Female English

[nǚ yīng]
Emperor Yao's Second Daughter and Emperor Shun's Wife
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Nuying, also known as Nuying and Nudang, has the surname of Yiqi, an ancient Chinese figure. Born in Yiqi Mountain (today's Hebei Province Baoding Shunping ), and the surname Yiqi is Five Emperors one of Diku 's granddaughter Tang Yao Yiqi's second daughter and sister E emperor And married Yu Shun Yao Chonghua They have a common biological son Quotient average
Shun's father is stubborn, his mother is arrogant, and his younger brother is inferior Shun To die because Ehuang Nvying To get out of danger. Emperor Shun's Southern Tour Cang Wu To die and bury Jiuyi Mountain Second Concubine He found his husband thousands of miles away and knew that Shun was dead. He hugged the bamboo and cried bitterly. There were spots on the bamboo and he died of tears“ Xiaoxiang Bamboo ”Or“ Mottled bamboo ”。
Chinese name
Female English
Xiang'e nymph of the Xiang River Xiang Fei
Ancient China
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
date of birth
ancient times
Date of death
ancient times
Imperial daughter → Imperial concubine → Goddess
Key achievements
Help Shun out of danger
one's native heath
Yiqi Mountain (now Shunping, Baoding, Hebei)
Representative works
Tears dyed green bamboo
E emperor


Female Ying also acts as female Ying and female Xuan. Legend has it that she is the daughter of Yao and Shun Imperial Concubine Quoted from《 A Dictionary of Chinese History 》( Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House 2010) p. 210. [1]
Female Ying: an ancient Chinese figure, Huaxia nationality Diku His granddaughter, Emperor Yao's second daughter, Emperor Shun 's wife.
She was also known as Nuying and Nudang. Her surname was Yiqi. She and her sister Ehuang married Emperor Shun at the same time. They have a common biological son Quotient average [2]
Shun His father was stubborn, his mother was arrogant, and his younger brother was inferior. He wanted to kill Shun many times because E Huang, Nv Ying To get out of danger. In 2205 BC, Shun died Cang Wu (Today Ningyuan County Jiuyi Mountain ), Ehuang Nvying He jumped down the Xiangjiang River and killed himself, known as Xiang Jun and Xiang Madam.
Poets in the Warring States Period Qu Yuan In "Songs of Chu · Nine Songs", the description of them is“ Emperor descends to Beizhu The eyes are so small that they worry about giving; The autumn wind is curling up, and the waves in the cave are under the wood leaves. "
Zhang Hua of the Jin Dynasty wrote in the Natural History Supplement that "the second daughter of Yao and the second concubine of Shun, the wife of Xiang, were crying when the emperor collapsed. They waved the bamboo with tears, and the bamboo was covered with spots."
the tang dynasty Li He Li Ping's harp lead 》: "Xiang'e cries for bamboo A plain girl worries Li Ping Chinese Bomb Harp harp 。”


Those who have two concubines Yu, emperor Yao The second daughter. long E emperor , Second Daughter Ying. Shun's father and mother are stubborn. Parent number Blind old man His younger brother called Xiang, Ao Youyu lived in Man, Shun could be harmonious and gentle, and he was filial to the blind and the old. The mother hated Shun but loved the elephant. Shun was still ruling the country, and he was full of treachery. The four mountains recommended him to Yao, whose wife used two daughters to watch Jue. The second daughter inherited Shun's responsibility in the prairie. She did not become arrogant and arrogant because she was the daughter of the Son of Heaven. She was still modest, modest and frugal, thinking about women's morality. The blind old man and the elephant murdered Shun. When Shun sent Lin to paint, he told the two women, "My parents asked me to paint Lin, and I will go there." The two women said, "Go!" Shun managed the Lin, but donated steps. The blind old man burned the Lin, and Shun flew out. Xiang Fu advised his parents to make Shun dredge the well. Shun sued the second daughter. The second daughter said, "Yu, go!" Shun went to the dredging well, checked his way in and out, and then Shun dived out. At that time, he could not kill Shun, and the blind man drank quickly. When he was drunk, he would kill him. Shun told the second daughter, who was with Shun Medicinal bath Wang and Shun went away without getting drunk. Shun's daughter and younger brother were piteous and harmonious with her sister-in-law. When his parents wanted to kill Shun, Shun still didn't complain and was furious. Shun went to Yu Tian and cried. He called Min Tian and his parents every day. But Ruozi was so envied. Don't blame his younger brother. He was invited to Baikui, invited to four gates, selected from trees, and entered at the foot of the mountain. Yao tried everything in a hundred directions, and always sought advice from two girls. After Shun inherited the throne, he was promoted to be the Son of Heaven, Empress E was the queen, and Lady Ying was the imperial concubine. The blind are still as if they were in the beginning. The world is known as the Second Concubine, who is smart and virtuous. Shun Zhifang died in Cangwu and was called Chonghua. The two concubines died between Jiangxiang and Hunan, which is popularly known as Xiang Jun. The gentleman said, "The Second Concubine is pure and honest. The poem goes," Do not show virtue but punish others. ".
Songyue: The first two concubines, the daughter of Emperor Yao, had Yu among the concubines. They inherited Shun's leadership, respected and humbled things, and eventually could work hard. The blind and the elderly were peaceful, and the dead enjoyed good fortune.

