In recent years, Venezuelan officials have stopped publishing and updating most macroeconomic data. [3] In 2020, the total GDP of Venezuela will be 47.26 billion US dollars, and the per capita GDP will be 1691 US dollars. [1]
Chinese name
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Foreign name
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (English)
República Bolivariana de Venezuela (Spanish)
major city
Maracaibo Valencia Laguaira etc.
National Day
July 5th
National anthem
Glory of the Heroic People
Country code
official language
Sovereign Bolivar
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Nicolás Maduro Moros President
population size
About 28.3 million [1] (2022, World Bank data)
Population density
32.2 persons/km2 (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Indo European White Black Indian
Major religions
land area
916400 km² [1] (2020)
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $47.26 billion (International exchange rate in 2020)
GDP per capita
US $1691 (International exchange rate in 2020)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
Gini coefficient
zero point three nine

Historical evolution

Venezuela was originally Indian Arawa and Caribbean settlements, 1498, Columbus Venezuela was discovered during the voyage in search of a new continent. In 1499, Spanish explorer Alonso de Ojeda called the country Venezuela, which means "Little Venice". It became a Spanish colony in 1567.
Venezuelan independence movement against Spanish rule began very early. In 1806, Francisco de Miranda launched a rebellion in Caracas, but it ended in failure. In 1810, after Napoleon's brother was crowned king of Spain, the people of Caracas deposed the governor of Venezuela. Declared independence on July 5, 1811, and later liberated in South America Simon Bolivar Under the leadership of, he completely got rid of Spanish colonial rule in June 1821. Same as in 1819 Columbia Ecuador and Panama form The Greater Republic of Colombia Withdrawal in 1829.
The Federal Republic of Venezuela was established in 1830. In 1864, it was renamed the United States of Venezuela. In 1953, it was renamed the Republic of Venezuela. In 1958, the constitutional government was implemented and the literati regime was established. According to the Constitution that came into force in December 1999, the name of the country was changed to "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)". [3]
Elected on October 28, 2015 United Nations Human Rights Council Member, term of office from 2016 to 2018. [4]
President of Venezuela Maduro On June 11, 2016, it was said that the referendum to impeach him initiated by the opposition coalition would be held as early as 2017. Maduro said that if the opposition coalition can complete the procedures in accordance with all legal provisions, the referendum will be held as early as next year. If the required procedures cannot be completed, the referendum will not be held.
On April 27, 2019, the Venezuelan government announced that it had completed its withdrawal Organization of American States All specified procedures of. [6]
In January 2022, Venezuela lost its United Nations General Assembly Voting rights. [10]
On June 12, 2024 local time, Venezuelan Vice President Rodriguez announced that his country had officially joined the Trade Facilitation Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO). [19]
On July 29, 2024 local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela announced the withdrawal of all diplomatic personnel stationed in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, Dominica and Uruguay, and asked the seven countries to withdraw their diplomatic representatives in Venezuela as well. [23] On July 29 local time, the Venezuelan government announced that it would suspend commercial flights between Venezuela and Panama and Dominica from 8:00 a.m. local time on July 31 to respond to the interference of the two governments in Venezuela's internal affairs and safeguard Venezuela's national sovereignty. [27]

geographical environment


Regional location

Venezuela faces the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic , East and Guyana Neighboring, Nantong Brazil Bordering to the west Columbia Border, while there are Aruba Netherlands Antilles (All are Netherlands The Overseas Self Governing Territories) and Trinidad and Tobago And other island states. [3]

topographic features

The terrain of Venezuela can be divided into three regions:
Northwest and northern mountainous areas, mainly Andes Northeast Branch of Merida Mountains It is the largest mountain range in China, with snow on the top all the year round, glaciers and frequent earthquakes. Bolivar Peak With an altitude of 5007m, it is the highest point in China. In the northwest of the Merida Mountains, there is the largest lake in Latin America—— Maracaibo Lake The lake covers an area of 14344 square kilometers Caribbean , the deepest point at the south end is 250 meters; The water is light in the south and slightly salty in the north. The marsh lowlands around the lake area are world famous oil producing areas.
central section Orinoco Plain , the western half of the plain is a grassland, and the eastern half of the plain is Orinoco River Delta marshland formed by the estuary.
southeast Guyana Plateau , 500~800 meters above sea level. The largest gap in the world Angel Falls (fall 979m), located at Karoni River On the middle tributary. [3]
Venezuela Satellite Map

Climatic characteristics

Basically belong to the Savanna climate The temperature varies with the precipitation and ground height. The mountains are mild, and the lowlands are hot. The annual average temperature is 26~28 ℃. The annual average precipitation increases from 500 mm to about 3000 mm from the north coast to the south. The basin in the upper reaches of Orinoco River, which has the most precipitation, has an average annual precipitation of more than 3000 mm. The driest area is in the northern coast, LaGuaila Port and Malakai The average annual precipitation in other cities is only more than 550 mm. The rainy season is from June to November, and the dry season is from December to May of the next year.

natural resources

Venezuela is rich in natural resources, mainly including oil, natural gas, iron ore, bauxite, gold, coal, nickel diamond Etc. The proven oil reserves are about 302.8 billion barrels, ranking first in the world; The proven reserves of natural gas are 5.67 trillion cubic meters, ranking eighth in the world; Bauxite resources are about 3.48 billion tons, and the proven reserves are 1.33 billion tons, ranking the third in the world; The amount of iron ore resources is 14.68 billion tons, and the amount of proven ore is 3.63 billion tons; The predicted gold reserves are 792 tons, ranking fourth in the world; Titanium reserves are 39 million tons; 41 million carats of diamond resources; Phosphorite resources amount to 250 million tons; The proven coal reserves are 730 million tons; Nickel ore is 490000 tons. Water power and forest resources are also abundant, and the forest coverage rate is 56%. [3]

administrative division


Main division

The country is divided into 21 states, 2 border areas (Amazon and Amakuro Delta border areas), 1 capital area and 1 federal territory (consisting of 311 islands).
The capital cities of 21 states are Caracas (Caracas)、 Maracaibo (Maracaibo)、 Valencia (Valencia)、 Barcelona (Barcelona)、 Laguaira (La Guaira)、 Laxus Port (Puerto La Cruz)、 Kumana (Cumana), Merida Koro (Coro)、 Bakhisimeto (Barquisimeto)、 San Cristobal (San Cristobal), La Mercedes Eltigrel (El Tigre)、 Matulin (Maturin)、 Tukupita (Tucupita)、 Bolivar City (Ciudad Bolivar)、 Port Ayacucho (Puerto Ayacucho), San Fernando Atabapo. [3]
Venezuelan administrative divisions

major city

The capital, a coastal port, is also the largest city in the country. The population is 3.22 million, and the annual average temperature is 21 ℃. [1]
The second largest city in China is the world's famous oil production center and oil and coffee export port. The output of crude oil accounts for half of the country, and there are petrochemical, cement, wood processing, food and other industrial sectors. There is an international airport. Formerly a coffee export port in the Merida Mountains, it developed vigorously with the development of oil in Lake Maracaibo in 1918. The old city retains the buildings of the colonial period, and the city style is simple and elegant. The appearance of the new urban area presents the modern city style, with broad streets and developed commerce. [3]
An important industrial city, located in the Valencia Valley at the southern foot of the west central coastal mountains, is less than 500 meters above sea level. The city was founded in 1555. There are automobile assembly, chemical industry, cement, paper making, wood processing and other industrial sectors, which together with the neighboring Malakai City form an industrial sister city. Economic crops such as cotton and sugar cane are widely planted around, making it the richest agricultural region in China. In the old city, buildings from the Spanish colonial period are preserved, including ancient cathedrals, historical museums, etc. The bullring here is the largest bullring in Latin America, and grand bullfights are often held. [3]
Located in the west, it is the capital of Merida. The city is built on a cliff, known as the "roof of Venezuela". It is a remarkable city in the Andes Mountains and a center of religion and education. There are small and exquisite Spanish art museums, famous Plaza de Bolivar , Andean University established in 1785, ancient Spanish churches and temples, etc. The nearby mountain peak is a ski and mountaineering resort. Alero Village was built according to the rural areas in the Andes in the 1930s. [3]
Plaza de Bolivar

