Olympus Guardian

39 episodes of Korean cartoons
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The Legend of Olympus (올 림 가 디 언) is a TV animation broadcast by South Korea's SBS TV station in 2002, which is adapted from the comic book series "Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology" published by Gana Press in 2000. Animation by SBS SBS Prodiction、SBSi、GANA MEDIA、 Five companies, including Tongyou ANIMATION, jointly invest in the production. 39 words in total. It was broadcasted on Taiwan Dongsen Kindergarten in 2004, with the translation of "God Rushes Forward". On March 18, 2005, it was broadcast by Hong Kong Emerald TV Station, with the translation of "Greek Goddess List". CC ... >>>
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Olympus Guardian
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The Star Biography of Olympus (올림가디언) is South Korea SBS TV Station The TV animation broadcast in 2002 was adapted from the comic book series published by Gana Press in 2000《 Ancient Greek and Roman mythology 》。 Animation by SBS SBS Prodiction、SBSi、GANA MEDIA、 Five companies, including Tongyou ANIMATION, jointly invest in the production. [1] 39 words in total.
It was broadcasted on Taiwan Dongsen Kindergarten in 2004, with the translation of "God Rushes Forward". On March 18, 2005, it was broadcast by Hong Kong Emerald TV Station, with the translation of "Greek Goddess List".
CCTV Children's Channel, broadcast on December 19, 2005, translated as "The Star of Olympus" [6-11]
Theater version《 Olympus: Giant's Counterattack 》(올 림 가 디 언: 기 간 테 습), released in South Korea on July 28, 2005.
Chinese name
Olympus Guardian
Foreign name
올림포스 가디언
Olympus Guardian Olympian Guardian (literal translation) Greek Goddess List (Hong Kong, China) God rushes forward (Taiwan, China) オリンポスガーディアン [12]
올림포스 가디언
original author
Hong Enying
Picture color
the republic of korea
Chief scriptwriter
Quan Huiying
Premiere television station
Other TV stations
Children's Channel of CCTV (Mainland China)
TVB Jade (Hong Kong, China)
YoYo TV (Taiwan, China)
Number of sets
39 episodes
Issuing by proxy
My-Cartoon (Taiwan, China)
Production company
Dong Woo Animation
Fantasy and myth
Animation production
Art Direction
Kim Jae hoon [2]


The story originated from the king of gods Zeus , still Swaddling clothes In order to avoid the tyranny of his father Cronus, Zeus was sent by his mother Crete After growing up, Zeus went to the dark Olympus , save your brothers and sisters.
Olympus Guardian
Zeus and his brothers created a new era of twelve gods after they defeated the brutal rule of Cronus. The kind-hearted and upright Prometheus angered Zeus in order to smuggle kindling for human beings, and was detained in the rock mountain and tortured. Zeus gave Pandora and a magic box to the weak Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus, in order to realize the plan of letting mankind die. Pandora finally could not restrain his curiosity to open the magic box full of disasters, and human beings were destroyed. Fortunately, Dikalion made human beings reborn by relying on the ark and the olive leaf symbolizing "hope". Since then, a series of mysterious stories have started between the divine world and the human world

Diversified plot

    The God of Olympus
    Cronus, the great god who ruled the world, foresaw that one of his five children would usurp the throne. So he swallowed the children one by one. In order to avoid this disaster, his wife Rhea secretly sent Zeus, the sixth child, to Crete. Prometheus, who was dissatisfied with Cronus' tyranny, also came to Crete and brought Zeus to the Trova Tree Spirit. The spirit of the tree told Zeus about his background and what he should do in the future. In order to save his brothers and sisters, Zeus marched into the dark Olympus

    Episode II Prometheus and Fire
    Zeus, Hades and Poseidon created a new era of twelve gods after Tartarus defeated the powerful Cronus. The Twelve Gods entrusted the creation of man and animals to the Prometheus brothers, and Epimetheus carelessly gave all the gifts of Zeus to animals instead of humans