Historical legend

In Chinese historical legends, there are only two women who have experienced bamboo transformation. They are the two daughters of Emperor Yao Yi Fangxun: E Huang Nv Ying. They have a common husband, Emperor Shun Yao Chonghua
Of course, when they lived more than 2200 BC, there was no such name as "princess".
But it's not That doesn't change Ehuang Nvying The status of sister princess.
But why did two noble princesses marry a man at the same time?
Because it was still there Gentile society Period. At that time, there was a marriage custom Option With the consent of the parents in law, it can be decided whether to marry the unmarried or unmarried sisters of the wife's family back together.
This system Zhou Dynasty At that time, it officially became a kind of ritual system unique to the nobility, which was written into the ritual law and called "concubine system". "Etiquette · Wedding" clearly states: "When you marry a woman, you must follow her as a niece, which is called a concubine". The women who serve as "concubines" are basically the official wives of men Sister in law Or cousins. The identity of "concubine" is naturally much higher than that of a concubine, but it is also lower than the official wife of the husband, subordinate to the wife. Later generations speculated that Emperor Yao used this system of concubines when he married women. It is generally believed that the official married should be the elder sister E Huang, and the younger sister Nvying is the concubine of her sister. Wife or concubine, in short, Empress E's daughter Ying has a common husband, Emperor Shun Yao Chonghua.
Emperor Shun Yao Chonghua should have fallen in love with the sisters, because the marriage with the Yi tribe was something Shun's father did not agree with. Under such circumstances, Shun adopted the method of "marrying without complaint", which should be his love Expression When the wedding day came, Shun took his men and gifts to marry the sisters at Gui Water.
Shun's tribe is the ninth descendant of the Yellow Emperor. At that time, he and Yi Fangxun, Emperor Yao Sphere of influence They are all in Shanxi today.
According to the legend, Emperor Shun "has eyes heavy on pupils (each eye socket has two black eyes), a dragon's face big mouth, black, and six feet one inch long". He is a stout and strange looking black man. Although the appearance is not handsome, the body is excellent and can grow crops fishing Hunting, also can make pottery, more elegant hobbies, can play the piano (want to work, the husband plays the piano, wife singing and dancing, growing feelings). In that era of poor material conditions, Shun was a super good man, not to mention the future leader of the tribe. So their married life is still very happy.
However, Shun's private marriage to the Yi sisters could not pass the test when he came to his father, the blind and the old. It is said that the blind old man, together with Yao Xiang, the son of his wife, is determined to eradicate the rebellious eldest son—— The key reason may be that he has enemies with his daughter-in-law's tribe, and the eldest son's family has become rich through hard work, flocks of cattle and sheep, and countless grain pottery. The old son has long been eyesore, and Yao Xiang covets the two beautiful sister-in-law with extraordinary status.
So the blind man and Yao Xiang repeatedly hurt Yao Chonghua, but he repeatedly escaped. It is said that Shun was helped many times by Empress E and Nvying in this case of brother brother separation between father and son. It can be seen that the husband and wife have made concerted efforts to advance and retreat together.
As for the life experience of Empress E Nvying, some legends say that Empress E's mother died early and Nvying was the stepmother's child. In fact, it was Patrilineal gens Yi Fangxun naturally has a large group of women, and their status depends entirely on Yi Fangxun's degree of favor. The mothers of E Huang Nv Ying sisters are not favored, so strictly speaking, they are all born from concubines.
title for the historians Sima qian and his father Sima tan Sima Qian On《 Five Emperors' History 》Li said: When Emperor Yao heard about Shun's reputation, he married his daughter. After several years of investigation, he felt that Shun was really worthy of the important task, so he awarded his throne to the fast husband who took advantage of the dragon, which was called "abdication". This policy of eternal virtue made the Taishigong very sad and made a lot of comments, lamenting how beautiful the ancient world was.

