Twelve main gods of Olympus

The Twelve Most Admired Gods in Ancient Greek Religion
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synonym Olympus (Olympus) generally refers to the twelve main gods of Olympus (the twelve most worshipped gods in ancient Greek religion)
Twelve Olympians are ancient Greek religion The 12 most worshipped gods in the "The King of Gods" Zeus , days later Hera , Poseidon Poseidon Goddess of agriculture Demeter , War and Goddess of Wisdom Athena , God of Light Apollo Hunting goddess Artemis , Ares Ares , Love and Beauty God Aphrodite , Vulcan Hephaestus , Kitchen Goddess Hestia , God Messenger Hermes
Among them, Hestia gave his place to Bacchus because he lived with human beings Dionysus And the keeper Hades Sometimes it is also included in the twelve gods of Olympus (Eleusismith), but generally Hades is excluded because he is the ruler of the underworld. [1]
Chinese name
Twelve main gods of Olympus
Foreign name
Tw Δωδ ε κ≤ θε ον (Greek)
Foreign name
Twelve Olympians (English)
Twelve gods of Olympus

Origin of nouns

The Twelve Olympus Gods live in Olympus On Zeus Led by Titan , gain the world's Dominion MYTHOS And the most important god in religion.
The concept of "Twelve Gods" is earlier than the existing ancient Greek Or the Roman origin, which may be the origin of Anatole, or more accurately, the origin of Lycia In the Hittite site, from Cuneiform The 12 gods of Hittite were found in the. They were all male and did not give personality characteristics. They mapped Imperium Romanum The twelve gods of Lychee in the period. Since 400 BC, the market of Cantos in Lucia has dedicated a land to worship the twelve gods.
Herodotus It is believed that the concept of twelve gods originated from Ancient Egypt However, this origin lacks relevant historical data. On《 Homer Epic 》The gods met in the assembly. But the ancient times of Olympus gods were first quoted religious rites Found in Homer's Prayer to Hermes. The Greek worship of the twelve Olympian gods can be traced back to Athens in the 6th century BC, and may not have been carved in Mixu( Mycenae )There are precedents in civilized times.
The altar of the twelve Olympian gods in Athens was usually set during the reign of Percistratos the Younger (522-521 BC).

Translation in and out

Note: This entry mostly uses the more common noun translation, but a qualitative correction is given here.


Some translators are used to translating Twelves Olympians into "the Twelve Olympians", but in fact this translation is totally false, or Greek culture Due to their ignorance.
Olympian Ancient Greek It refers to Δωδε κ≤ θε ο Ὀ λ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ, and the word Δωδε κ≤ θε ∨ is composed of "δωδε κ≤"+"θε ο"; δ ωδ ε κ ≤ is Greek In the Greek language, the twelve, θε ο, is a broad sense of "God", without the meaning of "Lord". stay MYTHOS And religion, Main God yes Zeus ancient Greek The poets of "The Father of the Gods", "The King of the Gods", "The Father of Heaven", "Father Zeus", "The King of the Gods" often refer to him, while in Hellenistic Greece, his worship is close to Monotheism Worship of God (similar to Christian worship of God); The twelve gods are the twelve most worshipped gods in Greek mythology and religion, which are slightly different in different regions and cities. Therefore, whether literally or after understanding Greek culture, "Δωδ ε κ ≤ θε ο" should be translated into "twelve gods"“ Twelve main gods ”The translation method of "Li" belongs to subjective fabrication of misinterpreting the meaning of words.
Moreover, "ὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈὈ个Ὀ个个个个 Genitive The form, which means "Olympus", and the accurate translation of Δωδ ε κ ≤ θε ϕ Ὀ λ Ὀ Ὀ 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 20008. In ancient Greek, it can be modified by Suffix Realize the case of the word (nom, gen.,dat.,acc.,voc.)、 Number (sg., dual., pl.), sex (m., f., n.), and part of speech (n, adj. , ppl.). Olympus God (living in Olympus, Olympus) can also be used as Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨 丨; his Variable lattice The negative is Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ, and the positive is Ὄ 𓢌 Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ Ὀ, Ὀ Ὀ, Ὀ Ὀ, Ὀ. Can't translate according to the case change“ Olympus ”According to nominative Transliteration.
Some translators translate Olympus and Olympians into Olympus and Olympus , for the following two reasons:
1. Thanks to Olympus and Olympia's English possessive case They are all Olympians, which is the main reason for confusion. In fact, in Greek, Olympia is the feminine adjective genitive of Olympius, meaning "Olympian", which should be translated into "Olympian" except for place names [2]
2. Direct transliteration of the masculine adjective genitive Olympus [2] According to this law, the genitals of Zeus are not "Zeus", but "Dios".