National symbol


Country name

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (English: The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; Spanish: La Rep ú blue Bolivarian de Venezuela) is referred to as Venezuela for short. Venezuela's national name "Venezuela" actually comes from Italian, meaning "Little Venice", and its allusion comes from Italian explorers Amerigo Vespucci (Also the name of America) (Amerigo Vespucci) saw the water stilted village inhabited by American Indians in Lake Maracaibo at the beginning, which was associated with Venice, the water capital of Europe, so it was named. As for the "Bolivar" in Venezuela's official full name, it was only joined in 1999 when the country revised its constitution to commemorate what they regard as the founding hero Simon Bolivar

national flag

Flag of Venezuela Launched in 1811, the national flag is rectangular, with a length to width ratio of 3:2. The flag is composed of three parallel and equal horizontal rectangles, yellow, blue and red, from top to bottom. There are eight white five pointed stars in the center of the flag, arranged in an arc; The national emblem is painted on the upper left corner. The yellow, blue and red colors come from the colors of the flag of the former Republic of Colombia. Yellow represents rich resources, blue represents the sky and the sea, and red represents the blood of soldiers who died in the war of independence. The seven five pointed stars represent the seven provinces of the Venezuelan Federation in 1811. Government agencies use the national flag with the national emblem, and the folk use the national flag without the national emblem. President at that time Chavez On March 7, 2006, the National Assembly of Venezuela adopted the revision of the national flag and national emblem, and decided to increase the number of seven stars on the national flag to eight. The newly added star represents Guyana Province, which was freed from Spanish rule and merged into Venezuela in 1817. [35-36]
Flag of Venezuela [36]
Flag of Venezuela

national emblem

Venezuela National Emblem It was first opened on April 18, 1836. The central design is the coat of arms. On the red ground in the upper left corner, there are twenty wheat plants tied together, representing the unity of twenty states. On the yellow ground in the upper right corner, there are swords, sabres, three spears and two national flags, tied with laurels symbolizing victory. On the blue ground below, there is a white horse running to the left (this was modified by the late President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in 2006, but not recognized by the opposition). All three add up to the color of the national flag. The coat of arms is covered with laurel and palm branches. There are two abundant horns above the shield, and vegetables, fruits and flowers flow out. The ribbon book composed of three colors of the national flag has the name of the country and "April 19, 1810, Independence" and "February 20, 1859, Commonwealth". [3]
Venezuela National Emblem

national anthem

Glory of the heroic people 》《Gloria al Bravo Pueblo》
Vicente Salias
Juan Jose Landaeta
Glory belongs to the people. They abandon the chains, respect the law and virtue, and are famous all over the world. Glory belongs to the people. They abandon the chains, respect the law and virtue, and are famous all over the world. "Quickly open the shackles! Quickly open the shackles!" God shouted, and God shouted. The poor people in the hut asked for freedom. This sacred name frightened the tyrant. The complacent guy trembled at this. This sacred name scared the tyrant's courage. The complacent guy trembled, and the complacent guy trembled.


As we see the future (Spanish: Como vaya viniendo vamos viendo)

National tree

Yellow bell tree, with hard wood and yellow flowers, grows in arid areas.

national bird

Tupiya eared bird, yellow, with black patterns on its back, can be domesticated.

national flower

Population and nationality

About 28.3 million (2022, World Bank data). Indian European mixed race people account for 58%, white people 29%, black people 11% and Indian people 2%. The official language is Spanish. Most residents believe in Catholicism. [1]




Venezuela is capitalist country We should exercise the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The regime is Presidential republic The President is independent of the Parliament and elected by citizens directly or indirectly on a regular basis; The President is responsible only to the people, not to Parliament; cabinet Ministers in charge of each department shall be appointed by and responsible to the President; The President regularly reports to the Parliament on the work of the government; The President has veto power over bills passed by Parliament, but has no power to dissolve Parliament. [3]
Venezuela has a presidential system. The President is the Head of State, Head of Government and Commander in Chief of the armed forces for a term of six years. [1]


The current Constitution of Venezuela was promulgated in December 1999. In February 2009, the Commission adopted a referendum to amend the Constitution and lift the limit on the number of re-election of elected public officials, including the President. [1]


Venezuela National Congress (hereinafter referred to as "the whole congress") is the highest legislative body in the country, with a unicameral system. The main functions of the whole congress are to formulate laws, amend the Constitution, supervise the government and public administration departments according to law, announce amnesty and approve the national budget. Representatives of the whole congress are directly elected by the national general election for a term of five years; The term of office of the President is one year and he may be re elected. The first full congress was established in August 2000. In January 2020, the National Congress held a leadership election, and Guaido and Parra announced their election as new presidents. On December 6, 2020, the Commission held a general election for the full congress, and the ruling party coalition won the election. The new full congress took office on January 5, 2021, with a term of office until 2026, Jorge Rodriguez Serve as Chairman. [1]

constitutional convention

On May 1, 2017, Venezuelan President Maduro announced that in order to resolve the differences between the government and the opposition, build a platform for dialogue and promote national development, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Articles 340 to 350 of the Constitution, he decided to convene a constitutional convention. The main contents of the new constitution are proposed to include the establishment of a new participatory democratic system and a "post oil" economic system, which will be submitted to a referendum after completion. On July 30, the CPC Central Committee held a representative election for the Constituent Assembly, and the ruling party won all the seats. On August 4, the Constituent Assembly was established. After the establishment of the Constituent Assembly, laws such as the Law on Anti hatred, Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Inclusion, and the Anti Economic War Law were passed successively. In December 2020, the ruling party announced that the Constituent Assembly had completed its mission and ended its operation. [1]


The President is the Head of Government, and the Vice President and Cabinet Ministers are appointed by the President. The current government was established in January 2019 and has made several adjustments. The current cabinet members are: Delcy RODR Í GUEZ, Vice President, An í bal Coronado, Minister of the President's Office of the People's Government, Yv á n GIL Pinto, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Government, Remigio CEBALLOS, Minister of Internal Affairs and Justice of the People's Government, Vladimir PADRINO L ó pez, Minister of Defense of the People's Political Power, Freddy ≮ Á∨ EZ, Minister of Information and Communication of the People's Political Power, Delcy RODR Í GUEZ, Minister of Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade of the People's Political Power, Jos é RIVAS, Minister of Industry and Production of the People's Political Power, Wilmar Alfredo Castro Soteldo, Minister of Agriculture and Land of the People's Government, Luis VILLEGAS Ram í rez, Minister of Domestic Trade of the People's Government, and Jhoanna CARRILLO, Minister of Urban Agriculture of the People's Government, Juan Carlos LOYO, Minister of Fisheries and Fisheries of the People's Government, Carlos Leal Teller Í A, Minister of Food of the People's Government, and Al í Padr ó n Paredes, Minister of Tourism of the People's Government, Pedro Rafael TELLECHEA, Minister of Oil of the People's Government, William SERANTES, Minister of Ecological Mining Development of the People's Government, Ricardo Jos é MEN E NDEZ, Minister of Planning of the People's Government, Magaly GUTI E RREZ, Minister of Health of the People's Government, Clara VIDAL, Minister of Indian Affairs of the People's Government, Daheliz Á LVAREZ, Minister of Women and Gender Equality of the People's Government, Rodolfo MARCO, Minister of Water Resources Protection of the People's Government, Mervin MALDONADO, Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs of the People's Government, Mireys Contreras, Minister of Prison Service of the People's Government, Alexis CORREDOR, Minister of Labor and Social Security of the People's Government, Ernesto VILLEGAS, Minister of Culture of the People's Government, Yelitze SANTAELLA, Minister of Education of the People's Government, Sandra OBLITAS (female), Minister of Higher Education of the People's Government, Gabriela JIM é NEZ Ram í rez (female), Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Government, Josu é Alejandro LORCA Vega, Minister of Ecology of the People's Government, IIdemaro VILLARROEL Arismendi, Minister of Housing of the People's Political Power, Guy VERNAEZ, Minister of Commune and Socialist Movement of the People's Political Power, Ram ó n VEL Á SQUEZ, Minister of Transport of the People's Political Power, Ra ú l Alfonzo Paredes, Minister of Public Works of the People's Government, Jorge M Á RQUEZ, Minister of Electricity of the People's Government, Gerardo IZQUIERDO, Minister of Border Affairs of the People's Government. [1]
  • presidential election
On July 29 local time, the Venezuelan National Electoral Commission held a ceremony, officially announcing that the current President Maduro won the presidential election held on the 28th and was elected the new President of Venezuela. The Venezuelan National Electoral Commission issued a certificate to Maduro for a term of office from 2025 to 2031. [25]