    Episode III Pandora's Box
    Prometheus once again smuggled the fire in the sky for the sake of human light. Unfortunately, he fell into the trap of Apollo and was sent to the Stone Mountain. Prometheus asked Epimetheus to remember that he could never accept Zeus's gift in the future. In order to realize the plan of human self destruction, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create a human woman. This woman should be loved by everyone, smart and beautiful, and can bring disaster to mankind. Zeus gave this woman named Pandora to Epimetheus, but Epimetheus had forgotten the warning of Prometheus

    Episode IV Love and Soul (1)
    In ancient Roman mythology, there is a story about love and trust. Its protagonists are Cupid, the god of love, and a beautiful princess Psyche. At that time, because Venus, Cupid's mother, could not bear the beauty of the human woman Psyche, she asked her son Cupid to shoot the arrow of love at Psyche, so that she could always fall in love with the monster

    Episode 5 Love and Soul (2)
    Psyche came to the Venus Temple to find her husband Cupid. Cupid was imprisoned in the jade tower room to be punished for violating the words of Venus. If Psyche wants to see Cupid, he must accept the tests of Venus again and again. Finally Venus asked Psyche to go to the underworld to ask for the beauty of Princess Prosepina, but the beauty of Prosepina was death. Psyche went to the underworld under the guidance of the God of the West Wind, and the princess gave Psyche some beauty. Psyche was very happy to see her husband in law, but worried that he was not beautiful enough, so he used some of the beauty of the princess, but fainted, Cupid, who was locked in the Temple of Venus, was so worried that he managed to escape and find Psyche who fainted under the big tree. Their love moved the world, and Psyche gradually woke up. Finally, with Jupiter's persuasion, Venus agreed to their marriage, and a couple of lovers got married!

