University of Vienna

National University of Vienna, Austria
zero Useful+1
synonym University of Vienna, Austria (University of Vienna, Austria) Generally refers to the University of Vienna
University of Vienna( German :Universität Wien; English: University of Vienna) Rudolph IV Founded in 1365, located in Republic of Austria capital Vienna , Yes Austria The first university and the highest university German world The oldest university the danube 21 academic centers in the region Nobel Prize Winner.
The University of Vienna is the largest university in Austria and Europe One of the largest universities with 90000 students, 15 colleges and 5 research centers [2] , as well as more than 80 school buildings, scattered in various districts of Vienna. The old and magnificent main campus is located in the first district of Vienna. The Vienna Municipal Hospital is also affiliated with the University of Vienna. The University of Vienna is European Association of Universities European Union of Capital Universities European Association of Research Universities European University Foundation Members.
Chinese name
University of Vienna
Foreign name
Universität Wien (German)
University of Vienna (English)
Time of establishment
March 12, 1365
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
Comprehensive research university
School setting
School of Science, Medical School, Theological School, etc
Well known alumni
Sigmund Freud Luo Xude
Representative color
Blue and white
School official website

History of school running

The embryonic form of Vienna University was established by Habsburg Dynasty duke Rudolph IV And his brothers Albert III and Leopold III. It was Holy Roman Empire The second university in the world German University (the first is Bragg charles university ), which was initially modeled University of Paris Mode. The University of Vienna did not operate well. In 1383, the younger brother of Rudolph IV and Albert III donated money to reform the school administration, establish and improve the theological school, the law school, the medical school and the philosophy school, so that the University of Vienna became a first-class university in the eastern German speaking region and the political, religious, cultural and economic center
Logo of Vienna University
The school headquarters was built between 1877 and 1884. The original campus is located in Ignaz Seipel Square near Shiduben Gate, the old university church and Austrian Academy of Sciences It is still there. In 1878, the College of Arts began to conditionally enroll female students. Eleven years later, in 1897, women were allowed to enter the college as formal students for the first time, but at the beginning, they could only be admitted by the College of Philosophy. Other colleges later began to enroll girls one by one: medical school in 1900, law school in 1919, protestantism Theological Seminary 1923, the most conservative day in 1946 Episcopal seminary And finally began to officially enroll female students.
In 1389, 325 students were registered in the school. After the establishment of the University of Vienna, with the support and help of the government, the church, the royal family and people from all walks of life, it has expanded from four colleges to eight, and has established libraries, research institutes observatory , museums and various research centers. Many majors have added new majors and disciplines, and trained a large number of talents. In the history of the University of Vienna, 27 people won Nobel Prize , also appeared like Freud So famous Psychoanalysis Founders and philosophers. At the same time, the welfare of the school has been improved, with hospitals, canteens, sports centers and other facilities set up; The enrollment scope of the school has expanded from boys to girls, from believers to non believers. In addition, the school passed various bills to management system It has been gradually improved and construction has been strengthened.
the Second World War Later, the University of Vienna continued to strengthen its cooperation with international academic institutions, such as the United States University of California, Berkeley georgetown university Germany Humboldt University To send teachers and students to foreign universities and participate in international exchanges. University of Vienna or Austria and the danube The academic research centers in the region hold a large number of seminars every year and provide various information and planning suggestions to the government.
 Campus environment Campus environment Campus environment Campus environment
Main building of Vienna University

academic research

The University of Vienna is the largest university in Austria Scientific research base As a grass-roots unit, 169 research institutes shoulder the dual tasks of teaching and scientific research research funds It mainly depends on the national funds, and focuses on Basic theory Research. After the 1980s, due to insufficient national funds, universities began to strengthen cooperation with the industry to attract Enterprise investment , mainly focusing on applied technology aspect. In 1983, the President proposed to set up a working group on science transfer, composed of representatives of all departments, in order to coordinate and organize the science transfer work of the whole school Scientific research achievements As soon as possible, the ancient University of Vienna will be transformed into productive forces.