The Supreme Court of Venezuela is the highest judicial institution in the country. It is composed of the President, two Vice Presidents and 32 justices. It consists of six courts, namely, the Constitutional Court, the Political Administration Court, the Electoral Court, the Civil Court, the Social Court and the Criminal Court. The Chief Justice is recommended by the Judicial Election Committee and appointed by the National Congress for a term of 12 years. The term of office of the president is two years, and he can be re elected once. Caryslia Rodr í guez (female), the current president of the Supreme Court. The judicial system also includes the General Prosecutor's Office, the General Audit Office, the Civil Protection Agency, criminal investigation agencies and judicial auxiliary agencies. State Attorney General Tarek William Saab (Tarek William SAAB)。 Elvis Eduardo Hidrobo Amoroso, Auditor General, Civil Defender Alfredo Ruiz (Alfredo Ruiz)。 [1]


The main political parties nationwide are:
(1) United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV): the ruling party. It was established in January 2008. There are more than 8 million formal Party members. From November 2009 to April 2010, the Tongshe Party held its first special representative conference, which determined three documents: the Party Constitution, the Declaration of Principles and the Basic Program. The party advocates opposing capitalism and imperialism, pursuing socialism, humanitarianism and internationalism, defending the fruits of the Bolivarian revolution, safeguarding the interests of the working class and the people, and committed to building a fair, free and humane "21st century socialism". In March 2022, the Uni President Party held its fifth congress, which proposed "resistance, revival and revolution: a new period of transition to socialism", implemented the "1X10 good government" mechanism to connect with the masses (each party member connects with 10 people), and President Maduro was re elected as the party chairman.
(2) Justice First Party (Primero Justicia): Opposition party. It was founded in 2000 and became a national political party in 2003, advocating the humanitarian middle line. Former governor of Miranda Capriles is its founder and party leader. Mar í a MARTINEZ, the party chairman.
(3) A New Era Party (Un Nuevo Tiempo): Opposition party. It was founded in 1999 and became a national political party in 2006. International member of the Socialist Party. The National Consultative Committee is the highest authority of the Party. Manuel Rosales, the founder and party chairman.
(4) Democratic Action Party (Partido de Acci ó n Democr á tica): Opposition party. Founded in September 1941. International member of the Socialist Party. The National Congress is the highest authority of the Party. Isabel CARMONA, Chairman of the Party, and Henry RAMOS Allup, General Secretary.
(5) People's Will Party (Partido de Voluntad Popular): Opposition party. Established in 2009. International member of the Socialist Party. It advocates respecting people's political and civil rights and promoting the establishment of a free, progressive, democratic and inclusive society. Leopoldo LOPEZ, the national general coordinator. In January 2019, Guaido, a member of the party and the then chairman of the National Congress, named himself "Interim President". In December 2022, Guaido was removed from the post of "Interim President".
(6) Christian Social Party (Partido Socialcristiano): Opposition party. It was founded in January 1946. Member of CDI and the Inter American CDO. Party Chairman Roberto ENRIQUEZ and General Secretary Juan Carlos ALVARADO.
(7) Progressive Party (Avanzada Progresista): Opposition. It was established in June 2012. It is composed of the Uni President Party and the dissidents of Patria Para Todos. He advocated taking office through democratic elections, fully implementing the dollarization of the economy, and improving relations with the United States and other Western countries. Henri Falcon, the founder, and Eduardo SEMTEI, the party chairman.
(8) Campaign for Socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo): Established in January 1971. International member of the Socialist Party. It is composed of a part of the Central Committee members who are divorced from the Venezuelan Communist Party and advocates the reform of Marxist theory and the construction of a democratic, pluralistic, sovereign and people's autonomous socialism with Venezuelan characteristics. In 2001, the party split into two factions, namely, opposition to the government and support for the government. Segundo MELENDEZ, Chairman of the Party, and Felipe MUJICA, General Secretary. [1]


Nicolás Maduro Moros : President. Born in November 1962, graduated from middle school. In his youth, he was the leader of the student movement and once served as the leader of the Caracas Metro Trade Union. He has successively served as the national leader of the "Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement 200", the coordinator of the "Bolivarian Workers' Power Party" and the director of the mobilization department of the "Fifth Republic Movement". In 2008, he participated in the establishment of the Neiruila Unified Socialist Party of the ruling party committee, and is now the vice chairman of the Unified Socialist Party. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1998 and served as the President of the National Congress from 2005 to 2006. He was appointed Foreign Minister in August 2006. In October 2012, he was appointed Vice President and Foreign Minister. Since January 2013, he will no longer serve as foreign minister. On April 14, he defeated the opposition coalition candidate Capriles in the re held presidential election and was elected president, and took office on April 19, with a term of office until April 2019. On July 26, 2014, he was elected Chairman of the United Socialist Party of the CPC Committee, and was re elected twice in July 2018 and May 2022. He won re-election in the general election in May 2018 and was sworn in in January 2019 for a term ending in January 2025. On August 22, 2024 local time, the Supreme Court of Venezuela officially ruled that the results of the presidential election on July 28 announced by the National Electoral Commission of Venezuela were valid, and Maduro was elected as the new president [31]
Hugo Chavez Frias : Former President. Born in July 1954. He graduated from the Military Academy of Venezuela and obtained a master's degree in military science and art of army engineering. Later, he studied political science at Simon Bolivar University and won medals such as "Star of Calavovo" and "Army Cross". In 1982, the "Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement 200" was founded, which was composed of retired soldiers and people from the middle and lower classes of society. In 1992, he led the "February 4th" military coup attempt and was released after two years in prison. In January 1998, the "Fifth Republic Movement" was founded, advocating the thorough reform of the national political system and the establishment of a real democracy with the participation of the people; In December, as the candidate of the "Patriotic Center" of the campaign alliance, he participated in the general election and won. After taking office, he promoted the establishment of the Constituent Assembly through a referendum to amend the Constitution and carry out major reform of the country's political system. According to the new Constitution, Cha was re elected President in July 2000. In December 2006 and October 2012, Cha was re elected as President. On March 5, 2013, Chavez died in Caracas. [1]




Venezuela has superior natural endowment and abundant energy resources. The proven oil reserves of Venezuela (including heavy oil) are 300 billion barrels, ranking first in the world. The main industrial sectors include oil, iron ore, construction, steel making, aluminum smelting, electricity, automobile assembly, food processing, textile, etc. The petroleum industry is the lifeblood of the national economy of Venezuela. There are 80 million hectares of land suitable for the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and aquaculture in China, including 30.07 million hectares of arable land and 13.79 million hectares of natural and artificial grazing grassland. Agricultural development is slow. In recent years, the decline in international oil prices and sanctions have had a serious impact on the economy of Venezuela. The economy will grow by 5% in 2023. The economy is expected to grow by 8% in 2024. [1]
In recent years, Venezuelan officials have stopped publishing and updating most macroeconomic data. [3] In 2020, the total GDP of Venezuela is 47.26 billion US dollars, and the per capita GDP (US dollars) is 1691 US dollars. [1]
Venezuelan currency


Venezuela's light industry is relatively developed. Since the 1970s, it has focused on the development of steel, petrochemical, aluminum refining and other industries. Venezuela is rich in oil reserves and one of the world's major oil exporting countries. Venezuela's economy is highly dependent on oil, and the oil industry is the pillar industry of the national economy. Venezuela nationalizes the oil industry, and the national oil company is responsible for oil exploration, development, production and sales. The Venezuelan National Petroleum Corporation, under the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, is Venezuela's largest state-owned enterprise, ranking 41st among the world's top 500 enterprises. In 2013, its operating revenue was $120.979 billion, and its profit was $12.933 billion. In 2013, the Venezuelan National Petroleum Corporation invested nearly 25 billion dollars in oil production, with a target of 3.5 million barrels per day. [3]