Help the husband to seize the emperor

Bamboo Chronicle 》But it tells a different story.
Yao His favorite was a wife named Nuhuang, who gave birth to his son Danzhu. Due to Yao's preference, Danzhu was the highest among the ten sons and became Yao's heir.
When Yao felt old and weak, he really passed the throne to Danzhu.
However, those born from concubines brothers and sisters When we were young, we watched their mothers being ignored by their fathers, and felt indignant. What's more, Danzhu always relies on favours, does not take brotherhood seriously, and has a fierce nature. So everyone is unwilling to let Danzhu be the emperor.
So a coup inevitably took place. Yao Chonghua The three husband and wife and nine concubines of Yi family won the victory and imprisoned Yao and Danzhu - Yao should have nothing to complain about. He used the same method to win the leadership position from his elder brother Zhi.
Next, the nine brother-in-law and Yao Chonghua fought to the death for who would succeed to the throne.
Three years later, Yao Chonghua finally won. In the whole process, Empress E Nvying always firmly stood by her husband. (What an outgoing girl!)
Yao Chonghua became“ Shun Emperor ".
But more people are willing to say that Yao took the position of brother and Shun took the position of father-in-law“ Abdication ”System.
Therefore, in the eyes of the general public, Emperor Yao and Emperor Shun were both rulers with virtue and wisdom in ancient Chinese history, and were regarded as models by later generations.
Thanks to the reputation of her father and husband, E Huang Nv Ying became the earliest example of women in ancient China—— If《 Bamboo Chronicle 》If it is the truth, this example is very problematic: don't the guardians explicitly teach women not to perform their duties as daughters, but to be nice to their husbands?
After decades of spending time with her husband and children in Pingping, Empress E Nvying followed her husband on the road of "Southern Tour".
(Another“ Abdication It is said that Shun Chuan is located in Yu And then take refuge to patrol south. In fact, according to the Bamboo Chronicle, it was Emperor Yu Si Wenming who ordered a rebellion, took the throne and exiled the couple of Emperor Shun Yao Chonghua—— This should be more reliable than "abdication": how could Shun choose Yu as his successor after he killed Yu's father? It should be Yu who fought with Shun's tribe to avenge his father's death, and finally took revenge and seized power.)
Three years later, Shun died in Cangwu and was buried in Jiuyi Mountain, Hunan Province. Empress E, a sister who lost her husband, faced the rush of Xiangjiang River , cried out. The flowing water is gone, just as their husbands are gone and can not be reborn. Artemisia selengensis Boundless, the river fog is boundless, and the mourning in the wind adds to the sadness. Unable to return to the north and unable to stop the pain, E Huang Nvying threw herself into the Xiangjiang River after crying bitterly. People who sympathize with the sisters regard them as narcissus, the goddess of flowers specializing in the lunar month. They also said that their tears were dripping on the bamboo beside the Xiangjiang River, and the tears did not fade Plaques It is said that the Emperor of Heaven pitied his sisters because of their infatuation. According to their different identities, Emperor Shun was granted the title of Xiang The Goddess of Xiangshui, whose name is "Xiang Jun", and the Empress E Nvying, who is the goddess of Xiangshui, whose name is "Madam Xiang". The bamboos beside the Xiangjiang River are stained with the tears of the sisters, so they are called“ Mottled bamboo ”。