Scientific research achievements

In May 2023, the United States Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, the University of Vienna, Austria and other joint teams found that ctenophore jellyfish are the "brothers and sisters" of all animals, and strong evidence to solve the mystery of the earliest animal evolution [29]

Scientific research platform

The University of Vienna has five research centers (Zentren). [2]
research center
Translation Research Center
(Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft)
(Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie)
Normal Training Center
(Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung)
Sports Research Center
(Zentrum für Sportwissenschaft und Universitätssport)
Center for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science
(Zentrum für Mikrobiologie und Umweltsystemwissenschaft)

School running conditions

The University of Vienna is located in Austria capital Vienna It covers an area of 280000 square meters. It is composed of 8 colleges and about 190 departments, respectively located in 94 places. In 1990, the school had 454 professors, 1890 teaching assistants, 1497 staff members and 86000 students.
The annual expenditure of the whole school is about 3.2 billion yuan Austrian Shilling Of which 565 million are used for various teaching activities 204 million was used for expenditures of various departments. Each laboratory accounts for 3 million and the library 38.92 million shillings. The President is in charge of the Personnel Section, General Affairs Section, Student Status Section, Organization Foreign Affairs Section, Consulting Section, Archives Section Service Centre And the secretary's office. It provides more than 180 majors and has more than 190 research institutes.
 Building exterior Building exterior Building exterior
Building exterior