Venezuela's agricultural output value accounts for a very low proportion of GDP. As of 2014, the arable land area in the country is about 30 million hectares, including 3 million hectares of planting area, 17.13 million hectares of pastures, and 3.1 million hectares of forest coverage. The number of agricultural employees accounts for about 13% of the total labor force in China. Agricultural products mainly include rice, cocoa, coffee, sugar cane, corn, beans, potatoes, etc. The cultivation of coffee and cocoa has a long history. Before the rise of the oil industry, coffee and cocoa once played an important role in the national economy. Venezuelan coffee and cocoa are of good quality and pure taste, and still have a good market in the international market. However, Venezuela's agricultural products cannot be self-sufficient. Venezuela's national food company needs to import a large amount of food every year to meet the domestic market demand. [3]

Service industry

The commercial output value accounted for 9.92% of GDP in 2012; The output value of communication industry accounts for 6.65% of GDP; The output value of financial and insurance industry accounts for 5.52% of GDP.


In 2011, it received 581900 foreign tourists. Tourists mainly come from Europe, America and Latin America. There are 2461 tourist reception facilities, 77372 guest rooms and 483 star hotels in China, including 23 five-star hotels, 28 four-star hotels and 127 three-star hotels. The famous tourist attractions are Angel Falls and Margarita Island Etc.

foreign trade

In September 1990, Venezuela joined the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and now has trade relations with more than 100 countries and regions in the world. It mainly exports crude oil, petrochemical products, aluminum ingots, steel, iron ore, metal products, etc., and imports electromechanical equipment, chemical and hardware products, auto parts, building materials, agricultural products, etc. [1]

External debt

At the end of September 2013, Venezuela's foreign debt balance was $110.485 billion. Among them, long-term foreign debt accounts for 78.19%, and short-term foreign debt accounts for 21.81%; Public external debt accounted for 86.87%, and private external debt accounted for 13.13%; From the perspective of financing sources, bonds and promissory notes account for 35.70% of the total foreign debt, loans for 31.61%, commercial credit for 12.52%, cash and deposits for 0.10%, and other financing methods for 20.07%. [3]



Important festivals

Independence Day: July 5 [1]

folk custom

The earliest inhabitants of Venezuela were Indians, who divided tribes according to language and customs and scattered in different regions. Their production, life and others Venezuelan There are big differences. The Indian tribe is the basic unit of the blood society, and the head of the tribe is the chief. The most popular religions are fetishism and Huangjiao. The relatively stable tribes are built in the village, with thousands of large people, hundreds of small people, and hundreds of people from some tribes living in a large hut. Marriage customs are different. Some tribes are polygamous. Wives are legally equal. They farm their own land. Some tribes are divided into several matrilineal kinship groups, which only hold adult gifts for girls, and give betrothal gifts to girls' mothers or uncles when they get married. The most distinctive festival in Venezuela is the religious festival of black people. Saint Benedict's Day is celebrated by black people living in the west. Saint Benedict is a black saint, so it is also called "Saint Black Sacrifice". Every year from October 1 to December 25, believers will hold the holy image and travel around the villages. The first is the parade, and the last is the village festival, which can be attended by people from all walks of life. In the countryside, there is a ceremony of "oxen and candles", that is, people wearing the mask of oxen run back and forth in the village, and the ears of the mask are also equipped with lights. The float parade ended at the "Sardines Burial" ceremony on a gray Wednesday. In the ceremony, "Yamo" appeared to frighten the crowd and interrupt the ceremony. [3]
On the occasion of the New Year, people all over the world began to celebrate the New Year. Venezuelans also prayed for peace, prosperity and good luck in the new year according to their own unique customs. As the New Year approaches, many Venezuelans also like to put large denomination notes in their wallets or shoes on their right feet to show that they have mastered wealth. [3]
In Venezuela, many old people believe that if they want to make a fortune in the new year, they should toast and clink glasses after the New Year bell rings, and let a gold ring fall into the glass. In Venezuela, champagne and other sparkling wines are preferred for New Year's drinks, because bubbles symbolize good luck. Some Venezuelans also believe that if they eat 12 grapes in a row as the New Year bell rings 12 times, or secretly write down 3 wishes on paper in advance, and burn them after the New Year bell rings, their dreams will come true. [3]


Venezuelan urban architecture planning is Spanish style. The new areas of the city are mostly high-rise buildings, with luxurious houses and slums. There are many styles of rural houses. Some are beautiful two-story buildings, some are bungalows built of brick and cement, and some are huts. Venezuelans usually dress casually. On formal occasions, both men and women wear suits and leather shoes. Indian They seldom wear suits.
The etiquette of residents is similar to that of other European and American countries. When friends meet, they shake hands and greet each other. When meeting close friends, they should hug and kiss their cheeks. The same goes for separation. Venezuelans attach great importance to addressing when they meet. They believe that proper addressing is the basic etiquette requirement to show respect for others. The common titles are Mr., Mrs. and Miss.
In diplomatic occasions, any woman in Venezuela can be called a "lady". Venezuelans attach great importance to their own titles, and generally add administrative or academic titles before their titles. If you are invited to a Venezuelan family, you'd better send some gifts to the hostess in advance and send a thank-you letter afterwards. In terms of giving gifts to each other when friends see each other, men like friends to send a good pen or other office supplies. For women, it is the best gift to give them a bunch of orchids, because orchids are Venezuela's national flowers, which symbolize simple and warm friendship. Venezuelan customs are Western, and the taboos are the same or similar to those of Latin American countries such as Mexico. [3]


For the first contact with Venezuelans, it is best to first observe whether the other party is of European descent or indigenous Indians, and then deal with them according to their different customs. Venezuelans like to talk close to each other. Some people can almost touch each other's nose face to face. When talking, they may pinch each other's shoulders and touch each other's neckline. Acquaintances often hold each other's hands to talk. Foreign guests need not be alarmed because it is a habit of local residents to show their closeness.
Venezuelans are very particular about dressing neatly for social occasions. In formal occasions, men and women should wear suits, ties and leather shoes even if the weather is hot. For men's suits, it is better to have three suits, dark color is preferred, white shirt is worn inside, the bottom of the shirt should be tucked into the pants, and cuff links and collar buttons should be fastened. Women's suits can be selected according to their own conditions. They should be suitable for fitting. They can be matched with various shirts or underwear, with or without ties. However, the color of pants or skirts should be in harmony with the shirt.
Venezuelans usually only invite close friends to their homes. If you are invited to a Venezuelan home, you'd better send some flowers or candy to the host or hostess in advance, or take it with you. After that, you should send another letter of thanks. Venezuelans treat their guests mainly to western food, but absorb the local traditional cooking methods and condiments. The main food for guests includes rice, corn pancakes, beans, beef, pork, fish, shrimp, seafood, poultry, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc. Drinks include coffee; Tea, milk, Coca Cola, beer, white wine and various fruit wines. Venezuelans have the habit of toasting each other when they invite guests to dinner. According to local customs, guests can only toast after the host toasts. [3]