Historical truth

Female English
about Five Emperors 's story, Sima Qian It is mainly based on the Spring and Autumn Annals revised by Confucius. The Spring and Autumn Annals is a history book of the State of Lu, which was originally a "family statement" Confucius The goodwill "tampering" of "may be somewhat different from the historical facts, or even quite different. stay Western Jin Dynasty It is called“ To draw graves There is another saying in the Bamboo Chronicle of Ancient Books. About Yao Shun The story between《 Bamboo Chronicle 》Li wrote: "Yao's virtue declined in the past, and he was imprisoned by Shun." This sentence has been talked about by later generations“ Abdication ”Myth suddenly lost its aura. Although we cannot conclude that the Bamboo Chronicle is a faithful history, this statement is really thought-provoking. Imagine, from Yellow Emperor When the sixth generation came to Yao, they were all hereditary. Why did they suddenly change the rules of their ancestors when they came to Yao? Even according to the analysis of the records in Records of the Historian, the impulse of Chuanzi was very strong in tribal politics at that time. For example, when Shun was in power, he chose Yu As the successor, it can also give him and Ehuang Nvying Born son Quotient average Great power. History books upload: "After three years of mourning, Yu resigned and created Shun Sub quotient All on Yangcheng All the princes in the world went to Shang Jun and went to court Yu. " It can be seen that during the political wrestling, the merchants lost to Dayu. and the third of the three legendary emperors who created the Chinese state Later, when the power was handed over, interests were uploaded in name, but also Shun Similarly, secretly help my son enrich his strength. Only this time, Yu's son Qi was more powerful. According to the record in the Bamboo Chronicle, "I will help people to rise to the throne, and I will kill them." From this point of view, even if it was possible to elect a "legal successor" at that time, we could not ignore the existence and aggressiveness of family forces.
Looking back at Shun's time, from the behavior of his parents and brothers, it can be seen that the world has become very "corrupt" and selfish. The time when Yao claimed that "he will never benefit one person with the disease of the world" has long gone. Shun's various moral behaviors are more likely just a political show. Redords of the Grand History of China 》According to the record, "Yao was founded 70 years ago and won Shun, and he was 20 years old, making Shun take charge of the administration of the Son of Heaven." It seems that Shun and others had been impatient for too long, so he launched a coup Pingyang , take the throne ", and at the same time," restore Yan and kill Dan Zhu, so as not to meet my father ", so as to avoid future trouble. In the process of seizing power, Ehuang Nvying The position is very awkward. One side is his father, the other side is his husband. Which side should he stand on? After a fierce ideological struggle, they finally decided to“ Turn your elbows outward ”, Station to Shun The side of. They can't be blamed for this, because Yao has a large group of women who have given birth to a lot of children, but only loves his eldest son, Danzhu. Therefore, Danzhu has the highest status among the ten children and became Yao Neiding's successor. Other children, including E Huang Nv Ying, were born from concubines. If you think about it again, their father Yao also won the leadership position from his elder brother Zhi by extraordinary means, then why can't they? Besides, Yao has been on the throne for seventy or eighty years. He is old and weak, and should abdicate long ago. So Shun, supported by Empress E and Nvying, launched a coup and ascended the throne. After all, Shun was a kind-hearted man. He just imprisoned his father-in-law and brother-in-law and did not kill them. In this way, it is also convenient to do something Political propaganda , known as "abdication".
Naturally, some people can see it clearly. For example《 Han Feizi, talking about doubts 》Li said, "Shun forced Yao, Yu force Shun 。” It can be seen that at that time, everyone was still assertive about these matters. But later, especially Confucius After the revision of the Spring and Autumn Annals, Yao took the position of elder brother and Shun took the position of father-in-law, including later when Yu forced Shun to abdicate Confucius Beautifying in good faith, on the contrary, has become a model of virtue that can not be emulated, which has made later generations sigh for thousands of years.