Role Introduction

performer Wang Xiaobing
dubbing Hong Shihao (Korean) Wang Xiaobing (Chinese)
Zeus is the first of the twelve main gods of Olympus in Greece, the god of heaven, the god in charge of the sky, clouds and thunder, the supreme god king, and the last son of the gods Cronus and Rhea. After rescuing his brothers and sisters who were swallowed by his father, he united them to fight with his father and defeated his father with the help of his grandmother Gaia, the Earth Goddess. He is also the most romantic god and has many lovers. The Roman counterpart of Zeus was Jupiter, the largest of the eight planets.
performer Fan Churong
dubbing -
Hera is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. Tianhou is the god who protects women's rights, fertility and marriage. She was the third sister of Zeus and became Zeus's wife after Zeus took control. She joined Zeus and gave birth to Ares, the god of war, Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship, and Herb, the goddess of youth. Hera was jealous by nature, and was dissatisfied with Zeus's affair after marriage. She often used many means to attack her husband's mistress and his illegitimate son. The Roman counterpart is Juno.
performer Ni Kang
dubbing -
Poseidon is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the sea emperor. He is the second brother of Zeus, ranking second only to Zeus. He is in charge of the sea, dominates the waters with a trident, has supreme authority on the water, and is the shaker of the earth. In the ownership of Athens, Poseidon once competed with Athena, but he was defeated by Athena in the end. In Athens, he became the first horse, so he became the protector of horses. The Roman counterpart is Neptune. Neptune, one of the eight planets.
performer Wang Xiaobing
dubbing -
Pluto. Because of the Greek taboo on death, Hades is rarely listed as one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. He is Zeus' eldest brother. He is in charge of the underworld, the ghosts of all the dead, and the plague. Once cheated Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, to be the afterlife queen with a pomegranate. In the Pyrrhus War, Athena defeated him. His deeds are few in comparison with his two younger brothers. The corresponding god of Rome is Pluto, Pluto beyond the eight planets.
performer Yao Peihua
dubbing -
Demeter is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the goddess of agriculture and harvest. She is the second sister of Zeus, giving life to the earth and teaching human cultivation. She and Zeus gave birth to Persephone, the goddess of grain seeds. Persephone was later robbed by Demeter's brother Hades to be the afterlife queen. Because she lost her daughter, she had no intention to interfere in the cultivation, which made the earth lose its vitality. Only when Zeus came forward, so that their mother and daughter could meet again, the earth could be reborn. Her Roman counterpart is Chris.
performer Feng Junhua
dubbing -
Athena is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the goddess of wisdom, representing wisdom, science, art, textiles, and labor. She is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of wisdom, Metis. Athens is named after the goddess, and it is her exclusive city. She taught the Greeks various skills such as spinning, weaving, shipbuilding, metallurgy and ironmaking, and also invented the plow and harrow to tame cattle and sheep. Therefore, she was also the protector of agriculture and gardening. The Roman counterpart is Minerva.
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◎ Other gods
  • Goddess of Furnace
Hestia is the god of fire, stove and house, Twelve main gods of Olympus one of. The eldest sister of Zeus. Not only every family in Greece, but also the council halls of many city states have places to worship her. One of the three virgin gods. In Greek mythology, there is no obvious individuality. As for how Hestia was carved in art, the ancient writers provided little information for us, and the archaeologists have not yet discovered something that can overturn the popular theory, that is, Hestia's personality is too vague to inspire many ancient Greek artists. Hestia is the sister of Zeus, who is in charge of the family affairs of all the people. Both Apollo and Poseidon proposed to her. In order to avoid the discord between the two great gods, Hestia rejected them and swore never to marry by Zeus's hair. In order to avoid disputes, Hestia left Olympus Mountain and fled to the world. Zeus expressed great appreciation for this and allowed Hestia to enjoy every public offering preferentially. She is not only the kitchen god, but also the goddess of family and colony. The flame symbolizes her existence and is the guarantee of the family's sustainability, stability, harmony and prosperity. In ancient times, the fire on the altar was lit by the ancestors, and their descendants have the obligation to keep the candle lit, because the extinction of the candle means the extinction of the human race. Every family has its own stove, and every town has its own altar. The fire on the altar symbolizes the life of this town. Whenever people in a town go to a new place to establish a colony, the sacred fire will accompany these brave immigrants to other places. The corresponding goddess in Roman mythology is called Vesta. Numa Pempilius, the second king of Rome, built the first temple for Vesta, where there was an eternal fire symbolizing the happiness of the city-state Priests Keep it on. These priestesses must swear to keep their virginity, and those who break the oath will be buried alive.
  • Wine god
Dionysus was the god of wine and drama. Since Hestia lived with human beings, he gave him the title of the twelve main gods of Olympus. He was the son of Zeus and Semele. When Zeus saw his lover Semele with his true face, he fell to the ground and fainted at the first sight of the god. Seeing her panic, Zeus stepped to her side. Unexpectedly, the lightning fire on Zeus ignited the palace. In an instant, everything in the past turned into ashes. When Semele was burned to death by the bright flame, Dionysus was still a baby, but his father saved him with a strong hand. His father sewed him into his thigh and waited for his official birth. So the name means "the rotten legs of Zeus".