On the translation of the Greek name of Hades, Hades Hades And Heidis. Hades is mostly used for academic books (such as translation and proofreading of ancient Greek philology/literature), and Hades is mostly used for ACG Transliteration (Japanese animation, etc.), Black Emperor is Hong Kong and Taiwan Transliteration.
The pronunciation of Japanese often transliterates ᾍ δ η∨ into "Hades" Modern English (Hades/'he ɪ di ː z/), the transliteration of Hades is close to English, while that of Japanese Katakana The writing method comes from English spelling, but the pronunciation of "デ" in 1249512487ス and international phonetic alphabet /D ɛ/It's the same. The reconstructed pronunciation of ᾍ δ η in the classical Greek language of Attica (from the 6th century BC to the 4th century BC) is/'had ɛ: s/or/'had ə: s/, and the pronunciation of δ η is between Chinese Pinyin Between de and dei. Therefore, Luo Niansheng The word is "de" (η sounds [ɪ]), which is from the Middle Ages Byzantium Late, Vowel Sound value Shorten).

I "ppiter" and I "no"

Zeus and Hera The transliteration of the Latin names "Ilupiter" and "Ilupiter" is based on the classicism of the Roman region in the golden age (80 B.C. - 14 A.D.) Latin The Roman names of Zeus and Hera are not simply translated as“ Jupiter ”And“ Juno ”。

List of Gods



The list of the twelve gods is different, but according to the ancient general Religious worship In poetry and works of art, the norms are: Zeus Hera Demeter Poseidon Athena Apollo Artemis Aphrodite Ares Hephaestus Hermes Hestia (or Dionysus )。 although Hades Status of Sacredness Similar to Zeus and Poseidon Olympus Theogony They have the same influence, but because they are the rulers of Hades, they are generally excluded from the twelve gods.
Herodotus The twelve deities designated by the are: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes Cronus (Kronos)、 Ruiya (Rhea) and The Three Goddesses of Beauty (The Graces), he also mentioned Heracles (Hercules) on another list [3]
stay Kos Island Dionysus and Heracles were added to the Twelve Gods, while Ares and Hephaestus were removed.
Pindar , Pseudo Apollodoros Book Collection [4] And Herodotus believed that Heracles was not one of the twelve gods, but had his own worship.
Subgrade Alos [5] He thought that Heracles and Asclepius were also included in the list of twelve gods, but he did not explain which god gave way.
Plato He thought Hades should be connected with the last month, representing the dead. But in Huaidelos [6] Plato combined the twelve gods with Zodiac The corresponding order excludes Hestia.


The Twelve Main Gods of Rome It is called Dii Consintes, also called Di/Dei Consintes (also called Dii Complaints) Ancient Roman religion The most important twelve gods in the Greek were created after the twelve gods with similar functions in Greece. stay Ancient Rome Of Pantheon In, they were described as six male gods and six goddesses. Their gilded statues stood in the assembly hall in Rome and were later moved to the Porticus Deorum Consitum.
The statement of the Roman Twelve Gods came from a Roman poet's annotations to an anonymous Greek poem in the second century BC, specifically:
Jupiter (Jupiter)、 Juno (Juno)、 Nipton (Neptune)、 Crius (Ceres)、 Minerva Minerva, Apollo, Diana( Diana )、 mars (Mars)、 Venus (Venus)、 Vulcan (Vulcan)、 Mercury (Mercury)、 Vesta (Vesta)。
In the History of Rome, Levi divided them into six pairs according to men and women: Jupiter Juno, Nipton Minerva, Mars Venus, Apollo Diana, Volgan Vesta, and Mercury Kreis. Among them, Jupiter, Juno and Minerva constitute the three gods of Kabitolio.
List of Common Twelve Gods
Ancient Greek god
Roman god
The main god, the emperor of heaven, the king of the gods, the ruler of the gods, the god of sky and thunder.
Goddess of marriage and family.
Neptune, god of earthquake and tsunami.
Fertility, agriculture, nature and seasonal goddess.
Wisdom, art, strategy, the goddess of urban civilization.
God of light, truth, medicine, art, music, prophecy and archery.
Hunting, wilderness, archery goddess, the patron saint of mountain animals.
God of war, violence and blood.
Goddess of love, beauty and desire.
The god of craftsmanship, the god of fire and forging.
The god of business, theft and games.
The god of wine, celebration and carnival, and the patron saint of drama.
The Kitchen Fire, the Goddess of Housework and Family.
The following gods sometimes appear among the twelve Olympus gods:
Ancient Greek god
Roman god
Hades, god of death
The greatest hero becomes Hercules after death.
The god of medicine and healing.
Moon Goddess
Note: The Latin names in this table are the spelling of their classical Latin, not in English
Persephone (Persephone)、 Hecat (Hecate)、 Herb (Hebe)、 Eros (Eros) and other gods sometimes form another group of twelve gods. Eros is often regarded as a subordinate god of other gods, and is generally not included.