family life

E Huang Nv Ying was Yao's daughter and Shun's daughter-in-law in ancient times. At the beginning, in order to select a successor, Emperor Yao sent two precious daughters to marry Shun and work as "undercover" beside him to test the virtues of Shun, the candidate leader of the country.
The Painting of Female Ying Staying in Spring
Shun's Family relations Quite complicated. His old blind man was blind, confused, soft - eared, and very henpecked. Shun's mother died early. His father, the blind old man, married him a stepmother and gave birth to two half children. His younger brother was named Xiang, and his younger sister was named Fu Shou. (According to folklore, his hands are very skillful.). It is conceivable that being a good daughter-in-law is a challenging job in such a family. Fortunately, these two beauties are very virtuous. They never make temperament or trouble because of their noble birth. They have always served the Shun family well. So《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Li boasted that they were "very feminine". Unfortunately, Shun's stepmother was too careful to tolerate Shun in everything, and she always wanted to kill him so that she could take all the family property back to her parents and children. One year, Emperor Yao was very happy because of Shun's outstanding political achievements, so he gave some to his son-in-law reward Among them were Yi (Xige Buyi) and a zither. In addition, they helped him build a granary and gave some cattle and sheep. It was these seemingly ordinary gifts that made my stepmother's heart bleed. What's more, Shun's stupefied father was so confused that he took an active part in the "family conspiracy". As a daughter-in-law, E Huang Nv Ying can only be anxious, although she sees it in the eyes. Because if they give their husband a "small report"“ pernicious advice given in bed by a wife to her husband ”It is suspected of destroying the "harmonious family". Moreover, as the future "first ladies", their every move has a bearing on the exemplary significance of "motherhood". Therefore, their attitude towards the "first family" Internal contradiction , took a cautious approach, and had to take extra precautions secretly to protect their husbands.
Blind old man
Once, the blind asked Shun to paint the granary on the roof (repair the barn with soil). Before working, Shun "asked" the two wives, who said they would go, but they must take two with them Bamboo hat Shun listened to his wife very much and climbed up to the roof to work with two bamboo hats. As soon as he went up, the blind man and the elephant immediately took away the ladder and set it on fire. At this time, two bamboo hats came into use. Shun took one in one hand and jumped down from the room like he had wings, without any damage. Another time, the blind old man asked Shun to dig a well. When Shun just went down to the depths, his father and brother hurried to get earth to fill the well, hoping to bury him alive. Fortunately, Shun's two wives had been killed by their father-in-law, mother-in-law Brother-in-law A large family is emerging in endlessly“ Open Conspiracy ”The cultivation of "conspiracy" was extremely vigilant, and Shun was asked to chisel a tunnel on the side wall of the well in advance, which saved his life. From the analysis of the above events, including the circumstantial evidence in the history books that "the father is stubborn and the mother is arrogant", Shun's father may be an "idiot" with a problem in his mind, otherwise, he can't understand why he wants to kill his own son, and he is still so happy. Judging from common sense, it was only possible that Shun would obey his wife's words, and he and his two wives could be so tolerant and magnanimous. According to reasonable speculation, a series of conspiracy events may be planned by greedy elephants. This can be seen from his later dialogue with his parents when they were preparing to divide Shun's property. At that time, after filling the well, the elephant thought that Shun was certain to die, so he immediately asked for credit and said, "I came up with the idea." Then he said generously, "Shun's two wives and the zither Yao gave him belong to me, and the cattle, sheep and barn belong to his parents." When the elephant rushed to Shun's house to play with Shun's zither, Shun came in from outside. As if shocked and embarrassed, he immediately put on a sullen look and said, "I was thinking of you, which made me feel good!" Shun said, "Yes, you are really a brother!" The history book said that he had experienced these things“ Family Violence ”Shun was still kind-hearted, served his parents as before, loved his brothers, and was more respectful. All this shows that Shun is a very reasonable person, and his two wives can read such a difficult "Family Sutra" so smoothly, which shows how smart and virtuous they are. With wisdom and tolerance, they not only greatly improved Shun's reputation, but also skillfully resolved it Family crisis No wonder later generations《 Biographies of women 》Li listed the two as the first in the "Mother Ritual Biography", said that "the Second Concubine is pure and honest", and even moved out《 The Book of Songs 》It is highly appreciated that Li's heavyweight words, "Don't show only morality, and put forward punishment".

Final outcome

Power and kinship, conspiracy and love interweave and interpret a thrilling political game. In the end, Yao lost his daughter and the throne, and Shun They are full of ambition, and endure decades of hard work and finally gain great success. But he can't escape political struggle After several decades, history will play out again, and Shun will kill his father Yu He succeeded in usurping the throne and exiled Shun to the far south of Cangwu (Guangxi). Shun finally died alone and was buried in what is now Hunan Jiuyi Mountain On. The Book of Rites 》As the saying goes, "Shun was buried Cang Wu The Second Concubine refused. " You see, it's pathetic that you can't be buried with your beloved after death. However, press Liu Xiang On《 Biographies of women 》It is comforting to say that "Shun Zhifang died in Cangwu, and the second concubine died in the leisure of Jiang and Xiang, which is popularly known as Xiang Jun and Xiang Madame." That is to say, after hearing the news of Shun's death, E Huang Nv Ying cried all the way to find him, but when she arrived near Dongting Mountain, she could not do any more, so she had to help him every day bamboo Weep toward Jiuyi Mountain and stain the bamboo there with tears Mottle Jin Zhanghua《 Natural History 》It is also recorded that "Shun collapsed, and the Second Concubine cried. She waved the bamboo with tears, and the bamboo was covered with spots." Such deep feelings did not waste the husband and wife's time. If Shun had a spirit, he would be pleased.