  • Dawn Goddess
Eos is the goddess of dawn and dawn. She is the daughter of the Titan god Sephelion and Tea, and the sister of Helios, the sun god, and Selene, the moon goddess. Every day she personally younger brother Helios opened the east Tianmen with her hand like morning mist, let him take the Japanese bus to come in, and began his journey in the sky day and night. It is said that everywhere she went, the petals and drops of rose perfume would fall to the ground and become dew. Eos brings the dawn light to the end of the world every day. When he brings the dawn, he falls in love with the melancholy prince Titonos of Troy and brings the prince back Olympus Moon Goddess Selene Help her hide the prince and tell him to go to the temple of Zeus to pray for his longevity. She prayed to Zeus for the prince's longevity, but forgot to pray for his eternal youth. So the prince quickly grew old and was rejected by her and thrown back into the world. But Eos gave birth to a child for him and wanted to leave the child at Olympus, but Zeus did not agree. While Eos was away, Zeus brought the child back to the world. She was extremely sad, but she had no way. Because of the sadness of the goddess, the world lost its light. At last Eos was persuaded by Zeus to continue to bring light to the world.
  • Helios
Helios is the son of the Titan god Sephelion and Tea, the younger brother of the dawn goddess Eos and the elder brother of the moon goddess Selene. It is the god in charge of the rising and setting of the sun, and the master of the sun god. It is said that he rides in the sky every day on a sun carriage pulled by four fire horses, from east to west, rising in the morning and disappearing at night, making the world bright. Later generations were often confused with Apollo, but Helios was always in charge of the solar car, and Apollo issued the oracle at Delphi.
  • Moon Goddess
Selene, the goddess in charge of the rise and fall of the moon, is the driver of the moon god car. It is said that he rides in the night sky with two silver carriages pulled by white horses every day, rising from the sea to the sky. She wore a half moon shaped golden crown, and the long gauze floated behind her, as misty as clouds. The moon shaped golden crown above Selene lights up night sky It is because of her that there will be bright moonlight at night.
The natural beauty of Selene is famous for her numerous love stories, among which the most famous is her love story with the shepherd Endymion. Endymion was a young shepherd who kept sheep on Mount Latmos. Latmos Grassland is green and fresh, and the air is pure and cool. When the moon rises, the scenery is very charming. Endymion loved it so much that he even slept on the hillside at night, looking down at the beautiful night scene, and then fell asleep soundly. One day, while wandering, Selene found Endymion asleep. She could not help being shocked by the young man's handsome appearance and reluctant to leave. So she came to see him every night, stroking Endymion's hair with her fingers and examining his handsome face. How she hoped that this young man would always be young and never wake up, because she liked the way Endymion slept soundly in her moonlight. One day, Selene accidentally woke up Endymion, who opened his dim eyes and looked at Selene, who was bathed in the holy moonlight with a golden crown on his head, and couldn't help falling in love with her. The two looked at each other for a long time, and their feelings were dark. Selene knew that he was responsible for illuminating the night, so he turned to leave, but Endymion reached out and took her. Just then a meteor slid across the sky, and the wise Endymion said, "Dear goddess, you can see what a beautiful meteor it is. Although it lost its light as soon as it fell to the ground, it finally got rid of its wandering life and found its permanent home." Selene could not help sighing after hearing this, The beautiful moon goddess would like to have a warm place to live. Therefore, Selene found Jupiter and begged him to allow himself to live in the mortal world and grant Endymion eternal youth and life. Jupiter agreed to her request, but still asked Selene to perform the duty of illuminating the night. Later, Selene and Endymion lived happily together and had 50 children. Selene is also the goddess in charge of month, childbirth, dew and witchcraft. She and Zeus had a beautiful daughter, Pandia, the full moon goddess.
  • Little Eros
Cupid (left)
Eros is the son of Ares, the god of war, and Aphrodite, the god of love. Like his mother, Eros is the god in charge of love and marriage. Unlike his mother Venus, he represents crazy love. The Roman counterpart was Cupid. He will not grow up, always like a child, with wings on his back, flying everywhere, and together with his mother, Eros, in charge of God, human love and marriage. Eros has a gold bow, a gold arrow and a silver arrow. If he is shot by his gold arrow, he will have love. Even his enemies will become lovers, and love must be sweet and happy; On the contrary, if he is shot by his silver arrow, he will reject love. Even a spouse will become an enemy, and love will become a mixture of pain and jealousy. Little Cupid's arrow is irresistible to both gods and people, and many love stories are caused by him. In Roman mythology, Cupid was even more naughty. Cupid fell in love with the human woman Psyche, who was a Roman princess. After many difficulties and hardships, Psyche finally became the soul goddess of Rome with Cupid.
  • Goddess of Justice