The University of Vienna has 15 colleges (Fakult ä ten). [2]
School setting
Catholicism Seminary
(Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät)
Department of Biblical Studies
Department of Historical Theology
Department of Intercultural Philosophy and Religion
Church Law and Religious Law
Department of Practical Theology
Religion system
Department of Systematic Theology and Ethics [17]
(Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät)
Department of Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
Department of Christian History, Art and Archaeology
Department of New Testament Studies
Department of Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
Department of Religious Education
Department of Systematic Theology and Religious Studies [18]
Law courtyard
(Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät)
European, international and comparative law systems
Tax law system
Department of Legal Innovation and Electronics
Department of Law and Constitutional History
roman law Department of Classical Legal History
Constitution and Administrative Law System
Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
Department of Business Law
civil law system
Department of Civil Procedure [15]
economics courtyard
(Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften)
Department of Business Decision and Analysis
Finance system
Department of Marketing and International Business
Department of Accounting, Innovation and Strategy
economics system
School of Information
(Fakultät für Informatik)
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Research Group
Communication Technology Research Group
Cooperative System Research Group
Data Mining and Machine Learning Research Group
Entertainment Computing Research Group
Knowledge Engineering Research Group
Multimedia Information System Research Group
Neuroinformatics Research Group
Scientific Computing Research Group
Security and Privacy Research Group
Software Architecture Research Group
Algorithm Theory and Application Research Group
Visualization and Data Analysis Research Group
Workflow System and Technology Research Group [19]
School of History and Culture
(Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Ancient history, papyri studies and Epigraphy system
Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
Department of European Ethnology
department of history
Department of Jewish Studies
Department of Classical Archaeology
Department of Art History
Department of Numismatics and Monetary History
Department of Eastern European History
Department of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
Department of Economic and Social History
Department of Contemporary History
Austrian Institute of History
Vienna Institute of Archaeological Sciences [11]
School of Language and Culture
(Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Department of African Studies
Department of British and American Studies
Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies
Department of German Studies
Department of Islamic Theology
Department of Classical Language, Medieval and New Latin Studies
Department of Musicology (Historical Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Systematic Musicology)
Department of Near East Studies
Roman Studies Department
Slavic Research Department
Department of Tibetan Buddhism Studies in South Asia
Department of Drama, Film and Media Studies [10]
Philosophy And School of Education
(Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft)
education system [12]
Psychology college
(Fakultät für Psychologie)
Department of Occupational, Economic and Social Psychology
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
Department of Development and Educational Psychology
Department of Psychology, Cognition, Emotion and Methodology [20]
(Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften)
Department of Nursing Science
Sociology system
Department of Government
Department of Science and Technology Research [9]
mathematics college
(Fakultät für Mathematik)
faculty of Mathematics [21]
physics courtyard
(Fakultät für Physik)
Department of Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics
Department of Computational Materials Physics
Department of Computing and Soft Matter Physics
Cohesive system dynamics
System of electronic properties of materials
Basic Experimental Physics Training and College Teaching Law
Nanostructure Research Center
Department of Gravity Physics
Department of Isotope Physics
Department of Mathematical Physics
Department of Nanomagnetism and Magneton
Department of Functional Materials Physics
Department of Physics of Nanostructured Materials
quantum optics Department of Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
Particle physics system [22]
Chemistry college
(Fakultät für Chemie)
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (Functional Materials)
Department of Biochemistry
Department of biophysical chemistry
Chemical catalysis system
Department of Computational Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry Teaching
Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology
Department of Materials Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Department of Physiological Chemistry
Department of Theoretical Chemistry
Mass spectrum center
Nuclear magnetic resonance center
X-ray Structure Analysis Center [23]
Geology, geography and astronomy courtyard
(Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geographie und Astronomie)
Lithospheric research system
Department of Astrophysics
Department of Geography and Regional Studies
geology system
Department of Meteorology and Geophysics
mineralogy Department of Crystallography
Paleontology system [24]
(Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften)
botany Department of Biodiversity Research
Nutrition system
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Functional and evolutionary ecology
Department of Neuroscience and Developmental Biology
pharmacy system
Department of Behavioral and Cognitive Biology [14]
  • Doctoral School
stay Doctor level The University of Vienna has 15 Doctoral School (Vienna Doctoral Schools)。 [16]
Doctoral School
School of Advanced Studies in Law and Jurisprudence
Vienna Institute of History and Culture
Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy
Vienna Doctoral Academy of Social Sciences
PhD School of Computer Science, University of Vienna
Vienna PhD School of Physics
Vienna Doctoral School of Chemistry
Vienna International Academy of Earth and Space Sciences
Vienna Institute of Mathematics (and Vienna University of Technology Joint Doctoral School)
Doctoral School of Microbiology and Environmental Sciences
Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution
Vienna Academy of Pharmaceutical, Nutrition and Sports Sciences
Doctoral Program of Vienna Biological Center (with Medical University of Vienna Joint Doctoral School)
Vienna Doctoral School of Cognitive, Behavioral and Neuroscience
Vienna Graduate School of Theology and Religion
  • Former Medical College
Among the colleges of the University of Vienna, the most prestigious is the Medical College. At the beginning of this century, it was at the peak of world medicine and became the world medical center at that time. It was founded in 2004 Medical University of Vienna Predecessor [8] 1914 Nobel Prize winner Robert Barani Winner in 1927 Yaoregg Winner in 1930 Carl Landsteiner Winner in 1936 Victor Francis Hess And the winner in 1973 Konrad Rorenz All come from the college.
The medical school has 77 professors, 40 associate professors, 1077 teaching assistants, 1023 staff and 12782 students. The hospital has 69 departments and hospitals, including internal medicine Experimental pathology Physiology , Pharmacology and skin disease Learning takes the lead in the world. The research topics of various departments include bone marrow transplantation Cell growth Laws Malignant tumor Diffusion and transplantation Ultracentrifuge Effect on heart Artificial heart Effective rehabilitation date chronic disease Research on new approaches to diseases and purpura.
organ transplant It is the largest research project of the college. Carl Lantestana, a scholar of Victoria University, began to study this topic 90 years ago. He successfully transplanted human liver in Vienna in 1972, heart and pancreas in 1984, and lung in 1989. Now the transplant center of the hospital is the largest in Europe renal transplant Dr. Claus Lechner, a professor, is responsible for the project.
  • Professional settings
The University of Vienna has more than 110 majors, including Africa Learning, Ancient History and Ancient Times culturology , Ancient Jewish philosophy and Middle East archaeology English language and literature, America Science, Arabic, astronomy, business management, botany, genetics, human biology, microbiology , Ecology, Paleontology , Zoology, Biology and Geoscience , Biology and Merchandise, Ancient and ExoHellenism, biochemistry , chemistry, food chemistry, German philosophy, geology, mineralogy and Crystallography , Petroleum, Nutrition Hungarian , French, geography , Economics, Cartography , history, history and sociology, nutrition, information science , International Business Management, Italian, Art History , mathematics, medicine, geophysics meteorology , musicology, pedagogy, music education, pharmacy, pedagogy and psychology, physics, politics, psychology, journalism and communication, mass media , media art, Humanities , statistics, General Linguistics Applied Linguistics Drama, translation education, comparative literature, national economy Etc.


