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ojos del salado

A volcano in the Andes
Ohos del Salado is Argentina north Andes One of the highest peaks in the Andes, Ojosdel Salado (Spanish: Ojosdel Salado) is a volcano in the Andes, with an elevation of 6891 meters. It is the highest active volcano in the world and the highest mountain in Chile. The volcano is located on the border between Argentina and Chile, and is the highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere Akongagagua Mountain 600 km north.
Chinese name
ojos del salado
Foreign name
OjosdelSalado (Spanish)
Mountain system
geographical position
Border between Argentina and Chile
6891 m [2]
Active volcano

Location context

There is an obvious English translation for salty eyes in the Ohos del Salado Mountains, located in South America Turkmenistan 300 kilometers to the west, at the border between Argentina and Chile, is one of the highest peaks in the Andes Mountains in northern Argentina. Mount Ohos del Salado is the highest active volcano on the earth Altitude 6893m.
Orhosdel Salado near Atacama Desert The climate is dry, and there is only snow near the mountain top. But on the east side of the volcano, there is a Crater lake 6390 meters above sea level, which is the highest lake in the world.

Historical culture


Altimeter dispute

In 1956, the Chilean expedition measured its altitude of 7087 meters, which is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere, but there is still controversy. [1]

Climbing history

The first successful climbers of the peak were Polish Jan Alfred Szczepa ń ski and Justyn Wojsznis.

Relevant knowledge

The highest in the world Extinct volcano It is located in the Aconcagua Mountain on the border of Argentina and Chile. Akongagawa Mountain is about 6960 meters high South America The second highest peak of the Andes. Akongagawa Mountain is composed of Tertiary The sedimentary rock stratum is formed by folding and uplifting, accompanied by magmatic intrusion and volcanism, so its top is relatively flat.
The east and south sides are covered with snow all the year round, Snowline With a height of 4500 meters and ice and snow thickness of about 90 meters, many modern glaciers have formed, of which the Fitzgerald Glacier is 11.2 kilometers long, joining the Orkones River and finally flowing into Mendoza River The west peak has no snow all the year round due to less precipitation, piedmont There are many hot springs. The Inca Bridge is not only a famous natural wonder, but also a resort for recuperation and tourism. [1]