themis , the goddess of justice, is in charge of law and justice. As the goddess of law and justice, Themis assisted Zeus on Mount Olympus. She is usually shown in her works of art as holding trays and plants in hand, and issuing predictions in Delphi. She knew the future and secrets that even Zeus did not know, such as the fate of the son of the sea goddess Tethys, who would be stronger than his father. It was because of her wisdom that Prometheus was freed from Zeus' punishment. As Gaia's successor, she holds the oracle of Delphi. It is she who reveals to Pyrrha and Deucalion how to rebuild their homes after the flood. She also informed Atlas that one day a son of Zeus would come to steal the golden apples from Hesperides Garden. Because of this, Atlas refused to help Perseus. Later, she handed over the deity of Delphi to her sister Phoebe, the goddess of light. Later, Apollo killed Delphi's Pitong (python) and took over the role, so he was nicknamed "Forbes", the masculine form of Forbes,
Themis or Goddess of Justice The emperor often sat on the throne of Zeus. She is selfless and sticks to the law like a mountain. She used her oracle to make all kinds of uncontroversial decisions. The charming Temis is the goddess in charge of the halls of Olympus and the whole universe. Zeus is not only Olympian Gods Father, and the king of mankind. The relevant decisions and orders made by the Heavenly Father on the advice of Themis were transmitted to the gods by Iris, the goddess.
  • Goddess of discord
Eris He is the god of discord, quarrel and dispute, and also the goddess of disaster. It is said that King Peleus married the Sea Goddess and invited all the gods to the wedding, but Eris was not invited. Therefore, Eris decided to take revenge and secretly threw a golden apple among the cheerful guests. It said: "For the most beautiful woman." Queen Hera, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the god of love all felt that they were the most beautiful and deserved the golden apple. The gods also debated who was more beautiful among the three goddesses. Hermes led the three goddesses from the holy mountain to the foot of the mountain, met Paris, the prince of Troy dressed as a shepherd, and asked him for a verdict. In order to get the golden apple, they promised with power, honor and beauty respectively. Paris wanted to get the most beautiful woman And gave the apple to Aphrodite.
  • Ocean Goddess
Thetis is the goddess of the sea. During the battle of Titanomachy, Hekatonchires was summoned to help Zeus fight against the Titanic gods. Both Zeus and Poseidon pursued her, but Themis predicted that Tethys would give birth to a child stronger than his father (Prometheus also knew the secret). Later Zeus learned the secret and married her to Peleus, the king of the Mileidon people. Only Eris, the goddess of incompatibility, was not invited at their wedding, so Eris decided to take revenge and secretly threw a golden apple among the cheerful guests, which triggered the golden apple incident and was the fuse of the Trojan War. Thetis and Peleus later gave birth to a boy, Achilles, who was indeed stronger than his father.
  • Sea Fairy
Poseidon Nereus With his wife Doris (the goddess of rich fishing grounds and pure water), they have 50 daughters, who usually incarnate as dolphins, namely Ploto; Eucrante; Sao Amphitrite; Eudora; Thetis; Galene; Glauce; Cymothoe; Speo; Thoe; Halie; Pasithea; Erato; Eunice; Melite; Eulimene; Agaue; Doto; Proto; Pherus; Dynamene; Nisaea; Actaea; Protomedea; Doris; Panopea; Galatea; Hipothoe; Hipponoe; Cymodoce; Cymo; Eione; Alimede; Glauconome; Pontoporea; Leagore; Euagore; Laomedea; Polynoe; Autonoe; Lysianassa; Euarne; Psamathe; Menippe; Neso; Eupompe; Themisto; Pronoe; Nemertes.
  • Roman River Fairy (not in Greek mythology)
In Roman mythology, Daphne The daughter of the river god, who was loved by Apollo because of Cupid's arrow, was finally transformed into a laurel tree by her father, also known as the laurel goddess. One day, Apollo received his father's instructions to shoot a monster. On his way back, he saw a child playing with a bow. He walked up to the child and said, "You children can't play with the bow." He brought up the monster he shot and showed him. It was easy to say a lot of scornful words. The child was Ilok who was in charge of love, and someone also called him Cupid. Cupid was very angry because of Apollo's words, so he said, "Do you believe I will shoot you with my arrow?". Apollo certainly didn't believe it, so Cupid shot two special arrows into the sky. The first arrow would make people fall in love deeply, and the second arrow would make people not interested in the opposite sex. The first arrow hit Apollo, and the second arrow hit the daughter of the river god, a beautiful girl named Daphne. She was the most beautiful woman in the divine world. Apollo fell in love with Daphne as soon as he saw her. His love for her was as uncontrollable as a disease. He followed Daphne like a shadow, but the girl admired the moon goddess and wanted to follow her to become an eternal virgin, so she was very exclusive of men and ignored Apollo's pursuit. But Apollo didn't give up. One day Apollo saw Daphne in the forest, and went to her to escape from him. Daphne ran more and more alarmed. Because of the role of Apollo's arrow, she kept running away from him, and Daphne ran more and more alarmed, because this time Apollo was determined not to let her leave, just when he was about to catch up, At last, she stopped because he was stopped by a big river. Daphne shouted to the river in front of him for help: "Dad, please open your mouth and swallow me down." The river god has always loved this beautiful daughter, so Shi Zhan turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo saw Daphne who became a laurel tree, and felt extremely regretful. He gently embraced the laurel tree and apologized to her, He also said that although she could not become his wife, his love for her would never change. In order to show his undying love for the fairy, Apollo took laurel as his favorite tree species and decorated his bow with her flowers, so that she would never have to worry about aging. Later, the laurel twigs were taken down and woven into a laurel crown, which was given to all those who have achieved. This is the origin of the laurel crown.