Aliaca is the most typical Christmas food, just like the dumplings eaten by people in northern China during the Spring Festival. Aliaca is made of cornmeal, pork, beef, chicken and nuts. On the first day, first boil the crushed corn residue for about 25 minutes, and then soak it in cold water. The next day, mix it with cooked corn flour, add chicken soup, butter, salt, etc., and then mix well for standby. Then, boil the pork, beef and chicken respectively and dice them. Add oil to the onion, garlic, capers and other seasonings and boil them in water for 15 minutes, then put them into the diced meat and boil them for 40 minutes. Garnish them with green peppers and shredded carrots, add olives, raisins, etc., and the filling is ready. Wrap the meat stuffing in a corncake, which is rectangular and flat, 5-7cm long. Wrap it with washed and roasted banana leaves, bind it with string, boil it for an hour, take it out and put it in the refrigerator for one day. After it tastes delicious, it can be eaten.
Bread with ham and nuts
Another kind of Christmas food is Bread with ham and nuts It has a history of nearly 100 years in Venezuela. In 1905, in a small bakery in Caracas between Gladias and Solis Street, Gustavo, the French boss, baked this bread for the first time, which was very popular with consumers. At that time, the boss hired people to drive donkeys everywhere, and later set up chain distribution stores in various places. When making this kind of bread, the flour should be added with such materials as salt free butter, milk and eggs, cut the ham into pieces, and olive , raisins, walnuts, almonds, etc., rolled in bread and put into the oven at 230 ℃. After baking, the bread is golden and cut into sections when eating. Whether in the capital or in mainland cities, there is always this kind of ham and nut bread that everyone likes on the shelves of shopping malls before Christmas.
Flavor food
Food in Venezuela is quite cheap. In addition to local specialties, food from all countries can also be found, especially Spanish and Italian food. Arabic and Chinese food can be eaten in big cities. A gourmet should come Caracas To enjoy exquisite cuisine, tourists with budget and low requirements can find some restaurants that provide menudeldia meal, which includes main course and a soup. There are many coffee shops in Venezuela. If you like half coffee and half milk, please order cafemarron; If you like milk a lot, you can order a cake.

beauty contest

A country of beauty pageants
Venezuela is Miss Universe Miss World The largest manufacturing country of.
Venezuela is a country that idolizes beautiful women. At the beginning of September every year, the annual election of Miss Venezuela is the most important thing in this country. At that time, the streets were empty, cars were not running, and there were no taxis. Everyone sat in front of the TV to watch the TV station broadcast the beauty's optional actions.
Venezuela is the largest manufacturer of Miss Universe and Miss World. The two Miss Universe championships in 2008 and 2009 came from Venezuela (2008 Dayana Mendoza And Stefan Fernandez in 2009). Because the people of Venezuela are half Spanish and half Indian.


The president is the supreme commander of the army. The National Security and Defense Council is the President's highest advisory body on national security and defense strategies and policies. It is composed of the Vice President, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Finance, the Director of the Armed Forces, the Joint Chief of Staff, and others. The Supreme Military Command is the highest leading body of the military and the highest military advisory body of the President and the National Security and Defense Council. It is composed of 7 people, including the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the Armed Forces, the Joint Chief of Staff and the commanders of the four services, and is headed by the Minister of Defense. Compulsory military service is carried out in the Party committee. According to the provisions of the Military Service Law, all citizens who have reached the age of 18-50 and are in good health must register for military service with the Military Service Bureau according to law. The service period of land, sea, air force and the National Guard is 24 months. The Venezuelan armed forces are composed of the regular army, namely the army, navy, air force and the National Civil Guard, as well as the national Bolivarian militia and other reserve forces.
Vladimir PADRINO L ó pez, Minister of Defense of the People's Government; Domingo Antonio HERN Á NDEZ L á rez, Commander of the Strategic Operations Command of the Armed Forces, Jos é GREGORIO Moreno, Chief of Staff of the Strategic Operations Command of the Armed Forces, Jos é Antonio Murga Baptista, Commander of the Army, Neil Jess ú s Villamizar S á nchez, Commander of the Navy, Santiago Alejandro INFANTE Itriago, Commander of the Air Force, Elio Estrada, Commander of the National Guard, Javier Marcano Tabata, commander of the Bolivarian National Militia. [1]
Venezuelan soldiers




Venezuela has a total length of 96000 kilometers of roads, including 53000 kilometers of paved roads and 2500 kilometers of expressways. The national road network is developed, but the traffic capacity of some sections is insufficient, there are many dead ends, and the accessibility of the vast southern region is poor. It is convenient to reach Colombia by land from Venezuela, but the land transportation to Brazil and Guyana is inconvenient. There are 6 million motor vehicles in China, and the automobile traffic volume accounts for the vast majority of the total traffic volume. [3]


Venezuela has built 41 kilometers of passenger railway, with a total mileage of 1354 kilometers. In recent years, due to insufficient investment and lack of necessary maintenance, the service conditions of the railway have been deteriorating and it is difficult to ensure normal operation. The domestic railways are not connected to each other, and there is no railway to other countries. There are three subway lines in the capital, Caracas, with a total length of 42.4 kilometers, and the maximum passenger flow of subway can reach nearly 300 million person times per year. [3]

water transport

Venezuela has about 7100 kilometers of waterway routes and more than 1000 kilometers of inland waterway routes. There are 9 international ports, 34 oil and iron ore ports and 5 fishing ports in China. The main ports are Laguaira Port, Cabello Port, Maracaibo Port, Aldas Port and Simon Bolivar Deep Water Port. There are 60 ships with a total tonnage of 630000 tons and above 1000 tons in China. [3]

air transport

Venezuela has 61 commercial airports, including 11 international airports. The main international airport is Simon Bolivar Airport, located 30 kilometers north of Caracas, which serves 36 airlines, has 2 passenger terminals, 2 cargo terminals, 56 aprons, and can take off and land 747 aircraft. It is Venezuela's largest and busiest airport, with 90% of the country's international flights, and the annual passenger volume can reach 9 million people. Most of Venezuela's airports were built 20 years ago, with outdated runways and equipment and insufficient fire-fighting and navigation facilities. Due to the shortage of foreign exchange, the ticket sales revenue of foreign airlines has been unable to be exchanged and remitted, and the local currency has continued to depreciate significantly. International airlines such as Air Canada and Lufthansa have announced the suspension of their business in Venezuela. Airlines operating in Venezuela at the beginning of 2019 mainly include Air France, American Airlines, Turkish Airlines and Panama Airlines. In March 2019, American Airlines (AA) announced the suspension of direct flights between the United States and Venezuela. In May 2019, the US Department of Transportation announced that direct flights between the US and Venezuela were prohibited. There is no direct flight from China to Venezuela, and domestic passengers can transfer through Paris, Panama, Istanbul and other cities. Since March 2020, Venezuela has had confirmed cases of COVID-19. The government has announced national isolation, and all domestic and international commercial flights have been suspended. At present, with the continuous improvement of epidemic prevention and control measures, international routes have been opened to Panama, Mexico, Dominica, Turkey, Cuba, Bolivia and other countries. [3]

The Conduit

As of 2014, Venezuela has 6370km crude oil pipeline, 480km product oil pipeline, 4010km natural gas pipeline, 992km heavy oil pipeline and 141km other pipelines (oil/water).




Venezuela implements compulsory education for children aged 6 to 15 years, and has been declared by UNESCO as a country without illiteracy. There are 48 universities in China, including 23 public universities, 25 private universities and 103 colleges. Famous universities include Central University of Venezuela, Simon Bolivar University and Andres Bello Catholic Private University. The government stipulates that all schools in the country must file a case with the Ministry of Education and teach according to the unified curriculum. In 2009, the Education Law was revised to include "socialism in the 21st century" in the syllabus of primary and secondary schools. In 2012, there were 1.22 million preschool students, 93% of the 9-year basic education, 75.1% of the secondary education, and 2.63 million registered college students. [1]

Press and Publications

Venezuela has more than 100 newspapers and magazines, including 75 daily newspapers. The main newspapers are all private: The National News, which was founded in 1943, has a relatively influential influence in the intellectual world, with a circulation of 175000; Cosmos, founded by the Nunes family in 1909, is a non partisan newspaper with a circulation of 140000; The Latest News, founded in 1941, mainly focuses on social news, with a circulation of about 350000 copies. The main magazines include Seta and Bohemian, which are comprehensive magazines. The above newspapers and periodicals are all in Spanish.
Orinoco Post (issued in 2010) and 4F Newspaper (issued in 2014) are the organs of the ruling United Socialist Party.
Venezuela News Agency is a state-owned news agency, which was established in May 1977. Later, it was changed to Bolivar News Agency.
In 2009, the National Communications Commission was established. 391 radio and television stations registered with the Commission are private and commercial except for national radio and television stations. [1]


Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Venezuela. Many local people go there Major League Baseball It is the second largest source of overseas players in Major League Baseball (second only to dominican republic , more than Puerto Rico )。 Venezuela also has a professional baseball league. In 2006, he won the Caribbean Competition with six wins and zero losses. Compared with other Latin American countries, football is less popular in Venezuela. It is the weakest country in the Latin American Football Federation and has never scored World Cup Finals , but its progress is rapid, and its star players Juan Arango He plays for the German Bundesliga club Menchengladbach. 2007 Copa America Held in Venezuela. [3]

public security

The streets of Venezuela are recognized as Latin America One of the most unsafe places, whose danger degree is more than Mexico In order to curb the sharp rise of street violence, more than 3200 Venezuelan National Guard soldiers took to the streets, patrolling the capital Caracas and the neighboring states of Vargas and Miranda, and assisting poorly trained and disreputable police to maintain social order.
Latin American security experts believe that there are many reasons for the surge of violent crimes in Venezuela: first, the economy of most Latin American countries is developing rapidly, while Venezuela's economy is shrinking due to the deterioration of the investment environment, skilled workers and foreign-funded enterprises have been evacuated, the domestic unemployment rate exceeds 8%, and the gap between rich and poor is widening. Although the Chavez government eliminated poverty by expanding public spending, it led to an annual inflation rate of 30%, and domestic hatred of the rich and discontent were very serious. Secondly, the Venezuelan people have 15 million illegal guns, one for every two people on average. It is reported that nearly 80% of violent criminal activities in the country are related to guns. In addition, the salary of Venezuelan police is very low, and some policemen engage in illegal activities after work to increase their income.
President Chavez admitted that violent crime is a serious problem facing the government, and he asked the government departments to take all measures to make the streets around the country safer. With the increasing number of cases of kidnapping and extortion, Venezuela amended the relevant laws in 2009 to increase the sentencing of kidnapping criminals. At the same time, the judicial system allows the government authorities to freeze the bank accounts of victims' families to prevent them from being extorted by kidnappers. The Venezuelan government has established a national police force and opened a new security university, where the police are required to receive training. The trainers are from Cuba and Nicaragua. At the same time, the court prohibited local media from publishing bloody scenes of the murder case.
On March 17, 2014, the Venezuelan government dispatched hundreds of security forces to the opposition controlled demonstration site to clear the scene, in order to put out the fire of this month long demonstration. As of the same day, 29 people had died in the demonstration in Venezuela. Government troops entered Altamira Square on the 17th, which is the main activity place of anti-government demonstrators in Caracas East. After a brief confrontation, the government troops soon took control of the square. Since then, members of the Venezuelan National Security Guard began to patrol the area, and workers began to clean the streets and remove roadblocks. There are also 150 members of the militia guard patrolling nearby on motorcycles. [3]

People's livelihood

In 2013, Venezuela's per capita GDP was USD 14523. In 2013, the poor accounted for 19.6% of the total population, down 1.4 percentage points year on year. The extreme poverty rate was 5.5%, down 0.5 percentage point year on year. In 2011, the average life expectancy was 74.3 years, the birth rate was 2.45%, the mortality rate was 5.14 ‰, and the infant mortality rate was 14.78 ‰. By the end of 2013, there were 12.82 million Internet users, 31.72 million mobile phone users, 7.76 million fixed telephone users and 2.1 million cable TV users nationwide. (Source: Venezuela National Bureau of Statistics, Venezuela National Communications Commission)

Epidemic prevention and control

On March 16, 2020, Venezuelan President Maduro delivered a televised speech, announcing the nationwide implementation of "social isolation" from 5:00 a.m. on March 17, calling on all people to stay at home as much as possible to control the spread of COVID-19 in China. [2]

International Relations


foreign policy

It pursues a foreign policy of anti imperialism, anti colonialism, anti hegemonism and independence. It advocates the establishment of a multipolar world with mutual respect and no hegemony, and opposes neo liberalism and free trade. Promote South South cooperation. Actively promote Latin American regional integration and focus on cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries. Attach importance to developing relations with Russia, Iran and other countries. We firmly oppose external interference in internal affairs.
The Commission maintains diplomatic relations with more than 160 countries, and is a member of international and regional organizations such as the Non Aligned Movement, the Group of 77, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the World Trade Organization, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the Latin American Economic System, the Latin American Development Bank, the Bolivarian Union of the Americas, the Association of South American States, and the Caribbean Petroleum Plan. Latin American Economic System Caribbean Petroleum Program Headquartered in Caracas. [1]