There are formal and informal teachers in the University of Vienna. The formal teachers include the principal and associate teaching schools and teaching assistants, while the informal teachers include lecturers and specialist teachers. Professors are Open recruitment The university will select three candidates from the candidates, and then report them to the Federal Ministry of Science and Research Tenured professor It is appointed by the President of the Federation and belongs to the fourth level officials of the state. The professor retires at the age of 70 and enjoys full salary and Additional salary Associate professors and teaching assistants are recruited openly. The former is decided by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, and the latter is decided by the University Personnel Committee.
The University of Vienna pays attention to the training of young teachers, and has launched an effective program of "teaching assistants facing the economy": in order to prevent young teachers from becoming the defenders of the ivory tower, the university encourages them to go out of the campus, contact reality Economic circles Work with the management department for 1-2 years, then return to school or continue to work. At the same time, it actively creates opportunities for young teachers to go abroad for further study. The university specially sets up Xue Dinge Scholarship to improve the material conditions of overseas students so as to attract more young teachers to go abroad.
There are 21 professors and 6 research institutes in the Department of Social and Economic Sciences. The medical department of the University of Vienna has 104 professors, 67 research institutes and specialized hospitals. There are 35 professors and 10 research institutes in the Department of Basic and Comprehensive Sciences. University of Vienna Weekly school hours 19687, accounting for 1/3 of the total weekly school hours of universities in China. Each research institute opens 136 weekly courses on average. 80% of the courses are taught by the teachers of the university, and 20% of the courses are taught by guest colleges and universities Other schools As a teacher, 46% of the teaching workload of the Department of Humanities is undertaken by guest teachers.
University teachers can Teaching tasks Choose the content and method of teaching freely. Various forms of seminars account for a large proportion in teaching. There are primary seminars, advanced seminars, extracurricular seminars, and professional seminars in addition to normal teaching group work And practice, students' performance in these links is Teacher assessment The foundation of achievements. This can effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of students in class and encourage them to prepare lessons carefully. These courses are called "courses with examination characteristics" and are welcomed by students.
The courses of the University of Vienna are divided by nature required course (69%), compulsory courses (18%) and Elective Courses (13%), students can make reasonable arrangements based on their own expertise knowledge structure And college students are free to choose one or more of the elective courses as examination subjects to include in their total academic scores. In addition, the examination subjects specified by the school can also be replaced by elective courses according to the requirements of students to a certain extent. It is divided into undergraduate courses and doctoral courses according to stages, and ends with a diploma degree; Further education courses belong to the category of continuing education; Short term courses, equivalent to the first stage of a diploma degree, are awarded professional titles upon graduation. Only "short-term courses for interpreters" are offered, and the title of "interpreters who have passed academic examinations" is awarded upon graduation.