Setting Commentary



The ancient Greeks worshipped it as a "holy mountain". They believed that Mount Olympus was in the center of Greece, and Greece was in the center of the earth, so Mount Olympus was also the center of the earth. The gods who rule the world and humans live on this mountain.
The ancient Greeks believed in many gods, including the main god Zeus, Queen Hera, the sea god Poseidon, the goddess of wisdom Athena, the god of light and prophecy Apollo, the goddess of hunting and nature Artemis, the goddess of grain Demeter, the god of fire Hephaestus, the god of war Ares, the messenger of gods and the god of the dead Hermes, the kitchen god or the goddess of family Hestia, Sometimes it also includes Dionysus, the god of wine, and Heracles, the hero.
The ancient Greeks believed that these gods lived in the magnificent Olympus Mountain, where they feasted and dominated the earth. The main god, Zeus, lived on the top of Stefani Peak, a steep and precipitous Mixing Mountain. He called the wind and rain, threw thunder and electricity, reduced disasters and blessed people at will, and he not only dominated human beings, but also the gods. Mount Herakon is where the Muses live.
Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology), the god of love and beauty, is the protector of love, marriage and family. The young and beautiful Aphrodite once gave the golden apple, the symbol of the "first beauty", to Paris, the prince of Troy, which caused Aphrodite to help Paris abduct the queen of Sparta, the beautiful Helen, and finally led to a 10-year Trojan war. It is said that at the foot of Mount Olympus, there once stood a statue of Aphrodite, which was created by the Greek sculptor Kalimajos in the 5th century BC, but has long been stolen and sold to the Louvre in Paris.
Olympus Mountain is surrounded by clouds and towering into the clouds all the year round. It is covered with snow two-thirds of the time of the year, and its highest peak penetrates into the clouds. The oak, chestnut, beech, Chinese parasol and pine forests on the hillside are lush and green, and the scenery is very beautiful. The ancient Greeks used this beautiful place as the residence of gods for this reason.
But later the Greeks changed their view, because since Mount Olympus was covered with ice and snow, surrounded by clouds and mist, it was not an ideal place for gods to live. According to their sailing experience, they learned that Greece is not the center of the world, and Olympus is not the center of the world, so it is impossible for those gods to live on Olympus.