World evaluation

shanhaiching 》It is also recorded in the book: "In the Dongting, the emperor and two women lived there. They often traveled in and out of the Jiangyuan Must be Wind and rain. " It seems that Mr. Xiang and Mrs. Xiang have many grievances and too much lovesickness to tell. More than 1000 years later, a man named Qu Yuan The literati who walk along the riverside with lofty crown and broad belt, are filled with emotion《 Nine Odes 》Among them, there are the words of offering sacrifices to Xiang Jun and Madam Xiang, and it still reads with endless regret that "time cannot come again, and we can talk freely". since Confucius Since then, the Confucianism has gradually dominated the history circle. Although it was originally for good intentions, it has also opened the historical precedent of "whitewashing", and the spirit of "number in virtue" has gradually become a lie Cultural tradition And the political habit of boasting. The ancient Great Harmony of "Yao, Zen and Shun" may only be the product of Confucian imagination. Maybe they were too desperate for the reality at that time, so they expected to give a beautiful legend to later generations, and call back some cultural conscience with kindness. Then, while we try our best to find the truth of history, we might as well believe their "selective memory" or "assumption of beauty" once.

Memorial Temple

Eying Temple
E Ying The temple is in Jinan, Shandong Baotu Spring On the north bank of Luoyuan Hall Northerly Architecture of the Ming Dynasty It was built to offer sacrifices to Emperor E, the second imperial concubine of Shun. according to Northern Wei Dynasty Li Daoyuan Water injection 》On: Licheng yes Luoshui "It is popularly called E Jiang Shui, because there is the Temple of E Ying, Princess Shun, in the spring". Emperor Shun Mausoleum Shanxi Yuncheng (Ancient Hedong )Erli Gu Puban City is the capital of Shun. Shun Temple in the city, Shun House and Second Concubine Altar

Related poems

A thousand years later, Qu Yuan Li Sao's "Nine Songs" was written as the music for worshipping Xiang Jun and Madam Xiang:
deity of the Xiang River
If you can't do it, you will still be in the middle of the land;
Beauty should be small and suitable for repair, and Peiwu should ride on the laurel boat;
Let Yuan and Hunan go without waves, and let the river flow smoothly;
Looking forward to the future of my husband and gentleman, I wonder if I can think of him when I'm playing ragged songs;
Drive the flying dragon to the north, and Qin Wu to Dongting;
Ficus pumila and cypress are mixed with silk, and sunworms scratch with orchids;
Looking at the sun, you can see the extreme pool, and crossing the great river, you can see the spirit rising;
The spirit of Yang is far away, and the lady of love is far away;
The tears flow across the river, and I miss you secretly;
The laurel is lifted to the blue world, and the ice on the mouth is covered with snow;
Mining Ficus pumila The water, the lotus, the wood;
A different heart means a lot of work, but a little kindness means a lot;
Water in stone beach is shallow and dragon boats sail forward lightly and quickly.
If you are unfaithful, you will complain for a long time. If you don't believe me, you will complain to me;
In the morning, I will go to the river, and in the evening, I will go to the north;
Birds come to the house and water flows to the hall;
Donate the remaining pieces to the middle of the river, and leave the remaining pieces to the Li Pu;
If Du Ruo picks up the fragrance, he will leave his daughter behind;
Time can never come again. Let's talk freely.
nymph of the Xiang River
When the emperor comes down to the north, his eyes are too small to worry about;
Drowning comes in the autumn wind, and Dongting waves come under the wood leaves;
When you climb the white tower, you will look forward, and when you meet the wedding day, you will be happy;
How can birds be picked up in the frequency? What was it on the wood?
Yuan has Zhi, Li has Lan, but I dare not speak up when I think of you;
Desolation and farsightedness , watching the flowing water;
What the milu eats in the court, what the Jiao is;
In the morning, the rest of the horse gallops along the river, and in the evening, the west divines;
When I hear that beauty is called, I will fly away with her;
Building a room is like water, and repairing it is like making a lid;
Sun wall, purple altar, planting fragrant pepper, a hall;
Guidong Xilan Liao, Magnolia Meixi Pharmacy;
Wandering Ficus pumila has become a curtain, and has opened a wall;
White jade is the town, and sparse orchid is the fragrance;
I repair the lotus house and dazzle Du Heng;
close Herbs Xi Shiting, Jian Fangxin Side door
Jiuyi Colorful and welcoming, the spirit comes like clouds;
Donate more money to the river, and leave more money to Li Pu;
When Du Ruo comes to Chenting Island, he will leave the place far away;
Don't get caught up in a hurry. Let's talk freely!
Apart from this poem, they left no more deeds in history.
From Doctor Qu onwards, there were only poets and poets who mourned and remembered their figures in poems, lyrics, songs and fu; There are only a few mottled bamboos, still shaking in the wind.