Teaching construction

According to the General Higher Education Act 1966 and《 University Organization Law 》According to the regulations of the University of Vienna, the training goal of the University of Vienna is to enable students to receive scientific vocational training, acquire considerable intelligence, complete research projects independently, adapt to changing situations, meet new requirements of the new situation. In order to achieve this goal, the teaching and scientific research work of the University of Vienna has formed its own distinctive characteristics: freedom of teaching and scientific research, and combination of teaching and scientific research.
University of Vienna motto Yes: content of courses Directly prepare for students' professional knowledge and train the next generation of scholars; Students will get the advice and support from teachers and be full of motivation on the road of academic research; Teachers' teaching ability and self-improvement ability will be further improved; Throughout Curriculum The school tries its best Maximum possible Make student's Course selection Be flexible and actively create flexible Curriculum system Students should have professional Learning opportunities
In order to make the freshmen adapt to the university life as soon as possible, the University of Vienna has adopted University of Austria The student union has tried it out since 1976 Guidance system , this Guide The system is composed of one senior or teacher with corresponding training Professional students As a guide and 12 new students form a group, the guide will provide extensive information and help through group work It helps these freshmen to stabilize their emotions, turn others into self-help, and enhance their ability to self-determination. At the same time, it helps them to choose learning courses, discuss career ideas and employment prospects. The guiding activities focus on the first semester.
This kind of activity is independently organized by senior students in accordance with the general principles of the student union, and funded by the student union. The national funding for each semester is 1.6 million shillings. On the one hand, this system helps to solve the contradiction of "fewer teachers and more students", on the other hand, senior students can get exercise in work, increase economic income, and freshmen can also shorten“ Adaptation period ”Helps improve Teaching quality , well received by students.
Current Degree system Compared with classical Degree system The degree is very different in content, and it is still a three-tier degree system in form, including master's degree, doctor's degree and teaching qualification.
University of Vienna examination system Flexible. According to the examination means, there are oral examination, written examination, operation and examination papers. According to the purpose of the examination, there are conversational oral examination, supplementary examination, mid-term preliminary examination, graduation examination, diploma and degree examination and strict examination for doctor's degree. According to the nature of the examination, there are single subject examination and comprehensive examination, and the comprehensive examination may also be a comprehensive examination of multiple subjects or a comprehensive examination of all subjects.
Although the examination is strict and varied, students have full freedom in choosing their majors. Students can study more than two majors at the same time, either in our school or in other schools. The school will never interfere. As long as they can pass the exam and get the corresponding diploma, graduates will have a better chance in the job market. At the same time, according to the application of students, with the approval of the central government, the school can open special majors with scientific or pedagogical value integrated courses according to Social needs The school can set up pilot classes for various majors, because students can extend their study period or transfer to other majors halfway.

Academic management

Which swept Europe in 1968 Student movement Has promoted the university's democratic reform , University Teaching Committee from school , teachers and students form a committee in the same proportion and have the right to formulate and revise Teaching plan Put forward the curriculum proposal, review the students' application for course selection, and understand the opinions of all parties on courses and examinations.
While completing general higher education, the University of Vienna provides“ Professional maturity Examination ", which includes two parts: general knowledge and professional knowledge. The general examination includes a composition with general content History of Austria Oral examination with geography. The professional examination includes a professional composition, two professional written examinations and related dialogues. Those who pass the examination are qualified to go to university. At the same time, the University of Vienna actively carries out remote education, including correspondence, television, radio and other teaching forms, which mainly involves three aspects: first, teaching some undergraduate courses to reduce the burden of the school; Second, the curriculum of continuing education; Third remedial education Courses.
 University of Vienna University of Vienna University of Vienna University of Vienna
University of Vienna