Greek mythology (in Greek: ε λ λ ην κ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Most of the Greek myths or legends known today originate from ancient Greek literature, including, for example, Iliad and Odyssey in Homer's Epic, Work and Time and Divine Book of Hesiod, Ovid "Metamorphosis" and other classic works, and Aeschylus Sophocles (∑ ο ο λ ∨) and Euripides The drama of. The myth talks about the origin of the gods and the world, the struggle of the gods for the highest position and the final victory by Zeus, the love and quarrel of the gods, the influence of the adventure and power of the gods on the world, including the relationship with natural phenomena such as storms or seasons, and worship sites and rituals. The most famous stories in Greek myths and legends are Troy War Odysseus Travel jason (I ≤ σ ων) search for golden wool, the achievements of Hercules (i.e. Hercules) Theseus The Adventure Sum of (θησ ε 路) Oedipus The tragedy of (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\).
Greek culture originates from ancient Aegean civilization They are the ancestors of Western civilization, with outstanding nature and extraordinary imagination. In that primitive era, they felt mysterious and difficult about natural phenomena and human life and death, so they kept fantasizing and pondering. In their imagination, everything in the universe has life. However, in the Dorian After the invasion of the Aegean civilization, they had to expand their living space outward because of the overpopulation of the Greek peninsula where they lived. At this time, they worshipped heroes, which produced many national hero stories intertwined with people and gods. These stories of people, gods and things created by all people, through the quenching chain of time, are collectively called by historians“ MYTHOS ”Between the 11th and 12th centuries BC and the 7th and 8th centuries BC“ mythological age ”。 Myth Story At first, it was handed down by word of mouth. It was not until the seventh century BC that Homer, the great poet, recorded it in the "epic".
Greek mythology includes stories of gods and Heroic legend Two parts. The story of God involves the origin of the universe and human beings, the birth of God and its genealogy. It is said that there were twelve Olympian gods in ancient Greece: Zeus, the lord of the gods (also known as the god of thunder because of his weapons), Hera, the goddess of women's protection, Poseidon, Hades, Hades, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of art and textiles, and the female god of war (Ares represents the war of violence and blood, while Athena represents the war of justice), Apollo, the god of light and prophecy, Artemis, the goddess of midwifery, hunting and nature, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, Ares, the god of war, Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship, Hermes, the envoy of the underworld, and Dionysus, the god of wine (Orpheus is regarded as the next god). Other famous gods are: Prometheus ------Heracles, the creator of human beings and known as the prophet, is the famous god of Hercules, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility. They are in charge of various phenomena and things in nature and life, forming a Zeus centered Olympian deity System. Among them, Athena, Artemis and Hestia, the goddess of stove, are the three virgin gods.
The legend of heroes originates from the worship of ancestors. It is an artistic review of ancient history and the struggle against nature by the ancient Greeks. The heroes in such legends are mostly descendants of gods and people, half gods and half men. Their physical strength is extraordinary and heroic, which reflects the heroic spirit and indomitable will of human beings to conquer nature, and they have become the embodiment of the collective strength and wisdom of the ancient people. The most famous legends include Hercules' Twelve Great Merits, and the Golden Fleece of Jason.
In Greek mythology, the gods and people are alike. They have not only the beauty of human body, but also the seven emotions and six desires of people. They know how to be happy, angry, sad, and participate in human activities. The difference between God and man is only that the former lives forever without death; The latter has a limited life, with birth, aging, illness and death. The gods in Greek mythology have distinct personality, without asceticism and rarely with mysticism. The beauty of Greek mythology is that God still has a destiny, still trapped by love, and will do bad things for his own interests. Therefore, Greek mythology is not only the soil of Greek literature, but also has a profound impact on later European literature.

Animation production


Production related

The overall content of the animation is generally similar to the original work, but the parts of the myth that are too cruel or sensational have been revised and adapted, and some have been completely deleted. In addition, there are also some episodes that are not found in the original work, which adds a lot of fun to the work.
In terms of dubbing, many famous actors have participated in the dubbing of this animation, and have a quite luxurious dubbing lineup. However, the problem of repeated selection of roles in the animation is very serious. On the basis of only one character, not only the hero and supporting roles, but also the voice dubbers of the twelve main gods of Olympus as the leading role often change without consistency. This is a very regrettable part of the Korean voice dubbing in this animation. But the real problem is that the lack of continuity in the dubbing of this work is due to the consideration of the schedule of the dubbing actors, which also results in the time sequence of the work can not be carried out according to the original work, and the drama arrangement is chaotic. For example, when the same character first appears and later appears, there are completely different images, and many mistakes and conflicts in the setting. [3]
In addition, the design of the character image of the animation is quite different from the original cartoon. When the animation was made, the original author Hong Enying asked the other party to draw characters according to the original cartoon, but it was ignored, so it was not accepted. [3]