external relations

Relations with China
On June 28, 1974, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Venezuela officially established diplomatic relations; In September of the same year, China set up an embassy in Venezuela; In November, the Commission set up an embassy in China. The Commission also has consulates general in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
The economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is fruitful, and the mutually beneficial cooperation in energy, agriculture, infrastructure, high-tech and other fields is progressing smoothly. Venezuela has become an important trade partner and investment target of China in Latin America.
In 2023, the bilateral trade volume of goods between China and Venezuela will reach 4.183 billion US dollars, up 11.1% year on year; Among them, China's exports reached US $3.451 billion, up 17.8% year on year, and China's imports reached US $731 million, down 12.2% year on year. From January to May 2024, the bilateral trade volume of goods between China and Venezuela will reach 2.88 billion US dollars, up 85.7% year on year; Among them, China's export volume was 1.77 billion US dollars, up 60.9% year on year, and China's import volume was 1.12 billion US dollars, up 145.9% year on year.
China mainly exports electrical appliances, computers, electronic products, machinery and equipment, and mainly imports crude oil, organic chemicals, iron ore and concentrates.
In May 2001, the two countries established the China Venezuela High Mixed Commission to coordinate and plan bilateral cooperation in political, economic, trade, cultural and other fields. The 17th meeting of the High level Committee will be held in Beijing in September 2023.
In December 2004, the CPC Central Committee announced the recognition of China's full market economy status. [30]
In August 2006, China and Venezuela signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation Plan for Chinese Tourism Teams to Venezuela. In January 2007, China officially launched the business of Chinese tourism teams going to Venezuela to organize tourism groups. In September 2023, the tourism authorities of China and Venezuela signed the 2023-2028 Tourism Cooperation Plan.
In 2011, the honor guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army went to Venezuela to participate in the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the independence of the Communist Party of China. [3]
On the afternoon of April 11, 2020, the Chinese anti epidemic medical expert group and its 8 members set off for home after successfully completing the task of assisting Venezuela in anti epidemic. In order to commend the expert group for its outstanding contribution to the epidemic prevention and control of Venezuela, the Venezuelan government awarded the second level medal of "Francisco de Miranda" to all members of the expert group at the airport that day.
China has accepted Venezuelan students since 1961, and by 2018, it has received 359 scholarship students from Venezuela. From 2021 to 2022, there will be 473 international students in China, including 83 scholarship students. In December 2016, the first Confucius Institute jointly established by Changzhou University and Venezuela Bolivar University was unveiled. In September 2023, the education authorities of the two countries signed the 2023-2028 Education Exchange Implementation Plan.
September 2023 On the afternoon of the 13th, President Xi Jinping held talks with Venezuelan President Maduro, who was in China for a state visit, at the Great Hall of the People. The two heads of state announced to upgrade China Venezuela relations to all-weather strategic partnership. [16]
Relations with the United States
Venezuela and the United States established diplomatic relations on June 30, 1835. After President Chavez came to power, the United States criticized the jury government for violating human rights, accused it of supporting Colombian anti-government guerrillas and having links with Colombian drug trafficking groups. To this end, the United States has taken sanctions against Venezuela's National Petroleum Company. President Chavez refuted the relevant accusations of the United States, opposed the interference of the United States in the internal affairs of the Commission on the pretext of human rights and anti drug, and clearly opposed the political, economic and trade systems of the United States. In 2010, Venezuela refused to accept the nomination of the new US ambassador to Venezuela. Venezuela and the United States have close economic and trade ties. The United States is Venezuela's largest export market and Venezuela is the fourth largest oil supplier to the United States.
On September 24, 2017, the President of the United States Donald Trump The latest tourism ban was signed and Venezuela was included in the new ban list. [5]
On January 23, 2019, Venezuelan President Maduro announced that Venezuela officially broke off diplomatic relations with the United States. [7]
On July 3, 2024, Venezuela ended the first round of direct dialogue with the United States, and the two sides reached consensus on improving relations. [20] On the 3rd, the Venezuelan government said that Venezuela agreed to improve relations with the United States and maintain communication on the basis of mutual respect. [21]
On September 2, 2024 local time, the United States seized a plane frequently used by President Maduro of Venezuela in the Dominican Republic, Said that its acquisition method violated the US sanctions and involved other criminal issues [32]
On September 12, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela issued a statement strongly condemning the United States Department of Finance for implementing a new round of sanctions against Venezuelan officials. [34]
Relations with European countries
The EU is the second largest trading partner and source of investment of the Commission. The Commission attaches importance to developing relations with EU countries in order to introduce capital, technology and increase exports. The Commission has signed a number of economic, trade and scientific and technological cooperation agreements with EU member states.
In 2010, President Lukashenka of Belarus, then Prime Minister Putin of Russia and then Prime Minister Socrates of Portugal visited the Commission, and President Chavez visited Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Portugal. In June 2012, President Lukashenko of Belarus visited the Committee. [3]
On July 15, 2024 local time, Ivan Hill, Venezuelan Foreign Minister, said that Venezuela and Belarus had formulated a 10-year high-level strategic cooperation plan. The plan covers grain production, trade, petrochemical industry, heavy machinery and other fields. The two sides are also discussing restarting key cooperation projects. [22]
Relations with Latin American and Caribbean countries
The Commission attaches importance to its relations with Latin American countries, actively participates in regional affairs, vigorously promotes Latin American integration strategies such as the Bolivarian Union of the Americas, and has close relations with Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador and other countries.
In July 2010, Venezuela suspended diplomatic relations with Colombia. In August, the two countries resumed diplomatic relations.
In 2010, President Chavez visited Uruguay, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Brazil, Dominica and Argentina, and President Muhika of Uruguay, President Correa of Ecuador and President Lula of Brazil visited Venezuela. The heads of state of Cuba, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and other countries attended the ninth summit of the Bolivarian Union of the Americas held in Venezuela. In December 2011, the Commission successfully held the first summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. In July 2012, President Chavez went to Brazil to attend the special summit of MERCOSUR. On July 31, the CPC Committee officially joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia.
On July 29, 2024 local time, the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it would withdraw all its diplomatic missions Argentina Chile Costa Rica Peru Panama Dominican and Uruguay Diplomatic personnel of the seven countries and asked the seven countries mentioned above to withdraw their diplomatic representatives in Venezuela as well. [26]
Relations with Asia, Africa and the Pacific
The Commission attaches great importance to the development prospects of the Asia Pacific and African regions, gradually strengthens economic and trade cooperation with the above regions, and takes the development of relations with Asia Pacific and African countries as an important goal of achieving diplomatic diversification.
In 2010, President Chavez visited Iran, Syria and Libya, and President Assad of Syria visited Venezuela. In January and June 2012, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad paid two visits to Venezuela. The Commission supports the agreement between Iran, Turkey and Brazil on Iran's peaceful use of nuclear energy and opposes international sanctions against Iran.
Relations with Colombia
On February 23, 2019, Venezuelan President Maduro announced that he had broken off diplomatic relations with Colombia. [8]
On July 28, 2022, the representatives of Venezuela and Colombia announced that the two countries would resume diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level and cooperate to improve border security on August 7, the day when the Colombian President elect Gustavo Pedro took office. In a joint statement, the two sides said that "they are willing to promote a work agenda from August 7, and gradually promote the normalization of bilateral relations by appointing ambassadors, diplomatic and consular officials". [12]
On August 29, 2022, Ambassador Benedetti to Venezuela appointed by President Pedro of Colombia submitted credentials to President Maduro of Venezuela, marking the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries three years after the break of diplomatic relations. [13]
On September 26, 2022 local time, The land border between Colombia and Venezuela has been completely reopened to allow motor vehicles to pass. [14]
Relations with Guatemala
On January 16, 2020, Guatemala announced to sever diplomatic relations with Venezuela. [9]
Relations with Russia
On July 4, 2022 local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Faria met in Moscow. The two sides discussed the bilateral relations, cooperation prospects, coordination and cooperation in international affairs and other issues. After the meeting, the two sides decided to promote bilateral cooperation in energy, medicine and military technology. [11]
On August 6, 2024, the Russian Embassy in Venezuela announced that the Russian Baltic Fleet "Smorni" training ship arrived in Venezuela for a visit, and the Venezuelan port of Laguaira held a grand welcoming ceremony. [29]
Relations with Brazil
From January 1, 2023 local time, Brazil and Venezuela will officially resume diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. The diplomatic relations between the two countries have been suspended since 2022. [15]
Relations with Paraguay
In January 2019, after Venezuela's President Maduro was sworn in as the second president, Paraguayan President Rafael Benitez announced that he had broken ties with Venezuela and closed the Pakistani embassy in Venezuela, to express his support for Guaido, who at that time called himself Venezuela's "interim president".
On November 15, 2023, the governments of Venezuela and Paraguay announced the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries. [17]
Relations with Turkey
On February 24, 2024 local time, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Hill and Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan issued a joint statement in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, announcing the commitment of the two governments to promote bilateral trade to $3 billion. [18]
Relations with Panama
On July 29, 2024, President Mulino of Panama announced that he would recall Panama's diplomatic personnel in Venezuela and temporarily suspend diplomatic relations with Venezuela. [24]
Relations with Peru
On July 30, 2024 local time, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister announced that Venezuela and Peru had broken off diplomatic relations. [28]
Relations with Spain
On September 12, 2024 local time, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Hill announced that the relationship between the two countries had deteriorated due to the rude remarks of Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles. Venezuela decided to recall its ambassador to Spain, Gladys Gutierrez, and will summon Spanish ambassador to Venezuela, Martinez, on September 13. [33]


Tourism income plays an important role in Venezuelan economy. The main tourist areas are Angel Falls and Margarita Island. The main tourist attractions are Maracaibo, Valencia, Maracaibo Lake, Angel Falls, Ocean Park, Kanema National Park, Merida Tropical Snow Mountain, etc. Among them, Lake Maracaibo is the largest lake in Latin America; Anhel Waterfall is the waterfall with the largest drop in the world and a famous tourist attraction; Kanema National Park is the largest nature reserve in Venezuela. This is a beautiful country. It is passionate and unrestrained. Under the fall of Angel Waterfall, Merida Snow Mountain looks like a pearl. But what is more fascinating is the beautiful girls.
Lake Maracaibo is the largest lake in South America. It is located in the center of the coastal Maracaibo lowland in the northwest of Venezuela. The Hubei end is connected to the Gulf of Venezuela through a 35 km long and 3 to 12 km wide waterway. Maracaibo Lake is a tectonic lake collapsed by a fault in the northern Andes, with a narrow mouth and wide inside, 190 kilometers long from north to south, 115 kilometers wide from east to west, about 1000 kilometers long shoreline, an area of 13400 square kilometers, shallow in the north and deep in the south, up to 34 meters deep, and a volume of 280 million cubic meters.
Maracaibo Lake is famous for its beautiful natural scenery and rich oil resources. Maracaibo Lake is an oil lake with the highest production and the longest mining history in the world. Its mining history has been more than 90 years. Maracaibo Lake is known as the richest lake in the world. Looking around, there are many derricks on the lake. There are more than 7000 oil wells in the whole lake area, with an annual output of more than 70 million tons of crude oil. Maracaibo Lake is also rich in fishery resources, rich in fish and shrimp, and many places near the lake have also started aquaculture.
Angel Falls Salto Churun Meru It is a waterfall on Rio Churun, a tributary of Caroni River in Guyana Plateau, Bolivar, Venezuela. Anhel Falls has a drop of 979 meters and a bottom width of 150 meters. It is the highest waterfall in the world and one of the twelve largest waterfalls in the world. The waterfall is covered by dense forests, so you should watch it from the air. Anhel Waterfall is the waterfall with the largest drop in the world. The Chulun River flows down from the steep wall of Auyan tepui on the plateau, barely touching the steep cliff. The drop is 979.6 meters, about Niagara Falls 18 times the height.
The waterfall falls in two stages. First it falls 807 meters onto a rock shelf, then it falls 172 meters onto a large pool 152 meters wide at the foot of the mountain. Look closely at the waterfall, which looks like a flying rainbow rushing towards lightning, and look far away, which is as soft as a moon cage gauze. Every morning and evening, when the clouds fill the cliff top, the waterfall flies down from the cliff, just like a heroic silver dragon falling from the sky, making a rumbling sound of thunder. Anhel Waterfall flows down and splashes all over the valley. If the sun shines, there will be a beautiful rainbow hanging on the soft mist, as if someone is casting a colorful drill to attract the roaring dragon. In addition, the ancient ginseng trees and jagged rocks on both sides of the waterfall make it more magnificent.
Angel Falls
  • Ocean Park
Ocean Park: a nature reserve, one of the world's famous ocean parks. Located in the southern Caribbean, it is about 120km away from the northern coast of the mainland. It is composed of more than 300 islands and nearby waters formed by undersea mountains. There are abundant fish and shrimp, and flocks of waterfowl. More than 700 people live on the main island.
  • Canaima National Park
Canaima National Park Founded in 1962, it is located in the eastern plateau of Bolivar State, covering an area of 30000 square kilometers, and the altitude fluctuates greatly from 450 meters to 2810 meters. 65% of the land in Kanema National Park is covered by slate mountains, which are of great geological value. Steep cliffs and waterfalls up to 1000 meters constitute the unique landscape of Kanema National Park. There are vast savannahs in Kanema National Park. The soil is relatively fertile and trees grow on the partially wet marshland. Forests are only distributed in wet depressions and valleys under Table Mountain.
The variety of orchids in Kanema National Park is also very rich. The Venezuelan government registered more than 500 orchid varieties in 1993. Although the number of animals in Kanema Park is not very large, the diversity is very prominent. According to statistics, there are about 118 kinds of mammals, 550 kinds of birds, 72 kinds of reptiles and 55 kinds of amphibians. It is Puma jaguar And other precious animals. The geological strata in Naima National Park have been eroded by sunshine and rain for a long time, forming the famous Table Mountain From a distance, it stands in a dense, flat and endless tropical rain forest, which is very spectacular. There is a wide valley between Table Mountain. The valley is very flat, with dense tropical rainforest. The river flows down from Table Mountain, forming many waterfalls. Frog Waterfall, Little Frog Waterfall and Wide Waterfall are famous scenic spots. The names of rock formations, waterfalls, turbulence, lakes and streams in Kanema National Park are all derived from their mythological descriptions.
  • Merida Tropical Snow Mountain
Merida Tropical Snow Mountain Located in the south of Maracaibo, Venezuela, it is like a pearl in the sea of green trees, inlaid in the mountains and valleys. There are streams flowing with white waves, sugar cane plantations, coffee plantations and endless tropical rainforests. In Merida, there are five peaks covered with white snow all the year round. The white snow crown is like a white eagle falling on the top of the mountain. People call these five peaks five eagles. Among the five peaks, Yuzhu Peak is 5000 meters high, the highest point in China. In memory of Bolivar, Yuzhu Peak was named Bolivar Peak.
There is the longest cable car at the highest altitude in the world. It is a good choice to take the cable car for sightseeing. At the same time, we can see the vegetation in the tropical, subtropical, temperate and cold zones, dotted with white plants, 86 unique plants in the world, unknown purple and yellow flowers and coniferous forests in the cold zone. At the top of the mountain, the green of the mountain has completely lost its vitality and there is no grass. Even plants can hardly survive in this climate. Only white snow can stand the loneliness here.
Merida Tropical Snow Mountain
  • Caracas
Caracas is located in the valley near the Caribbean Sea in the north of Venezuela. It is the capital of Venezuela, the largest city in the country, and the political, economic and cultural center. The city is surrounded by mountains on three sides, which is a typical highland climate on the west coast of South America. Its climate is like spring all the year round, only several degrees higher than that of Bogor, and it is livable.
In Caracas, people can not only enjoy the beautiful spring scenery, but also enjoy the tropical beaches, which is called "the unique capital of the American continent" by many tourists. Bolivar Square is the most famous square in Caracas. In the center of the square stands the bronze statue of Simon Bolivar and the parliament building, and on both sides are the presidential palace and the cabinet building. The eastern part of the city is a cultural area, with Venezuela Central University, art gallery, library, museum, etc; Avila National Park is located in the north of the city, with lush forests and beautiful scenery. It is a famous tourist resort far and near.
Caracas Street Park can be seen everywhere, adding a lot of color to the city. The park is shaded by green trees. Green trees, lawns and fountains form a scene. The fountains fly on the green lawn in all directions.
  • Makirabo
Maracaibo is located on the lakeside of Maracaibo Lake in the northwest of Venezuela. It is the second largest city after Caracas, the capital of the country, and the capital of Suria. The city is a world famous oil industry center and one of the oil export ports, as well as a world famous oil export port.
Maracaibo is also known as the "Little Venice" because an expedition team once found that the scenery along the Maracaibo Lake and the aquatic houses of indigenous people were similar to Venice, Italy, so it was called the "Little Venice". Malacaibo's culture is unique, which is influenced by the local Spanish bagpipes, desert climate, traditions and customs, and is reflected in the local architecture. The buildings in Maracaibo can be said to be unique. Ancient buildings in the 17th and 18th centuries can be seen everywhere. They complement modern buildings and are unique.
Maracaibo Lake is the largest lake in South America and also the most popular tourist destination in Maracaibo. It is the richest lake in the world. From a broad perspective, there are many derricks on the lake. There are more than 7000 oil wells in the whole lake area, with an annual output of more than 70 million tons of crude oil.
  • Cheronie Beach
Cheronie Beach is located in the north central Venezuela Aragua , close to the village of Choron í, and named for it. It is only a two-hour drive from Malakai, the provincial capital of the state, through the dense forest and Henri Pittier National Park. The sea water of Chardonnay is cool and clear, the beach is sunny, and palm leaves rustle with the breeze to welcome tourists from all over the world; The water sports facilities here are complete. Whether you want to enjoy the quiet leisure or enjoy the entertainment, they will meet your requirements.
The town of Cheronie near the beach was built in 1616, and still has many colonial buildings. It is ancient, quiet and beautiful. It is also one of the most famous towns along the Venezuelan coast. The people here are honest and the residents are warm and hospitable. It is famous for its high-quality cocoa. In the early colonial period, Spanish colonialists sold many slaves from Africa, forming a unique music that combines Caribbean music, Spanish music and African music.
  • Miraflores
The Flower Palace is the presidential palace of Venezuela, located in the center of the old city of Caracas, the capital. It was originally a private house built by President Joaquin Crespo for his wife, Misia Hasinda. It became the Presidential Palace in 1911, and General Cipriano Castro was the first president to enter the palace.
The Flower Viewing Palace has the place where the president works and lives and several main halls, among which Ayacucho, Boyac á, Joaqu í n Crespo and Sun of Peru are the most famous. Ayakuqiao Hall Battle of Ayacucho It was named after the place where the President met foreign leaders and addressed the nation. The hall also hung the portrait of Simon Berryville.
Boyaka Hall was named for the victory of Sim ó n Bol í var in the war of 1819. It was built in the 1960s and is one of the largest halls in the Flower Viewing Palace, mainly used for holding banquets; Huajin Crespo Hall, formerly known as Hall of the Mirrors, is the place where the President officially receives cabinet ministers and domestic business people, and where the President appoints new ministers and ambassadors. A long table was placed in the middle of the hall, and two beautiful murals were hung on the wall behind the President's chair. In addition, the hall is also equipped with four huge white crystal mirrors, from which comes the "Mirror Hall".
The Peruvian Solar Hall is named to commemorate the solar paintings presented by the Peruvian government. The hall is painted with pictures symbolizing the day and night and the four seasons. This hall is one of the most representative halls of the Flower Viewing Palace, and it is also the place where the President accepts foreign envoys to submit credentials and sign contracts with foreign countries. The overall use of the Flower Palace Neoclassical architecture It is one of the most important buildings in Venezuela. [1]