Pregnancy reaction

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Pregnancy reaction
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Gao Jinsong Chief physician (written) Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology
Li Lei Associate Chief Physician (written) Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology
Most pregnancies (50%~90%) Nausea and vomiting The occurrence of the disease usually starts from 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy and reaches its peak at 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. About half of the cases are relieved before 14 weeks of pregnancy and 90% of the cases are relieved before 22 weeks of pregnancy. 80% Pregnant vomiting Forty five percent of women vomit all day, not just in the morning. Nausea and vomiting are rarely treated complete remission Symptoms, but can significantly reduce the related discomfort and unhappiness. Eating less and more meals, avoiding satiety and greasy meals, etc., has therapeutic value in itself. Herbs , ginger also has therapeutic value. B vitamins It can also relieve some symptoms. strict clinical research It has been proved that metoclopramide (i.e“ Metoclopramide ”)No increase in newborns birth defect Risk. For pregnant women with severe nausea and vomiting, proper medication should be given under the guidance of doctors.
Hyperemesis gravidarum is only found in less than 1% of cases, including repeated vomiting, weight loss of more than 5% compared with pre pregnancy weight, dehydration, electrolyte Imbalance and Ketosis , usually requires hospitalization.
stay Early pregnancy (About six weeks after menopause) Chorionic gonadotropin in pregnant women hormone (HCG) increased, gastric acid Decreased secretion and Gastric emptying Prolonged time will lead to dizziness, fatigue Anorexia A series of reactions, such as acid loving food or aversion to greasy nausea, vomiting in the morning, are collectively referred to as pregnancy reactions. These symptoms generally do not need special treatment. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, with the decline of HCG level in the body, the symptoms will naturally disappear and appetite will return to normal. But it is important to remind pregnant women that not all vomiting is an early pregnancy reaction. Due to the combined effect of hormone hormone and HCG Early pregnancy Of pregnancy, and everyone physical quality The difference of the above will produce different physical changes to the pregnancy reaction. Generally speaking, different individuals have different responses. The symptoms of early pregnancy generally appear in the period from 6 weeks of menopause to 3 months of pregnancy.
Foreign name
Early pregnancy reaction
Visiting department
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
Multiple population
pregnant woman
common symptom
Dizziness and fatigue, loss of appetite, liking sour food, aversion to greasy food, nausea, vomiting in the morning, etc.
Chinese name
Pregnancy reaction


Pregnancy reaction is a physiological phenomenon and generally does not need special treatment. The etiology of hyperemesis gravidarum is unknown, which may be mainly related to the body Hormone action mechanism and mentality Is related to imbalance. The role of hormone is to Early pregnancy When Pregnancy vomiting In the most serious case, the body hCG The highest level; Twin pregnancy or Vesicular placenta The concentration of hCG in the blood of the patients was significantly increased and hyperemesis was also significantly increased, which indicated that the disease was closely related to hCG. In addition, such as Adrenal cortex hypofunction Then Corticosteroids Inadequate secretion, resulting in water and sugar in the body Metabolic disorder , nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms, application ACTH Or corticosteroid treatment, the symptoms can be significantly improved, so it is also considered that adrenal cortex The decreased function is also related to hyperemesis gravidarum. It is believed that the lack of vitamin B6 may also be one of the causes of the disease, which can aggravate vomiting, with serious dysmenorrhea History, the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum increased.
A few pregnant women have a particularly serious reaction of persistent vomiting, even unable to eat or drink water, which is called "hyperemesis gravidarum". Besides vomitting food, there is also mucinous foam, which may also be bile Or blood. Due to frequent vomiting, pregnant women are in water loss Status. If the condition continues to deteriorate, severe symptoms such as convulsions, coma, jaundice will occur, and even death will result. Once you get sick, you need to go to the hospital in time.

clinical manifestation

Dizziness and fatigue Anorexia , likes sour food or hates greasy food, nausea, vomiting in the morning and a series of reactions.


Pregnancy test The positive result can be diagnosed with related symptoms. For patients with hyperemesis gravidarum, blood Biochemical examination Urine ketone body level can provide clinical reference basis.


According to the medical history, clinical manifestations and laboratory examination First of all, determine whether it is pregnant. If it is confirmed to be pregnant, it is also necessary to exclude digestive system or nervous system Vomiting caused by other diseases. For example: meningitis brain tumor or uremia And cause vomiting.
Hyperemesis gravidarum also requires thyroid disease Gastrointestinal Diseases , Spirit Psychological problems And other important diseases.


Mild nausea and vomiting is a common symptom in early pregnancy. Eat a small amount of food with many meals Vitamin B6 It can often be relieved.
Hyperemesis gravidarum patients should be hospitalized and fasted for 2-3 days. According to the test results Water loss and electrolyte In case of disorder, supplement heat, water and electrolyte as appropriate. Most of the pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum get better after treatment and can Continue pregnancy If conventional therapy Invalid, persistent jaundice , Continuous proteinuria The body temperature rises and continues to be above 38 ℃ Tachycardia (≥ 120 times/minute), concomitant Wernicke When the syndrome endangers the life of pregnant women terminal pregnancy
At present, the United States Food and Drug Administration( FDA )Several drugs have been approved for the treatment of pregnancy reaction and hyperemesis gravidarum, including metoclopramide chlorpromazine The use of these drugs during pregnancy did not lead to newborn babies birth defect Increased risk.
Lifestyle adjustments may also reduce pregnancy reactions: eat less and eat more, but avoid Fasting The food is light, try not to eat too salty, greasy or special smell food; Biscuits bread as well as Soda biscuit Wait for food to reduce Pregnant vomiting Discomfort; Supplement water to avoid dehydration; Keep the indoor air fresh, often open the window for ventilation, and seldom go to places with peculiar smell; Eat less or no cold and indigestible food; Reduce appropriately Amount of exercise And workload, ensure adequate rest, etc.

Effect on fetus

Generally speaking, in the early stage of pregnancy, because the embryo is small and grows slowly, it does not need much nutrition. The mild pregnancy reaction has no impact on the pregnant woman and the fetus, but the severe pregnancy reaction, which lasts for a long time, may give pregnant women health and the fetus Growth and development Bring adverse effects. Because as the fetus grows up, it needs more and more nutrition, and the severe pregnancy reaction will make the pregnant woman unable to get enough nutrition, so the mother has to use the stored nutrients in her own body protein , fat, etc. to supplement the needs of the fetus, leading to weight loss, emaciation Resistance Lower. If the reaction is very heavy, dehydration or Acidosis It threatens the lives of pregnant women and fetuses.