Social evaluation

  • Comprehensive ranking
Comprehensive ranking of Vienna University
two thousand and twenty-three
one hundred and fifty-one [25]
two thousand and twenty-two
one hundred and thirty-seven [4]
one hundred and fifty-one [1]
two hundred and one [26]
151-200 [27]
two thousand and twenty-one
one hundred and sixty-four [4]
one hundred and fifty [1]
one hundred and ninety-five [6]
151-200 [3]
two thousand and twenty
one hundred and thirty-four [5]
one hundred and fifty-four [1]
two hundred [7]
151-200 [3]
  • Discipline ranking
University of Vienna QS Discipline Ranking
Social Science and Management
political science
two thousand and twenty-two
one hundred and forty-four
two thousand and twenty-one
one hundred and twenty
two thousand and twenty
one hundred and twenty-six
two thousand and nineteen
one hundred and twenty-eight
reference material [28]

Cooperation and exchange

The University of Vienna has signed inter university partnership agreements with universities and other educational and research institutions around the world. [31] The University of Vienna has established a "strategic partnership" with a few excellent universities, with the aim of expanding and strengthening networks and cooperation in research, student exchange, teaching and management. The selection of strategic partners must meet specific standards, and the management of the university is responsible for it. Based on the analysis and suggestions of the International Office, the expertise of the bibliometrics and publishing strategy department of the university library and the experience of the academic staff involved in the existing cooperation should be used for reference. The University of Vienna and Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2015) and University of Chicago (2016) established a strategic partnership, Peking University Fudan University and Kyoto University It followed closely (both in 2019). [30]
Most of the cooperation between the University of Vienna and European universities. Some of these cooperation are network cooperation, some are bilateral cooperation, including about 350 ERASMUS programme Cooperative universities. [33] The University of Vienna is European Association of Research Universities Member institutions. [34]
stay North America University of Vienna and the United States University of Chicago Stanford University Duke University University of Washington New York University and georgetown university Canada University of Toronto University of Montreal and University of Ottawa And signed an inter school partnership agreement. [35] stay Australia , University of Vienna and University of Sydney University of Melbourne Australian National University University of Queensland and Monash University And signed an inter school partnership agreement. [36]

Campus environment

The elegant cultural atmosphere and beautiful natural scenery make Vienna The university has unique conditions. Walking around the campus of the University of Vienna is like walking in the kingdom of art. With Europe Renaissance style The main building of the classical style is the hub of the University of Vienna. The whole building is 161 meters long and 133 meters wide, covering an area of about 21500 square meters. It is composed of two symmetrical teaching buildings, facing Huancheng Avenue There is a long corridor on both sides, with the back against the road. The basement is the grand auditorium, and the center of the second floor is the celebration auditorium. On one side is the conference room, on the other side is the president's office and other administrative institutions.
This two-story building seems to be a building, sculpture and Painting Art The front of the main building is the masterpiece of 11 carving masters, which has both historical stories, ancient myths and modern science He vividly described the history of western education, technology and culture. In the center of the building is a courtyard with an area of about 3300 square meters. In the courtyard stands a huge Castellia (Mountain Forest and Water Goddess) statue fountain, which symbolizes the fountain of wisdom. The lawn is full of flowers, trees and flowers. The endless flow of vehicles on the Ring Road makes the campus more peaceful.
The main hall of the main building is a reference for designers Italy University of Padua Its style is carefully designed by absorbing the nutrition of Roman art and combining the characteristics of the nation. The whole shape is vigorous and deep, which is harmonious with the external decoration and integrated with the internal decoration. In the middle of the hall is a large picture with the theme of light conquering darkness, and the themes of the four side paintings are respectively expressed theology Law Medical Science and Philosophy There are four departments and six large pictures showing other disciplines.
The main hall of the main building is the academic activity center of the university and the venue for the appointment ceremony Vienna The university is also known as the Hall of Honor for the eternal commemoration of the pioneers. Main hall of main building niche The red brown marble slab and bronze are placed in the center to make the honor medal. The names of all the principals are engraved on it. When the 600th anniversary was celebrated in 1965, the names of 875 headmasters had been engraved on the marble slab, and four traditional departments were installed at the entrance of the two side halls next to the main hall Glory Card The board is engraved with the names of students with outstanding achievements in various departments, including Austria Former Prime Minister and President Karl Renner psychoanalysis Founder Freud free law school of law Founder of Ehrlich , Modern normativist school of law representative Kelsen Head of Vienna Musical School Adler , famous writer Stefan Zweig The Nobel Prize in Literature Winner Carnetti physical scientist Doppler The nobel prize in physics Winner Schrodinger geologist Seuss Geneticist Mendel Nobel Prize in Medicine Winner Karl Landsteiner and Robert Barani Etc.
There are 137 commemorative busts on the long corridors on both sides of the main hall. The first statue was completed in 1888. Among these monuments, 60 belong to philosophy department, 47 belong to medical department and 25 belong to Law Department , 5 theological departments, of which the only female was the famous female writer at that time, Professor Maria Ebuer Eschenbach. They were professors and scholars who made immortal contributions to the University of Vienna during their tenure.
On the back of the main building is the Vienna University Library, which became Austro Hungarian Empire The key public library of. General Manager of the University Library collection of books 4.23 million copies, ranking first in the country Big Library Top Central Europe First of all libraries. Library Book Year growth 79856 copies, with an annual book cost of about 30 million shillings (about RMB 9 million yuan), with 16649 journals. Modernization in the museum Network management Readers borrow and order, and the budget and statistics of the library are all completed by computers.