Voice actor

  • Mainland Chinese
  • Hong Kong Edition
Role Name - Hong Kong Dubber
Olympus Guardian
Zhiyou Liang Zhida, the father of Zhiyan
Zhiyou Lin Yuanchun
Zhiyan -Huang Fengying
Krolos Deity Father of Zeus )-Huang Zijing
Ruiya Earth Mother God Mother of Zeus )- Berry
Zeus (God of Heaven) - Pan Wenbo
Hera (days later)- Liang Shaoxia
Hades Hades )-Brilliant
Persephone (The Underworld Queen) - Liang Shaoxia
Demeter (Goddess of Agriculture) - Chen Kaiting
Apollo (God of Light) - Su Qiangwen
Artemis( Goddess of Hunting and Nature , the original name of the South Korean side is a Greek name, which was mistakenly translated into Chinese and was mistaken for a Roman god Diana )-Huang Fengying
Aphrodite God of love and beauty , the original name of the South Korean side is a Greek name, which was mistakenly translated into Chinese and was mistaken for a Roman god Venus )- Celina
Eros (small Eros )-Li nylon
Athena (Goddess of Wisdom) - Zeng Peiyi
Ares (God of War) - Feng Jintang
Hermes (God Messenger, son of Zeus)- Huang Qichang
Hephaestus (Vulcan) - Kuang Shupei
Herb (Goddess of Youth) - Zheng Lili
Heracles (Hero, son of Zeus) - Chen Zhuozhi
Hestia (Kitchen God)- Zeng Xiuqing
Alkmene (Mother of Hercules -) Lin Danfeng
Maia (Mother of Hermes) - Ju Miaolan
Dionysus (Bacchus) - Feng Jintang
Pan (Animal Husbandry God) - Huang Zijing
Prometheus (God of the Prophet) - Thunder
Epimetheus (God of Later Knowledge, brother of Prometheus) - Chen Zhuozhi
Pandora (wife of Epimetheus) - Zhu Miaolan
Helios (Sun God) - Chen Zhuozhi
Eos (Dawn Goddess) - Zeng Xiuqing
Dikalion (son of Prometheus) - Li Nylon
Pilar (wife of Dikalion) - Zeng Xiuqing
Medusa (Snake hair monster) - Yuan Shuzhen
Argos (Hundred Eye Monster) - Thunder
Phaethon (son of Helius)- Shen Xiaolan
Perseus (Son of Zeus) - Thunder
Danae (Mother of Perseus)- Huang Lifang

Animation music

  • theme
TV Animation Theme Song
The Twelve Olympus Gods [4] (올림포스 가디언 주제가)
Wording : Anxinyuan
Composer/arranger: Li Guitai
Lead singer: G.O.D
Theatre version theme song
Every Breath
Lyrics: Jin Zhixiu
Composer: Shen Mingzhu
Lead singer: Ash, Jin Yanyu
The Story of God and Hero (신 과 영 웅 의 이 기)
Lyrics: Jin Zhixiu
Composer: Shen Mingzhu
Lead singer: Jin Yanyu
Hong Kong version
This is Hong Kong Homemade theme song during TVB broadcast
Composer: Ye Zhaozhong
Lyrics: Chen Shihui
Lead singer: Huang Zongze

Associated works

  • cartoon
Cartoon "Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology"
The Myths of Ancient Greece and Rome (만화로보는그그로그로그신화화) is a Korean cartoon compiled by Hong Enying, adapted from the original work of American scholar Thomas Burfange, and distributed by Gana Press. The television animation adapted in 2002 began to broadcast under the name of "The Legend of Olympus" (올 림 가 디 언). [5]