Well known alumni

The University of Vienna has produced 21 Nobel Prize winners, physicists Schrodinger and psychologists Freud Philosophers Popper Biologist Mendel , litterateur Stefan Zweig sociologist max weber Czechoslovakia Father of the Nation Masarik Israel Father of the Nation Theodore Herzel , front Secretary General of the United Nations Waldheim And other outstanding alumni.

Nobel Prize Winners

At the University of Vienna, Robert Barani Is the first to win Nobel Prize People. Barani was awarded the title of Doctor of Medicine , after Frankfurt and Freiburg Engaged in medical research. stay the First World War In 1914, he was awarded the title of Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Won The nobel prize in physics Of Schrodinger In 1906, he studied physics at the University of Vienna under the guidance of famous physicist Franz Axner and stayed at the university five years later. Won in 1914 Theoretical physics Doctoral qualification, engaged in the statistical role of physical laws. Employed in 1921-1922 Zurich Federal Institute of Technology His predecessor was Einstein Later, he moved to Berlin and Oxford, and returned to the University of Vienna in 1956. He broke through Classical physics In 1933, he was awarded the title of The nobel prize in physics
Konrad Lorenz He is the most influential biologist in this century. He is not only the founder of behavioral comparison, but also theory of evolution Founder of Darwin )。 Lorenz was awarded the title of Doctor of Medicine In 1933, he completed zoology and philosophy courses. He was awarded a doctor of zoology in 1937 and a doctor of zoology in 1940 Konisburg (Now Kaliningrad )Professor Comparative Psychology Lecturer at the University of Vienna after the war, presided over in 1949 Austrian Academy of Sciences Institute of Behavioral Comparison. Go to Germany in 1951 Bavaria In 1961, he served as the dean of the School of Behavioral Psychology there. In 1982, he returned to Grenacle, Austria, and continued to engage in behavioral psychology research. In 1973, he and two other colleagues psychiatry And achievements in psychology Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Lorenz has won numerous awards and honors in his life, one of which is that he has always been an employed professor at the University of Vienna.

Other celebrities

The University of Vienna is Central Europe and the danube One of the regional academic research centers, science in Europe“ Mecca ”。 The University of Vienna is Austrian School of Economics Cradle of. The founders of the school studied at the University of Vienna and later taught at the University of Vienna, including Carl Menger Ogen Bohm Bavik Friedrich von Wieser Joseph Schumpeter Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek